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There he was…

Wearing glasses.
Chopping wood like some kind of fantasy lumberjack.

And Emil was officially helpless.

Moving to the East Coast, Emil was there for two things exactly: to become a better person, and to face the part of his past he’d spent his entire life avoiding.

He most certainly hadn't planned on falling in love.

It was one thing to sleep with his absurdly hot neighbor for a single, steamy one-night-stand, but it was quite another to become friends. And the longer Emil knows Renzo, the harder it is to walk away.

However, Emil has no faith in his ability to change, no matter how hard he tries, and he just wishes Renzo would believe him. He just wishes the man would stop giving him hope that behind those soft kisses was everything he’d ever wanted, and more.

Most Of You is a stand-alone, angsty, one-night-stand to lovers romance with mall Santa mishaps, bonfires, New Year's kisses, the merits of a well-made hot chocolate, tons of praise, and a steamy, swoony happily ever after.

290 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 20, 2023

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About the author

E.M. Lindsey

122 books1,134 followers
E.M. Lindsey is the author of MM contemporary romance. They presently live and work in the south eastern United States.

EM Lindsey also writes MM Paranormal Romance under the pseudonym Ariel Millar.

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Profile Image for len ❀ [a little inactive].
354 reviews4,051 followers
December 24, 2023
I can’t bring myself to root for two characters when they both feel emotionally unavailable.

I’m gonna keep this short and get straight to the point because I’m kind of tired of writing very analytical, long reviews that take up so much time. I want to get used to these quicker, shorter reviews that get to the point. 😅

I’m rating this two stars because I felt some things for the characters: Emil’s past with his mother, his need to grow from his mistakes, Renzo’s past with his ex-husband, caretaking for his brother. But other than that, this wasn’t enjoyable. I had a hard time pinpointing whose perspective I was in, it was difficult to connect with both characters, and there were things that didn’t feel authentic to who the characters were.

Both of their personalities weren’t distinguishable and didn’t feel fully fleshed out. We knew a few things about both men, but most of it comes down to their pasts, not who they are as people. There’s enough to know what to imagine in terms of appearance, but not enough to connect with them emotionally. I struggled knowing who was who at certain times due to their personalities feeling identical. Other than the obvious—Emil coming from wealth, not knowing a lot of basic things, and Renzo being a lumberjack-type and caretaker for his brother—they were not that different and there wasn’t that much to tell them apart.

One moment Emil is a shy, insecure virgin, with Renzo praising and complimenting him. Next thing you know, Emil’s in charge, taking control, knowing what Renzo needs, with Renzo coming off as the insecure one, unsure of what he wants and needs, lacking his previous confidence. It’s not to say there can’t be versatility, but it came across as forced. The sex also started to feel overabundant, taking up too much out of the relationship they were trying to figure out. It was as if their personalities would take turns. As someone who would usually eat up the praise kink, it became bland here, repetitive even.

Both Renzo and Emil felt emotionally unavailable due to their pasts. I thought Emil needed more time talking about his childhood trauma, his complex relationship with his father, and his need to make amends for his mistakes. Meanwhile, Renzo didn’t feel necessarily ready for a new relationship, as if his past with his toxic ex-husband was still a big issue for him and unresolved. Both men didn’t feel ready to move on from what they were trying to move on from in the first place. Sometimes it felt like both characters were using each other as an excuse to not worry about it. The relationship wasn’t developed enough. It didn’t feel like there was enough intimacy due to their pushing and pulling. Normally I love a good push and pull, but not when both characters continue pushing each other away because they know they’re struggling emotionally through issues that can’t just be solved through love. It’d be different if the reasoning was only because of insecurity, uncertainty, lack of confidence, and miscommunication (like assuming and judging). It’s not to say two men in the positions of Emil and Renzo can’t have a relationship, but it felt like both men didn’t know what they wanted yet still acted on impulsivity to have some sort of connection.

Emil still lying to Victor until the end was so contradictory to what he wanted to do. As if lying in Halo wasn’t enough. What was the point of feeling bad for how he acted and treated Victor only to still do the same?

I don’t want to make it seem like this book was a total dud because it did have some things I appreciated.

Once again, E.M. Lindsey adds some disability representation to their story, with Matty (Renzo’s younger brother) having Williams syndrome, or WS for short. I can’t exactly comment on it as I am no professional, but I will comment and say that the author doesn’t make it his entirely personality. Matty is a wonderful addition to the story, and the sibling relationship between him and Renzo is beautiful. I have a biased, sweet spot for sibling relationships, mainly because I have an older brother myself, so reading about them always warms my heart. The brother-bond between them is strong and heartwarming. Renzo never treats Matty differently but clearly cares for him in a caretaking way and not just as an older brother. However, he doesn’t treat Matty like a child and respects his boundaries and wishes.

There is also a lovely friendship between Emil and his new friend, Dahlia, which I appreciated greatly. I think too often, relationships between men and women isn’t explored enough in romances. Dahlia is also not a stereotypical, rude woman who comes off as completely unlikable. She has her own character traits but nothing too extravagant that makes her ignorant. It’s nice to see this change considering most of the time, the women in these MM novels fall under two categories: super villain or nosy friend. Dahlia is neither, and instead just someone Emil could rely on a little, talk with, and come to care for.

I loved Halo a lot. It’s easily one of my favorite reads of this year. It was emotional, genuine, passionate, and incredibly intimate. This was lacking all of that. The relationship felt superficial, dry, and very underdeveloped. Both characters lacked depth, the emotional connection was weak, and it was missing character development.
Profile Image for Jamie.
848 reviews72 followers
December 29, 2023
DNF at 40% - I just didn’t want to power thru. I was turned off by the “one night stand” between Renzo and Emil that I almost stopped there. I have never read a scene that was almost devoid of any passion and chemistry. It was as unsatisfying as a sex scene could be. Emil acted like a weird, insecure virgin when we all know he was a man about town in Halo. Like who was this guy in this book? And Renzo just felt strange and awkward. It was actually quite off putting.

The coincidences in this book were ridiculous and served what purpose? Oliver just happens to be friends with Renzo? Emil just happens to dress as Santa - and this one felt underhanded and felt kinda gross in the way Matty was used for this purpose.

I have absolutely no emotional connection to the MCs.

Also, Renzo wasn’t Matty’s caregiver. He was merely filling in for their sister while she was on vacation. That just felt a bit underhanded since Renzo didn’t want to be the main caregiver - positioning him as such felt inauthentic and another way Matty felt like a prop.

Also, Emil hiding the death of his mother from Victor when the whole issue was Emil keeping secrets from Victor felt like Emil wasn’t changing. He didn’t have to share how demented his mother was when she was alive but he should’ve been up front about why he was moving.

I’m sure all of this comes to light later but I don’t care enough to continue.
Profile Image for Evelyn220.
428 reviews27 followers
December 22, 2023
DNF at 45% I liked Emil and Renzo separately but I didn’t feel their connection. They felt awkward and stiff together and the spice was not hot. The dirty talk was awkward. I just didn’t feel the connection between them.
Plus there were a lot inconsistencies, like Emil was a supposed playboy with lots of lovers but he became an awkward, unsure, blushing virgin in the bedroom with Renzo.
Plus the house in Rhode Island not being able to be sold is ridiculous because the housing market here is bonkers.
Plus there were too many coincidental events that it became unrealistic.

The best part of this story was by far Dahlia and Matty, the side characters.
Profile Image for Moni.
294 reviews
December 20, 2023
How can you not fall in love with a lumberjack-wannabe science nerd with a wicked sense of humor, who also happily takes care of his disabled younger brother? And Emil … his is a true redemption story of a man wanting to better himself for the sake of others.
Since I’ve finished Halo, I’ve been looking forward to getting to know Emil better. His book is heartbreaking and inspirational but also incredibly sexy at the same time. Emil is so lost and has no idea how to become a better person, after breaking the trust of his long-time friend. He accidentally meets his dead mother‘s neighbor and is immediately drawn to Renzo. They are slow and cautious … eventually … after they start out with a hot one-night stand (that fails spectacularly at staying a one-time thing). Renzo‘s life is complicated as it is, his soul is broken by his toxic ex-husband, he’s not able to put his trust in anybody. Yet Emil intrigues him, he wants to fix the broken man so badly, even to the detriment of himself. Both Renzo and Emil are incredibly lonely and afraid to get attached to anyone, yet the kindness and total honesty they show each other call them back time and time again. I don’t know how Lindsey did it again but we meet two unique and flawed characters that just deserve love so badly. I enjoyed their tender, sweet moments, this whole book is just gentle and so raw, I could feel how petrified Emil and Renzo were to expose their most innermost thoughts. We get glimpses of Oliver and Victor from Halo and get to enjoy two new side characters, Renzo’s adorable younger brother and Emil’s new fiery friend. Another beautiful, emotional story from Lindsey that I will be rereading time and time again.
Redemption Story
Some Angst
Great Side Characters
I received a copy of this book from the author via Chaotic Creative Services, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Crisana.
646 reviews35 followers
December 27, 2023
This was pretty good. The streak of hit and miss on this author continues. (For me) some books are really good and others are just pretty bad. It's really weird.
This one wasn't perfect and it did have some bits that annoyed me, like how both MCs were probably not ready for a relationship at that point but in the end the author made it almost believable so I went with it and just let the feels take over.
Profile Image for Sharing The Book Love.
708 reviews12 followers
March 31, 2024
OMG love this story!

Such an emotional read with huggable moments, tears, found family and 💜

Emil and Renzo are just perfect and the time and communication and brotherly love from Emil to Mattie just made me melt!

Cheating exes , meddling best friends, New friends, angst and past drama ...just it's got it all
Profile Image for Liza Broadaway.
375 reviews6 followers
December 21, 2023
Ok....fair warning. I read this book while both kids were home, packing for a trip, aunt flow was visiting and it's only 5 days to Christmas.....

I loved the characters themselves. I loved that both men had life trauma to work through....because duh we all have hard. They were supportive, and yet naive in what the other needed but they talked to each other or our other favorite guys Victor and Ollie from Halo to work it out and figure it out. I loved them and them together.

I appreciated as always Lindsey's disability rep and who Matty was as a character and how he was such a part of their story!!

My hangs up--because I'm me was it felt a little to insta-lovey and certain word or phrases were used very frequently (this could have been made worse due to the 1st paragraph and just something my brain latched on to with 0 significance any other time).

Over all I will probably re-read at a better time in my life to do this story true justice!
102 reviews2 followers
December 15, 2023
Most of You tells the story of Emil and Renzo. We start with Emil who's come to deal with his mother's estate--a hoarder's house--after not seeing her for years because of her mental illness and complete ruination of Emil's childhood. A neighbor, Renzo, helps him out and they hook-up....with maybe a slight possibility of more in the future. Renzo has his own issues. A chemistry professor, Renzo's ex (a psychology professor) had completely torn him down and gaslighted him before they divorced.

Both Emil and Renzo struggle against their histories--can they trust their feelings or not? A really lovely story of two guys getting better and finding a home with each other.
Profile Image for Molly Otto.
815 reviews17 followers
December 21, 2023
Two men treated so wrong and neglectful in their pasts and learned to move forward to be better. Emil has never been taught to be compassionate, and when things went so bad in HALO, he had a wake-up call to realize change was needed or he would forever be miserable. Renzos' previous relationship broke his trust in a way that made his not be able to trust himself.
This is one of those stories where both parties understand they need to grow to be better. Mistakes do happen because guess what they're growing. Their passion is exceptional and draws them back even when fear keeps blocking them from going full in. A beautiful love story where, yes, you cry, but the pain is worth the beauty of the overall story.
Profile Image for Terri Jones.
2,424 reviews44 followers
January 2, 2024
Two severely damaged men connect despite their fear of anything serious. Remarkably, each time one of them choses flight over fight, it feels genuine rather than repetitive. I'm going to credit that to the author's attention to detail in their traumas. I did skim most of the sex scenes, but I do that with nearly every sex scene anywhere, so don't take that as any kind of warning. Someone wrote that this Emil felt too different from the Emil in the first book, but I did not feel that way, and it's something I'm sensitive to. That, you can take to the bank, as my grandpa would say.
Profile Image for Kris.
1,008 reviews11 followers
May 28, 2024
The book took a little to get into, I did NOT like Emil in Halo and Renzo seemed very colorless and mousy. However once we got past the cringy fire scene the pace picked up and the story unfolded smoothly. I was pleased that the miscommunication trope was dealt with quickly and not allowed to linger and sour the mood of the book.
Profile Image for Sadonna.
2,639 reviews46 followers
January 13, 2024
4.75 stars rounded up!

This review and much more can be found at Love Bytes Reviews

Emil is in a holding pattern. He’s left his former life behind and moved to the East Coast. He hasn’t told anyone, but his mother has died and he needs to deal with things. But his childhood was so traumatic and he hadn’t seen his mother since he was a teenager. He needs to close this chapter of his life though. Even his few friends don’t know what his life was like and what kind of trauma he’s been dealing with.

Renzo is staying at his sister Camilla’s house with his brother who has Williams Syndrome while she is on vacation. He is a chemistry professor and he’s on Christmas break between semesters to this schedule works out for him. Matty, Renzo’s brother likes things a certain way and they have a good routine going. Matty’s got his job and Renzo loves his brother and he takes both seriously. He notices the man at the house next door that an old lady died while he’s out chopping wood for Matty’s fire. He worries that the man is cold.

When Emil is there trying to get rid of the past, Renzo finds him and helps him with his bonfire 🙂 He invites Emil in and they have a one-night stand. Emil is surprised at how much he enjoys being with Renzo and he takes his number, but he’s not sure he can be someone who deserves Renzo. Emil also makes an unexpected friend who shares the name of her therapist and Emil finally thinks it’s time to start dealing with things. He’s stopped drinking and now it’s time to face the other things that he’s done.

When Emil and Renzo meet again, it’s a totally serendipitous occasion that involved Matty as well. Things are just aligning for these two to get together 🙂 But Renzo and Emil are both very much in their heads and when the get together at the house again, they discover they have more in common than they think – and are connected in other ways. That little discovery just about derails everything.

Emil is trying to be a better man – he feels like he has a lot to atone for. Renzo is totally gun shy because of his narcissistic ex. They are both on unsure footing and they have a lot of stuff going on in their lives that need dealing with. Renzo is trying to make the holidays perfect for his brother as well so there are other pressures too. But maybe, just maybe this new year will be a new beginning for both of them.

As usual E.M. Lindsey is the master of describing characters who are dealing with a lot, showing us their humanity and revealing that imperfect humans are worthy of love. Those characters can then find someone who will love them if they can make themselves vulnerable enough to accept that love. In this book, both Emil and Renzo have experienced trauma and are struggling to figure out their paths forward. This author is quite adept at describing the aftermath of lifetimes of less than stellar experiences. They never sugarcoat the work it takes to deal with the toxicity – including the use of therapy and the difficulty of communicating honestly while acknowledging that the decision to share trauma is a personal decision. I loved the advice that Emil didn’t owe anyone information about his childhood and that sharing that was his decision with those he deemed worthy to know about it. Renzo dealing with his narcissistic ex and understanding the number that had been done on him was debilitating for a while but he begins to realize that he can risk letting Emil into his life. Definitely one of the best holiday or any book I’ve read this year. Two beautifully human characters who deal with their pasts and find the support and love they need and deserve to help each of them heal. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,042 reviews52 followers
December 24, 2023
E.M. Lindsey gives us a beautifully poignant love story with Most of You. A very telling title as both Emil and Renzo struggle to give more of themselves to each other as past hurts try and get in the way more than once. Their connection although immediate did feel right even if it was under less-than-happy circumstances and what follows is the beginning of deep healing for both Emil and Renzo and the kind of soul-soothing romance both readily deserve.

Although there is a sad tone to this book throughout, I loved that Lindsey allowed Emil and Renzo to take their time in becoming more, even when they may have seemed desperate to go full throttle, each at different points in the book. My heart broke for Emil and the harsh childhood he had to endure at both the hands of his mentally ill mother and absent father. But the fact that he wants to be a better man, especially after what happened with his company and business partner (something I need to explore and stat in Halo) showed how much he had changed and how Renzo became a part of his moving on.

Renzo, with his huge responsibilities to his brother Matty (who is a huge standout) and the ongoing guilt he has with bringing his ex into their lives, starts to fade when he realizes that a man like Emil is worth opening his heart again for knowing the skittish man when it comes to love is worth the wait. The hot Professor is such a good guy. The way he has Matty as his top priority, never handling him with kid gloves, but treating him like the wonderful young man he is despite his health issues. They have this beautiful connection that is addictive and I was thrilled Emil could see it too, and eventually wanted to be a part of their family dynamic.

Both Renzo and Emil have moments of panic and it was lovely to see their good friends Oliver and Victor be their sounding boards to guide them into each other's arms for today and forever. Lindsey handles their indecisions and thoughts of insecurity perfectly since again, those past hurts seem to seep into one's mind when least expected.

There are plenty of sexy times that are well-timed and maybe not so much, as well, (wink, wink) but the desire is undeniable and the resulting waves of passion are truly incredible. I just really liked these characters and how both take it upon themselves to want to be better for those they care for.

I hope there is more to come in this Beginning of Always series even though it seems that it's just a two-book series, since E.M. Lindsey knows how to combine great love with real life and all that goes with falling for someone, like no one else.

Most of You is heartbreaking yet maintains a kind of hope for Emil and Renzo that they'll find in each other that missing piece they didn't even know they needed or deserved. It's a great story and is worthy of a huge 4++ stars!
Profile Image for purely.romantic.
152 reviews10 followers
December 30, 2023
EM Lindsey is certainly closing out 2023 with an incredible bang with this absolutely achy, swoony second book in The Beginning of Always series. *Most of You* focuses on Emil who we met in *Halo* and with whom Victor has a slightly rocky relationship, and brand new character, Renzo.

Lindsey is so good at really honing on some of the messiest parts of us as humans and moulding them into narratives that tug at every heartstring and this was no different. What we didn’t know in the first book was the depth of Emil’s difficult past as a child and how that created the man we see at the start of this series. By the time we are reintroduced to him in this book, we find a man struggling with who he has become and completely at sea with this existential crisis he is facing. Emil’s arc is full of Lindsey’s signature angst and my entire heart went out to Emil. And as usual, the author creates such a unique yet deeply honest picture of a man trying so hard to come to terms with his past actions and actively trying to grow amidst these new realizations.

Renzo was also utterly loveable and his story and his continuing recovery from a bad past relationship added to the emotional obstacles between these two men. I absolutely loved how much we understand from the get-go how drawn Emil and Renzo are to each other despite all their hesitation. They were so tender with each other and I couldn’t help but swoon at the way both of them handled the other’s bruised and jagged edges with such care. Their emotional and physical relationship was a beautiful give and take, with each of them instinctively understanding when the other needed to just get lost in the feelings and in the safety of their growing connection. It was an utter joy to watch these two characters find their happily ever after.

Also a special shout out to Matty, Renzo’s little brother who is going up there as one of my favourite side characters. I loved his sass and his earnest affection, and the way he provided something Emil didn’t even know he needed was just perfect! 5 big cozy stars for this beautiful book!

CWs: mentions of past narcissistic abuse and cheating by an ex; mentions of past childhood abuse and neglect; mentions of a parent with factitious disorder (formerly known as Munchausen’s by Proxy); abuse recovery; alcohol addiction recovery; ableism

CNs: This is a contemporary MM romance novel featuring somewhat of a redemption arc for a character we briefly see in book 1 of the series, though this can be read as a standalone. This novel is fairly high-heat and contains several on-page sex scenes. I received an ARC from the author and this is my voluntary review.
Profile Image for GreenwingReads.
75 reviews1 follower
December 20, 2023
When I saw that the next book in the series would be Emil's story, I wasn't sure I would like it. Emil appeared in the first book, and to say he wasn't the most likeable guy is an understatement. But I was confident if anyone could redeem him, Lindsey could. Man, did she deliver! The first chapter was like a punch to the gut and the emotional hits just kept coming. Emil's story is so tragic and heartbreaking, it really explained a lot about why he was the way that he was.

Though this book is a stand alone, I recommend that if you haven't read Halo yet, read it first to get the full picture of Emil.

Emil is trying so hard to be a better man and Renzo is still overcoming his own trauma at the hands of his awful ex. These two were both broken down and hurting in their own very significant ways. The angst between them was light, but the overall story was full of emotion. One of the thing that I appreciated most about this story is that it is a story of healing and seeking help when it's needed. This is not a love fixes all story. These men did what they needed to do separately so they could work together. They put in the time and the effort. While they could have been better at it at times, they also communicated! There weren't any of the break-ups over silly miscommunications in this story.

Also, Lindsey does not skimp on the steam in this one! The intimate scenes between Renzo and Emil were spicy, emotional, and profound.

Both men are over 40 and experiencing a new start in life in different ways. Their relationship was not some profound love story that magically fixes everything in their lives. They supported each other in fighting their demons, but neither MC tried to fix the other's problems, which is important, in my opinion. Lindsey also, as always, handled their trauma with realism and care, as well as the descriptions of WIlliams syndrome and what used to be called Munchausen by proxy. Definitely heed the trigger warnings, but if you're comfortable, give this one a read! Lindsey's portrayal of relatable, real characters is what has me returning to this author again and again.
Profile Image for J.L..
Author 12 books56 followers
December 23, 2023
This book works completely as a stand-alone story, but putting this book together with Halo makes for a lovely duet. Emil wasn’t necessarily a villain in the other book who needed a redemption arc. The events in that book served as a wake-up call, and I thoroughly enjoyed his journey toward becoming a better person.

Lindsey provides Emil’s history as a context for who he is as an adult, but never as an excuse for his previous behavior. In his own way, he is as wounded as Renzo, who is still in the process of recovering from a marriage that did a significant number on his self-esteem. They share a fairly angsty meet-cute that is immediately followed by an instant connection filled with an intensity that startles them both. Since neither feels like they are either ready for or deserving of a relationship, the retreat that follows isn’t surprising. However, an accidental reconnection that is amazingly adorable opens the path between them for more, the perfect second chance for a more “traditional” meet-cute. Most importantly, Emil and Renzo do not fix each other by entering into a tentative relationship with each other. I especially appreciated the on-page moments showing Emil’s experience with talk therapy.

Many of my notes for this review ended up commenting on elements that this book is not, rather than what it is, which is what elevates the story from generic to the excellent storytelling that I have come to expect from Lindsey. Instead of a trauma-bond relationship between two characters who experience a profound event together, Emil and Renzo develop almost an “anti” trauma-bond connection because what they see in each other is in direct opposition to what they believe about themselves. And though the events of this book occur during the holiday season, it is not a Christmas story. Instead, it is very much a New Year’s story of new beginnings.

Disclaimer: I received a digital review copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
43 reviews2 followers
May 16, 2024
Not unlike a slice of Swiss cheese.

Pretty good, at times even delicious, and yet, filled with holes and leaving me wishing I’d chosen a more robust sharp cheddar.

As far as I’m concerned, E.M. Lindsey can do no wrong, and is the best creator of endearing, three-dimensional, LGBTQ+ characters, *specifically* with well-researched and empathetic disability representation, that I’ve come across thus far in my Reading Journey. However, MOY just didn’t measure up for me.

I loved these characters individually, especially Emil and Matty—and I loved the *idea* of Emil and Renzo together—but I couldn’t vibe with this story. I kept feeling like it would be *almost there* again and again, only to feel relatively meh about it in the end.

Mostly, I couldn’t get past the inconsistencies, between this book and Halo and just within the book itself. For example, in Halo, Oliver describes Renzo as “massive” (I believe?) with tattoo sleeves, but in MOY, he’s a Short King with zero tattoo mention, something I feel like Emil would for sure acknowledge, at least to himself. Additionally, in the beginning of the story, Renzo mentions that he grows patchy chest hair, so he waxes everything, and then later, as they’re getting jiggy with it, Renzo’s chest hair is mentioned as a landing zone…if you catch my drift.

I don’t think this story is a total lost cause, but I do feel like the premise to this story had so! much! potential! and just never reached it. Halo was precious and wonderful, and at times I genuinely loved and was excited for MOY, but overall, the storyline felt forced/stilted, like maybe there was a time crunch to get this book released, or the author had a solid concept in mind but the execution didn’t follow through (at least for me). Ultimately, I found myself having to push my way to the end, mostly encouraged by my love for the characters, which was disappointing. 😔
637 reviews7 followers
December 19, 2023
Emil and Renzo's story is full of emotions and found family moments.

I usually always enjoy EM's stories, the way they write their characters makes them so realistic. Their stories are so poignant and full of emotions. I liked how Emil's character was redeemed in this book, he went from being a bad guy to bring a person who made a bad mistake. He learned from that and is striving to do better, to be better. I think that's really beautiful, and relatable. I feel like a lot of people could relate to Emil's character in one way or another, and I find that so special.

Renzo's character has gone through a lot in his life. When his parents died he resumed taking care and raiding his brother Matty, and his now ex boyfriend was manipulative and toxic. Not just in the way he treated Renzo, but also in the way he treated Matty. Something I really loved about the characters in this book is how prevalent going to therapy was in their lives. Each character said how much it's helped them, and how they've learned things about themselves they hadn't acknowledged before.

Matty's character was definitely my favorite and I am hoping that he gets his own story eventually. I loved his child-like sweetness and how he was as protective of Renzo as Renzo was of him. His character was just so sweet and so loving.

I thought the overall story was good! What made me rate this a bit lower is because this book was full of spicy scenes.. and while that necessarily isn't a bad thing, it just isn't my cup of tea. I was hoping there would be more relationship building, dates, romance, etc. But there was more of a spotlight on spicy times than those other things. That's just my personal preference though, overall a good story!
Profile Image for Showarst.
611 reviews
December 27, 2023
Is it possible to wrap up two characters and protect them from the outside world? I really wanted to do that in E.M. Lindsey’s new novel Most of You. Lindsey writes hurt/comfort so well, but I am unsure if I’ve read one where both characters have gone through so much to get where they are. We met Emil in Halo. He was Victor’s friend and business partner who knew about the affair that Victor’s fiancee was having with the other business partner. He didn’t tell Vic for months and is beating himself up for hurting the man. To be honest, people treated Emil like he was a monster for not telling the truth sooner which I found odd. Was it terrible he didn’t tell Vic sooner? Absolutely! Did that make him a villain that deserved to be treated like dirt? No. Emil apologized and was trying to make things right. Once you learn his backstory (good grief his parents were the real monsters of this story) it makes a lot of sense why Emil behaved the way he did.

Renzo is getting over his divorce from an abusive narcissist. He is scared of falling in love again for fear that it will turn out the same. He is taking care of his brother Matty while his sister gets away for the holidays. Renzo meets Emil when he starts to go through his dead mom’s house. These two were just the sweetest, and I adored Matty.

One thing I did really appreciate about this book is that there was a solid epilogue. I feel like in most of my reviews I always state that I really wanted to see them in a year or two. E.M. definitely delivered here and gave us a swoony epilogue. It made me so happy. Another winner from E.M. for me!

I received an ARC for my honest review
Profile Image for The Secret Librarian.
434 reviews43 followers
December 21, 2023
Rating: 5
Steam: 3
PoV: dual, 3rd person
MM | past abuse | grumpy / sunshine | emotional

Most of You was an amazing and beautiful story that turned my heart into an achy, melty mess!

I adored Emil and Renzo as a couple and shipped them hard, they both had a lot of baggage and their story was definitely an emotional read. E.M. Lindsey is brilliant at writing these perfectly flawed characters with traumas and haunted pasts, and I loved how they portrayed Emil and Renzo here.

Emil and Renzo were so good for each other, and my heart melted every time Renzo called him sweet things. I love stories with a touch-starved MC and Emil was definitely one of those, making my heart ache for him every time he reflected over his own past. I loved how safe he felt with Renzo, and it felt like they shared a connection right away. They also had fantastic chemistry and it made the steam really hot and spicy!

It was a little bit of a redemption story, since Emil didn't really make the best impression in Halo, but I loved how hard he worked on becoming a better person and making up for the past. Even if Most of You works as a standalone, I recommend reading Halo first in order to get some background on Emil, Victor and Oliver.

Most of You was a wonderful story, full of emotions but also a ton of sweetness, love and support. I just couldn’t put the book down once I got into it - both Emil and Renzo had amazing character growth and they had me totally captivated from the first chapter.
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,150 reviews30 followers
December 22, 2023
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Emil is in part a redemption story but mostly it’s a deeper look at a man who was never taught how to love. It’s hard to believe a person who’s been through what he has would turn out any differently.

But when his best friend gives him a second chance, and his mother dies he starts the process of changing. But it’s not until he meets Renzo that he really starts to see a brighter future.

Renzo is a great guy who’s carrying the guilt of the aftermath of a horrible ex. He’s weary of loving again. He’s also got his own flaws that just make him all the more wonderful in my opinion. We all have our demons.

I love that despite their mutual reluctance to date, they can’t seem to walk away from the other. This stranger, to friendship, to lover story.

The story is full of personal angst and all the emotions (good and bad) that come with it. It’s also full of personal revelations and growth. As well as the care and comfort that comes from finding someone willing to stand by you through it all.

I’m also completely in love with the relationship Emil built with Renzo’s brother Matty.
Profile Image for Traci S.
1,071 reviews7 followers
December 21, 2023
Halo, the first book in this series was one of my favorite reads of the year and book two is every bit as amazing. I was so looking forward to getting to know Emil better as he was such a compelling part of Oliver and Victor’s story. His story definitely does not disappoint, his is a truly harrowing backstory. His life was thoroughly upended by his mother’s abuse and his father’s indifference. But, I loved that Emil is also strong and driven. As terrifying as a relationship with Renzo is, Emil looks to take control of his health and healing. It’s not an easy road, but these two characters together are so worth the effort. I also loved Renzo, he is such a lovely person. He seems a bit lost in his life though, trying to avoid his abusive ex husband at work and caring for his brother at home. He also fears another relationship. E.M Lindsey is a master at creating intriguing characters with complicated history, and romances with real emotional depth. I loved these characters, Renzo and Emil are both damaged but not broken - it’s a really beautiful and ultimately uplifting journey to their happy ending. Both books in the series were exceptional!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
Profile Image for Mary.
1,554 reviews7 followers
December 22, 2023
"No. You were never wrong."

Dang, E.! When you decide to give our MC's difficult journeys to individual happiness and happiness as a couple, poor Emil and Renzo get the difficulties. Both were introduced in Halo, Emil, not so good friend to Victor and Renzo, friend of Oliver. As it happens in Romancelandia, Emil ends up with property next to Renzo. He's not living there, heck no. The person who left the house was one of the people who made Emil who he was in Halo and who he's trying to overcome. Renzo has had to deal with a truly narcissitic ex-.

"Emil still struggled with self-worth, and Renzo still struggled with his own fear."

Their paths come together, separate, become entwined. We meet Matty, Renzo's perfect little brother. I love how Renzo is with him and how Emil and Matty's relationship grows. We meet Dahlia (love that name!), Emil's second true friend. Oh, and Victor, Emil's first true friend and Oliver, love them. And his third friend? Tears, I loved it so much. The smexy times are just right, the epilogue so satisfying. If you ask is this a standalone? It could be read as one, E. does a great job of incorporating the pertinent details from Halo into the narrative without overwhelming the reader. But go back and read it anyway!
Profile Image for Julie.
1,004 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2023
so beautiful!

This is the second book in the series with Emil and Renzo’s story. Emil has had a rough childhood never knowing what real love and family was. He has so much money and loved in a different world that he’s detached from so many every day things. When his estranged mum dies, he has to go to where she lives to settle her affairs. It’s like a new beginning for him. A fresh start. The first chapter may seem strange as Emil doesn’t really know how to process things, he’s feeling lost and thinks little of himself.
Renzo is a professor and helps to look after his younger brother, Matty, who has Williams Syndrome. They have a chance meeting when Emil is at his mum’s property and the attraction is instant, like to lost would recognising each other.

What follows is a slow burn with two steps forward and one step back at times a both men deal with their feelings and past issues. Matty is a great character and plays a key roll in bringing them together. I also enjoyed seeing Victor and Oliver again.

I really enjoyed this series as it was different from other books by this author in some ways but similar in others as it dealt with mcs with disabilities and mental health issues.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,089 reviews473 followers
December 20, 2023
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.25 stars

Most of You is the second book in the Beginning of Always series, following the fabulous Halo. That is Victor and Oliver’s story, and Emil plays a prominent side role there. Both Victor and Oliver appear in this book as a source of advice and support for their friends — Emil is still close with Victor and Oliver, and Renzo works with Oliver at the university. I think Emil and Renzo’s story stands alone pretty well, but some of Emil’s lack of self worth comes from his shame at the way he handled things with Victor, and having read the first book will round things out here a little more fully.

I really enjoyed this story of two men who have both been hurt emotionally and end up finding happiness together. The book falls on the right level of intensity for me, with a serious tone to the issues both men are struggling with, but without being overly heavy.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.

1,386 reviews4 followers
December 25, 2023
Two more of E.M.'s wounded men captured my heart

I adored Victor and Oliver in Halo and was very curious about Emil, one of Victor's closest friends who let Victor down very badly. Here, we learn his history and find another pair of terrible parents who screwed him up, but he's realised he needs to make major life changes and meeting Renzo definitely helps with that.
Not over the damage his ex-husband wreaked, Renzo isn't looking for love but it finds him anyway when he meets the mysterious man who's turned up at the strange house next door.
I loved the two of them together, drawn to each other but both damaged and hurting, trying not to fall for each other but unable to stay away and not knowing how to navigate whatever is going on between them.
I also loved seeing Victor and Oliver again, but Matty was wonderful and a star whenever he appeared. I really liked Dahlia as well, the new friend that Emil needed, a straight-talker who didn't sugarcoat anything but was great fun too.
827 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2023
Emil & Renzo: Emil burns down his life after he hurts a friend. In the past he wouldn’t have cared but this was the tipping point. He decides to make some changes, be a better person, try to heal his childhood trauma. Victor forgives him but it’s a long road ahead. Renzo is scared to open up again after an abusive relationship but the pull towards Emil is strong. These two are open and honest with each other, sometimes immediately and sometimes after the fact. They need to be careful with each others hearts. Matty is the best, so open and honest and fierce in his love. Great read. I always end up reflecting about something in Lindsey’s books on a personal level, usually how to take care when someone opens up their heart. Another winner from one of my favorite authors.
Profile Image for AL.
1,429 reviews11 followers
December 20, 2023
Two MCs with lots of personal baggage, meeting during an emotional moment. E.M. Lindsey is a master in writing stories of complex characters with emotional trauma in a truly skilled fashion. The writing style and focus on the psyche, the deep dive into the feelings and thought processes never fail to amaze me.
Between Emil's family related trauma and Renzo's scars left by a former partner, they have a lot to overcome and heal from, but their road to a relationship was amazing to behold. The story pulled me in from the get go and there was never a moment of boredom with these two!
The angst was top notch, so if you're looking for a read that will challenge you and play your emotions like a fiddle, you're in for a treat with this one!
Profile Image for Liz.
15 reviews
February 28, 2024
I enjoyed this book greatly! The two main characters are both hurt and growing from two different pains. I enjoyed the way they shared their insecurities with each other, even though at times it was repetitive. Their intimacy was incredibly hot. I did feel their love story was too fast - if it had taken longer for them to get together then it would've felt even more authentic since they both wanted to heal before getting in a relationship.

I REALLY enjoyed Matty. He was hilarious and had some great perspectives. I wish Dahlia was in the book beyond the first half - she was a great friend to Emil and then just disappeared from the story.

I did find myself rereading certain parts because the writing wasn't clear. Despite that, I am glad I read this book!
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,817 reviews7 followers
December 17, 2023
I fell hard for these two as a couple. Emil in many ways is punishing himself after his failure to protect his friend, Victor. He’s given up his business and sort of looking to better himself and heal from his past and correct his mistakes. Renzo has been burned by a terrible relationship. There was emotional abuse, and he’s really not sure he trusts his judgement anymore. These two have chemistry though, and they’re building a friendship based on honesty even if they’re doing so hesitantly. It’s a slippery slope from friendship into more, especially with a Christmas elf like Renzo’s brother, Matty, around. He’s the best and honestly steals the spotlight in the best way!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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