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All she wants is him. All he wants is her freedom.

Ginny Azzo has never had an easy life, but for the first time, she’s truly happy with where she is. Her focus is on her future with the man she loves, despite her older brother’s disapproval.

Lucas “Slider” Sterling spent four years behind bars for the Heaven’s Rejects MC. Now he’s out and ready to start his life with Ginny. But the danger’s not over, and Slider will have to make a choice.

His club or her freedom.

How much is he willing to sacrifice for the woman he loves?

356 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 24, 2023

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About the author

Avelyn Paige

44 books667 followers
Avelyn Paige is a Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY bestselling author of romantic suspense and motorcycle club romance. She lives in a small town in Indiana with her husband and five fuzzy kids.

When she’s not writing, Avelyn spends her days working as a cancer research scientist. Avelyn has been an avid reader her entire life, and it wasn’t until losing her father in 2015 that she started turning all those ideas in her head into stories. She hasn’t looked back since.

To learn more about Avelyn's books,
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2MP9tHD
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Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews
Profile Image for Doris.
2,842 reviews113 followers
October 25, 2023
Loved This MC Book

What a way to go out!! With this being the last book in the Heaven’s Rejects MC this author did it again with another five-star read with a book that really deserved this rating. Slider and Ginny’s story was a huge page turner. Slider is out after spending four years in prison for his club and now that he’s out he is ready to get on with his life with Ginny.

Of course nothing is easy and this book was a rollercoaster ride with twists and turns and had me hoping that Slider and Ginny would find their HEA. I have to say that I’m going to miss this series but I’m looking forward to what this author will bring next.
Profile Image for Teresa Lara.
3,155 reviews48 followers
September 28, 2023
Love this series
Love the drmc
Ginny and Sliders intense emotional broken heartstopping forbidden insta love story
Grabbed my heart ❤
Ready for more
362 reviews12 followers
September 25, 2023
Wow! This book takes you on an emotional roller coaster. Slider and Ginny’s HEA has many twists, turns, and bumps. I really wanted to knock some sense in him a few times. I highly recommend this book! Slider and Ginny were perfect for each other. I am sad to see this series end! But the end was perfect.
811 reviews1 follower
October 18, 2023
Wow! This one is a rollercoaster of emotion! It had ups and downs and lots of passion. I really love this series and this book is no exception! Fantastic read!!
Profile Image for ~lil maso~.
1,717 reviews42 followers
October 30, 2023
Reviewed by Robyn for Saucy Reviews on Kinky Korner

Ah, it might have taken half a decade to be written but what a story Resolution is and definitely worth the wait! To be back in the Heavens Reject’s MC world with all of the wonderful characters is such a treat. With lots of action, drama and the full gambit of emotions, this is a definite five-star book.

Slider is finally out of prison, even though he didn’t do anything wrong in the first place, taking the fall for Voodoo was such a grand gesture. His release is not an easy one, though, as he has a devil on his back, and let me tell you… this devil should not be one, he should be a good guy. Slider, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is now fully cemented into the MC world. He stays true to himself in doing this and is basically your all round good guy.

Ginny is finally free after being in the witness protection program for the past three and a half years so is ready for Slider to come home. Their relationship moves to the next level but all is not as it seems when they both deserve a break to have a happy-ever-after. Ginny is a strong, determined young woman who is determined to make a good life for herself. I think she is a fab character and like the way she stood up for herself.

There are quite a few twists and turns to surprise readers, as is usual with this talented and clever author. Just when you think things are going to implode and nothing is going to remain intact… there’s a new shift in the story—brilliant writing. I am sad this series has come to an end but look forward to more wonderful stories from the sensational author.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

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2,076 reviews79 followers
October 30, 2023

I wrote this review for Saucy Reviews on Kinky Korner.
Ah, it might have taken half a decade to be written but what a story Resolution is and definitely worth the wait! To be back in the Heavens Reject’s MC world with all of the wonderful characters is such a treat. With lots of action, drama and the full gambit of emotions, this is a definite five-star book.

Slider is finally out of prison, even though he didn’t do anything wrong in the first place, taking the fall for Voodoo was such a grand gesture. His release is not an easy one, though, as he has a devil on his back, and let me tell you… this devil should not be one, he should be a good guy. Slider, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is now fully cemented into the MC world. He stays true to himself in doing this and is basically your all round good guy.

Ginny is finally free after being in the witness protection program for the past three and a half years so is ready for Slider to come home. Their relationship moves to the next level but all is not as it seems when they both deserve a break to have a happy-ever-after. Ginny is a strong, determined young woman who is determined to make a good life for herself. I think she is a fab character and like the way she stood up for herself.

There are quite a few twists and turns to surprise readers, as is usual with this talented and clever author. Just when you think things are going to implode and nothing is going to remain intact… there’s a new shift in the story—brilliant writing. I am sad this series has come to an end but look forward to more wonderful stories from the sensational author.
Profile Image for Rebel Devlin.
206 reviews6 followers
November 21, 2023
Resolution is the 5th book in the Heavens Rejects MC by Avelyn Paige and the series has come to an end. This book takes you on an emotional rollercoaster with a couple of unexpected twists and turns. Waiting so long for this book and how the series has gone from book 1 to 5 I had higher expectations for this one that weren't met.
Slider is finally out of jail, although he had the devil on his back when he did and Ginny is out of WITSEC waiting for him to come home. Slider took the charges meant for Voodoo and wanted nothing more than to be with Ginny, protect her, and start their life together but that wasn't meant to be it seems. Slider is so fucked in his head that when he gets out he ends up making everything worse for Ginny and him, even doing the unthinkable to push her away once and for all. The club doesn't know they have an enemy closing in on them and Slider has the responsibility of keeping everyone in the MC safe as well as Ginny. I never really liked Slider until he stepped up and took the jail time for Voodoo and then I started liking him only to be disappointed in him yet again. With everything they've each been through are they better off apart? Or meant to be together? Can Slider figure out how to save his family?
I gave it a 3-star rating and a 3-spicy rating. The book didn't pull me in like I thought that it would. And alot of the scenes I thought were drawn out where they didn't need to be and others weren't where they did need to be. There wasn't enough of a foundation for Slider and Ginny's relationship to be a long-lasting one. Being the last book in the series I was hoping for a better outcome at the end.
*I received this book for free. I voluntarily gave an honest review.*
October 27, 2023
Resolution is the fifth and the last installment in the Heaven’s Rejects MC by the ever talented Avelyn Paige. Ginny is ready for her life to start again. The last four years have been hard without her man, but he is coming home and she is over the moon about it. Lucas “Slider” just got released from prison after doing time for his club, all he wants is a beer and his Ginny. Too bad life doesn’t always give us what we want. After the sacrifice he made for his club, Slider is ready to find his happy, but life is taking him and his woman for another spin.

Well if you thought the series was giving all it was going to give, you were wrong. Ginny and Sliders story is one packed full of emotion, family, sacrifice and action. This series was a binge series for me, and what a way to read it. For all my MC readers consuming this for the first time, happy reading! Way to go Ms. Author!

4 Stars
2.5 Pepper
Profile Image for ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ.
1,039 reviews17 followers
March 17, 2024
From the author: "TRIGGER WARNINGS: This book contains graphic scenes of violence, crude language, violence against women, prison, discussion about abortion, and other dark elements."

Page 61, author makes a mistake. Each chapter is from a different Point of view (POV). This chapter is from Ginny's POV. On page 61, the author screws up and after Slider speaks, we get a chapter of what he was thinking. BTW, the description of the graphic violence is Sons of Anarchy level sh*t. Usually when it comes to MC romances the violence is not much. So far this is HIGH level of description of graphic violence. This is a Did Not Finish for me. I just can't keep reading this. If you want to know how bad it is at the beginning of the book .... "I'd watched him cut the balls off one our enemies and feed them to him like it was a fucking cookie."

Seriously disappointed that this was sent to me from a Reveal (Romance) Book Box subscription. I cancelled my subscription.
Profile Image for Barbara.
2,325 reviews50 followers
October 24, 2023
Hang on to your seats folks cuz Resolution is going to take you on one wild ride. It may have taken the author a while to get us this book and sadly the ending to an amazing series, but boy oh boy did she ever make us proud. Ginny and Sliders story was packed full of emotion with lots of twists and turns to keep the readers on their toes. If you’re like me, you’ll laugh, cry and want to bop a head or two but mostly you’ll just hang on tight to see what’s going to happen. I read it in one sitting as I just couldn’t put it down.

This is an outstanding series and if you haven’t read Heaven’s Rejects, I highly recommend them all. From Sins of the Father (the prequel) to Resolution (book 5) these men will keep you wildly entertained and emotionally involved with the club.

2 Thumbs Up and 5 Stars
Profile Image for Renee.
4,314 reviews62 followers
November 9, 2023
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

Buckle up because this book is an emotional roller coaster. This is the story of Slider and Ginny. He has finally gotten out of prison. He of course served time for a crime that he didn't commit. He did it all for Vodoo. However his release is not what you would think it would be. Happy and ready to live life to the fullest. But that is not the case. However he is fully in the MC now and I have to say he is a really good guy. I just loved him. Ginny has been in witness protection for the past three and a half years and is so ready for Slider to come home. However things are not as they seem. I can't tell you what or why but you just need to get the book and read. There are twists and turn and emotions flying all over the place. This book was great and you do not want to miss it.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
17.4k reviews211 followers
October 25, 2023
This is the 5th book in this phenomenal series, and this is Ginny and Lucas / Slider’s journey. Ginny has a tough past, but she is content with her life now.
Lucas spend 4-years in jail for his MC, and now he is home and ready to move forward with his life with Ginny.
This is a beautifully written story which is an action packed, emotional roller coaster, with family, friendships, loyalty, passion, humor, witty banter, making choices, suspense, danger, intrigue, sacrifices, challenges, twists, and love, which leads to an entertaining, unpredictable, and steamy page turner.
I look forward to reading more from this talented author whose work I highly recommend.
1,036 reviews15 followers
November 21, 2023

Loved this book. Such an excellent read. I absolutely loved Slider and Ginny’s story ❤️❤️❤️ what depths do we go to when our families are on the line? Slider helped create a drama full of chaos and deception, betrayal on every page I turned but what a story it was. Expertly written to drag you into the melee and keep you interested till the end. 100% recommend this book to everyone ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ you will not be disappointed 😎
Profile Image for Christine Woinich.
2,399 reviews21 followers
November 23, 2023
Slider/Lucas had kept his hopes up for when he would be free. Ginny never forgot about him. When they met face to face again, things did not go smoothly. Misunderstandings, danger, and family tried to keep them apart, but their love was stronger. I loved how Ginny knew who she wanted despite everything. Slider finally realized what was the right thing to do. I loved their journey.

I received a copy through Chaotic Creatives, and this is my unsolicited review.
Profile Image for Lynne Garlick.
2,107 reviews24 followers
October 25, 2023
OMG!! This book had me on the edge of my seat, my last nerve and everything inbetween!!
Holy moly!! Slider has been through so much and when he is finally free...... is he? Caught between a rock and a hard place, I was truly scared for him, wondering how this was going to pan out! My damn heart!
What a read!!
Profile Image for Shannon Godwin.
2,548 reviews26 followers
October 26, 2023
Love this series! We get Sliders story this time and it is great! He has spent his years doing time for the MC. He’s now a free man and ready to start his life with Ginny. Things are never as easy as we all would like them. In this book you will get all the feelings. You get to see the friendship, loyalty & love with this book. Absolutely wonderful book.
Profile Image for Lora Cimino.
366 reviews13 followers
November 16, 2023
Oh my gosh!!

Avelyn Paige has hit the ball out of the park with this book. I loved it. It was so intense full of love, spice, angst. I got so emotional I cried through the last few.chapters of the book and I am not at all a cryer ! I am so sorry to have reached the end of this series. You should start with the first book. I will miss the characters. Go... read it!
Profile Image for GKP2460 .
2,587 reviews51 followers
October 2, 2023
WHAT A RIDE! Slider and Ginny carry us on one more huge, emotional, heartbreaking ride. These characters and this story will pull every emotion from you. Laughing one minute to crying the next, you will feel it all. Another great story from this author!
Profile Image for Andrea Fernandez .
3,628 reviews20 followers
October 8, 2023
An emotionally intense, heart pounding and suspenseful ride to go on. At times I wanted to get mad at Slider and the other times at Ginny. I think I felt every emotion, heartache, happiness and most definitely frustration. A definite page turner that kept me on the edge of my seat.
Profile Image for Ashley Carr, LSoR.
4,630 reviews61 followers
October 25, 2023
OMG! Ginny and Slider take us on an emotional and heartbreaking ride. The series is coming to an end and I’m not ready. But this is the perfect couple for the finale. There is passion, twists and turns, ups and downs and everything in between. I just couldn’t put this book down. I can’t wait to see what this author has in store for us next.
Profile Image for Rhonda Ziglar.
3,977 reviews41 followers
November 9, 2023
Slider and Ginny gave us a fantastic ride with some twists and turns and all the feels. I loved this book....it was quick and easy read and had me engaged the whole way through.
Profile Image for Andrea Gillan.
2,546 reviews3 followers
May 14, 2024

I wasn't sure about this book. It's a forbidden love affair but there are twists and turns and untruths, deception and revelation.
Profile Image for Debbie Earley.
2,470 reviews16 followers
October 24, 2023
Slider and Ginny took me on one heck for an emotional ride. From the minute I started this book I couldn't put it down. I laughed, I cried, there were time I wanted to knock Slider up a long side his head, and times I was smiling like a loon. There road to happiness is a long, hard fight with many twists and turns, but so worth it in the end. The ending blew me away and I'm sad to see this series end, but you can be sure I'll be reading it again in the near future.
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 reviews

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