I simplified my whole Video PRODUCTION process. now I share it with anyone struggling with theirs

we MAKE it waaaaay more COMPLICATED than it needs to be!

I LOVE systems and breaking things down into simple, manageable steps, it’s literally how I get through life! So, I apply the same mindset and approach when creating videos. If you’re struggling to get your head around the filming process or the editing process, or you’re trying to manage your schedule so you can be more time-efficient when producing videos, you can check out how I’ve made the whole workflow as straightforward as possible for myself. Trust me, I needed to because trying to create videos consistently (being full-time on YouTube) whilst having two young kids and life as we know it, is a challenge. I had to do this if I wanted to stay sane!

What Creators say…

if you want to make your video production workflow easier and quicker, I recommend starting here…

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