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Even though I am a Fae prince and the heir to the Aurorian throne, I’ve locked myself away for the past five years, refusing to use my magic. I’m a toxic disaster waiting to be unleashed. My power is dangerous. Lethal. The kingdom is better off without me.

But my mother is the queen, and by her royal decree, I must attend Elemental Academy alongside my twin brother, Flame. I’ll be king one day, and the clock is ticking to prove that I can control my power. My poison.

I don’t have to search very far before I find someone willing to help me practice my magic. However, as our connection deepens, I start to second guess using my new friend to learn how to control the toxins festering inside of me. I’ve been hiding in the dark for years, but Skyler’s aura is too bright to ignore, which terrifies me because one kiss could extinguish it forever.


I’ve been an Air Fae for all of one week before I’m kidnapped, taken to another world, and forced to enroll in some kind of supernatural academy. Although, I have no one to blame but myself after I accidentally created a devastating tornado and sent it tearing through my hometown.

It turns out I’m half-human, half-Fae, and I need to learn control. So, I’m biding my time, following the rules, but I don’t belong here. I’m determined to leave, and my only way home just might be an intriguing fairy prince who shows up late and keeps to himself. He’s an outsider like me, and if the rumors are true, then rightfully so.

His kiss is poison, but I’m reckless, headstrong, and ready to tempt fate.

Oleander is book one in the Elemental Desires series. It is a standalone MM fantasy romance set in a college-aged supernatural academy for the Fae. You can expect a new world full of adventure, elemental-based magic, and evil supernatural creatures. This novel is intended for 18+ readers and contains explicit scenes, violence, and fighting. See Author’s Note for a full list of Content Warnings.

372 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 29, 2024

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About the author

Charli Meadows

5 books325 followers
Charli Meadows is an obsessive reader, avid bookstagrammer turned PA, and now an author herself. Lover of all romance, she plans to write a little bit of everything, but make it sweet and spicy.

Living in North Carolina with her husband and young daughter, you can usually find Charli working her boring corporate job or at home playing video games, if she’s not reading, writing or daydreaming about books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,161 reviews88 followers
March 3, 2024
2 stars.
Dnf 60%.
Disappointing world building, one dimensional, juvenile and horny MCs, no relationship development, uninspired and simple/basic writing.

I liked the plot and I found the author's ideas interesting. The execution of the plot was severly lacking, though, in so many aspects..
Ugh there was so much to critizise, it was bad.

Sky's serious change in life circumstances was in stark contrast to his immature thoughts and never thought-through actions. The insta attraction between Sky (half human half fae) and Oleander (fae prince) and their constant thoughts of sex clashed for me with their need to settle in their new life circumstances.

The Fae-magic-aspects weren't developed or explained, at all. The way Skylar was dealing with his power didn't make any sense. Because of the hurricane he had created per chance (he hadn't known he had air fae powers) he had been forced to wear hand shackles and had been obducted from home, then told he must attend the Fae college in order to learn about his powers. But the day before his first day at the new school, the moment the headmaster released him from his hand shackles, without having ever talked to anybody about his powers, Sky could demonstrate how to control and mold his energy and magic? And apply it shortly after to obliterate Oleander's poisonous magic without being killed by Oleander's energy? Although Oleander hadn't touched anyone for the last 5 years because he was so toxic?? That didn't make any sense at all!
On the first day in college during their first magic lesson Sky, not the professor, was the one to educate Oleander how to use his magic in a productive way?!? There was no explanation (again) to the positive magic Oleander had in him, why and how Sky knew how Oleander should weild it. WHY hadn't Oleander's mother the queen, or somebody, anybody in their realm explained to Oleander how to use it in the last 5 years he had lived closed away because of his toxic magic?? .

Oleander's toxic magic wasn't ever explained, either. We just knew 5 years ago he nearly killed a boy by kissing him, but other ways to touch, strange enough, hadn't been toxic then? Now instead everyone who touches him beside his mother risks getting poisened? Again, no explanation as to why, and no explation why Oleander is the only one who can work around that with his air electricity.

The sex. Oleander's first time having sex, Sky's first time having sex with a man. Omg (that's sarcasm, btw) Oleander was deep throating like a porn star, loving how Sky cut off his air supply. Yes. Absolutely convincing.

The portal jumping. Written in a over simplicistic, yet confusing way, because too many things didn't make sense.

I'm over it.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
558 reviews532 followers
February 21, 2024
Oleander is a creative and highly entertaining first entry in the Elemental Desires series. This entry focuses on an half human half fae Skylar who is an air magic user. The other main character is Oleander who is a fae prince and earth magic user. Together they embark on quite a journey of self-discovery, and personal growth while surrounded by magic and danger.

I enjoyed seeing Skyler's growth throughout this story. His opinionated personality made for a great balance to Oleander's more reserved and shy demeanor. Together they are quite magical and go on an adventure that left me surprised and curious.

Overall this is a fantastic beginning to this series. I loved all of the side characters and cannot wait for Flame and River's story. They have so much history and I cannot wait to see it explored.

*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this story.***
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
735 reviews200 followers
February 29, 2024
"When I pull back, we stare at each other for a moment, our chests heaving and our eyes blazing. Skyler surges forward, pressing his mouth to mine. His kiss lights me on fire, scalding every cell in its wake. The magic that runs through my veins is literal poison, but it doesn’t matter when I’m with Skyler. I’m free to be myself, free to be curious, and free to explore."

I always like reading Charli's MM romance books, as almost a 'palate cleanser' of sorts, especially when the darker romance books I enjoy get a bit 'samey', and Oleander was just perfect!

Charli Meadows has taken her first step into MM fantasy romance with Oleander and I am totally here for it. That said, Oleander did have a YA fantasy vibe to it, on account of its magical, elemental school (college) setting, multi-layered world-building and all the whimsical side characters. Not to mention some evil blood fae, hell-hounds and body-possessing ghouls to spice up the mix!

Oleander is the first book in Charli's Elemental Desires series, so I'm hoping that some of the plot lines are expanded and played out in later books, even though our gorgeous MCs Oleander (shy, innocent, earth fae Prince, heir to the Aurorian throne) and Skyler (half human, half fae ball of mischief air fae) do get their HEA in this one.

You'll want to read Oleander if you love:

❣️friends to lovers
❣️opposites attract
❣️found family
❣️first times
❣️forced proximity/room mates
❣️steamy times
❣️college-type romance
❣️fae romantasy

Personally, I can't wait for Oleander's twin, Flame's story, which is up next. I'm feeling allll the enemies-to-lovers vibes with that firey fae!

4 stars
Profile Image for ivy.
572 reviews299 followers
March 2, 2024
This is everything I wanted when I watched the show Fate: The Winx Saga on Netflix.

This book was nice. Familiar. If, like me, you love magic academy, I didn’t know I was a supernatural being until now, stories you should feel at home here.

Ethereal Oleander and puppy energy Skyler are really what made the book for me. They are the two sweetest cinnamon rolls and I loved them. Will look forward to Book 2.
3.5 stars
February 18, 2024
4.5 stars. I was so excited when this book was announced as I’m getting into fantasy/paranormal reads and I loved this author’s Loyal Boys series. This book has such an awesome concept and I loved how Oleander and Skyler complemented each other so perfectly!

There was so much stuff happening in this story and I was here for it all. Fae powers, learning how to use them, sexy times, adventure, a little bit of heartbreak and some laughs. It was such a fun story and had me interested from page 1. It’s a fair size book but I’m amazed at how fast I got through it!

I loved Oleander! He needed a Skylar in his life so badly and I loved seeing how his life changed for the better throughout the book! He was really down to earth for a royal! Skylar was a fun character. Couldn’t imagine being thrown into a new world like he did and having to figure everything out as he goes along!

There were a few things I wasn’t fond of. Like no future-dated epilogue, the use of the word “dude”, somethings that were skipped over etc. but I loved the rest of it so much that overall this was still a wonderful read for me!

If you love the Loyal Boys and are looking for a fun fantasy romance then I absolutely recommend this one! We got a glimpse into the characters for the next book and I feel like it’s going to be explosive!! I can’t wait!
Profile Image for Sus Would Rather Be Reading.
110 reviews4 followers
February 27, 2024

Local teen causes tornado inside home, promptly gets kidnapped into another realm, discovers he’s half-fae and is forced to go to boarding school where he’s stuck rooming with a poisonous royal. They bang and chase hellhounds amongst other things.

This is a hard one for me to review. I really loved this book until about the 62% mark. I loved the concept and characters and how the pieces were falling into place. There were a couple holes and loose threads that I assumed would eventually be tied up by the end of the book. Unfortunately I slowly came to realize that was not the case.

I feel like a lot of concepts were introduced and then were never followed up on and as a reader, I was left wondering if this was an intentional decision to be readdressed in the follow-up novel or if these truly were a plot holes and loose threads.

The characters felt very two-dimensional and there was not enough character background and development of the side characters to justify or explain their actions. Again I’m hopeful that this was a purposeful decision to leave these questions unanswered for book 2 but I was left confused and annoyed by most of their decisions made throughout the book.

3 stars because I did enjoy the first 60% and here’s hoping we will get those answers in book two.

I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.
March 20, 2024
𝓐𝓻𝓬 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀

As a huge PNR fan and after loving the "𝖫𝗈𝗒𝖺𝗅 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝗌" series by this author, it was a no brainer that i was going to read this book. This is a paranormal romance between 2 odd boys who try to prove themselves and try to navigate their powers.

Prince Oleander had locked himself away for years because of his powers and fear of what it might do. He’s sweet, lovely, shy and just wants to be happy and have proper conrol of his powers.

Skyler our charismatic daredeviil- no really he had me cackling halfway through the book- finds out he’s not really as hot and human as he thought he was 😂 and finds himself in a fae world after destroying his neighborhood with his powers

It was friendship at first sight with these two and watching them help each other grow and blossom was so beautiful to see.

These two were so cute together and i adored them. I do feel like i was left with more questions or rather i needed more things elaborated and gone deeper into, especially with Skyler’s heritage. I do think it might unfold as the upcoming books release so fingers crossed because I’m extremely curious.

Also talk about fucking like bunnies too. This was hella spicy. 🥵🥵🥵

Can’t wait for book 2 because that cliffhanger had my jaw dropping for minutes after i finished 😂 What?!!! I need book 2 NOW!!!!!!!

Loved these boys! Loved their story.💜🌸

Outsiders stick together

𝖱𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗂𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇 𝖠𝖱𝖢 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖾 💜
February 25, 2024
OMG, I enjoyed this book so much and was hooked on it from the start. The characters, the magic, and the plot were so beautifully written by the author, I loved it so much.

Skyler is a half-human/half-fae who is kidnapped to the Faerie world after he causes destruction not knowing he has magical powers. He is made to attend the Elemental Academy where he shares a room with Oleander.
Oleander is the Fae prince and heir to the Aurorian throne but he has spent the last few years in hiding because his magic is poison and he nearly killed someone, so he prefers to be alone.

When Skyler and Oleander are made to share a dorm room, they start to share things about their lives and why they are in the academy and form a beautiful friendship. I adored Oleander and loved how shy he got around Skyler and also enjoyed their moments. I loved how they got together, how Skyler helped Oleander with controlling his magic and how much they trusted each other. Their sexual chemistry was wonderful and I loved their intimate moments.

I am not much into fantasy romance but I love reading Charli's books and let me tell you, she has done a terrific job with this story. The mention of magical elements, a little bit of action and interesting facts about the Faerie world kept me hooked on the story. Also, the group of friends they make throughout the books is so beautiful, love each one of them. Even though Flame irritated me a bit at the start, I am so looking forward to reading his story.

I highly recommend you read this book because this series is going to be amazing, I can just feel it.

* I received an ARC copy from the author and this is my honest review *
Profile Image for Jacqueleen the Reading Queen♡.
1,287 reviews80 followers
February 17, 2024
"Why would the Headmaster put a prince and a half-fae scholarship student in the same suite together?"

First things first. The dedication in this book immediately started my read off with a smile. It gives a warm feeling when you begin a book with a dedication that resonates with you. A touch of whimsy never goes astray with me. I actually really enjoyed this entire book. The worldbuilding is an enthralling take on the fae dimension and I have a feeling we've only scratched the surface of things that are really going on in this world.

"We're outsiders, you and I, and that's fine with me. We'll stick together."

I absolutely adored Oleander and I also loved how his and Skyler's namesakes were a nod to their powers. Skyler was a bit wild, but he was exactly what the shy prince needed in his life for him to finally start living it. They clung to each other for support and I do not think that it was a coincidence the headmaster placed these two in the dorms together. Whether his intentions were pure remains to be seen. Regardless, the outcome was more than either boy could have hoped for. A love full of passion and understanding is quite the feat at such a young age, but these two fae certainly seem to have managed it.

I enjoyed getting to know all the side characters, especially once I realized that my first impressions of many weren't exactly correct. I'm hoping that at least a few of them will be getting their own books, especially Zephyr and Flame. Thankfully, it's stated that Flame's book is next and based on the way this one ended, it's not going to be an easy ride. I can't wait!!
Profile Image for Laura Lou.
111 reviews7 followers
February 21, 2024
I am a really big fan of The Loyal Boys Series by Charli Meadows, so when it was announced she would be coming out with a new fantasy series, I could not wait to check it out. Oleander is book one in The Elemental Desires Series. This MM fantasy romance story is about Oleander and Skylar.

Oleander (Ander) is a fae prince and future king of Auroria. After a tragic event with his childhood friend, Ander has not used his magic for the last five years. He has been hiding away from everyone that is scared or mad at him, including his twin brother that blames him. Now Ander's mother is forcing him to the academy to learn to control his magic. Skylar (Sky) is half human and half fae. He is reckless, strongheaded, and doesn't know he possesses magic until he causes a tornado in his hometown of Oklahoma. He is immediately taken to Auroria and forced to enroll in the academy where he finds himself roommates with Ander.

Ander and Skylar immediately bond over being outsiders and quickly form a friendship. Their loyalty to each other was amazing and I loved how they always had each other's backs. Ander and Sky were adorable together and the perfect balance to one another. They discover that Skylar's air magic protects him against the poison of Ander's earth magic, and it was so special when Ander finally got the touch and love he deserved. I couldn’t get enough of their sweet, passionate and steamy moments together. It was beautiful to see Ander and Sky’s connection deepen and watch them become so much more. They find a place of belonging with one another and understand and love each other for who they truly are.

Ander and Skylar's love story is full of many adventures. We get to see the challenges and struggles they face with classmates, teachers, family, and supernatural creatures. The side characters were certainly interesting and I look forward to seeing more of them. I really enjoyed this new magical world and loved Ander and Sky together. The epilogue perfectly sets up book two, and I cannot wait to read more of this amazing series!

I received an advanced copy of this book, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for ꧁•Zakiyya•꧂.
290 reviews30 followers
February 29, 2024
A very exciting world-building.

The magical land of Faerie was very well portrayed – filled with a host of mythical and enchanting inhabitants.

Oleander was so beautiful and warm and his character development was well done.

Skyler grew into his powers way too easily for someone who only now discovered that magic existed in the world.
But I suppose it worked for the sake of the story.

Their adventures through the forest was also very nicely done, definitely makes you want to keep reading.

I enjoyed this magical world and will most certainly be re-vising it for Flame and River’s story. 
Profile Image for Jenni.
431 reviews18 followers
February 20, 2024
This book was a bit of a mixed bag for me; I thought some elements of it were really well done (the worldbuilding, the relationship building) and some just fell a little short (some elements of the plot, the dialogue).

Oleander is a far prince who has the power of poison; he is treated with fear after he nearly killed his first crush with a kiss when they were 14. For the past five years he has been hiding from the the world, until his mother the Queen decides to send him to the Fae Academy to home his powers.

Skyler has just created a tornado out of nowhere and wrecked his entire street. He has been brought up as human, but is shocked to find he is half-fae, when he is picked up and takes to the Fae Academy. There he meets his new roommate, Prince Oleander.

There is a lot going on in this book and I think my trying to work so many plot points into the story it makes it a bit jumpy and hard to follow. Every time I felt myself settling into reading the book seemed to jump onto a different plot point. There also seemed to be some big mystery about Skyler’s parentage which was never really developed or answered. I also found the characters to be very juvenile in their actions and speech (though they are 18/19 so I can absolutely forgive that).

So I think I would recommend this, but for fans of academy age romantasy and those who like fast paced action rather than a deeper slow burn plot.

Thanks to the author for an ARC copy of this book.
Profile Image for Lily.
105 reviews3 followers
February 18, 2024
After being a big fan of Charli Meadows’ Loyal Boys series, I was really excited to dive into her brand new contemporary fantasy story.

Oleander was so sweet, I could melt. Locking himself away for five years after almost killing his friend on accident, he’s touch starved and just dying for some affection. He’s a real soft boy, and I loved him from the start. So prim and proper in public, a true heir to the throne, but a total freak in the sheets thanks to the Skyler.

Skyler is half human, half fae, never knowing about his true heritage until he accidentally flattens his neighbourhood with a tornado. All after his girlfriend dumps him over text. The dude went through a wild ride to find out who he was, and then to find out he’s rooming with a prince? Boy, fate was really messing with him at the beginning.

The two of them together are golden. They call themselves “outsiders”, both feeling isolated - Oleander because of his magic, and Skyler because he’s half human. But they come together so sweetly, so loyal to each other and always having one another’s backs. Skyler helped Oleander master his magic, allowing him to finally get the touch and love he deserved, while Oleander helped Skyler find out more about himself and finally find a home in the Faerie world. It was also so cute to see how Oleander could let loose around Skyler, and how Skyler just accepted Oleander’s quirks because they’re part of him - Oleander sweet talking his plants just got me in the feels.

I loved all the side characters, particularly Gaia and Nerine, and eventually Hawk and Zephyr once they started to soften up. But I’m firmly on team Oleander, so anyone that wants to come for him can face my wrath. Flame included - though I’m excited to hear his story in the next book, because I feel like there’s so much more to this hot headed bad boy that we’re yet to uncover. Much more layers to be revealed!

The only thing I wanted to hear more of, was Sky’s heritage on his father’s side, after it was revealed during the Wild Hunt. I know it doesn’t matter to Oleander, but what does this mean for his place in Faerie, especially as a potential future king beside his boyfriend, and does the Headmaster know more about this than he’s letting on? How will this affect the kingdom as a whole, is something bigger coming to do with the Blood Fae?

There’s still a lot to be uncovered here, and I really hope questions are answered in upcoming books. Not to mention that I’ll take any Oleander and Skyler content I can get. Maybe a part two for them in future? We’ll have to wait and see!

I’m looking forward to book two with Flame and River…

*I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review*
Profile Image for Kitty.
415 reviews2 followers
February 23, 2024

I have long been a fan of the Loyal Boys series so I was excited to hear about a new fantasy from Charli Meadows. I enjoyed the beginning of the book very much and was delighted that Oleander and Skyler had Loyal Boys vibes going on, I was invested in them almost immediately. I enjoyed the beginning and the end very much, it kind of lost me for twenty percent or so in the middle, but I've also had a major book slump going on so I was struggling with reading a lot of things.

The fantasy plot was rather more complex than Charli’s contemporary, and it felt like there were a few things that weren't fully explored or ended up being skipped over. I also found the time jumps in the narrative a bit jarring, especially in the second half. It could definitely have been longer. Some of the characterisation of the side characters seemed a bit inconsistent and I hope this will be explained in future books. I also felt Skyler used ‘dude’ way too much and some of the dirty talk was quite cringey, but these are all small issues. Overall it's a very solid fantasy romance with Charli's signature protective dynamic, mixed with some action scenes, magical classes and mystery elements. Both boys were super sweet and loveable, and there's a lot to recommend about this book.
Profile Image for Amandas._.Books.
134 reviews10 followers
March 9, 2024
*After considering the book and rereading a few parts, I have altered my rating and am updating the below review*

I was so excited for this book, because Cali Boy by Charli Meadows is one of my favorites. I was really into the concept and excited for Charli to write some romantasy!

This story has the fun vibes that one would expect from a magical academy (college age). The students get up to hijinks, and of course there's also a decent amount of magical action and some danger.

Charli has done a decent job of building this magical world in around 300 pages, while progressing a romance and a fair bit of action; however, I think the worldbuilding could have benefited from being in a much longer book or two books instead. I will say there were times where magical solutions appeared that were a little too convenient. As well, there was a lot of telling instead of showing, and that resulted in me not really feeling an emotional connection between the MCs.

Overall, the plot was very interesting and the MCs were lovable, but the execution was lacking. There are some details that I just can't get over. Maybe I've missed some stuff and maybe I'm just wrong, so feel free to judge for yourselves, but after I went through parts of the book again, I am left with these things bugging me.
- The magic characters don't know their magic abilities until puberty. How, then, do they all have names that happen to be linked to their magic ability, when the names were given at birth? Oleander has poison touch, Flame has... fire, River is a water elemental, Sky(ler) is an air elemental. I'm especially confused by Sky, since he wasn't raised in the fae world and no one knew his father to even take a guess at what magic he'd have; yet he ended up with an air-ish name.
- The magical solutions to things were just ridiculous at times. To explain away the fact that the mother didn't contact the magic school, they said she was given a potion that made her forget she needed to contact the school? That's awfully specific. Idk. lol.
- The side characters:
-The four female side characters (that I can remember) seemed all to be throwaways or stereotypes.
-The male side characters were all kinda awful, and never got their comeuppance. Everyone was a happy friend group by the end. I mean they, like, literally tried to get the MC unalived but ok.
- The main characters felt more like age 15ish to me (juvenile) rather than 18-19. That's not a huge difference in years, but when reading about spicy situations, it made a difference to me.
- The Fae realm is called Faerie. *shrug*

There are more things but I don't want to get much into spoilery plot points. I don't know. I wanted to like this so bad but the more I think about it, the more things get to me.

Some Details:
Pairing: MM, Oleander & Skyler
POV: 1st Person, Dual
Tense: Present
Angst: 1.75/5
Spice Frequency: 2.25/5
Spice Level: 3/5

I received an ARC of this book; this is my honest review of it.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
1,001 reviews95 followers
February 28, 2024
Skyler never knew he was anything but human until the day his magic released and caused a tornado in his neighbor. He then learns the truth when two Fae arrive to whisk him away. He is half-human, half-Fae, and it’s time to learn about who he is and his magic at Elemental Academy. And though he wants to learn more about this new power and where he comes from, he can’t forget about his mom back home. And he’ll do what he can to get back to her. Prince Oleander has shut himself away from everyone for the last five years. A first kiss leads to him nearly killing one of his best friends when his magic awakens, poisoning his friend. Luckily, his mother’s magic was able to save his friend but Oleander was shaken. He pulled away from friends and his own twin brother can’t seem to forgive him for had almost happened. But his mother will no longer let him hide. He will attend Elemental Academy and face his fears. What he never expects is Skyler. Skyler who shows no fear and his own magic protects him so well that he can actually touch Oleander. Together these two outsiders will find a place of belonging with one another and fall in love. Skyler and Oleander were so sweet together. A perfect match and balance to one another. And I loved this new world! This was such an interesting take on the Fae. They all have elemental magic, while there are traces of other supernaturals around, and a whole lot of Underworld beings as well. I really enjoyed getting to know this world and all the characters. And I seriously cannot wait for book two!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Katie.
178 reviews68 followers
February 18, 2024
This was a really great book. Such an amazing new world to dive into, with Fae and magic. I was rooting for Ander and Sky right from the beginning and really loved getting to see their story unfold. I can’t wait to get more stories from this world!
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
815 reviews17 followers
February 29, 2024
4.5 rounded 5
Charli decided to step away from contemporary and dive into a fantasy romance! She has done a beautiful job in her world building, making you curious for more tonckme from future stories. The character development is on par with her contemporary series, which is what I fell in love with from this author.
One of those books, yes, it's chunky, yet you don't realize until you have been reading awhile and not halfway yet. For me, that's a mark of a great fantasy romance. Hope to see more of the world revealed as well as their abilities in future books.
Profile Image for Angie☺️.
233 reviews
March 15, 2024
Dnf at 50%, the beginning of the book was promising, but there was no relationship build up at all. They meet and felt for each other instantly.
Profile Image for MunWolfieSNM.
573 reviews15 followers
February 28, 2024
*I've received an ARC of this book to review it with my sincere opinion*.

Me ha sorprendido bastante lo mucho que me ha gustado. Hace mucho que no leo fantasía ya que lo que más me gusta es el romance y a veces las partes de fantasía me aburren porque solo quiero romance, pero en este libro está perfectamente equilibrado.

I kneel before him. A prince on his knees, ready to serve this man.

De hecho es una de las cosas que más me han gustado; tiene muchas escenas tiernas, muchas escenas hot (en serio, muchas) y aún así, no le faltan escenas de acción, explicación del mundo y día a día en la academia.

Two outsiders made for each other.

He estado bastante enganchada y me apetecía leer. No se me ha hecho para nada largo y me interesaba bastante todo lo que pasaba.

He’s about to have no choice but to get his cock sucked.

Otra de las cosas que más me han gustado han sido los personajes. Skyler es genial, no le teme a nada, se adapta a todo, es un pillo, problemático y está cachondo todo el día. My type. Y Oleander es una monada. Mis niños, que en medio de un bosque tenebroso lleno de monstruos y un juego literalmente de vida o muerte se ponen a follar.

Yo habría hecho lo mismo.

Pleasure and pain blend together, blurring my vision like a watercolor painting.

Sí, Oleander y Skyler molan un montón, pero a mí me han conquistado los idiotas. Hawk y Flame. Sí, Hawk fastidia todo el rato a todos, pero me he reído mucho con sus intervenciones y es el tipo de persona con la que sé que me llevaría bien y me echaría unas risas. Y Flame me ha tocado el corazón porque siempre late por solitarios incomprendidos. Me da igual lo mal e injustamente que se haya portado con Ander, me encanta. Además, entiendo por qué lo hizo; era un niño y perdió a su mejor amigo, del que probablemente ya estaba enamorado cuando vio a su hermano besarle, y después de eso lo perdió, así que solo pudo culpar a Ander. No es justo pero es comprensible. Me da mucha pena porque al final Ander perdió a su mejor amigo y a su hermano por aquello, pero poco a poco sé que van a llevarse bien al menos. En este libro ya llevamos dados algunos pasos (no muchos porque Flame es complicado, irascible y anti emociones), y espero que en el siguiente siga abriéndose de nuevo al mundo y a la gente.

We’re an attractive group, that’s for sure.

También me ha encantado el sistema de magia. Simple but effective. Adoro cómo trata Oleander a las plantas, todas las escenas en las que usa o recarga su magia me parecen super bonitas. Lo de que los Fae no puedan mentir mola un montón. Y definitivamente quiero saber más sobre los Blood Fae en siguientes libros.

I try to settle them down. “Look, it’s fine. Just don’t get weird, okay?” Hawk grins mischievously, looking exactly how I told him not to—weird.

Y las escenas de acción y de peleas están muy bien descritas, me lo imaginaba todo muy bien y molaban mucho. Lo he pasado muy bien leyendo cómo se peleaban con hellhounds.

I think I may just have to accept that’s the kind of friend Hawk is. The kind you’re constantly in competition with or butting heads with. He’s a firestorm, just like his power. Good luck to whoever he falls for; they’re going to have their hands full, that’s for sure.

Me gusta mucho cómo escribe Charli. Tiene un estilo muy fácil de leer, lees páginas y páginas y ni te enteras. Tiene frases muy bonitas y escenas que te llegan.

Peeero de nuevo Charli Meadows pecando de hacer que sus personajes lo sean todo el uno para el otro demasiado rápido. Es cierto que aquí no me ha molestado tanto porque es verdad que los dos estaban bastante solitos, están viviendo juntos y al final se enganchan por tener a alguien y el roce continuo hace que todo escale muy rápido. Además, aunque se besan antes, hasta casi la mitad del libro no hacen más, osea que me ha hecho esperar algo más que en sus otros libros.

I’ve never been so thankful for a human invention as I am at this very moment for pocket lube.

Y lo otro que ha hecho que no le de las 5 estrellas ha sido que Skyler evoluciona demasiado rápido y de repente es un máquina con sus poderes, cuando hace una semana ni siquiera sabía que los tenía. Y que si librarse del veneno del príncipe era tan fácil como usar el poder para crear un escudo, ¿cómo es que a nadie se le había ocurrido antes?

Two kings destined for greatness.

Ahora tengo un problema porque quiero YA el siguiente libro y el primero ni siquiera ha salido aún. Hay muchas tramas abiertas, los protas del siguiente, Flame y River, me fascinan, ellos y su historia. Promete ser un enemies to lovers de los buenos. Y espero que Hawk también tenga su historia. Y Leo y Zeph. Porfa.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Desiree.
238 reviews43 followers
March 2, 2024
For anyone who has ever wished they were a fairy and maybe still does. This is for us.

Once again, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE a book from Charli Meadows. Every book I’ve read by her, I loved and this was no exception. As soon as I heard she was writing an academy fantasy book with elemental magic, I shit you not, I went FERAL!!! And it did not disappoint. The romance development from friends to lovers was PERFECT!! As well as the worldbuilding, the introduction to side characters and having them in the story frequently, and having the perfect intro to the characters that will have their next book!! I am so EXCITED for Flame and River, I swear I was anticipating it the whole book, and the fact that the epilogue confirmed it!! This book felt so magical. I had so much fun learning about all the characters, the world, and the romance, of course. I cannot wait for more books in this series!! If you like MM romance, Fae, an academy for Fae, elemental magic, friends to lovers, and forced proximity because their roommates, then you will love this book!! I highly recommend it ❤️.

Back to the main characters, we have Oleander aka Ander and Skyler. Oleander is the future fae king of Auroria, is an Earth fae, loves plants and is an incredible cook and healer, has a twin whose name is Flame, and has not practiced his magic since he inadvertently harmed his best friend with his power of poison 🥲. Next is Skyler, a half-human and half-fae who accidentally causes a tornado in his hometown, and is kidnapped to Auroria to practice and control his magic at a magical academy for fae. After Oleander is forced to attend Elemental Academy, he is roomed with Skyler who instantly becomes his friend and sticks up for him in every way he can. From there on, Skyler and Oleander explore their new friendship and academy together while attraction and romance begins to bloom 🥰.

Favorite quotes/scenes:

“I’ve never met anyone so pure-hearted, Skyler Fairfield. You might be one of a kind.”

“Are you hungry? I have time to whip up something before my next class if you’re interested?” (Ander)
“I’m always interested in food and in you.” (Skyler)

“He’s charming and different from anyone I’ve ever met. My gaze zeroes in on his exposed ears, rounded and small. Adorable.”
“Quit ogling my little ears like a weirdo and eat your soup, would ya?” (Skyler)

“Everything feels right with Sky, like we were meant to find each other. Like this world has something big in store for us.”

“Just thinking about how good it feels to be out in public, living my life so freely, and it’s all thanks to you.”
“You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time, Ander. If not ever. It feels good to me, too.”

“His aura is purely incandescent, radiating a warmth and security that blankets every fiber of my being.”

“Our connection goes beyond the physical, beyond the mental. It’s soul-deep and unbreakable. I think it might be forever.” (Skyler)

“I love him. With everything that I am, I love him. Our love is wholesome, wild, and pure, like I’m wrapped in a warm blanket and a tight embrace.” (Oleander)

“I’ve been dreaming of being your boyfriend for a while now. I need you, Sky. With every fiber of my being. It’s no longer a choice to have you in my life. It’s a necessity. Like the air I breathe and the water I drink. My body and soul need you. I love you, Sky.”

“We’re just two outsiders who found each other, forging an unbreakable bond from the very beginning. We’ve been through so much already; nothing can break us apart.”

“I’ve never felt such happiness in all of my life. I’m truly content, and it’s all because of this beautiful, sleepy-faced fairy prince before me.”

“We came together through threads of fate bound tightly by love and loyalty, knotted together for eternity. No sword is strong enough to sever our bond.” (Oleander)

“We’re crazy enough to die for each other and loyal enough to love and support each other, always. Two kings destined for greatness. We have a potent kind of love, and anyone or anything in our way better watch the fuck out.” (Oleander)

“I was so alone before when I locked myself away for five long years. And now, I have my boyfriend—my best friend, my right-hand man—in my bed every night. It truly is magic.” (Oleander)
Profile Image for Christina Sturgill.
608 reviews36 followers
February 26, 2024
Rating: 5/5 🌟
Spice: 3/5 🌶️
Heroes: Oleander and Skyler

Oleander is a Fae prince with a powerful magic that can kill on contact.
Skylar is half human and half Fae. He has air magic and is forced into the magically academy in order to learn how to control his magic.
They are put into a room together and very quickly create a friendship. They are both outsiders, Skylar because he's new and no one knows he is half human and has no idea about his magic or the Fae realm; and Oleander because most fear him after an incident involving his childhood friend, River. They latch onto one another to get through their time there. They are also attracted to one another but denying it. When Skylar is tested, they find that he is very powerful and has great control over his magic. They also discover that he is the perfect match for Oleander because his magic can combat the poison of Oleander's and for the first time in his life, he is able to get close to someone without the fear of killing them.
That's when the story really takes off. There is action, suspense, beauty, so much self-discovery and growth with the characters, steam, and love.
The world is riveting, beautiful, and engrossing. The descriptions were incredibly. I could close my eyes and picture it perfectly. I wanted to be there, right alongside the characters to experience some of it.
I loved that we get just as much danger and the evil side of things as we do the beauty.
Skyler is confident, has no problems saying what he's thinking, and will rush headfirst into things. He's a bit brazen, completely loyal and dedicated, and protective. Oleander is shy, reserved, a bit beaten down from his past and the way other's see him and talk about him. These two complement each other so well. Oleander keeps Skyler in check as much as he can while Skyler helps bring Oleander out of his shell and build his confidence and other's opinions of him. It was beautiful to see.

I devoured this, started reading it and didn't put it down once. I didn't even realize I was at the end until I got to the epilogue. I am seriously anxious for the next book in the series. I had a soft spot for Flame throughout this entire book and I am so excited that his book is next. And River...IYKYK. I cannot wait!
Profile Image for Kiki Reads.
285 reviews8 followers
February 23, 2024
love The Loyal Boys series by Charli Meadows I’ve recently discovered a love of paranormal fantasy, so I was doubly excited to read Oleander.
There are the beautiful boys falling in love you’ll recognize right away, coupled with some first-rate world building.
Oleander, or Ander, is the heir to the Aurorian throne.
The less said about his bitter, vindictive twin, Flame, the better. Five years after an tragic incident with his friend River, he is still blaming and tormenting Ander. It isn’t enough Ander has locked himself away in a tower with his plants and potions, denying his magic.
Until their mother gives Ander no choice, sending him to to learn how to control his magic once and for all.
Skylar didn’t even know he possessed magic until heartbreak and anger had him unleash tornadoes on his small Oklahoma town. Then two watchers from the fairy realm tell him he is half-Fae and possesses Air magic. Convincing his mother he’s earned a full scholarship to a university in France, he is swept away to Auroria.
This unlikely pair become roommates, then friends, connecting as fellow outsiders. I loved how they looked after each other. And in a wonderful turn, these two wild cards balance each other. Sky’s Air magic tempers the poison of Ander’s Earth magic, and Ander’s Earth magic anchors Sky. It’s a lovely moment when touch-starved Ander shares his first human touch in years with Sky.
They have to go through a lot, battling friends with questionable motives, teachers with hidden agendas, and the Wild Hunt that sees them victorious in slaying mythical beasts and becoming heroes of the kingdom.
Along the way, there is a sweet, swoony story of first love and family. I loved Sky’s childlike joy at discovering(among other things) leprechauns are real. And innocent Ander’s sexual awakening is delicately sensual. Prim in public, passionate in private. I loved these two together and want more of their story!
The epilogue is fantastic. Ander and Sky are in a wonderful place. And the appearance of a new student perfectly sets up book 2. I can’t wait for more of this wonderful new series!
February 23, 2024
Oh gosh y'all, Oleander was freaking FUN. I'm solidly in my mm fantasy romance era, so I was thrilled when I saw signups for a new fae fantasy series from Charli Meadows. Oleander is set at a magical university in the fae realm of Auroria, and I absolutely loved the kind of dark academic vibes. There are hidden powers and identities, all sorts of magical creatures, and plenty of spice. I can't wait to see where the story goes, an excellent setup for a great series!

Skyler has spent his entire life in the human realm, so when he loses control and inadvertently causes a tornado to level his town he's understandably confused. He's then kidnapped and told that he is half fae and possesses uncontrolled air magic. His kidnappers take him to a mysterious land he's never heard of before and then dropped unceremoniously at Elemental Academy. Skyler is a bit lost until he meets his assigned roommate, Oleander. Ander is like no one he's ever met before - he has ethereal beauty, and he's quiet and kind. However, as he gets to know him, Skyler quickly realizes that Ander is hiding things from his past. Can Skyler get Ander to trust him? And how will both men navigate their time at Elemental Academy?

Aww y'all, I loved sweet, vulnerable Ander. He's so broken and down on himself when he meets Skyler, and I love that they both immediately figure out how to support each other. Though Skyler can be VERY impulsive, I love that he's able to get Ander out of his shell and to take some reasonable risks with his magic. There's a ton of chemistry between these guys from basically the moment they meet, so the spice hits pretty quickly. And though it starts out as a bit of an instalove situation, it quickly becomes apparent that they are basically meant to be together.

We meet a ton of side characters in this book, so I'm really hoping future additions to the series focus on some of the. I'm super intrigued by Oleander's brother flame, and I'd LOVE to see more of Leo! I so appreciate the opportunity to read Oleander as an ARC, and I cannot wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Rei.
68 reviews
February 29, 2024
ARC Review
Elemental Desires Book 1
Now Live!


Let’s be honest, I knew I’d love this book simply because Charli Meadows wrote it 🫠. This was my first adventure into fae boys and MM fantasy (other than monster romance) and I’m obsessed. The images that Charli conjured up in my mind were equivalent to an ethereal Candy Land. Or Wonka Land 😂.

This story takes place in Faerie at Elemental Academy, where the boys are to learn and fine tune their abilities. They both find themselves desperately needing a friend and end up leaning on each other hard. When given the chance, their connection grows and strengthens into such a beautiful bond.

While this may be different from what you’re used to, you can still expect Charli’s classic feel good vibes! Low angst, perfect amount of spice and soulmate deep connections! Bonus, no third act breakup (though it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows)!!!

Prince Oleander 😍 he’s such a sweet and innocent little angel. The future King of Auroria had a rough time when his magic began to show itself and he’s been terrified of it ever since. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone and believes he (and everyone else) is better off if he continues to lock himself away. But at Elemental Academy, that isn’t a possibility. There, he must learn how to cope and adapt. Luckily, his new roommate is there to assist!

Skyler is our rebellious half human/half fae creature. After learning of his magical abilities out of no where (in a devastating way), he finds himself forcefully brought to Faerie so that he can gain control of his powers at Elemental Academy. His roommate ends up being the one and only Prince Oleander and they instantly click together in a big way. Even though Sky is desperate to leave and get back home, he finds himself immediately attached to his new friend and wanting 2 very opposite HEAs for himself.

I already can’t wait for book 2, featuring Oleander’s darker twin brother, Flame. This series was an instant obsession! If you’ve read and loved Charli’s previous Loyal Boys series, you’ll love this new one as well!
Profile Image for Tamara.
3 reviews
February 18, 2024
Skyler and Oleander 🧚

Skyler is half fae and half human.
After causing a tornado in his hometown, he was taken to another world where he had to attend a supernatural academy to learn to control his magic.
That’s when he met his new roommate, Prince Oleander.

Oleander is the prince of Aurorian and future king.
After a traumatic event, that happened when he was fourteen, he was scared to use his magic again. Since that moment everyone was either scared of him or mad at him.
He had to attend the academy to learn to control his magic.

When Oleander and Skyler met they instantly clicked because they were both outsiders and understood each other and became fast friends.


I loved Oleanders and Skylers relationship.
Oleander is such a sweet character, I want to give him the biggest hug ever🫂
Skyler is the opposite from Oleander, he is reckless, flirty and always up for trouble, where Oleander is shy, introverted and would rather stick to the rules , but together they are perfect and balance each other out.

The story was really good, you got enough action (hellhounds, ghosts, creepy forests,….), great tension, spice and really sweet moments between the two MMC💜.

I’m really excited about the rest of the series, especially Flame and Rivers book 🔥(which is the next one).

I’m a little sad that Skyler’s and Oleanders Story is over, but excited for the next adventure in Flames book. 📚

Friends to lovers 💜
Supernatural Academy 📚
Fae prince 🧚👑
Elemantel Based magic 🪄 🌊🌱🔥
Profile Image for Marcy Sorenson.
689 reviews26 followers
March 8, 2024
𝐎𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬


❗️I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily❗️

I absolutely loved this book! Oleander is such a sweet character, and I loved watching his growth. Skylar is funny, and a character I connected with. The chemistry between the two was 🔥They were two outsiders forced together, but turned into so much more than either expected. I felt every emotion while reading this book, I cried more than once, and laughed more than anything. This book left me feeling happy.

I loved the side characters too, even Hawk and Zepher, who at times irritated me. I cannot wait to see them all find their happily ever after. Leo is another character I absolutely adore! The ending left me with my mouth open, and now I am dying for the next book.

- 𝘔𝘔 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘤𝘦
- 𝘈 𝘧𝘢𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦
- 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 - 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘧𝘢𝘦
- 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘺
- 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴
- 𝘍𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺
- 𝘋𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘰𝘷
- 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘺
- 𝘔𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴
- 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘴
- 𝘓𝘰𝘸 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵
- 𝘕𝘰 3𝘳𝘥 𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘶𝘱
- 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳

Blurb: 𝙊𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 Even though I am a Fae prince and the heir to the Aurorian throne, I’ve locked myself away for the past five years, refusing to use my magic. I’m a toxic disaster waiting to be unleashed. My power is dangerous. Lethal. The kingdom is better off without me.But my mother is the queen, and by her royal decree, I must attend Elemental Academy alongside my twin brother, Flame. I’ll be king one day, and the clock is ticking to prove that I can control my power. My poison.I don’t have to search very far before I find someone willing to help me practice my magic. However, as our connection deepens, I start to second guess using my new friend to learn how to control the toxins festering inside of me. I’ve been hiding in the dark for years, but Skyler’s aura is too bright to ignore, which terrifies me because one kiss could extinguish it forever. 𝙎𝙠𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙧 I’ve been an Air Fae for all of one week before I’m kidnapped, taken to another world, and forced to enroll in some kind of supernatural academy. Although, I have no one to blame but myself after I accidentally created a devastating tornado and sent it tearing through my hometown.It turns out I’m half-human, half-Fae, and I need to learn control. So, I’m biding my time, following the rules, but I don’t belong here. I’m determined to leave, and my only way home just might be an intriguing fairy prince who shows up late and keeps to himself. He’s an outsider like me, and if the rumors are true, then rightfully so.His kiss is poison, but I’m reckless, headstrong, and ready to tempt fate.
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,219 reviews346 followers
February 28, 2024
I really enjoyed Charli's venture into fantasy with the first book in this new series. If yall love her Lost Boys series but thought to yourself - hmmm, this needs some Fae boys, THIS is your perfect blend! New adult feels but add in a whole fantasy world at school this time.

Oleander is a Fae prince whose magic is out of control and volatile. His new roommate at school is Skyler, a human who has recently discovered he is half Fae and must learn to control his powers.

I really enjoyed these two together, they were so sweet! They bond quickly and discover that they are very compatible together. The relationship deepens and along the way, they are also able to learn more about Skyler's past. Since it's not in the blurb, I won't talk too much about the last third of the book, but it's exciting and full of action!

Along the way, we get to meet a whole group of characters, and I definitely am looking forward to books with them (EEEK, I'm SO ready for the sequel and couple!) and also to learn more about the Fae world and overall storyline.

While the blurb speaks a lot to the first half of the book, there is a lot that isn't summarized, so I initially was surprised that the story was going in the direction it was. I really enjoyed Sky and Ander together, although I have to admit that I felt like some things felt a bit rushed for me, especially in the first half of the story. I still loved this romance, and if you're a fan of Charli's writing and like fantasy romance, you'll enjoy this one!

I received an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mackenzie Swann.
82 reviews
March 13, 2024
4⭐️ Omfg this book was good. I was so excited when I found out Charli Meadows was coming out with a new book. I enjoyed The Loyal Boys series a lot and it had me super excited for this book.

I really liked how this book was fantasy based, but with a decent connection to the human world. I have been wanting to get more into fantasy books, so this book was a really great start. I loved how Oleander and Sky were from two different worlds and got to learn and teach each other about them both.

The fact that Oleander is the Fae prince and Sky is a half fae outsider was so fun to read about. I love when two characters are from totally different worlds and start falling for each other, Ander and Sky did it so perfectly. I loved how they had an instant connection and realized they could help each other with their abilities. It was so cute to see them be there for each other.

God, I really loved both of their characters. My heart broke for Ander. His backstory was so sad but so interesting to read about. He deserved so much better. Sky was also super interesting to read about, I am so happy he and Ander had each other. I’m also happy that Sky got to visit and keep in contact with his mom. Their relationship was so cute.

THE EPILOGUE SHOCKED ME!!! I couldn’t believe how the book ended. I won’t say much but the epilogue has made me so freaking excited for the next book in this series!!!!! I have really high hopes and I am eager to see how the book plays out🫢😱

This book was great and a fantastic way to start this series off, I can’t wait for boo two!

I definitely recommend!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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