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Circle B Ranch #8

Tempting the Cowboy

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Kane Bishop’s content with living and working on the ranch, but something is missing—a family of his own. After his twin brother married the woman he once loved, Kane has moved on and is now focusing on new things. When his best friend’s little sister re-enters his life, the attraction is undeniable, but the timing is all wrong.

He should keep his distance and not tempt fate, but he can’t get her out of his head.

Ivy’s had a secret crush on Kane for as long as she can remember. Although she’s an introverted bookworm who hasn’t dated much, she’s ready to go after him. He might be a six-foot-three, inked, muscular god who’s out of her league, but she wants him to be her first and only.

She’ll risk it all to get his attention, but it won’t be easy since he’s off-limits.

Giving in to temptation doesn’t come without consequences—it’ll either bring them together or tear them apart.

**Tempting the Cowboy is a complete stand-alone and can be read without reading any of the other books or spin-off series, but if you prefer to read in order, start with Hitching the Cowboy as the characters and families do interconnect.**

299 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 7, 2022

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About the author

Kennedy Fox

80 books5,765 followers
Brooke Cumberland and Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors under the USA Today pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. Their characters will make you blush and your heart melt. Cowboys in tight jeans are their kryptonite. They always guarantee a happily ever after!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 334 reviews
39 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2022
Yuk, I ended up skimming it once I found out the H had a threesome with the H/h from the previous book (his twin brother and his best friend that he was in love with 🤮) and the h in this book is her younger sister. Nothing like sloppy seconds. How is that romantic??
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for SCBookAddict.
642 reviews49 followers
June 7, 2022
Kennedy Fox has done it again! They've delivered a story that once I started, I just couldn't put it down!

You know the saying that a man wants a lady on the street and a freak in the bed? Kane Bishop is the male version of this. He is thoughtful, attentive, caring and behind closed doors he's got a whole other side.

I really loved that Ivy was a booktrovert. Her character was so relatable.

I really enjoyed reading Kane's happy ending but I'm also sad because I know the ending to this series is very near.

I'm going to miss the Bishop family.
Profile Image for olovesbooks.
348 reviews125 followers
June 8, 2022
5⭐️ brb with my full review

OK, I'm back. I really really loved Kane and Ivy. This was a fun, easy, and spicy read and it did not disappoint. I loved Kane a lot in Claiming and that was child's play compared to him in this book because SWOON. He was really out here showing out and I was here for it.

I loved Ivy and Kane together and the age gap made me love it even more.

If you loved Kane in Claiming, he will steal your heart in this book. He is very attentive, caring, and v romantic. The perfect book boyfriend especially for our bookworm Ivy. I looooved Ivy and her love for reading. There is a part when Hads tells her to wait to come see Hendrix a little later when there's less people because she knows how Ivy doesn't like the big crowds and I was like wow...I feel seen. Because I feel that.

ANYWHOM, this was a fun read and the spice was on point. Def recommend
Profile Image for Olive.
330 reviews7 followers
August 22, 2022
A KF book that I couldn’t put down and loved with my whole heart? Happens every time! I could write an essay on this book/series, so I’ll try to keep it brief but the TL;DR is READ THIS BOOK!

Ivy, simply put, is one of us. She loves romance books of all kinds and reads them constantly. (Which even inspires a spicy scene of her reading a book out loud while he…you know I’ll let you find out for yourself) One of my favorite things about Ivy is her unapologetic love for romance books and the casual way she talks about them to Kane, though that speaks more to her comfort around him. Nothing is sweeter than a shy/quiet character who doesn’t shut up around their “person.” And Kane…sweet sweet Kane. He truly is a book boyfriend brought to life and “written by a woman”. Which is meta and funny, but I’m holding out hope there’s a real Kane out there for me!

I love an age gap romance, especially with couples like Ivy and Kane where it just makes sense. They match each other so well and I can’t imagine them with anyone else. I did wish that she handled the Raelyn situation towards the end a little better, because the way she went about it felt a tad immature to me. But come on, what’s a romance book without a little drama toward the end? Especially when it results in better communication and watching the characters grow together as a better couple.

Overall not my favorite couple on the ranch (I think that title is still held by Maize and Gavin) but they are so sweet and I adored them. If you love the found family trope and a fictional universe that you want to be apart of so bad you want to jump through the page, then I’m BEGGING you to pick up the Circle B Ranch Series. I don’t know how I’m going to wait for the next one.

Thank you Kennedy Fox for the eARC of this book! It was my first arc from you guys and I screamed when I woke up to it on my kindle.
10 reviews
June 7, 2022
This story follows Kane and Ivy. She’s had a crush on his for her entire life, but he’s basically never noticed her. He’s had a massive, obsessive crush on ivy’s sister, Hadleigh for a really long time and is crazy about her.
In the last book, he ends up having a threesome with HadIeigh and his brother Knox (which included DP). Maybe it’s just me, but I could NEVER EVER be with a guy that slept with my sister and was in love with her, and I definitely could not be with a guy that had a threesome with my sister and his twin brother, that’s just too fucking weird.
Kane still thinks about his threesome with her sister and his brother while dating the heroine and even still teases his brother about it. Um, no thanks.
One of the worst books ever.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,673 reviews154 followers
June 5, 2022
There's a sweetness to the journey that makes the heartache irresistible. Fox brings an understated beauty to a romance that taks emotions by surprise. Kane and Ivy are a little mismatched but maybe that's what makes them my favorite Circle B couple. From mismatch to perfect, Tempting the Cowboy is an addiction of the heart that I'd gladly revisit again and again.
Profile Image for MaryBeth.
357 reviews
June 5, 2022
I'm so glad I was able to read this early this was another amazing book. I absolutely loved Kane and Ivy.... how loving he was and caring and dirty lol.... LOVED IT... LOVED IT... LOVED IT!!!!!!! thank you Kennedy Fox for another fantastic book❤️❤️
Profile Image for Jess Kranenburg.
256 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2022
The smut in this book is off the charts! Damn, I thought Knox was kinky, hello Kane 🔥 it’s always the quiet ones you have to lookout for to isn’t, *cough* Ivy 😏 Tempting the Cowboy is Book 8 is the Circle B Ranch series and is Ivy and Knox’s story and I’d put money on it being one of the hottest in the series! Age Gaps normally aren’t my jam but I loved this story. I loved Ivy, she’s every bit the nerd I am and Kane brings out the best of her. I don’t think I ever want this series to end 😍😍
Profile Image for Tanja OMGReads.
2,094 reviews48 followers
June 7, 2022
Now this is what I wanted - it was sweet, sizzling and then H-O-T as hell. These two were made for each other. After finishing book 7 I was left a bit unsatisfied and was a little afraid to start this book. But I was worrying for no reason - this book was everything I wanted it to be.

I had a soft spot for Kane from previous books. He has his wicked ways and I was here for it. Ivy is a little inexperienced but that didn't stop her from taking her chance when she saw it. She had a crush on him since she was a young girl and now that her chance manifested she was detriment to make him see her for what she really is - HIS!

It was so much fun to see how they maneuvered around keeping their relationship a secret for a bit but also wanting to shout to the world that they were together. I loved every word from start to finish and I'm excited to see how Haitlyn's desires come true.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***
Profile Image for Ashley Olson- lovestoread08.
549 reviews15 followers
June 10, 2022
Tempting the Cowboy by the amazing Kennedy Fox duo is the story we have been waiting for! I absolutely love Kane and couldn’t love this story more! Kane and Ivy’s connection is off the charts amazing!! If you are looking for an age-gap with small town drama than this is the book for you!! I am blown away by KennedyFox’s pure raw talent! I can’t wait to see what else they have in store for us!
Profile Image for Sara.
1,701 reviews11 followers
June 4, 2022
I’ve been eager to read Kane’s story since the last book with Knox and Kane both wanting Hadleigh. When this ARC landed on my kindle I couldn’t wait to dive right in for another adventure at the Bishop Ranch!

Kane is the more sensitive Bishop twin and I was cheering for him to be with someone who is as equally special as him. Since Ivy only previously appeared in the series as a young teen, I was a little concerned and shocked to learn of her being paired with Kane.

The age gap between these two characters and Kane’s past with her older sister/his best friend we’re pretty big obstacles, but knowing and trusting this author duo, I jumped into the story with an open mind and was quickly convinced these two characters truly were a great pairing.

Ivy is like many of us, a book nerd at heart who enjoys her book boyfriends and smutty storylines. She has some insecurities and has had things happen to her that make her a bit hesitant to open her heart and trust. She’s crushed on Kane for many years, and is determined to get to know him now that they share a nephew.

Their relationship is a bit of slow burn which is a little contrary to what readers would expect of a relationship with a Bishop, but for this pairing it lets Kane and Ivy really get to know each other and to form a strong bond before things got super physical. Given Ivy’s age, I think this was perfect to build her confidence and allow readers to see more of Kane’s gentle and romantic side to make this pairing just seem meant to be. Even though it is a slow burn and ‘meant to be’ it isn’t without some angst and drama.

I was entertained and captivated by this storyline, as well as a little on the edge of my seat waiting for their secret relationship to be discovered. I was expecting fireworks for sure.

I love the authors continue to include a large number of the Bishop family members in each new book in the series. These cameo appearances provide updates in their stories - we get a glimpse at the continuation of their love stories and see their babies arrive and grow up.

For me, this series is like visiting close friends and catching up with them, hearing their news and participating in their bikinis and mayhem. The pranks and antics are always crazy funny and liven up most Bishop parties.

I received a free ARC from the authors and I am voluntarily leaving an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Nathathida Atirekasâra.
1,128 reviews6 followers
June 8, 2022
This book is definitely the most swoon-worthy and steamiest sibling's best friend and age-gap romance, I've ever read! I recommend you must read it through until you read Kane's love letter and I think you would turn into a puddle like me and my eyes were even teary a little bit too. Kane is the sweetest of his siblings and even over his cousins and when he finally find the love of his life, he goes all in. Ivy has crushed on Kane since she is twelve, I would over the moon too if a guy I've crushed that long finally gives me his attention. And while their chemistry is sizzling through the book, the story is quite a slow burn but it's not boring at all. This is one of the reason I love Kennedy Fox's books so much. They can entertain us, readers, with everything that happens between stories like how the Bishop's members really like to mess with each other. Another thing I like about this book is even they have 10 years age-gap, both of them and their families' members don't have any problems with it plus Ivy is so more mature than her age I sometimes forget about their age differences at all.

When I started reading this series, I shipped Hadleigh and Kane for so long until Hadleigh and Knox happened and since then I've been curious about who's gonna be Kane's soulmate. When they gave us a hint that Kane's book is going to be an age-gap, I don't think about Ivy at all but turn out, this is the best idea ever. Now even if I will be sad the next book is going to be the last one of the series, I can't wait for Kaitlyn and Payton's story. Kaitlyn is so feisty in this book and I want to know how Payton will do when she's coming for him!
Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,433 reviews169 followers
June 7, 2022
I have been anxiously waiting for Kane to get his HEA since the events of the last book, and ya'll, this was SO GOOD. I was nervous that he may still be harboring secret feelings for his BFF even though he said he didn't, and I was waiting for that to be the conflict between him and Ivy, but you know what? That whole mess made him grow up, made him realize he wants to find his forever girl and start his own family too. He's intune with his feelings, is honest about them, knows what he wants and refuses to settle for less, doesn't play games AND he's nota fuckboi. Honestly, he's a freaking unicorn.

And Ivy?! Omg, I love her. She may be a shy and quiet bookworm, but she goes out and gets what she wants and isn't apologetic about it either. She's been in love with Kane basically her entire life, but because of their age gap and his history with her sister, she's worried there's too much to overcome. But the more time they spend together, the more they realize how intense their connection is and just how right they fit together. Honestly they are my favorite couple of the series!

Also, how hot was this?! Kane has a filthy mouth and I am all here for it.🔥🔥🔥🔥

I can't wait for next (and last, *cries*) book in the series!! Y'all need to go one click this now!

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions **
Profile Image for Christine Blood.
229 reviews5 followers
June 5, 2022
Ivy is a sweet young woman and has always had a crush on her sister's best friend, but with her being 10 years younger she never hoped he would return her crush. Kane just wants a woman to love him for him. He and Ivy start to see each other a little more since their siblings had their first child. She wants to ask him to coffee but finds out he has a girlfriend. Kane and his girlfriend are not seeing eye to eye on their relationship goals and decide to take a break, which Kane sees as a breakup. Will he finally notice Ivy as a woman? If they do get together will the age difference matter?

Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
4,790 reviews45 followers
June 8, 2022

Man, I thought Knox's story is amazing but it's nothing against Kane. I have been waiting for his story since even before Knox's book. And it's so worth the wait. I absolutely loved Knox and Ivy's story and how it went. It's low on drama and full of sweetness and love.

Knox knows what he wants and goes for it full force. And the fact that Ivy's a decade younger than him didn't really bother him and it wasn't a point of contention between the two too. But Ivy has a little bit to work on. She has had a crush on Kane since she was 12 and it only develops into love as she grows up. She's a little insecure and she is worried about what's going to happen once people know about their relationship.

But still, I think the way their relationship shifts into something more felt so natural and flows beautifully. And Kane is like the sweetest but has a kinky side to him that ramps up the steam even more. I loved it!
Profile Image for Andi Isack.
402 reviews16 followers
June 18, 2022
That's my dream man! He couldn't be more perfect than he is! Kane bishop is all a woman can ask for! God, how freaking lucky is that ivy girl right?
So, if you already met the bishop family, you'll know that each of its members has something to say, and give to make this series even better, hotter, spicy, addictible, tempting.
Now it's Kane bishop 's time, and delivers us all. He's a gentleman and a dirty, savage passional man between the sheets. Put all together and I dare you to resist to this man appeal. It's impossible.
Told you that girl is pretty lucky right?
But she's also his perfect match. She's all that he needs, to feel what love means to.
Their age gap is a nice and challenging highlight of the whole story.
And I can said that this one has become one of my favorite of the whole series.
I loved it! For real!
Profile Image for NanaX8.
2,001 reviews59 followers
June 4, 2022
What a beautiful, slow burn, swoon worthy romance filled with the perfect amount of steam, secrets and angst but most of all how Kane and Ivy fall in love. Grab this romance and fill your heart with joy!!!
Profile Image for Rina's Reads.
1,541 reviews34 followers
June 7, 2022
Welp... once again, a book that disappeared too quickly. But Lordy, did I enjoy it.
It had all the funny banter that being on the ranch promises. Along with pranks, celebrations and a peek at some of our favourites.

Ivy was such a temptress, I really enjoyed her sass—she fits right in with the crazy Bishop babes.

Kane brought all the swoon.
Sweet but a bit dirty, protective but a little bit caveman, thoughtful, and just plain delicious 😉

As usual, Grandma Bishop was on point. God, I love that woman. She is my hero!

I'm seriously excited and a little sad that Kaitlin's book is next. Excited because it's going to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but sad because it's the last in the series.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Lanio.
103 reviews
June 8, 2022
Omg I loved this book. I’m so happy for Kane and Ivy. Ivy is trying to find her way in the world. She hasn’t seen guys that are worth her time, well there is Kane. Kane is 10 years older trying to find the love of his life. He is the sensitive one out of the twins. Kane and Ivy quickly form a relationship that wasn’t to be expected.
Profile Image for Jenny B.
1,281 reviews25 followers
June 12, 2022
Kane and ivy have a great story starting with Kane having been what he thought was in love with Ivys older sister. Ivy is a sweet little sister who is mostly innocent but has a fondness for the naughty books. They had a great story with all the chemistry, some great chuckles and some great personal growth.

My favorite part of these books is all the cameos from the rest of the Bishop family who I have come to love over the years.
Profile Image for Patti.
1,403 reviews
June 11, 2022
OH Kane!!! This book was wonderful. I love how the age gap was a thing, then it wasn't. This book was hot and sexy and sweet all rolled into one! Kennedy Fox still ran #1 on my MUST READ NOW list!!!
Profile Image for Dana Busenbark.
2,526 reviews29 followers
June 8, 2022
What time of the year is it? I really appreciated Kane's words about Knox and Hadleigh. Who is Ivy? Where is she from? In what time of the year does her part of the story start? Where does she work? Who is her boss> What is so special about the day Ivy starts prep for the summer products? This ended up being such a sweet read! I loved the thought that Ivy thought she was being sneaky and keeping things hidden. There were some laughs, well, a lot of laughs really. There were some tears shed, and a couple of resounding cheers! Read and see what happens! I cannot wait for the next story!
1,524 reviews31 followers
June 20, 2022
I’m not certain what it says about my opinion of this story that my favorite part was Ivy Calloway introducing Kane Bishop to contemporary paranormal romance using one of my favorite authors of that genre K.F.Breene reading her Ruin of Roses series to him which I just finished and loved?
Kane Bishop, unlike his twin brother Knox and many of his male cousins, acts like an adult most of the time. Honestly even though most of the male protagonists in this series are now in their late twenties and early thirties with wives and children the authors have had a tendency to portray them as overgrown adolescents whenever they get together the way they speak to and prank each other. As a man I get a little tired of male protagonists whether in books or television sitcoms often being portrayed as little boys in grown men’s bodies. In that regard the Kane character acts more mature than most of the rest of them. I like that at 29, Kane Is done with one-night stands and flings and is looking for the right woman to settle down with. It was a little hard for me to get past the ten year age difference between him and Ivy to see Ivy as that woman since Ivy is only 19 years old and hadn’t experienced much of life for herself. Kane was very open and honest with her and allowed her to take the sexual aspect of their relationship at a speed she was comfortable with.
We first met Ivy Calloway in Harper and Ethan’s story as Harper’s BFF Hadleigh’s ten years younger teenage sister who would occasionally help Harper working at her goat soap business. We saw more of her in Hadleigh and Knox’s book which was the precursor to hers and Kane’s. Ivy is a very sweet and shy young woman. An introvert by nature, a speech impediment which made her the source of cruel taunts when she was younger has also left her self-conscious, with some social anxiety issues. She’s uncomfortable in large crowds even among people she knows. So rather than socializing she spends all of her free time when not at school maintaining her 4.0 GPA or working for Harper Bishop, reading mostly contemporary romances. Which is where she’s learned everything she knows about love and sex. Ivy has had a crush on Kane Bishop her older sister Hadleigh’s BFF since puberty. But she knew Kane had a thing for her sister and didn’t see her crush going anywhere until Hadleigh settled on Kane’s twin brother Knox and they got married. She knows Kane and Hadleigh had sex but she doesn’t appear to know the details (that it was a threesome with Knox) and it doesn’t really affect the way she feels about him. At 19 she’s ready to cash in her V-card as she calls herself "the oldest virgin in Eldorado," and Kane is the man she’d like to give it to. Despite her introverted personality she finally works up the courage to flirt with Kane whenever they’re around each other. When she discovers Kane is no longer with his former girlfriend Raelynn, and he also feels the electricity between them she becomes even bolder. Ivy may be shy in public settings but when she’s alone with Kane she’s pretty uninhibited and more than willing to allow Kane to introduce her to the joys of sex.
Kane and Ivy carry on a secret relationship for a few weeks in which they become more and more intimate in every way. They find the sneaking around hot but mostly they don’t want to expose their relationship to the public scrutiny of the rest of the people in their lives (especially her over-protective sister Hadleigh who may not be thrilled about her BFF dating her much younger sister) until they are both confident the relationship has staying power. Just as they’re ready to come out to their families that they are in a relationship something unexpected happens which throws a brief monkey wrench in the works. Because you have to have some conflict in the story.
This was a nice story. The main protagonists were likable. Most of the Bishop family made appearances to continue the series big loving family feels. The romance between Ivy and Kane was fairly low angst with only the issue of keeping it a secret from Hadleigh adding any real tension to the story. There was plenty of steamy sex scenes although compared to Knox and Hadleigh’s book it was pretty vanilla. But then IMHO compared to the other female leads in this series, none of whom have been sexually inhibited, Hadleigh was a kinky freak. The authors devoted a bit of time letting us get to know Kaitlynn, Knox and Kane’s younger sister and the youngest and only remaining single Bishop cousin and her BFF Payton. Their friends to lovers story is next. By my count this will be the 3rd time in this series (combined with the Bishop Brothers series that preceded it. Jackson and Kiera, Ethan and Harper and now Kaitlynn and Payton) that the authors have turned to the BFF to lovers trope for the basis of the story. If I had to describe this story with one word it would be as I said at the start, nice.
Profile Image for Jessi.
506 reviews19 followers
June 6, 2022
Oh. My. GOODNESS!!!!! Tempting the Cowboy is all sorts of steamy and sweet and perfect! Sneaking around quickly turns to a beautiful, burning love between two people who could not fit together more perfectly!

Kane is one of the swooniest heros EVER! He sweet and thoughtful, sexy and loyal, and so very easy to fall for! He loves with his whole heart and soul. I loved how he always thinks of Ivy's needs and happiness before anything. Kane treasures, worships, and adores her. I always love when the hero is looking for love and not just a fling.

Ivy is a firecracker! I love her sassy mouth and her willingness to go after what she wants. She's an introverted bookworm, but doesn't shy away even when she wants too. Ivy has had what she thought was just a crush on Kane for years. When she finally gets the chance to be with him, she's all in. I love how comfortable she was with him. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind about what she needed in the bedroom and was confident.

Kane and Ivy hide their relationship for awhile, but for good reasons. When they're together, you can just see how strong their connection was. I just finished this book and I already want to read it again!

I received an ARC for an honest review.
Profile Image for Thorunn.
195 reviews1 follower
June 7, 2022
Sizzle, sizzle, flame scorcher! This book is so hot that it should be illegal! The Kennedy Fox (KF) gals will not just turn ya on but they'll make you blush a time or two while reading this - for sure! And they will surprise you with a few twists and turns... I will never look at a cannoli the same way again!

Now, I gotta preface this review by saying that the entire Bishop family series is one of my top 5 favorite series of all times and I do have a few favorite books in the series - the bar has been set high. The book before this one, Knox and Hadleigh's story is a really tough one to follow because that one was HAF! It might be their hottest book to date.... way to set the bar high, ladies! But we got a glimpse of Kane in that one and who didn't fall in love with him? Seriously!??! And Kane and Ivy - wow.

Let's do the checklist run-through: cowboy, check. Younger girl, check. Best friend's little sister, check. Forbidden romance, check. Sneaking around, check... should I continue? Their attraction, their chemistry, their meet-cue at the hospital - it is all so perfectly fantastic. Ivy's naïveté and curiosity along with Kane's cautious nature yet his bedroom manners... fan yourselves off a minute... this mixture is just so perfect. I loved their HEA too - it was so sweet. And per their usual devilish selves, the Kennedy Fox gals left us all on yet another cliffhanger that physically hurts. When is the next book coming out? Tomorrow? Can you ARC me now???? Ugh the sweet torture that is a KF book... it is never enough! They're like sexy potato chips, you can't just have one.
1,454 reviews19 followers
June 6, 2022
With each book in the Circle B Ranch series, the new generation is making this wholesome ranch just a little bit dirtier. Kane Bishop.......yeah, I didn't think he was going to top his twin in the dirtiness factor, but yep - he did. He and Ivy (who was a total surprise!) were a total match, regardless of the age difference. Kane may have been more experienced, but he never once pushed or pressured Ivy into anything. He was a total gentleman and was always so sweet and tender with her (even in the sexy times). I loved watching their relationship develop and love how supportive their families were when they finally admitted to being together. A few times, I'll admit I was a little surprised that Kennedy Fox went there (and you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it).....and I'm not saying it was bad, but it just was a little much for my tastes. I still enjoyed the heck out the story, but I could have done without one particular scene.

I'm definitely sad that there is only one more book in the series, but after that epilogue - Kaitlyn's story is going to be one heck of an ending to our time on the ranch!
Profile Image for Kristina Maysonet.
1,198 reviews26 followers
June 6, 2022
After Claiming the Cowboy, I knew I was going to love Kane Bishop. In this book we got to know him a little more as a sweet, gentle, but dirty talking lover that will absolutely make you swoon. I wasn’t sure if this was going to feel like a case of “If I can’t have the woman I love, then I’ll have her sister” but this couldn’t be further from the truth!

Kane and Ivy developed their own relationship that was nothing like what Kane and Hadleigh’s friendship had. I loved how sweet Kane was with Ivy but also how kinky/dirty he was. And Ivy’s inexperience did not stop any of their adventures.

Sometimes keeping your relationship a secret is the thing that may cause it to end. Will Ivy be able to realize that Kane is trustworthy? Or will their secrets cause an end to everything beautiful they built?
2,358 reviews37 followers
June 18, 2022
OMG - I seriously could not have asked for a better addition to Kennedy Fox’s Circle B Ranch Series !!! Tempting The Cowboy is truly a emotional rollercoaster In every sense of the word , angst , intrigue, off the charts chemistry, family , friendships, twists and turns , witty banter , humor sisters best friend , sweet , sexy , heartfelt, heartbreaking , age gap , unforgettable and unputdownable. Every time I pick up one of Kennedy Fox’s book ( especially in this amazing series ) I know I am in for a real treat and a very long night reading . Always totally worth it though . I can 100% promise that once you start both Kane and Ivy’s emotional Journey you are not going to be able to stop and you are definitely going to fall in love with both characters, so likable and relatable as well as unique and Multi layered . Prepare yourself for all the feels and the ride of your life . As Kennedy Fox Delivered another home run .
Displaying 1 - 30 of 334 reviews

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