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Inconvenient Love

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One night was all it was supposed to be…so why is he sitting in my office right now?

Agreeing to do the floral arrangements for a high profile wedding has opened the doors wide open for Whoopsie Daisy. My friends and I have more than we can handle, and hiring people to help is at the top of our list.

What I didn’t expect is for a job to be given to my one night stand, who happens to be younger than me. I knew he wanted to go out again, but I didn’t think he’d apply for a job at my flower shop. Though, I don’t remember telling him where I worked.

I can handle this. We’re both adults. Working together won’t be a problem. Too bad fighting my attraction to Xander is turning out to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

228 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 9, 2024

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About the author

Katrina Marie

68 books728 followers
Katrina Marie lives in the Dallas area with her husband, two children, and fur baby. She is a lover of all things geeky and Gryffindor for life. When she’s not writing you can find her at her children’s sporting events, or curled up reading a book.

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Profile Image for stephanie cox.
457 reviews8 followers
May 28, 2024
When I feel myself falling into a reading slump I love finding stories from Katrina Marie.

This was the perfect Romance, small town book I could of picked up. It was perfectly paced with all the cute romance leading up to the big moment.

When a one night stand turns up in your office your entire brain feels like it is going to explode, or that's how I interpreted it. I love how the author wrote the characters, making them relatable with their feelings and actions. The pace is perfect for a small town love story, giving the reader the chance to take in all that is happening from the characters. I really enjoyed this read, and would recommend it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
8,678 reviews114 followers
February 6, 2024
This is a well written book with strong characters and an entertaining and realistic storyline. The author does a great job developing the story and paints her scenes perfectly. It moves fluidly and is a sweet romance I enjoyed reading.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own and are freely given.
3,263 reviews29 followers
February 12, 2024
This is book one in The Whoopsie Daisy series and it is Kate and Xander’s story. Kate and Xander have history because they had a one night stand and even though he wanted more but Kate decided it wasn’t the best thing to do because of their age difference and her past. Kate, Samantha, Emily and Caroline are best friends and opened their own flower shop called Whoopsie Daisy but the shop was getting so busy that they decided that they needed to employ more staff to cope and fulfil all the orders. When Kate realised that her brother who deals with the admin for them had given Xander a delivery job so even though she was shocked she decided to give him a chance. The attraction and chemistry between Kate and Xander is just as strong as the night that they spent together and only grows stronger as time goes on but Kate doesn’t do relationships because of her parents and Xander wants a relationship with her but with everything that is going on will it lead to anything permanent between them or will they just scratch that itch. I absolutely love this group of friends and everything that they have accomplished in their lives and also how well Xander fits so well into the group and I especially love Kate and Xander together as he is so sweet, patient and such a romantic and seems to bring out the softer side of Kate and made her realise that not all relationships are the same. I recommend you read this book and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Crissy.
2,548 reviews5 followers
April 27, 2024
Inconvenient Love was an okay romance story. The beginning had me hooked and I was enjoying Kate, Samantha, Emily and even Caroline's character when she came into the story. I liked Kate's brother Kai and I absolutely loved Xander and his parents. However, as the story went on, I started liking Kate a little less and here's why. Kate eventually found out that she was older than Xander and they still had their moments together. I truly enjoyed her take charge attitude but there were times when she came off as controlling and I needed Xander to be the man he was without her shutting him down. He showed her multiple times that he cared for her by doing sweet things and I needed her to reciprocate those actions in some type of way. She didn't and it made it hard for me to believe that she loved him when there was no doubt when it came to his feelings for her. There's more that goes on in this story especially when it comes to Kate's family but those were my main problems with this story. This standalone story wasn't bad, it was just okay and one-time read for me. There's sweet, steamy, laugh out loud moments, disagreements, arguments and more but I wish there were more moments when Kate's character showed more of a softer side with Xander. I think that would have made the story more enjoyable for me.

49 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2024
Imagine that your one-night stand, who is ten years younger than you, gets a job at your business, and now you have to see him every day. Awkward.
And just Kate's luck.
Her business partners think it's pretty funny, since Kate is not the relationship type. Her parents weren't the best role models growing up, and she is pretty sure it's not in the cards for her. But Xander is kind and thoughtful, and not pushy. Easy to be around. They can have fun and that's all, right?
This one is funny, with some awkward moments. Add in some good friends who are all up in Kate's business, but always have her back, and a little family drama, and you have a good story that sucks you in.
I'm really looking forward to reading more of this series!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Claudia Sexton.
32 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2024
Inconvenient Love by Katrina Marie is the 1st book in her new Whoopsie Daisy series. Each book will have a different couple featured in the series and can be read as a standalone. I love that we actually got to meet these group of gals in her Out of the Ashes series and now get to see their own stories! This book features Kate and Xander and the unexpectedness of finding themselves working together after their meet-cute, one night stand together. Their story made me laugh out loud in parts and swoon in others with how sweet Xander is in all his cinnamon-roll goodness. This reverse age-gap, workplace romance brings to mind all the warm fuzzies of instant attraction and connection we have with that special someone.
Profile Image for casvec.
7,086 reviews71 followers
May 17, 2024
Kate and her friends went out to relax. Xander wanted something low key. He was not expecting to meet Kate, but when they did sparks flew and the connection between them ignited.

Kate and her friends needed help expanding their business, she did not expect Xander to show up. Xander had just graduated college and was trying to find a job, but at this time he took what he could get, he was surprised it was going to be working for Kate.

OW/YM story that pulls at you heart and has you quickly lost in the pages. Kate is drawn to Xander but is hesitant to start anything because of his age and her determination build her business.

Great afternoon read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
2,954 reviews10 followers
February 12, 2024
Kate shares a night with Xander and doesn’t expect to see him again until he shows up at her florist business applying for a job. They fight their attraction but it’s affecting their work and when they finally give in she wants to hide it. But from how Kate’s parents treat her it’s understandable why she has issues and struggles with relationships. Xander is younger but he shows a lot maturity and responsibility in the way he treats her and wants to make sure he’s financially ready before he leaves his parents’ place. I liked his parents and laughed over their affectionate ways. This was a steamy age gap romance.
1,464 reviews12 followers
February 19, 2024
This was a very good story. Kate and her friends graduated college and started a flower shop. They became very successfully and needed to hire help. One night at their local bar, she meets Xander and they go home together for a one night stand, except he wants to see her again. A week or so later, her brother hires him as a driver. She is shocked to see him at first but realizes he didn't know that this was her flower shop. Eventually, they become friends and then more. She learns to trust him and realizes not everyone has a relationship like her parents. A good story with a HEA.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for clovereads.
16 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2024
I enjoyed this book it’s so original and cute, the characters are so lovable.

It’s a calm pace but a quick read which I love. This was my first time reading a reverse age gap book but it was executed well!

I also have to mention that I loved how realistic it is (not a lot of twenty year olds are billionaires who have their lives together, which is most books) this was a refreshing read because you get to see real human flaws

over all good vibes and cute romance
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,769 reviews18 followers
May 29, 2024
I like this story line. I like that Kate owns her business with her friends. I like that Xander is younger. I love that he is so caring and sweet and cognizant of her feelings and her fears. I love Xander. It takes a little bit to like Kate because she wants to be so hands off. But I love it when she grows and changes and comes around to the idea of being in a relationship. 3.5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
17.5k reviews211 followers
February 21, 2024
This is the first book in a new series, and this is Xander and Kate’s story.
This is a good story which is easy to read, with engaging characters, reverse age gap, friendship, romance, and love, which leads to an enjoyable, and unpredictable, story.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Ewa.
2,321 reviews
March 8, 2024
This is first in the series, it’s workplace age reversed age gap romance.
Sweet story and started from one night stand. When she refused gave into this relationship the man decided he will apply for job at her shop.
Smart move but it will work?
Enjoy this entertaining story, I did.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
559 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2024
This book is very enjoyable! It is a reverse age gap romance between Kate and Xander. The storyline held my attention from the beginning all the way to the end. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
February 18, 2024
I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book is a cute short read about Kate (a woman who steers clear of love) and a young man named Xander.

I love reverse age gaps, and I think these characters were adorable.
Profile Image for Book Addict.
271 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2024
Xander is a gentleman and Kate has reservations. The one night stand they have develops into something more…. Amidst the flower arrangements and work, a pleasant change to the norm.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews

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