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The Chronicles of Caesea #1

Princess of Ceshela

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Every little girl wants to be a princess when they grow up...right?

Orphaned at the age of four, Elizabeth has always been haunted by a feeling of loss and loneliness and the unwavering desire to belong.

Her life is turned upside down when she arrives home one day to find two strangers claiming to be her parents. Elizabeth quickly realizes that the last 14 years of her life have been a lie, and as the truth unravels she finds out that not only are her parents alive...they are the King and Queen of a Kingdom called Ceshela. Suddenly the teenager goes from an orphan to a Princess who is next in line for the throne.

Elizabeth begrudgingly returns to Ceshela with little awareness of the dangers that are stalking her, and is quickly swept up in a world she never dreamed of. A world that now includes an overbearing captain of the guard named Nicholas who she cannot stand!

Will the Princess of Ceshela find her place in her new kingdom, or is she doomed to a life of duty with no true happiness?

160 pages, Paperback

Published November 20, 2017

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About the author

Teralyn Mitchell

22 books230 followers
Teralyn Mitchell is a new author to the contemporary romance scene who loves creating unique, multi-dimensional characters who face everyday issues that her readers can relate to. She writes the kind of books she likes to read whether they are about twenty-somethings living in the city or princesses and princes trying to find their way in the world.

She moved back to her hometown in the south a few years and is currently living in a full house, bursting with love, laughter, and chaos. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, watching sports or reruns of her favorite sitcoms.

Visit her at: https://teralynnmitchell.com for the latest book news, and fun extras.

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Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews
Profile Image for Hilary.
228 reviews8 followers
December 2, 2017
I received a copy of this book through Inkitt Exclusive in exchange for an honest review.

I'm always down for someone finding out they're actually royalty sort of story, so I was immediately curious when I came across this book. It's categorized as a historical romance, but it feels less historical than your standard fantasy-minus-magic sort of book, which was something I appreciated, being a non-historical fan myself. It also totally plays into that fantasy that little girls have of one day finding out that your parents are actually royalty. 

But when it came down to it, it really just didn't live up to my hopes. The story itself was alright, but there were quite a few issues that can't be overlooked, and result in a lowered rating. 

The Good Points of Princess of Ceshela:

The storytelling was actually pretty good. The pacing is good, and the way that the author organizes the story is done very well. It makes for a very easy read, and an easy book to get through.

I enjoyed the characters in this book. There's only so much character development you can do in a book this short, but I felt like the author did a good job of having their personalities shine through in the time that they did have. 

The Downsides of Princess of Ceshela:

Either this book was not edited, or the author should demand a refund for the editing services they had done. The tense went back and forth between past and present, there were quite a few awkward sentences, and there were some instances of weird punctuation. This book probably shouldn't have been published in this state.

There was no world development. There's some basic development for the two major worlds we see, but that's about the extent of it. I don't even know anything about Ceshela besides the name and who the ruling family is. 

If I didn't know better, I honestly would have thought that Elizabeth was fourteen. She did not act like someone who was supposed to be a legal adult. If she had been written to be younger to begin with, it might have been less disappointing.

There was nothing standout about this book, which was kind of disappointing. If you're going to take a cliched plot like finding out that you're actually royalty, you'd think that you'd want to do something new with it. But this is a generic romance, with cliched plot twists and anti-climatic climaxes. 

All in all, I wasn't sold on this book. It wasn't edited, it wasn't anything special, and there wasn't enough development to make it stick in my head. I get the feeling that it's one of those books that I won't remember a thing about in a month's time.
Profile Image for Véronique.
304 reviews13 followers
January 26, 2019
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

It took me a while to get into this story. I feel like the reveal to Elizabeth that her parents weren't dead and that she was in fact a princess, came a bit too early in the book for me. I didn't feel a connection to Elizabeth yet, and due to that did this reveal very little to me (although, had I read the synopsis, I knew this would be coming).
When Elizabeth arrives in Ceshela is when the real fun begins. Elizabeth doesn't understand why she would need guards and on top of that does she have to deal with a very annoying Captain of the Guard.

I loved this story so much! I am a sucker for some good fantasy romance and boy did we get a lot of that in this book! The writing style was simple and easy to read. I finished this book in a day and I can't wait to see what the sequel holds! I would definitely recommend this book if you need a quick and fun read :)
Profile Image for Shakera.
719 reviews12 followers
December 10, 2017
The story was well written and well told. The story was engaging and entertaining. The characters of Elizabeth and Nicholas were charming and I found them to be endearing. I loved Elizabeth's independence, and Nicholas's need to protect (along with the slight plot twist about who he really is!) I can't wait for the next until the next installment!
Profile Image for Anaelle Gadeyne.
Author 1 book5 followers
December 29, 2017
I love this book! The world in which the story takes place is well-built, the characters are well-written and their reactions are realistic. I love the relationship between Elizabeth and Nicholas and especially their bickering. It was an entertaining book that I really enjoyed reading.
Profile Image for Cheryl Kage.
6 reviews
November 29, 2017
Let me start by saying, I gave up reading historical romances a while ago, however, the cover caught my attention. I liked the idea of a book featuring royalty set in an alternate world with people of color as the characters. This is not to say that I only read books about ethnic characters but rather, I like having a variety of ethnicities in my reading choices.

I loved the simplicity of the story and the way the suspense was woven in. I didn't feel overwhelmed by either of them so I was able to enj0oy the development of the story. Were there things that could have been better? of course. Do I think this author had great potential? Absolutely.

Overall, I would rate this book at 4.5 however that isn't an option and I liked it enough to give it a 5 vs a 4. If you want a light book to read that will provide some escape and romance, this is a great option. I look forward to the evolution of this writer as the series progresses.
Profile Image for Suey_Library.
360 reviews19 followers
April 10, 2018
It always amazes me when I find myself in a friendship with an author and I think to myself - holy shit, I am reading my friend's book. It is really surreal feeling. Teralyn is that person to me; over the past months we have gotten so close, we chat constantly about books, life - anything really. I bought her book well before I even chatted with her, I fell in love with the synopsis and honestly I have fallen in love with her and her writing style. 

Rambling over... on to the good stuff.

I really enjoyed everything about this novel. Princess of Ceshela has some of the best attributes that I look for in many romance novels. What is that you might ask? Well for starters the chemistry and tension filled drama between the main characters, which I will get more to in just a smidge, but the backbone of the story. The twist and turns of the drama infused scenarios that played into the development of the plot was absolutely amazing. 

Between the family drama, the secrets, and hidden agendas between all dynamics of the characters plus the overall atmosphere setting was wonderfully written. It flowed quite nicely. However here is also where I have a slight pet peeve, which is ultimately kept me conflicted about the rating overall. Even though the flow of the novel was great, it was great until it wasn't. Without conveying any spoilers (obviously) I will admit that at certain points of what I felt were key elements were not progressed enough, or felt a bit rushed. Most of what my concerns were during the dramatic climax, it was there and then it felt short handed. Would have really liked more of that development strengthened and lengthen. 

The chemistry was perfect. I love tension filled romances that are slow building. To me, it makes the couple seem more believable in the short timeframe of the novel going from meeting to lovers. Don't get me wrong, I love a novel that can speed to the juice, but lets be honest, it is the slow building romances that really dive deeper into the emotional bonds of the characters that always seem to be the best reads.

Nicholas and Elizabeth were this couple. At first there was a type of distaste towards one another, yet secretly had an attraction. Elizabeth, at many times, acts like a naive arrogant child. She is selfish, though has her justified reasons at times, still I felt she really lacked a certain level of poise in the beginning, acting like a brat. Nicholas on the other hand was the enigma that fueled that brat-like attitude, they matched. He was definitely very protectively and menacing, all the right sexy, knowing just how to get under Elizabeth's skin. This develops overtime into something a lot more captivating. From respect to friendship, it was a perfect connection. By the end I was turning page to page drooling over their tension, WHY WON'T THEY JUST ADMIT THEY HAVE FEELINGS! Rage I tell you, in all the best of ways. I will also admit that I have a huge book boner for Nicholas...

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. Putting my pet peeves aside for my own personal preference, there wasn't really anything bad I could say. I definitely recommend giving this a go, it is a quick, intriguing slow build, tension filled romance. It is an amazingly stunning premise with characters you cannot help but adore for their flaws. I absolutely cannot wait to see more, fingers crossed, of Elizabeth and Nicholas in the future and more importantly to read more of Teralyn. Seeing her grow as an author will probably be the BEST experience and I plan to sit (not so...) patiently beside to dive into her worlds.
Profile Image for Whitney McGruder.
Author 4 books102 followers
May 18, 2018
Introverted readers rejoice: we now have a realistic introverted princess! Elizabeth is cool, shows a quiet confidence, and regularly seeks solitude. I’m kind of obsessed with this because being royalty often have to play the extrovert game and be at all the parties and be super talkative and social. Elizabeth is an introvert through and through; this didn’t change because she went from a village girl to a princess.

I also loved the whole cast. You’ll notice from the cover that Elizabeth is black; her whole family is black and other characters, like Nicholas, are black, too. I’m not sure how many novels about European-style royalty include so many characters of color without making a huge deal out of it. The other characters don’t find it weird and they live in a world where this is perfectly acceptable. I’m not sure if Mitchell intended anything further with this, but she doesn’t use white skin as the default color and doesn’t pretend there is anything wildly special about skin color. Thus, we see black characters lead happy and interesting lives that don’t involve racial hardship and strife—something that I think would be beneficial for young readers.

This novel also covers certain wrinkles that I don’t see in other novels. When Elizabeth learns she’s a princess, she isn’t worried as much about adopting a new lifestyle; if anything, she’s re-learning how to interact with her “new” parents. She was raised by her aunt and uncle and then suddenly realized her parents are actually alive and well. So rather than glossing over this, Mitchell shows this character arc throughout the novel, giving us opportunities to see Elizabeth get to know her parents.

I think the only major complaint I had was when the two POVs overlap. We get Elizabeth’s POV in first person and Nicholas’s POV in third-person, so it’s cute and fun to see what they think of each other throughout the novel. However, some scenes felt overly drawn out and overlapped because we got Elizabeth’s take and then a recap of the same scene from Nicholas. It took a bit of the mystery away of how they felt, too. I tend to prefer romances/relationships where you know where one character stands and you need to see the story until the end to learn if the other character has similar feelings.

This novel is very family-friendly; not just the language or the content, but this book is full of happy, healthy families. Elizabeth and Nicholas both have extended family that we get to meet. You can tell that family is very important throughout this novel and I found this heart-warming and refreshing. Even though I know not every family is perfect, it’s nice to show characters who know, love, and interact with extended family and how they benefit from that.
188 reviews
November 24, 2017
I found the beginning to be rather slow and the main character came across as a spoiled, spiteful rather stupid brat. She was told that her parents were dead, murdered years ago and now finds out that they are alive. OK, that would be extremely upsetting, but when she is told that the murderer is still out there somewhere and he wants to kill her, what does she do? She sneaks out without her bodyguards and then gets angry with Nicholas when he bawls her out for that. After all, she was going to be queen someday and she would always need to be guarded.
I also found it annoying that one chapter was in first person "I said, saw, felt" etc and the next chapter was in the third person "he saw, said, felt" etc. Made for some confusion in the continuity.
But eventually she grew up and admitted that she did need bodyguards; after the murderer tried to kill her two or three more times. And she even liked Nicholas. I think perhaps this story does not really appeal to my age group - senior cits.
I was given an Advanced copy of this book from Inkitt and am freely and voluntarily writing this review.
Profile Image for Roland Clarke.
Author 3 books63 followers
December 16, 2017
Although the editing, from tense changes mid-sentence to strange scene transitions, has frustrated me throughout the read, I'm always ready to praise anyone that completes just one novel. Many talk about writing a novel but never do.

This is a reasonable first draft that reads quite well and has a reasonable plot. However, although the characters were okay, there were moments where I questioned their responses, especially Elizabeth in the early stages. Some of the action felt dragged out and some scenes felt like padding.

I was never totally convinced that this was a historical romance. Certainly, there was a feeling of romance as the book progressed. There was an unspecified period in the past, but at times the setting felt like a fantasy world without anything fantastical. There was a mix of English place-names and others, while most of the characters sounded they were English or similar from their names. In that respect, the world-building was too vague.

I want to give this novel more than two stars so I'm going with three. I received my copy from Inkitt.
Profile Image for Marine Bernier.
716 reviews10 followers
April 20, 2018
I don't really want to write a review about this book ... Honestly I read because an author I like recommended it and I was disappointed.
It's only a 155 page book, so I knew it was going to be fast, I was prepared for it, I am not disappointed with the fast paced story but by the lack of "editing" ...

Some words are missing, you are left from one scene to the next without warning, it's really disconcerting.

It felt unfinished sometimes and I hate to say that because I am not a writer, I never wrote a book and probably never will. But I am an avid reader and love a well written story....

It's says book One so I am guessing will see more about Nicholas and Elizabeth in the future ... if that's the case I will read book 2 to see how everything is evolving.
69 reviews25 followers
May 18, 2019
Princess of ceshela

I received a complimentary copy of this book and volunteered to review it.

I enjoyed this story, not so much for the idea of a hidden princess being retrieved by her parents, but the clashes of sparks between her and her bodyguard Nicholas. It’s a good and sometimes humorous kind of tension between them that’s only heightened by the new threats on her life for suddenly being revealed as the princess.

Funnily enough, everyone is ok with the relationship they have, even her parents given that usually connections between princess and servant/bodyguard are usually frowned upon, at least in similar stories.

The beginning was a little slow and dragged on.
Enjoyable read with a suspenseful and still sweet ending.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
40 reviews
February 13, 2018
If i am being honest, i wasn't looking forward to reading this book after all those review but now that i have i ask, seriously did you people even read it? It was an incredible story. Unlike the other who weren't into it, i was captivated. It didn't drown on and on about everything which i was happy for and it wasn't to fast either. Especially when the murders took place (the pace was awesome.) If i have any complaint it would be that i wished could have seen her and Nicholas get married at the end instead of Sophie and Andrew but either way it was an incredible and well written story. Great job Teralyn!
Profile Image for Debbie Hughes.
187 reviews7 followers
January 22, 2018
I had a very difficult time at the beginning of this book. To me it just moved too slowly. I think maybe there was too much detail. I do however, like the story. I like Elizabeth and Nicholas. I enjoyed all the characters and getting to know them all. At times during the story it was hard to tell which point of view we were reading. Sometime it would be from the 1st person and switch in the middle to 3rd person and then back again. The story line picks up speed towards the end and all in all is a very nice read.
Profile Image for Marsha.
1,487 reviews17 followers
March 4, 2018
Princess Of Ceshela by Teralyn Mitchell is a good story with a large, well rounded cast of characters. who doesn't want to wake up and find out you're a princess? There is mystery and mayhem in this wonderful story, but it sure left me with questions that should have been answered. I won't give away spoilers. This story is written about young adults and very adult subjects and situations, yet the style seems to be aimed at a younger audience. I liked Nicholas and Elizabeth, just not the writing style itself.
Author 7 books24 followers
February 1, 2019
I wasn't personally invested in any of the characters or in the plot. Wish there had been more world building. Also, I want to know more about Hollingworth. Is his motivation really just revenge? Did he have an agenda as a king for so long? Having a one dimensional character is no fun. However I am interested to see if the author has refined her writing for her next book in the series.

**I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah Turner.
80 reviews5 followers
February 8, 2019
One word EDITING 🤯

I liked the storyline, characters and found this book to be a nice light read but I cannot get over the editing.

The author has a lot of potential and the story was good but the editing ruined it for me it was cringe worthy 🤦‍♀️ The skipping of tense was horrific along with a multitude of other problems with the writing. I would love to read another story from this writer but hopefully a new editor is used as that is all that kept this book from being a 3-3.5 star rating.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
307 reviews126 followers
February 9, 2019
I honestly couldn't get into this book. I feel like the writer needs to go back and do some heavy editing. It was so distrscting that I couldn't get past the first couple chapters. The plot was cliche from what I read. A girl who's told her parents are dead. Turns out they are alive and are king and queen of some land. I would give it another chance if rewritten and editied.
Profile Image for Gitanjali Kumar.
370 reviews5 followers
March 16, 2019
I loved this book to the core.Elizabeth as a princess doesn't look or act according to the standards of the usual "A princess is supposed to be kind of norms"..she is an introvert and is black.i loved the way everything is presented so casually here..The shift from a village girl to a princess is beautiful and just perfect..
Overall this is a five star read and worth reading.
7 reviews
November 27, 2017
It was a superb read! Although there were a lot of cliche moments in the story, the plot was good. The characters could have been a little more likable in my opinion, but they weren't so much that they were getting on my nerves.
634 reviews
January 3, 2018
I liked this short story. It reminded me of the movie the princess diaries. I loved that movie. This book made me like the female character even more. She was brave, strong, and smart. I hope this author continues make books like this in the near future.
Profile Image for Donamarie Fournier.
189 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2019
Not the best book I have ever read, but it wouldn't let me go to sleep until I finished it. Teralyn Mitchell has put together an interesting tale with good characters. This book started slow and about half-way through it I was hooked. Not quite the ending I was expecting, but very promising.
Profile Image for Sarah Jane.
303 reviews46 followers
March 2, 2019
The story was well written and well paced. But I feel like I didn’t connect with the characters or the world they lived in. There wasn’t enough character or world building for me. Had there been more, I would have been more invested in the story.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,660 reviews20 followers
January 28, 2019
Light, fun read that puts an interesting twist on the "lost princess coming home" story.
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews

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