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An inferno.
That’s what my life became the second I laid eyes on her.
I’m ruthless, calculating, cold-blooded. Second in charge of an underworld establishment that men fear and the elite strive for membership—there’s no room in my world for an innocent like her.

The Baton Rouge Bachelors run this town. Politicians, celebrities, and high society are known to use our services. But make no mistake, the Bachelors are cruel, brutal, and malicious.
You need something done, we will do it—for a price, of course.

But the women who stand beside us need to be hard. Cunning. And just as heartless as we are. So when I meet Makaylie, and she is anything but, I know I must protect her from my vile world at all costs.
Even if it means I have to watch everything I have worked for, everything I have built, go up in flames.

From K E Osborn, USA Today bestselling author comes…
The Baton Rouge Bachelors Duet.
An opposites attract spin-off from the NOLA Defiance MC Series, but you don’t need to read NOLA Defiance to enjoy this duet. The alpha hero has ‘touch her and I will unalive you’ vibes, with a great supporting cast that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

195 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 11, 2023

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About the author

K.E. Osborn

94 books1,546 followers
With a flair for all things creative, USA Today Bestselling Author K E Osborn, is drawn to the written word. Exciting worlds and characters flow through her veins, coming to life on the page as she laughs, cries, and becomes enveloped in the storyline right along with you. She's entirely at home when writing sassy heroines and alpha males that rise from the ashes of their pasts.

K E Osborn comforts herself with tea and Netflix, after all, who doesn't love a good binge?

Explosive. Addictive. Romance. www.keosbornauthor.com

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Profile Image for Laura Fabian.
480 reviews43 followers
December 12, 2023
ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review

Ranking: 3.5⭐

This was a different book from KE Osborn so I didn't really know what to expect from it, but I liked it a lot! Cain & Makaylie have a peculiar beginning, a different dynamic from what I have read from the author and that is one of the things I enjoyed most about this book, and obviously, I love that it's part of the world of Defiance MC.

Makaylie & Cain are two completely opposite characters: he's the second in command in an important criminal secret society, he's ruthless, violent and enforces the rules, while she's an aspiring writer sweet and innocent, but despite those differences their chemistry is there from the moment they meet in what is one of my favorite first encounters ever, a bit awkward thanks to the fact that Makaylie it lacks a bit of a filter, but which Cain makes very funny, revealing and sweet.

One of the things that surprised me the most was that the plot of these two gave me a little insta love vibes, but still the author made everything between Cain & Makaylie felt natural with those sweet and tender moments where he shows a completely different side to his personality, however, I also think that things between Makaylie & Cain sometimes take a slightly disconcerting turn with the mood changes and the attitude that Cain has towards thir relationship, because this character is a true alpha, and not in the way that I most enjoy reading, but I think I still can't say if his character needs more development or not because we only have half of this story, and after the ending that the author gave us, my expectations are enormous for the second book.

🌹Cain: 3.5/5
🌹Makaylie: 4/5
🌹Plot: 4/5
🌹Love story: 3.5/5
🌹Secondary characters: 3.5/5
🌹Universe: 5/5
🌹Cover: 5/5
🌶️: 2.5/5

ARC amablemente proporcionada a cambio de una reseña honesta

Puntuación: 3.5⭐

Este fue un libro diferente de KE Osborn así que no sabía muy bien qué esperar de él, pero me gustó! Cain & Makaylie tienen una inicio peculiar, una dinámica distinta a lo que he leído de la autora y esa es una de las cosas que más disfruté de este libro, y obviamente me encanta que sea parte del mundo de Defiance MC.

Makaylie & Cain son dos personajes completamente opuestos: él es el segundo al mando en una importante sociedad secreta criminal, es despiadado, violento y hace las reglas cumplir, mientras que ella es una aspirante a escritora dulce e inocente, pero a pesar de esas diferencias su química está ahí desde el momento en el que se conocen en lo que es uno de mis primeros encuentros favoritos, un tanto incomodo gracias a que Makaylie carece un poco de filtro, pero que Cain hace muy divertido, revelador y dulce.

Una de las cosas que más me sorprendió fue que la trama de estos dos me dio un poco de insta love vibes, pero aún así la autora hizo que todo entre Cain & Makaylie se sintiera natural con esos momentos dulces y tiernos en los que él demuestra un lado completamente diferente de su personalidad, sin embargo, también creo que las cosas entre Makaylie & Cain a veces toman un giro un poco desconcertante con los cambios de humor y la actitud que tiene Cain hacía su relación, pues este personaje es un verdadero alpha, y no de la manera que más disfruto leer, pero creo que aún no puedo decir si le falta más desarrollo o no a su personaje porque solo tenemos la mitad de esta historia, y después del final que la autora nos dio, mis expectativas son enormes para el segundo libro.

🌹Cain: 3.5/5
🌹Makaylie: 4/5
🌹Trama: 4/5
🌹Historia de amor: 3.5/5
🌹Personajes secundarios: 3.5/5
🌹Universo: 5/5
🌹Portada: 5/5
🌶️: 2.5/5
Profile Image for Trine ||| danereadingromance.
230 reviews5 followers
December 14, 2023
“You’re far too fucking good for me.”
“Maybe. But they say opposites attract. And I don’t know about you, but I think we’re pretty magnetic.”

Immediate thoughts:
Intriguing and quick read
Wonderful FMC - going after what she wants
Love a secretive MMC, who is simultaneously sweet and dangerous!

Secret society, close proximity, bad boy/good girl, opposites attract, tragic pasts.

“If we do this, then you belong to me. Do you understand?”
“I already belong to you, Cain.”
“I mean it, Makaylie. No one else can have you. Once I take you, you will belong to me, and me only.”

ARC review:
This is the first part of a duet, so I can’t say too much about what happens, but I am very excited with how it will end. It was a quick and fast-paced story with a mix of action, tension, steam and suspense with some humor and secrets added to the mix.

Cain Barrington is the second in command of the Baton Rouge Bachelors, a secret society that mostly reminded me of a mix of an MC and the mafia. He comes off as a brutal and ruthless man, except when he is around Makaylie. He is a troubled and complex character, and really wants to do better, but he is also tough when it is demanded of him.

Makaylie Rayne is an aspiring writer who has recently moved to Baton Rouge. She is a bit shy and has an innocent aura around her, but she also lacks a filter, which results in some very funny moments when she just speaks whatever comes to mind. She is at the same time a woman who knows what she wants, and she really fights for it. I really love her, even if some of her behavior was a mix of reckless and naïve, she really took charge.

The chemistry that is between Cain and Makaylie is instant and very cool, but Cain is hesitant to act on it due to their vastly different lives. That does not fly for Makaylie, who wants him and will not let him get away from them being an ‘us’ that easily. Their first meeting was legendary and I was laughing out loud! Cain gives in, but he still takes it slow, and I love how he cares for Makaylie and really gets to know her and helps her achieve her dreams - so sweet and just perfect. At the same time, he will do anything to protect her.

Cain has a lot of secrets, and while I was reading, I was anxious to see what would happen when the secrets finally was coming out and the two worlds would explode. The ending really sets up for an explosive second part of their story.
Profile Image for Eclectic Review.
1,481 reviews5 followers
December 10, 2023
Up in Flames is the first installment in the Baton Rouge Bachelor Series which is Cain and Makaylie's story. A budding romance full of danger and secrets that will leave you on edge.

Cain Barrington is second-in-command of the brutal Baton Rouge Bachelors society. His job is to keep everything running smoothly by brute force if needed. Control is his middle name until he meets Makaylie Rayne, an unworldly awkward young writer who trusts him completely. That is the problem. She shouldn't trust him. He's bad for her.

Cain has two sides: his ruthless and dark side and sweet and romantic side. He's battling with his head and heart and knows he should stay away from Makaylie, but he just can't help himself. She's like a magnet, but it's risky.  He's a danger to Makaylie's life. She's a risk to Cain's soul. He's torn between wanting to protect her and wanting to be with her. But how do you reconcile that feeling with knowing that it could all end in tragedy? 

Makaylie is falling for Cain and enjoys his dominance in bed, but it's starting to wear thin out of bed. His secrets and mood swings are another problem because she feels he doesn't trust her and he's becoming increasingly agitated. Will they find a way to make it work, or will they become overwhelmed with the obstacles?

Cain and Makaylie are star-crossed lovers who have a lot to overcome, but their chemistry is strong and they are both falling hard. I don't know how to feel about Cain with his Jekyll and Hyde persona. He clearly cares about Makaylie, but he's very volatile. Makaylie is very naive and is swayed by Cain's charm, but tip-toeing around Cain's mood swings is a big red flag. The book ends in a cliffhanger and I can't wait for the fallout of all the secrets to be revealed.

Up in Flames is a fast-paced forbidden romance with compelling characters facing a dangerous outcome. Book two can't get here fast enough!

Thank you to Ms. Osborn for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review. 
Profile Image for Jody.
2,079 reviews55 followers
December 12, 2023
Opening the cover will find this a story of star-crossed lovers amidst a gritty and dangerous backdrop that readers are introduced to with this being the first part of the Baton Rouge Bachelors Duet. It's a story with a very complex hero, one who is romantic one moment and unstable the next, which keeps readers on edge and waiting to see if he'll explode. The heroine is very much his opposite, a sweet and inexperienced young woman who's drawn to the good/bad dichotomy but getting tired of the secrets.

Cain Barrington is second-in-command of the Baton Rouge Bachelors, his role being to keep everything in control...by brute force if necessary. There's another side to him though, a sweetly romantic side that was drool-worthy to see. It's this side that appeals to Makaylie Rayne, an awkwardly innocent young woman who brings out the best in Cain. When they're together they're combustible in scenes that were erotically-charged. Out of the bedroom though is where the problems are arising as Cain's secrets and lies are wearing on the couple's connection. Makaylie is starting to doubt Cain and his mood swings are like a time bomb waiting to go off. These two are at a standoff, wanting to be together but knowing that their togetherness might not be good for them or others.

From the first page to the last, this was a book that was gritty and suspenseful, with danger constantly just around the corner. Makaylie was Cain's sweet secret, someone he clearly loved and who he was desperately trying to keep unaffected by his world. He was a character that was larger than life, a bad man capable of good for the right person and I was drawn to him against my will. With each turn of the page though the danger accelerated and Cain's world was on the cusp of consuming Makaylie in a heart pounding cliffhanger that has me waiting impatiently for the fallout from the first part of this duet!
Profile Image for Stefanie Kral.
720 reviews23 followers
December 12, 2023
✯✯4.5 Cain & Makaylie Filled Stars!!!✯✯

I KNEW when I was reading the NOLA Defiance MC I wanted to know more about the Baton Rouge Bachelors and ESP their second in command Cain Barrington. So, I was super excited to hear that K. E. Osborn was starting the Baton Rouge Bachelors series.

I’m struggling to write this review Bc this is the first part of the duet. Book two releases in about a little over two weeks from now. So, I’m only going to give you the basic information.

Makaylie’s car breaks down in the pouring rain a few blocks from her apartment and an insanely hot beautiful man stops to help her. She can tell he’s a dangerous guy but with the way he’s making her body react she doesn’t care and she’s happily shocked when they realize they live in the same apartment building.

Cain knows that Makaylie is too innocent, pure and genuinely too good for him and he knows that he should stay far away from her Bc if anybody in the Baton Rouge Bachelors found out about her he knows what’ll happen to her. ESP since he’s usually the one doing it.

Makaylie knows Cain keeps telling her that he’s not a good guy but she doesn’t care what he says as long as she can get to be around him and she’s hoping that he will be able to open up to her and let her in on whatever he’s hiding from her.

Cain is struggling with his heart wanting one thing and his brain wanting another thing and then he’s got pop in his organization wanting his spot that they’ll take from him the only thing he cares about to get it. He’s just struggling to keep everything in order before he looses it.

I’m so glad I don’t have to wait long for part two to release. I’m excited to see where this series is going to go next.
2,079 reviews80 followers
December 11, 2023
I have been looking forward to reading about the Baton Rouge Bachelors for ages, and this book answers so many questions but also brings new questions to the fore to keep things interesting. 😂 Be aware this is a duet, but the second half releases very soon, and after reading this first book… you’ll definitely want to jump on the Makaylie Rayne and Cain Barrington train.

Makaylie is a reasonably innocent young woman who meets a gorgeous-looking guy, her real-life knight-in-slightly-tarnished-armour, Cain. Makaylie is intrigued by him as well as enamoured. I believe she is stronger than Cain realises.

Cain, the Baton Rouge Bachelors’ second-in-charge, knows his lifestyle and the people in it are no good for Makaylie, including himself. He pushes her away for her benefit; I give him credit for thinking of her, for putting her first even if it was difficult for them both. He can’t tell her about his work and why his work hours are so bizarre. This puts a strain on any possible relationship.

The whole way through this book, I either wanted to slap one character or another, often secondary ones, or wished to kidnap Cain and Makaylie and take them away from everything that stands in their way. This is how good the writing is; you become totally absorbed in the story and its characters.

You don’t have to have read the NOLA Defiance MC series to read this series, but it’s such a great series I think you should. Plus, there are references to the Baton Rouge Bachelors throughout it. It gives you a tiny feel for this underground world.

I eagerly look forward to From The Ashes, the second book.
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,645 reviews17 followers
December 13, 2023
Wow! This story starts with a bang full of lust, chemistry, intrigue, mystery, suspense, danger and so much more. From the moment we started turning the pages, we were hooked and could not put the book down. We were constantly on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop yet, intrigued by the mysterious dealings that surrounded Cain.

Love the characters both the villains and the naive and innocent. Cain was a character that gave us whiplash but, we understood his actions most of the time thinking a lot of what went on between himself and Makaylie was all new to him and he just didn't know how to control his emotions when around her but, on the other hand, we felt that Makaylie was making a ton of sacrifices to be with him and not sure she should give up that much of her independence. We will say that we loved that in some small way, Cain being with Makaylie was changing him on an emotional level whether that turns out to be a good thing or a bad thing time will only tell. But, the vibe we get from the man is that if anything happens to that woman whom he considers his he will burn it all to the ground to protect the woman we suspect he already is half in love with, and if not even if they are not together that would he would do anything within his power to protect the woman he has become possessive and obsessive of.

Cain and Majaylie were explosive together in and out of bed. Their chemistry was off the charts. Man, they were burned hot together and burned up the sheets as well.

Awesome read and we wanted to drive right into the next book it is already 4.30 am but, would have done it as we were so engrossed with the story we didn't want it to end. The story kind of gives you that Mafia feel but, there are certain lines those mafia men don't cross and we have to say that The Bachelors don't seem to agree and it is every man for himself, and jealousy and betrayals run ramped within their ranks and then some. Loved it and we can't wait for this story's conclusion.
Profile Image for Doris.
2,851 reviews113 followers
December 10, 2023
What a Start!!!

This is a great start for the Baton Rouge Bachelors with Cain and Makaylie’s story which was intense with plenty of steam and so many secrets. Cain is not a good man but when he sees a damsel in distress on the side of a road with broken down car in the middle of a rain storm, he becomes Makaylie’s knight in shining armor. She has no idea that there is another side of this man who is second man in charge in the Bachelors’ world who run all things illegal in Baton Rouge.

Cain has to keep Makaylie under wraps because in his world if he would have someone, he cares about their lives very likely would be in danger. Makaylie has no idea of this other side of Cain but is about to find out exactly how much Cain’s world could impact her.

Freaking fantastic and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Carmela Dimattia.
1,373 reviews16 followers
December 11, 2023
A very interesting read with a secret society call the Bachelors with Cain as one of the lead bachelors and Makaylie is his neighbour that he happens to help when her car breaks down. Neither know they live in the same building and their budding friendship soon develops to more but Cain must keep their relationship and Makaylie hidden for fear of her safety. This was a truly fast paced read with lots happening and Cain constantly being called to deal with issues that arise for the Bachelors. The intensity had me biting my nails especially for Makaylie’s well being and the ending was heart stopping to say the least. Bring on the next book!

I received an arc copy from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for She Dreams In Books.
366 reviews5 followers
December 13, 2023
Oh this is going to be a great series. Cain and Makaylie, are an intense couple whilst navigating a new relationship with secrets galore. Many steamy scenes. Their relationship is fire, but Makaylie’s ease to succumb to Cain’s charm after any altercation did start to become quite grating by the end of the book. She is too nice and is going to need to toughen up! Cain’s addiction to Makaylie is intense and his need to protect her at all costs is unwavering. The ending? How dare KE Osborn leave us with a cliffhanger like that! Nah, in all seriousness, I love KE Osborn’s cliffhangers. I can’t wait to see how Cain and Makaylie’s lives and relationship play out in the next book. Bring it on!!!!!!
Profile Image for Cindy Fong.
1,773 reviews
December 9, 2023
A fast , ntense read. Kaylie and Cain spark instantly, the attraction drawing them closer together. Cain is not who he appears to be and he struggles to maintain his control along with his brotherhood and Makaylie, he unravels. In order to protect her from his enemies Cain must try to distance himself from her, but the attraction is too strong. Makaylie doesn't understand the whiplash that loving Cain brings to her life. The highs are great the lows tragic. I can't wait to see when Kaylie truly sees Cain's world.
Profile Image for Amanda.
339 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2023
This is the first installment in the Baton Rouge Bachelors series that is a spin-off of the Nola Defiance MC series. It’s a great start to the series. Cain and Makaylie’s story was a quick, intense read full of steamy moments and a fair amount of secrets and suspense. Cain tries to keep the darker side of his life from Makaylie but that quickly fails. The secrets start coming out and our story ends leaving us wondering how the reveal will impact our Cain and Makaylie. I’m excited for this series and cameos from my NOLA guys.
397 reviews4 followers
March 8, 2024
Cain is the second I command of the Baton Rouge Bachelors, who pretty much run the city. Makaylie is an aspiring writer, she gets stuck with her car on the way home one night. Cain stops to help her and the chemistry bubbles. These two can ignite pages they ate so hot. Cain tries hard to stay away, he is not good for her and she can become a weakness for him.
Of course the attraction can't stop these two from getting together.
Cain is domineering and Makaylie doesn't want to be owned. They try to work things out. He has secrets and she can take so much. If certain people find out about her there could be trouble.
I have read books about the Defiance MC which the bachelors were mentioned. Loved those books and I can't wait to read the next book to see what happens to these two.
Profile Image for MJ's Book Blog and Reviews.
2,693 reviews55 followers
December 10, 2023
Review by: Jennifer
(4 Stars)

The first part of the Baton Rouge Bachelors duet, so be prepared, this needs to be read first and it will end in a cliffy. Meeting Makaylie on the side of the road and helping with her broken down car, not a big deal, but becoming infatuated with Makaylie was not on Cain's to do list. Something about her pulls him in, but with who Cain is and what he does, he can't have anything to do with her. She is a weakness and in his line of business a weakness can be used against you and have you killed. Cain can't stay away from her, no matter how he tries, but what happens when he finally has to, will she let him?

You can expect some danger and violence, but nothing too over the top. There was a load of push and pull happening to the point where it was a bit frustrating but still understandable. The naughty bits were on point, giving us some fire. I'm ready for part two, I give this first part 4 stars.
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
December 10, 2023
Up in Flames by KE Osborn is the First book in the Baton Rouge Bachelors Duet. This starts the story of Mackley and Cain. Cain comes to Mackley rescue when her car breaks down. They both feel a instant connections. They later find out they live close to each other and start to see each other. But Cain has secrets and keeping Mackley from the Bachelors is one of them. This does end with a cliffhanger setting us up for more in their story.

Profile Image for World Of Books 65.
2,585 reviews48 followers
December 11, 2023
Up in Flames has me all hot under the collar, a dazzling compulsive read with a heart-pounding wait for what is to come next for this unique couple, anticipation was high for the first book in this new series by the talented KE Osborn an author who always produces fast-paced edge-of-your-seat reads and Cain and Makaylie delivers that and more with her usual edgy writing style.
December 11, 2023
Intriguing start to a new series by an author I have fallen in love with over the past year. This story was faced paced, spicy and full of some mystery. I can't wait to see what happens with Cain and Makaylie in the next book and if we will learn more or have more questions I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book for my honest review.
Profile Image for Beyond The Covers Blog.
2,513 reviews88 followers
December 11, 2023
Makaylie is Cain's light in his dark and dangerous world that he keeps from her. From the very beginning there was a strong spark between them and the longer their relationship grows the brighter the flame.
Iron Rod and Trap are so funny!
Can't wait for the second part of this duet! From the Ashes!
2,508 reviews20 followers
November 29, 2023
Cain is quite high in the brotherhood never had any complications or distraction until he meets Makaylie.
Makaylie is frustrated after breaking down close to home but Cain comes to the rescue.
Keeping him at a distance is getting harder but the closer they become the more he panics.
Can't wait to read from the ashes!
Profile Image for FireSerene Reads.
387 reviews17 followers
December 8, 2023
ARC Review

Fast-paced, direct and simple. The darkness that he have, seems to disappear when she's around. A danger to his heart, and dangerous for her life. He needs to stay away from her but he can't because Makaylie feels like home. Right where he should belong.
518 reviews
December 11, 2023
very good

This story will keep you in suspense all the way thru. Makaylie has no idea what Cain is into. I can’t wait for the next book. This is so exciting.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,811 reviews31 followers
November 30, 2023
Wow mystery, suspense,love.

Cain who and what is he and into?

Mackley wanting to write they meet on the road on rainy night where will it all lead.

He keeps telling her his no good for her but she's his kyrptonite.

Wicked read.
Profile Image for Teresa Lara.
3,160 reviews48 followers
December 1, 2023
Love this series
Love the Defiance mc
Love the Bachelors
Cain and Makalies broken intense emotional heartstopping insta love story
All the feels
Need from the ashes
680 reviews22 followers
December 8, 2023
Gah. That ending. I need book 2 stat. Cain and Mckaylie are a rollercoaster and I don't know how to get off. The chemistry was great and it was well written.
Profile Image for Lee-anna Dunk.
1,246 reviews54 followers
December 15, 2023
Whoop whoop 🖐️🖐️ .
What a fantastic start to a brand new series by author K.E. Osborn.

This book brings all the feels and then some . Mystery, Intrigue and smexy feels .

I loved the characters and thought they meshed well together even though Cain got on my last nerve sometimes with his back and forth rhetoric he came good in the end .
I can't wait to read more.
Profile Image for Christy Warthen.
714 reviews7 followers
December 5, 2023
Roller coaster!

Heart wrenching and steamy ride that is emotional, humorous and full of drama. The next one can’t come soon enough.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews

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