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The Moor: A Novel of Suspense Featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes (A Mary Russell Mystery, 4) Paperback – Illustrated, October 30, 2007
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- Print length320 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherPicador
- Publication dateOctober 30, 2007
- Dimensions5.5 x 0.85 x 8.15 inches
- ISBN-100312427395
- ISBN-13978-0312427399
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Editorial Reviews
“Erudite, fascinating . . . the most successful re-creation of the famous inhabitant of 221B Baker Street ever attempted.” ―The Houston Chronicle
“There's no resisting the appeal of Laurie R. King's thrillingly moody scenes of Dartmoor and her lovely evocations of its legends.” ―The New York Times Book Review
“Dazzling may be the word to describe King's latest Mary Russell-Sherlock Holmes adventure. . . . Add King's devilishly clever plot and eccentric characters, her ability to achieve a perfect balance between serious mystery and lighthearted humor, and the charm with which she develops the captivating relationship between Holmes and Russell, and the result is a superbly rich read that would please Doyle himself.” ―Booklist
“King has the tone, mood, and voice precisely right. . . . Very good.” ―The Boston Globe
“Mary's description of how she thinks through all the elements of a mystery--so deep in thought as if she were in a trance---is excellent.” ―Salon.com
From the Back Cover
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Moor
A Novel of Suspense Featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock HolmesBy Laurie R. KingPicador
Copyright © 2007 Laurie R. KingAll right reserved.
ISBN: 9780312427399
When I obtained a holiday from my books, I mounted
my pony and made for the moor.—A BOOK OF DARTMOOR
THE TELEGRAM IN my hand read:
To say I was irritated would be an understatement. We had only just pulled ourselves from the mire of a difficult and emotionally draining case and now, less than a month later, with my mind firmly turned to the work awaiting me in this, my spiritual home, Oxford, my husband and longtime partner Sherlock Holmes proposed with this peremptory telegram to haul me away into his world once more. With an effort, I gave my landlady’s housemaid a smile, told her there was no reply (Holmes had neglected to send the address for a response—no accident on his part), and shut the door. I refused to speculate on why he wanted me, what purpose a compass would serve, or indeed what he was doing in Devon at all, since when last I had heard he was setting off to look into an interesting little case of burglary from an impregnable vault in Berlin. I squelched all impulse to curiosity, and returned to my desk.Two hours later the girl interrupted my reading again, with another flimsy envelope. This one read:
Damn the man, he knew me far too well.I found my heavy brass pocket compass in the back of a drawer. It had never been quite the same since being first cracked and then drenched in an aqueduct beneath Jerusalem some four years before, but it was an old friend and it seemed still to work reasonably well. I dropped it into a similarly well-travelled rucksack, packed on top of it a variety of clothing to cover the spectrum of possibilities that lay between arctic expedition and tiara-topped dinner with royalty (neither of which, admittedly, were beyond Holmes’ reach), added the book on Judaism in mediaeval Spain that I had been reading, and went out to buy the requested stack of highly detailed six-inch-to-the-mile Ordnance Survey maps of the southwestern portion of England.
AT CORYTON, IN Devon, many hours later, I found the station deserted and dusk fast closing in. I stood there with my rucksack over my shoulder, boots on feet, and hair in cap, listening to the train chuff away towards the next minuscule stop. An elderly married couple had also got off here, climbed laboriously into the sagging farm cart that awaited them, and been driven away. I was alone. It was raining. It was cold.There was a certain inevitability to the situation, I reflected, and dropped my rucksack to the ground to remove my gloves, my waterproof, and a warmer hat. Straightening up, I happened to turn slightly and noticed a small, light-coloured square tacked up to the post by which I had walked. Had I not turned, or had it been half an hour darker, I should have missed it entirely.Russell it said on the front. Unfolded, it proved to be a torn-off scrap of paper on which I could just make out the words, in Holmes’ writing:
Lew House is two miles north.
Do you know the words to “Onward Christian Soldiers”
or “Widdecombe Fair”?—H.
I dug back into the rucksack, this time for a torch. When I had confirmed that the words did indeed say what I had thought, I tucked the note away, excavated clear to the bottom of the rucksack for the compass to check which branch of the track fading into the murk was pointing north, and set out.I hadn’t the faintest idea what he meant by that note. I had heard the two songs, one a thumping hymn and the other one of those overly precious folk songs, but I did not know their words other than one song’s decidedly ominous (to a Jew) introductory image of Christian soldiers marching behind their “cross of Jesus” and the other’s endless and drearily jolly chorus of “Uncle Tom Cobbley and all.” In the first place, when I took my infidel self into a Christian church it was not usually of the sort wherein such hymns were standard fare, and as for the second, well, thus far none of my friends had succumbed to the artsy allure of sandals, folk songs, and Morris dancing. I had not seen Holmes in nearly three weeks, and it did occur to me that perhaps in the interval my husband had lost his mind.Two miles is no distance at all on a smooth road on a sunny morning, but in the wet and moonless dark in which I soon found myself, picking my way down a slick, rutted track, following the course of a small river which I could not see, but could hear, smell, and occasionally step in, two miles was a fair trek. And there was something else as well: I felt as if I were being followed, or watched. I am not normally of a nervous disposition, and when I have such feelings I tend to assume that they have some basis in reality, but I could hear nothing more solid than the rain and the wind, and when I stopped there were no echoing splashes of feet behind me. It was simply a sense of Presence in the night; I pushed on, trying to ignore it.I stayed to the left when the track divided, and was grateful to find, when time came to cross the stream, that a bridge had been erected across it. Not that wading through the water would have made me much wetter, and admittedly it would have cleared my lower extremities of half a hundredweight of mud, but the bridge as a solid reminder of Civilisation in the form of county councils I found encouraging.Having crossed the stream, I now left its burble behind me, exchanging the hiss of rain on water for the thicker noises of rain on mud and vegetation, and I was just telling myself that it couldn’t be more than another half mile when I heard a faint thread of sound. Another hundred yards and I could hear it above the suck and plop of my boots; fifty more and I was on top of it.It was a violin, playing a sweet, plaintive melody, light and slow and shot through with a profound and permanent sadness. I had never, to my knowledge, heard the tune before, although it had the bone-deep familiarity possessed by all things that are very old. I did, however, know the hands that wielded the bow.“Holmes?” I said into the dark.He finished the verse, drawing out the long final note, before he allowed the instrument to fall silent.“Hello, Russell. You took your time.”“Holmes, I hope there is a good reason for this.”He did not answer, but I heard the familiar sounds of violin and bow being put into a case. The latches snapped, followed by the vigorous rustle of a waterproof being donned. I turned on the torch in time to see Holmes stepping out of the small shelter of a roofed gate set into a stone wall. He paused, looking thoughtfully at the telltale inundation of mud up my right side to the elbow, the result of a misstep into a pothole.“Why did you not use the torch, coming up the road?” he asked.“I, er …” I was embarrassed. “I thought there was someone following me. I didn’t want to give him the advantage of a torch-light.”“Following you?” he said sharply, half-turning to squint down the road.“Watching me. That back-of-the-neck feeling.”I saw his face clearly by the light of the torch. “Ah yes. Watching you. That’ll be the moor.”“The Moor?” I said in astonishment. I knew where I was, of course, but for an instant the book I had been reading on the train was closer to mind than my sense of geography, and I was confronted by the brief mental image of a dark-skinned scimitar-bearing Saracen lurking along a Devonshire country lane.“Dartmoor. It’s just there.” He nodded over his shoulder. “It rises up in a great wall, four or five miles away, and although you can’t see it from here, it casts a definite presence over the surrounding countryside. You’ll meet it tomorrow. Come,” he said, turning up the road. “Let us take to the warm and dry.”I left the torch on now. It played across the hedgerow on one side and a stone wall on the other, illuminating for a moment a French road sign (some soldier’s wartime souvenir, no doubt), giving us a brief glimpse of headstones in a churchyard just before we turned off into a smaller drive. A thick layer of rotting leaves from the row of half-bare elms and copper beeches over our heads gave way to a cultivated garden—looking more neglected than even the season and the rain would explain, but nonetheless clearly intended to be a garden—and finally one corner of a two-storey stone house, the small pieced panes of its tall windows reflecting the torch’s beam. The near corner was dark, but farther along, some of the windows glowed behind curtains, and the light from a covered porch spilled its welcome out across the weedy drive and onto a round fountain. We ducked inside the small space, and had begun to divest ourselves of the wettest of our outer garments when the door opened in front of us.In the first instant I thought it was a butler standing there, the sort of lugubrious aged retainer a manor house of this size would have, as seedy and tired as the house itself, and as faithful and long-serving. It was his face, however, more than the old-fashioned clerical collar and high-buttoned frock coat he wore, that straightened my spine. Stooped with age he might be, but this was no servant.The tall old man leant on his two walking sticks and took his time looking me over through the wire spectacles he wore. He examined the tendrils of escaped hair that straggled wetly down my face, the slime of mud up my clothing, the muck-encrusted boot I held in my hand, and the sodden stocking on the foot from which I had just removed the boot. Eventually he shifted his gaze to that of my lawfully wedded husband.“We have been waiting for this person?” he asked.Holmes turned to look at me, and his long mouth twitched—minutely, but enough. Had it not been that going back into the night would have meant a close flirtation with pneumonia, I should immediately have laced my boot back on and left those two sardonic males to their own company. Instead, I let the boot drop to the stone floor, sending small clots of mud slopping about the porch (some of which, I was pleased to see, ended up on Holmes’ trouser leg), and bent to my rucksack. It was more or less dry, as I had been wearing it underneath the waterproof (a procedure which made me resemble a hunchback and left the coat gaping open in the front, but at least guaranteed that I should have a dry change of clothing when I reached my destination). I snatched at the buckles with half-frozen fingers, jerked out the fat bundle of cloth-mounted, large-scale maps, and threw it in the direction of Holmes. He caught it.“The maps you asked for,” I said coldly. “When is the next train out of Coryton?”Holmes had the grace to look discomfited, if briefly, but the old man in the doorway simply continued to look as if he were smelling something considerably more unpleasant than sodden wool. Neither of them answered me, but Holmes’ next words were in a voice that verged on gentle, tantamount to an apology.“Come, Russell. There’s a fire and hot soup. You’ll take your death out here.”Somewhat mollified, I removed my other boot, picked up my rucksack, and followed him into the house, stepping past the cleric, who shut the door behind us. When I was inside and facing the man, Holmes made his tardy introductions.“Gould, may I present my partner and, er, wife, Mary Russell. Russell, this is the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould.”One would think, I reflected as I shook the old man’s large hand, that with two and a half years of marriage behind him the idea of having a wife would come more easily, at least to his tongue. However, I had to admit that we both normally referred to the other as partner rather than spouse, and the form of our married life was in truth more that of two individuals than that of a bound couple. Aside, of course, from certain activities rendered legal by a bit of paper.The Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould made the minimum polite response and suggested that Holmes show me upstairs. I wondered if I was to be allowed back down afterwards, or if I ought to say good-bye to him now. Holmes caught up a candlestick and lit its taper from a lamp on the table, and I followed him out of the warmth, through a dark-panelled passageway (my stockings squelching on the thin patches in the carpeting), and up what by the wavering light appeared a very nicely proportioned staircase lined with eighteenth-century faces.“Holmes,” I hissed. “Who on earth is that old goat? And when are you going to tell me what you dragged me down here for?”“That ‘old goat’ is the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould, squire of Lew Trenchard, antiquarian, self-educated expert in half a dozen fields, and author of more books than any other man listed in the British Museum. Hymnist, collector of country music—”A small light went on in my mind. “‘Onward Christian Soldiers’? ‘Widdecombe Fair’?”“He wrote the one and collected the other. Rural parson,” he continued, “novelist, theologian”—Yes, I thought, I had heard of him somewhere, connected with dusty tomes of archaic ideas—“amateur architect, amateur archaeologist, amateur of many things. He is one of the foremost living experts on the history and life of Dartmoor. He is a client with a case. He is also,” he added, “a friend.”While we were talking I had followed the candle up the stairway with its requisite portraits of dim and disapproving ancestors and through a small gallery with a magnificent plaster ceiling, but at this final statement I stopped dead. Fortunately, he did not go much farther, but opened a door and stepped into a room. After a moment, I followed, and found him turning up the lights in a nice-sized bedroom with rose-strewn paper on the walls (peeling up slightly at the seams) and a oncegood, rose-strewn carpet on the floor. I put the rucksack on a chair that looked as if it had seen worse usage and sat gingerly on the edge of the room’s soft, high bed.“Holmes,” I said. “I don’t know that I’ve ever heard you describe anyone other than Watson as a friend.”“No?” He bent to set a match to the careful arrangement of sticks and logs that had been laid in the fireplace. There was a large radiator in the room, but like all the others we had passed, it stood sullen and cold in its corner. “Well, it is true. I do not have many.”“How do you know him?”“Oh, I’ve known Baring-Gould for a long time. I used him on the Baskerville case, of course. I needed a local informant into the life of the natives and his was the name that turned up, a man who knew everything and went everywhere. We correspond on occasion, he came to see me in Baker Street two or three times, and once in Sussex.”I couldn’t see how this sparse contact qualified the man for friendship, but I didn’t press him.“I shouldn’t imagine he ‘goes everywhere’ now.”“No. Time is catching up with him.”“How old is he?”“Nearly ninety, I believe. Five years ago you’d have thought him a hearty seventy. Now there are days when he does not get out of bed.”I studied him closely, hearing a trace of sorrow beneath his matter-of-fact words. Totally unexpected and, having met the object of this affection, quite inexplicable.“You said he had a case for us?”“He will review the facts after we’ve eaten. There’s a bath next door, although I don’t know that I would recommend it; there seems to be no hot water at the moment.” THE MOOR. Copyright © 1998 by Laurie R. King. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address Picador, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Excerpted from The Moor by Laurie R. King Copyright © 2007 by Laurie R. King. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
Product details
- Publisher : Picador; First Edition (October 30, 2007)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 320 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0312427395
- ISBN-13 : 978-0312427399
- Item Weight : 10.4 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.85 x 8.15 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #328,680 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #2,818 in Traditional Detective Mysteries (Books)
- #3,899 in Historical Mystery
- #11,239 in Women Sleuths (Books)
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

New York Times bestselling crime writer Laurie R. King writes both series and standalone novels. For a complete list of her books in order, please visit http://www.laurierking.com/books/complete-book-list
In the Mary Russell series (first entry: The Beekeeper's Apprentice), fifteen-year-old Russell meets Sherlock Holmes on the Sussex Downs in 1915, becoming his apprentice, then his partner. The series follows their amiably contentious partnership into the 1920s as they challenge each other to ever greater feats of detection. For a complete list of the Mary Russell books in order, click here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/bookseries/B00CJLA42C/kindle/ref=sr_bookseries_null_B00CJLA42C.
The Kate Martinelli series, starting with A Grave Talent, concerns a San Francisco homicide inspector, her SFPD partner, and her life partner. In the course of the series, Kate encounters a female Rembrandt, a modern-day Holy Fool, two difficult teenagers, a manifestation of the goddess Kali and an eighty-year-old manuscript concerning Sherlock Holmes.
The Stuyvesant and Gray books feature Harris Stuyvesant, a Bureau of Investigation agent who finds himself far out of his depth, first in England during the 1926 General Strike (Touchstone), then in Paris during the sweltering confusion of September, 1929 (The Bones of Paris).
King also has written stand-alone novels--A Darker Place as well as two loosely linked novels, Folly and Keeping Watch--and a science fiction novel, Califia's Daughters, under the pseudonym Leigh Richards.
King grew up reading her way through libraries like a termite through balsa before going on to become a mother, builder, world traveler, and theologian.
She has now settled into a genteel life of crime, back in her native northern California. She has a secondary residence in cyberspace, where she enjoys meeting readers in her Virtual Book Club and on her blog.
King has won the Edgar and Creasey awards (for A Grave Talent), the Nero (for A Monstrous Regiment of Women) and the MacCavity (for Folly); her nominations include the Agatha, the Orange, the Barry, and two more Edgars. She was also given an honorary doctorate from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific.
Check out King's website, http://laurierking.com/, and follow the links to her blog and Virtual Book Club, featuring monthly discussions of her work, with regular visits from the author herself. And for regular LRK updates, follow the link to sign up for her email newsletter.
Customer reviews
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Learn more how customers reviews work on AmazonCustomers say
Customers find the story interesting and suspenseful, with local details making the plot believable. They describe the book as an enjoyable read with well-written language and wit. Readers appreciate the fascinating characters and the unique geographical setting of England. They appreciate the feminist perspective and cross-cultural elements in the series.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers enjoy the engaging plot and local details that make the story believable. They find the novels full of suspense and an interesting glimpse into the lives of the wealthy in the 1920s. Readers appreciate the clever revisit to the classic Holmes story, the Hound of the Baskervilles, and the wonderful chance to revisit it.
"King is back on track with another good mystery with "The Moor," one of the strongest novels of this series since "Beekeeper."..." Read more
"...I also really adored the moor atmosphere because I'm a huge fan of Gothic mysteries...." Read more
"...Things really start to move, "the plot thickens...", and I just can't put the book down!!..." Read more
"...Author King's novel is set in 1924. It's basically a set of short adventures, mostly by Sherlock's wife Mary Russell...." Read more
Customers enjoy the book. They find it a thoughtful and engaging read with literary references. The series is captivating and their favorite new series. Readers appreciate the satisfying ending and Mary's narration.
"...Strongly recommended for lovers of Holmes or this series." Read more
"...Doesn’t he always? A fun and thoughtful read. Don’t miss it!" Read more
"These books in this series are great: I am an addict now...." Read more
"I have really enjoyed this series and especiallyIke’s the Moor!..." Read more
Customers find the writing quality good. They describe the author as literate, humorous, and smart. The book is imaginative and structured well beyond comprehension. The author's skill in setting scenes and creating dialogue with the full power of the English language is appreciated.
"...The author spends a lot of time in the first half of the book laying the groundwork and setting up the story and history...." Read more
"...scenes and creating dialogue with lavish use of the full power of the English language. That's the redeeming characteristic of this novel...." Read more
"...The novels are so intelligent and beautifully written...." Read more
"...Apparently a new Hound on Dartmoor. And you are treated to excellent writing, great atmosphere, and wonderful fresh characters...." Read more
Customers enjoy the humor in the book. They find it entertaining, fun, and engaging with plenty of action. The writing style is described as excellent with a great atmosphere and characters.
"...King makes nice use of Doyle's "The Hound of the Baskervilles" in a playful and reverent manner, and she still makes it her own. "..." Read more
"...Thank goodness Holmes has a plan! Doesn’t he always? A fun and thoughtful read. Don’t miss it!" Read more
"Ms. King's books are just fun to read. They're too chatty and have too many seemingly irrelevant details...." Read more
"...interesting to me as the involvement of Baring-Gould, but it was engaging enough and involved Holmes and Russell traipsing around quite a lot and..." Read more
Customers enjoy the varied settings and interesting characters. They find the same characters move from book to book, all interesting. The mix of Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes is entertaining, and they enjoy the dialogue between Mary and Watson. Overall, customers consider the book an excellent addition to the Mary Russell series.
"...’s hard to get into the story but there is so much heart and soul in these characters that I can’t stop myself from continuing. And then it’s over!..." Read more
"...Mary is such an interesting character that the reader comes to care how hot her coffee might be or which tea she is drinking...." Read more
"...I like that a real-life character is used, in the aging Sabine Baring-Gould, best known to me for writing the words to the hymn Onward, Christian..." Read more
"...There are many new characters and places to explore as this dark mystery unravels. This is an excellent addition to the Mary Russell series...." Read more
Customers enjoy the book's geography. They find it a unique geographical zone in England with many new characters and places to explore. The book offers the chance to visit Dartmoor.
"This book is a paean to a unique geographical zone in England. It's not really a detective or adventure novel...." Read more
"...There are many new characters and places to explore as this dark mystery unravels. This is an excellent addition to the Mary Russell series...." Read more
"...in this book and the chance to visit Dartmoor...." Read more
"...It was lovely to visit Dartmoor & Baskerville Hall again, but I found this book needed more patience until the real action in the story took hold...." Read more
Customers appreciate the feminist perspective in an old classic. They find Mary Russell fascinating and a strong character. The book is seen as a well-done effort to integrate a feminine presence and issues into a male-dominated world.
"...King's Russell is an intelligent, interesting woman, and King's take on Holmes does nothing to diminish the man, building believably on the..." Read more
"...Mary Russell emerges as a fascinating woman, with a strong mind (and constitution) of her own." Read more
"...I appreciate the newer cross cultural/ feminist perspective in this new series. But still a good read and I enjoyed it." Read more
"great to have a woman's perspective on the great Sherlock holmes. us girls love him too ya know. thank you" Read more
Customers have mixed opinions about the pacing of the book. Some find it one of the strongest novels in the series, while others say it takes a while to get through and requires effort. The tedious descriptions of the moor are mentioned as being mind-numbing.
"...on track with another good mystery with "The Moor," one of the strongest novels of this series since "Beekeeper."..." Read more
"...But this book (number four) was, well...boring. The tedious and frequent descriptions of the moor were mind-numbing...." Read more
"...Mary Russell emerges as a fascinating woman, with a strong mind (and constitution) of her own." Read more
"Once again, Mary Russell and Sherlock prove to be a formidable team...." Read more
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2012King is back on track with another good mystery with "The Moor," one of the strongest novels of this series since "Beekeeper." The title, "The Moor," should evoke images from Sherlock's past. Yes, King makes nice use of Doyle's "The Hound of the Baskervilles" in a playful and reverent manner, and she still makes it her own. "The Moor" takes us to Dartmoor, where Holmes once solved the case of the Hound of the Baskervilles, at the request of the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould. (The characterization of this historical person with the moor, Doyle, and of course, Russell and Holmes is wonderful.) There have been strange sightings of a mysterious coach of glowing bones and, of course, a dog; it is claimed to be a woman who married a local lord who soon died. King's masterful characterization of Russell and Holmes as individuals and a couple continues to evolve as does her characterization especially of Baring-Gould and many of the locals. Her ability to describe and to create the setting is uncanny: Baring-Gould's home is ramshackle, book-lined, with the smell of dinner wafting through to the dusty library. Ms. King delivers innumerable fires in the grate, banked up against the storm outside, and chairs drawn up to the fire-irons, and tea-things and a pipe close to hand. She knows Holmes looks most fetching slumped in a fireside chair at 2 a.m., his fingers steepled as he ruminates a difficult case with Mary, while the wind whips over the moors and gently rattles the windows. Strongly recommended for lovers of Holmes or this series.
- Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2020As always I enjoyed the antics of Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes. They are quite the pair. Sometimes it’s hard to get into the story but there is so much heart and soul in these characters that I can’t stop myself from continuing. And then it’s over! And I can’t wait for the next adventure!
The Moor seems like a hellish place. You have to be careful where you walk so you don’t get into a bog... and it seems cold and wet...then you have huge dogs that appear following eerie coaches. Not to mention that there isn’t much to eat on the Moor (poor Mary!).
Thank goodness Holmes has a plan! Doesn’t he always?
A fun and thoughtful read. Don’t miss it!
- Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2014Mary Russell is reluctantly dragged away from her studies after receiving a telegram from Holmes requesting her presence in Dartmoor. Holmes had been in Dartmoor visiting an old friend, but got drawn into an investigation after a local is killed. The case in question involves a ghostly carriage made of bones and a spectral hound haunting the Moor. Rather begrudgingly, Mary helps to scout for clues in the foggy, cold, and damp Moor. What both her and Holmes find are a handful of supernatural sightings that draw suspicious parallels between this case and one of Holmes' most famous investigations, The Hound of the Baskervilles.
Like a lot of Sherlock Holmes fans, The Hound of the Baskervilles holds a special place in my heart. So revisiting the setting of that mystery with Mary and Holmes had my geeky heart all a titter.
The pacing here was a lot faster than in some of the other Mary Russell books, which was a relief after slogging through the slow moving A Letter of Mary. My only complaint is pretty mild, Mary was going through a bit of a mid-life crisis that involved a hesitance to fully join Holmes in the case until near the end. So she sort of emotionally checked out during the first half of the investigation. While she was still physically involved, there was a lot of background noise involving her reluctance to be there at all. King did a good job of attributing this to a psychological backlash due to the events of the previous three books but, with such an awesome mystery going on, I got frustrated that Mary wasn't getting into it. However, Holmes more than made up for Mary's standoffish attitude. He was, luckily, more present here than he had been in the previous books and seemed really in his element. It was great seeing Holmes get to dash about and really get into the mystery, which is something we hadn't fully gotten to see in the first three novels.
Most of the action takes place in a huge echoing mansion and the chilly moor, which seems so far removed from the London/Sussex settings of the previous novels that it was a refreshing change. I also really adored the moor atmosphere because I'm a huge fan of Gothic mysteries. The moor offered a great eerie and isolated feeling typically found in that genre and it really upped the suspense.
This is, by far, my favorite out of the series so far. I highly recommend it.
- Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2017These books in this series are great: I am an addict now. The author spends a lot of time in the first half of the book laying the groundwork and setting up the story and history. (There are always interesting details, too...) Then, about halfway, zoom! Things really start to move, "the plot thickens...", and I just can't put the book down!! I have a fantasy, that Robert Downey Jr. and some cute actress about 10-15 years younger than him will make some of these into movies.... :)
Top reviews from other countries
- Bryony HolyoakeReviewed in the United Kingdom on February 26, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars Clever writing by a Laurie King.......
Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell, his protege, and eventual wife! So cleverly written, I am mightily impressed!
A recent “discovery” my finding these stories! I am well and truly hooked. I am amused by some of the “tongue in cheek” clever efforts by the writer, and her knowledge, evident research, and her characterisations. Being very much British, I am so relieved and refreshed by the “Englishness “, and at the same time the cosmopolitan approach and inclusiveness. Even the spelling is British! Probably intentional, of course. Why did I not know about Laurie King sooner?! But....hey....so much to enjoy and look forward to. Very evocative for all Sherlock Holmes fans.....and women who are characters in their own right!
- John HistoryGuyReviewed in Germany on January 18, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars Timely Shipment
The book came on time and in good condition. Thanks!
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in Canada on August 8, 2016
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Loved it!
- DarklldoReviewed in Australia on April 29, 2015
5.0 out of 5 stars Mystery of Dartmore solved
Ah the mysterious Dartmore. I've always wanted to know more about Dartmore ever since I first read The Hound of the Baskervilles, now I do. I love Laurie King's interpretation of Sherlock Holmes in middle age and his young protege who is just as smart as he is, just not quite as experienced. Their relationship develops slowly through the books Laurie King has written and it's rather nice to start with the first one and work your way through them.
But if you want to know about Dartmoor then you'd better read this first :)
- John DifoolReviewed in Germany on June 14, 2024
4.0 out of 5 stars Good but could have been great
The book has very nice atmosphere, it is almost as if you are in the moor yourself. Basically, it is a reworking of one of the best S.H. stories (Hound of the Baskervilles). Of course, it is not Conan Doyle, but enjoyable nevertheless. I just thought that with a bit more effort from the writer, it could have been really great.