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They call me a flirt. ‘Detective Sl()ts-A-Lot’ when they’re feeling frisky, because my morals are loose, and my choice in women, according to the haters, is unfussy.

But they don’t know I’ve been watching her.
Waiting for her.

The problem is, she’s half my age, and has no business being with a man like me.



They call me clumsy.
And when they’re feeling a little dramatic, doomed.

I’m the girl who minds her own business, and still somehow ends up hanging off the side of a cliff with a busted leg and death stalking closer, all due to someone else’s bad choices.

But don’t worry. I lived. Obviously.

Three months after that unfortunate incident, I’m walking the streets of Copeland City and happen to witness a murder.
Lucky me.
Now the mafia are after me, and the only man who can keep me safe hasn’t called in months.

I jinxed myself when I said chivalry is dead.
But unless Drake Banks brings me the skulls of my enemies—like he promised—it might be me who ends up buried in a shallow grave.

JINXED is the fifth book in Emilia Finn’s sizzling Lost Boys series, and can be read as a complete standalone.

298 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 10, 2023

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About the author

Emilia Finn

91 books1,358 followers
Emilia Finn is an Australian-based author with more than 40 books written and published, many of which hit #1 in their categories, as well as top 20 on all of Amazon.

She's a mom, a coffee addict, a collector of quirky coffee mugs, and before she had kids, she was a real-life full-contact fighter.

Her experience on the fight circuits helped her pen her first ever book--Finding Home--featuring a world champion MMA fighter Bobby Kincaid, and his leading lady and equal in every way, Kit Reilly. What was only supposed to be a once off experience has now turned into a career for Emilia, a thriving empire, and a daily grind she never wants to be rescued from.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews
Profile Image for Lise.
91 reviews
December 8, 2023
I am more than a little disappointed and so confused.

I will start by declaring myself a HUGE Emilia Finn fan. Her characters, connections, style, humor, a slew of attributes as an author I love. That said …… I have so many questions about this book. Why is it labeled a romance book? Did Drake or Rory ever fall in love? When? Drake said it once but might as well have said he wanted bacon for breakfast because that’s how much feeling was the sentiment was given. There was such potential for a strong and passionate bond to form between them but it never happened. What ever happened with Drake and his father? Anything? Did his father even survive? Any resolution to their conflict?

I honestly thought it was going to be a cliffhanger by 75% through because there was no way this could end well. I was really looking forward to Drake’s story and his happily ever after. I’d still like to read it because this wasn’t it.

I will say that Rory’s connection to her mom and her heartbreak was so poignantly written and moved me to tears more than once.

I seriously considered not leaving a review at all but I would have appreciated a head’s up before reading this if someone else had posted something like this review to let me know what to expect.
Profile Image for Detra Newhouse.
46 reviews
December 5, 2023
It’s a Family Reunion - Sorta

How in the world did this book just jump to my top 5 fave books by Ms. Emilia Finn, from like out of nowhere?!?! This includes all of the Rollers (Bobby and Biggie), the Bishops (Kane, ‘nuff said!), the Rosa’s (Troy, yum), all Mayet’s (Tim and Archer, simply delicious!) and all her other books. This one shot up to the top. It’s practically a family reunion, including our favorite psycho Malone brother, that was really fun to experience. Rory and Drake, a May-December sitch, are fighting like mad to figure out whodunnit while also experiencing other life ups and downs. Ms. Finn makes you laugh, cry, piss you off, cry and laugh some more, and gets the adrenaline pumping. She’s good at throwing out red herrings and she did not disappoint here. My mouth is still stuck open when we find out whodunnit and why. 🤦🏽‍♀️ This book takes you through a gamut of emotions but soooo worth it in the end! True to her other stories in the Lost boys and Mayet series, this one may also touch on some triggers. So, if murders, other types of death, assault, etc are triggers for you, you may want first see how you are after the first couple chapters before you call it. Very good story so I hope you stick with it, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Profile Image for Sandra R.
3,097 reviews45 followers
November 14, 2023
Loved the slow burn in this well written suspense/romance - and the twist... did not see that coming. There's lots of police and bad guy action, drama with heartache, plus some angst.

Blurb - a young woman is on the run after witnessing a murder and falls for her protective ex DEA police detective/bodyguard. So, after this basic plot description, best you go in blind.

It's a standalone, with several characters from previous series making appearances. I have read this one out of order, as I loved the blurb.

You don't have to read Emilia's other books to understand this story, as the H/h's romance is contained within this book - sort of. However, there are mild spoilers for other character's lives and romance outcomes, so you would do yourself a favour to read the books in order if at all possible. All are available in kindle unlimited. 😍
Profile Image for Joy  Avery.
1,276 reviews125 followers
March 4, 2024
Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Spice: 🌶🌶

Angst: 💔💔💔

Cliffhanger? ❌️

Do I recommend it? ✔️

Tropes: forced proximity, age-gap, romantic suspense, bodyguard, forbidden, hate to want, heroine in danger

They call Drake a flirt. ‘Detective Sluts-A-Lot’ when they’re feeling frisky because his morals are loose, and his choice in women, according to the haters, is unfussy. But they don’t know he’s been watching her. Waiting for her. The problem is, she’s half Drake's damn age and has no business being with a man like him. * They call Rory clumsy. Jinxed. And when they’re feeling a little dramatic, doomed. She’s the girl who minds her own business and still somehow ends up hanging off the side of a cliff with a busted leg and death stalking closer, all due to someone else’s bad choices. But don’t worry. She lived. Obviously. Three months after that unfortunate incident, she's walking the streets of Copeland City and happens to witness a murder. Lucky Rory. Now the mafia are after her, and the only man who can keep her safe hasn’t called in months. She jinxed herself when she said chivalry is dead. But unless Drake Banks brings Rory the skulls of her enemies—like he promised—it might be her who ends up buried in a shallow grave. 

Jinxed really blew me away in many ways but surprised/confused me in others. I still don't know whether this was actually a romance. What it did have was top-notch suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat with twists that floored me. Despite the plot's oddities, the emotions and action made every page read so worth it. I truly respected the character growth and lessons learned. It's best to go into this blind and keep an open mind. This is my honest opinion, freely given.
85 reviews
February 16, 2024
Perfect Merger

Emilia merges her Rollin’ On world with Copeland City in this thrilling mystery. We visit with many of the beloved characters from each world while we watch Rory and Drake fall for each other. There were many twists and turns that kept my mind racing. Another 5 star and a great way to end the Lost Boys series.
8 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2024
Oh Drake Banks 😍

Another amazing story by Emilia! I’m so glad Drake got his story! I will always love how Emilia is able to intertwine her stories and let us continue the story with her characters.
Profile Image for Mandy.
719 reviews5 followers
February 7, 2024

Loved this book. Sad there wasn't very much romance. More mystery and hiding away than anything. I did in fact love the characters tho. All of them even the brody ones and the ones who were supposed to be bad but wasn't. Enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Jennifer Leigh (jenjenbookfan).
821 reviews24 followers
November 10, 2023
Jinxed is the fifth and final book in the Lost Boys series by Emilia Finn, featuring an action-packed romantic suspense story for Drake and Rory. If you’re a Finn fan, you know Drake aka Detective Sl()ts-A-Lot, who flirts with everyone, but that’s just a facade. The real Drake Banks is much more complex than we ever imagined. Months ago he worked the scene of a car accident where Rory’s vehicle went over a cliff, leaving her with a shattered leg. Drake sat with her for hours. Now the jinxed young women has witnessed a murder and has a target on her back, and Drake is back to protect her. With attraction, tragedy, and danger swirling all around, can Drake keep her safe without breaking protocol, or are their hearts at risk as well?

This author slays with every new book! I’ve been curious about Drake for such a long time, and he has so many more layers to him than I expected, but I loved them all! The romance aspect with Drake and Rory was definitely a slow burn in deference to the circumstances, but the sparks still flew between them with so much angst, tension, and longing!! Wow! The feisty banter and dialogue can’t be beat, and having a crossover situation with characters from the Checkmate series and the Mayet Justice series added to the drama and excitement! The twists and turns of the suspense plot blew my mind! There were also moments where the raw emotion had me full-on crying. You know you’ve read another Finn must-read when you’ve experienced every possible emotion in just a few hours, and are still wanting more of these characters! Don’t miss Drake and Rory!!

I received an advanced review copy for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Profile Image for Kimberly Dunn.
66 reviews4 followers
January 26, 2024
Twist I didn't see

I get so into her books. Tonight I was reading while eating dinner and when they figured out who it it was, I said out loud, "omg shut up." To which drew the rest of the people at the table to eye me suspiciously. Loved it.
Profile Image for Susan.
309 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2023
This book! This book! You guys, from the dedication to the last sentence, this book is pretty much a masterpiece that had me crying, laughing, and left me wanting more.

If you follow Emilia Finn’s worlds at all, you know about Rollertown and Copeland City. Two separate worlds that have occasionally overlapped. In Jinxed, they collide! You will get to spend time with the Copeland crew, see some Checkmate action, and fall in love with Drake all over again while seeing his tender and caring side.

If you are new to Ms Finn you are in for a treat. Drake, though a well known flirt and player, is well loved by his friends, but has lost his lust for life. When he realizes that a girl he randomly crossed paths with months ago is in trouble and a man that he thought was dead seems resurrected, he flies across the country to protect that girl from that man. Little does Drake know how much Rory will come to mean to him. Drake is swoon worthy as he cares for Rory’s emotional and physical well being. And Rory is so amazingly strong, yet still so fragile. My heart almost couldn’t handle this book!

Tropes include age gap, forbidden (protector/protectee), and slow burn and while this is low steam, the chemistry and feelings are off the charts!
53 reviews
November 25, 2023
Who knew we could love the bad guys…

Emilia Finn knew….that’s who! The men who drove us crazy and make us want to kick them in the balls….I LOVE THOSE MEN and Drake Banks was one of those men. Rory, bless her heart, the victim of circumstance, her precious mom is the same. This is an amazing story that brought worlds together….more than we realize is my guess because God knows Emilia Finn keeps us guessing. This is another book in a world developed by a mind like no other.

Drake and Rory are another power couple in a long line of Emilia Finn power couples. I’m not going to suggest you just read this, I’m going to damn near demand that you do it as well as read every other story you can find that is written by this woman. It is a journey like no other…..one way or the other they all intertwine because they all have a small piece of each series in them.

Emilia Finn is a master! Drake and Rory are magic. I can’t wait to see their life together unfold! Now…Bring on Felix…..he is God after all! Have mercy!
Profile Image for Mrs T.
231 reviews1 follower
November 10, 2023
Another gorgeous book from the Lost Boys series and sadly the last. Drake and Rory were set in the stars from the moment he stayed with her after a horrific car accident. They just didn't know it yet.

It also took Rory witnessing a murder, for those protective instincts of Drake's to kick in and take over.

This book is standalone, however if you've read others in the series, Drake has appeared and is portrayed as a real ladies man. However, its a facade and hides a whole lot of past trauma.

Rory is a very determined young woman, dealing with an extreme situation both mentally and physically. Drake is everything she wants but shouldn't have. He is there to protect her, not fall in love with her.

The back story is gritty and gripping, the chemistry between Rory and Drake is sizzling, the range of emotions I experienced throughout reading this book went from pure sorrow to complete happiness and satisfaction. An absolute 5 🌟 read.
Profile Image for Jamie Seachrist.
38 reviews
November 17, 2023
Oh detective banks!

We see banks several times In other series across the EF universe. Everyone was waiting for his book and his story. And man what a damn story it was! Nothing ever tops a finn book. She takes you into these stories with these amazing characters and weaves these stories that send you sprawling! But in An amazing and sometimes heartbreaking way. Everytime I finish a finn book it's literally like I've got a hangover. A book hangover that there is no cure for.... until the next book comes. I loved this story so much! This one hit home for me because my mom died of cancer over a year ago. And I felt her pain everytime she spoke of her mom. And the heart break in the picture ef painted of this terrible disease. That just steals, time and life. This book takes you on a ride and once you think you have it figured out. Boom plot twist in the story. In such a way that only emilia can weave.
271 reviews2 followers
November 29, 2023
What just happened?

Drake's story was so different from what I expected! So different, I'm a little stunned and awed and maybe a little lost. He's a flirt. He's such a guy. But he's protective, thoughtful, and not what I was expecting. Rory... her story breaks my heart. Judy Jinx is a mean, mean lady.
If you haven't started the Mayet series of books yet, you'll definitely want to after reading this! I loved being in Copeland for this one with some Roller Town friends sprinkled through. I missed Roller Town and the banter I was expecting, but I loved Copeland and the banter and characters I wasn't.
I need to reread this one immediately. I need to go back and reread Mayet Justice series. I LOVED this story. There's 0 spice. There's very little Roller Town. There's no need to have already read Mayet Justice series. And yet, the story blew me away. The villain was not who I expected. Twists, turns, and not a typical story. On to my reread
3 reviews
November 11, 2023
amazing as always

If you’re new to Emilia Finn I recommend looking her up and starting from the very beginning with the Rollers. Absolutely NOT necessary but I love this author and every single book she’s written I have reread at least once. And just to make it known how big of a deal that is, I have read close to
400 books this year alone. I’d say most of Emilia’s books are low on the spice but high on all the feels.
This book in specific really had me all over the place emotionally. The writing is great with little to no errors. I believe there was only one sentence that I had to reread just because it didn’t flow for me. I sometimes wish we got more in the epilogue but that’s because I’m greedy and always want more from these characters. Typically you learn a little more about the couples in later books so I try to be patient.
Profile Image for Julia Mayfield.
103 reviews
November 14, 2023
A Little Disappointed


I felt like Drake and Rory’s story wasn’t quite finished. For one thing, the fact that he left after all the action was never addressed and I feel like that would have been a really hard thing for Rory. We never really saw a relationship develop between them at all. We pretty much infer that they end up together based on the fact that he transfers to Copeland City at the end and kisses her.
Otherwise, we see them resist. We hear his declaration of love after absolutely no build up in their relationship. Honestly, I feel like this book could have been so much better, but the plot felt rushed and a little forced. I am still a huge fan and lover of all the books. This particular book just left much to be desired!
Profile Image for Kacie Mummawh0reads.x.
375 reviews15 followers
November 15, 2023
By Emilia Finn
Well that was a slow burn.. made it to like 70% with only a kiss! And the it was only a kiss the whole book!? Wth!? With all that chemistry and anticipation, it fizzled out to just a kiss!? Highly disappointed!
Don’t get me wrong the book was great! I cried, I laughed, I was shocked by the final twist. But the lack of spice ruined it for ME.

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Profile Image for Christina T.
292 reviews1 follower
November 28, 2023
This was so bitter sweet, coming to the end of the roller town series was a blow to the system but the way Emilia mixed two worlds, colliding and blowing everything up all at once. Rory and drake have been subtly crossing paths before he comes to her rescue to hide her from an ill fate due to unknown circumstances. He shows her that even if he is the elusive “won’t do relationships” kinda guy, he makes it his mission to prove to her that despite the cruel world he can keep her safe.. the man she’s hiding from is someone closer to drake than he originally imagined, filled with suspense to the brim.. what a way to collide the worlds of the roller - Copeland crew.
Profile Image for Jill Lewis.
376 reviews12 followers
October 31, 2023
I could not love the final book in the Lost Boys series more! Jinxed is an absolute emotional rollercoaster that had me crying one moment and on the edge of my seat the next with all the twists and turns. I just loved Drake and Rory! Their banter and the way they care for each other makes them one of my favorite couples of this series. Add in the cameos from Copeland City and beyond...this book gets all the stars!

"You're not insignificant. You're smart. And compassionate. And brave. You see yourself as one tiny drop. But I see you as the entire f'ing ocean."
25 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2023

Where to even begin with this one. First I love that so many favorites were in this book. Only thing missing was some of the Roller family. I almost screamed when Kane showed up. If there is a man that can make me cheat on Archer it's Kane Bishop. But now on to Mr. Banks and the fearless Rory. Their love story was slow burning and yet steamier and more penetrating than stories where they have sex almost every chapter after they meet. I can't wait to see more of them in Copeland City.
17 reviews1 follower
November 13, 2023
Judy Jinx

Drake Banks. UGH, why is he so dreamy? This book went a direction I didn't see coming, and BOY was it a shock! Once again, worlds collide, and we get visits from some of our most favorite people. And I'm here for it. Again, this is a knockout of the park book in a long line of amazing stories we have already gotten. I am already counting the days until the next! Though this is the last of the Lost Boys series, I know there will be more crossover in the future! And I can't wait!
Profile Image for Janelle Myers.
149 reviews5 followers
November 18, 2023
another twist and a turn by Emilia!!

I’ve waited for Drake’s story!! Detective Sluts-A-Lot needed someone to challenge him and bring him to his knees. It wasn’t the usual HEA we get from Emilia but she introduced a character with so many facets. You just want to root for Judy Jinx. My heart broke for her over and over. She exhibited so much strength and deserves so much love. We got to see Emilia’s worlds collide and always good to see characters from her other series. Makes me excited for more books to come!
Profile Image for Sandra Sousanes.
86 reviews
November 11, 2023
omg 😳 I did not see that coming

The crossover of all crossovers roller town meets Copeland city and it’s all the best! Drake and Rory have the best twist I never saw coming and it’s juicy. Action from start to finish and reveals along the way! Can’t wait for the next chapter of Minka and Archer but our favorite always helps out because they’re family cop finally gets his happily ever after!
Profile Image for Tiffany Bright.
361 reviews
November 17, 2023
Drake and Rory

Another good one by Emilia Finn. I love how the book incorporated characters from Copeland and Roller Town. It was exciting while wondering what would happen next. I just wish we got a little more closure with the relationship between Drake and Rory. Aside from an elevator scene, it kind of let you having to infer about their status as we never really got any affection scenes.
Profile Image for shelby.
67 reviews1 follower
November 11, 2023

Emilia!!! How? How do you do this time and time again??? I did not expect the twist. This book again got me in my feels. I laughed, cried, snickered. And absolutely loved the crossovers!! So much. It felt like family had come home. And of course Drake. I’m not sure how it’s possible to be in love with so many different types of guys, but man you’ve sure got me feeling some type of way.
Profile Image for Holly (Bookishbietsch).
118 reviews11 followers
November 13, 2023
My heart was pulled in so many different directions with this book! I’m sad this is the last book in the lost boys series but mannnn what a way to end the series! Drake and Rory are just magnets to each other but have so many reasons to not cross lines.

“If you saw yourself the way I see you you’d know you’re the whole damn ocean, Little Bird. And the sky you fly in. And the earth you control. You’re the wind I feel on my skin.”
106 reviews
November 13, 2023
5 Stars for Drake and Rory!💗

Ooof this book! What a ride and an emotional roller coaster Emilia took us on! I absolutely love Drake and Rory, my heart broke several times but Emilia put it back together in the end. Drake and Rory have a natural connection with each other. I loved the roles the Copeland City crew played especially Aubs, and also my fav Checkmate crew 🖤 another amazing book by Emilia Finn and I look forward to seeing them more in the future 👀💗🖤
Profile Image for Sunshine.
37 reviews13 followers
November 16, 2023
great book but ending was rushed

The book was EXCELLENT! Great writing, great plot, great characters. My only complaint is that we get all the way to the end and…get a kiss? :/ I’m assuming we’ll see them in more of the Mayet Justice series, but that doesn’t make up for not wrapping up a book. As a reader, we need to see SOME bit of them finally getting to just be together, and two seconds in an elevator doesn’t count.
5 reviews
November 17, 2023
Get your tissues ready!

Drake and Rory….I want more!
WOW….I can’t remember crying so much by reading a book until this one. My heart was completely breaking. This story (like all of Emilia’s) kept me wanting what comes next. I love how all of our crews came together: Checkmate Crew & Copeland City Crew - thank you Ace! I didn’t expect this ending at all. Emilia’s books always leave me wanting more! I will be waiting so keep them coming Emilia, please keep them coming!
676 reviews
November 18, 2023
Ohhhh, watch out!

Drake is the guy you’ve read about various times throughout reading Emilia Finn’s world, and he was always the fun loving, ladies man without the ties binding him down. To see his world from this book and how hard he falls is magical. I’m a huge fan, and this book doesn’t disappoint. On the edge of my couch throughout, waiting for the ultimate disclosure, and to get cameos from the old crew was just, primo!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews

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