And the difference is?

And the difference is?

Uproar pursued back in November 2020 when the Dutch Muslim politician, Arnoud van Doorn, a member of the City Council of The Hague, tweeted the above image.

He was protesting against the use of the track and tracing application governments want to use under the pretence of protecting the people... from a virus which has a 99.97% recovery rate.

Now anyone with a mg of awareness of the political games that play out around the world, will know that this app has nothing to do with protecting the people and everything to do with future games of control.

This was to be an app to further add to the divide and conquer strategies which have been in place for centuries, millenia in fact.

And it is a technique that has worked so beautifully that 'the people' i.e. we as citizens, have taken on the role of dividing ourselves so that the fat cats at the top now sit idly by, lapping up the cream, whilst watching us all fight amongst ourselves.

We have been divided on class, education, the colour of our skin, our beliefs when it comes to religion, our sexuality, even our own gender - and now we are being divided by the right to choose our own sovereignty and health choices based on informed consent.

It wouldn't matter which of the articles within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights I chose to highlight today, they all come into play when looking at whether the governments have a right to enforce medical rape upon me, you or any other human being.

Providing inadequate education for children and adults was the start. Damaging levels of confidence to be able to learn and understand certain things was the icing on this cake, along with the comply or get the cane.

Cigarettes were introduced in the early 1900's, having only been available in pipes and snuff, items associated with the upper classes. They were then massed marketed with the invention of the radio and then the TV: "Smoke, it's cool - see the decadent folks do it, and they are beautiful... you can be too" until we are dying with cancer that is.

With the weakening of our immune systems with anti-bacterial products such as hand sanitiser, washing powder and washing up liquids entering the home, the increase in health problems started to increase. Alcohol, cigarettes and the nerve gases from 'the war' all combined together to create yet another step on our journey to decline.

Closely following these anti-bac products was the forbidden playgrounds of climbing trees and making mud pies - things which used to provide us with hours of fun as children, taken away - along with playing outside, walking on the grass and playing ball games in courtyards.

Shortly after 'the war' along came processed foods which created acidic environments in our bodies, the perfect breeding ground for cancer. They also created more sugar in our bodies resulting in diabetes, heart disease and the very painful and dangerous gall bladder issues.

Fresh fruit and vegetables were made more and more expensive so those on lower incomes couldn't afford them, and the land being used by farmers to grow fresh fruit and veg was being poisoned by the pesticides and herbicides.

This resulted in untold damage to the soil, which has created a growing climate issue of desertification. Add into this the industrialisation of animal farming and the poisons are entering our body through the food we eat, making the attack on our immune systems even easier.

Fluoride was then introduced into our water, our toothpaste and entered our bodies through the pesticides that were being used on the crops around the world - the left over gases from the Nazi Holocaust carefully rebranded as RoundUp and sold to every farmer and homeowner to grow grops and the beautiful roses in our gardens.

Before we knew what was happening, our penial gland soon had hard crystals coating it, creating a hard shell called calcification. With this calcification process we ended up with yellowed or browned teeth, which led to a demand for chloride (aka bleach) to be added to our dental regime for that dazzling white smile.

Following on from tooth discoloration due to the increased levels of sugary food, sugar in alcohol, the cigarettes and the lack of calcium in our foods and eventually in our bodies we then experienced decay.

Add in to this mix the high intake of fluoridated water and the weakening of enamel happened, allowing the toxins an open door to the nervous system to the brain and our skeletal system through our dental nervous system.

What resulted next was an increase in neurological problems such as Alzheimers, Parkinson's, Epilepsy, not to forgetting the skeletal weaknesses, high blood pressure, skin disorders such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.

All of these ailments and problems were quickly remedied by the very same companies who were creating the problems in the first place.

The people behind Big Pharma and the Petrochemical companies were the very same people who were behind the nerve gases in 'the war'. But now the war was over, they needed to stay in business... and they needed to get rid of the products left over.

As 'common folk' we were programmed by the tell-a-vision and told what to think, who to fear and who to believe, and yet deep down very few of us believed what we were told. So the next level of programming was ramped up with an earlier version of George W Bush's famous quote "If you are not with us, you are with terrorism".

The sad thing is though, we were the ones beng terrorised by the people who were programming us to fear others, to be afraid of being left out, or FOMO as we now refer to it today.

Fast forward to the increase in global travel and people getting to know the folk from other countries, and realising they were not as scary as we were once made to believe, in fact they were really quite lovely, so we started marrying each other and having children together.

The fear of the brown folk, the savages and the religious nuts from over the water, and over the border was declining, so they needed a new angle. One which the majority of people, due to the poor education system and the calcified penial glands, couldn't possible comprehend.

Enter biological war fare. They knew it worked and had a great success rate. The military around the world had used it in Palestine, Japan, Russia, Germany, Vietnam, Cambodia and Africa; not to mention many places we were not allowed to know about.

With the expansion of the internet into people's homes, and the connectivity at home and in the street, it become more and more obvious that the free thinkers, the ones deemed conspiracy theorists, were becoming more and more clued up.

The free thinkers were growing in numbers, becoming the 'free radicals' the governments had to deal with. And like the free radicals in our bodies which cause harm if their levels become too high, the free thinkers had to be kept in check.

Enter silencing, restriction of movement, no group gatherings in public, limited numbers of family get togethers because God forbid they might actually discuss the issues presented to them and start to resist the new ideas being fed to them like a baby sat in a high chair.

The governments were confident though, as they had been collecting data from the likes of social media platforms, search engines and people willing sharing their lives, their dramas and their fears publicly. Heck the public were even posting photos of their cute little children for the peadophiles to get excited about and sell on the open market!

Analysing all the data the governments began to know our biggest fears, the things we would do and would not do to save our families, and just like in the movies where gangsters and terrorists are threatened with the fear of their families being hurt, the governments and media channels around the world started to tell people that if you don't wear a mask or get injected with the poison you are the one who is killing your family - not us.

Even though they have been killing us softly for well over a century.

The powers that be knew that the more processed food we ate, the more alcohol and sugary drinks we drank, the more we smoked, the less we played outside, the fatter we got, the sicker we got, the more meds we took.

Which in turn boosted the profits of Big Pharma, who incidently funded the election campaigns so the politicians turned a blind eye to the activities and drugs being created.

The CDC and WHO knew the foods and drinks which were being manufactured and sprayed with dangerous chemicals, and knew full well they were causing illnesses such as cancer, so by default were commiting corporate manslaughter on a global stage.

But that's ok, because the people have a choice to eat the products or choose alternatives; which are priced really high so only the wealthy can afford them, leaving the masses declining in health and the inability to think growing more and more rampant.

Add in the lack of sleep that people get, in part due to lack of the melatonin hormone being produced in their brain, due to the increased levels of fluoride calcifying the penial gland, and the use of large TVs, computers and smart phones, and you have a body dying from the inside out - all due to the unconcious choices of the people.

With more and more people walking around with the fluoride stare, and unaware of the damage they are doing to themselves, whilst encouraging others to also take part in the mass slow burn suicide activities, whether through 'friendly banter' or as we are seeing today mass exclusion and peer pressure, also known as bullying, the health organisations around the world are getting away without culpability.

With the mass censorhip, the manipulation of information shared, the exclusion from libraries, theatres, hair salons, restaurants unless you´ve been injected with the poison, the ´stay at home curfews´ also known as house arrest, the brain washing of nations is almost complete.

People are now relenting on a mass scale, encouraging each other to "just wear the mask", "just get the jab" but those of us who are awake, the ones who have not succumbed to the peer pressure, the alienation and exclusion, we are also growing in numbers.

We are being forced underground, forced to get creative and discovering new ways to connect and serve one another. We will not be part of the violation of human rights, and we will rebuild and create economies outside of 'the system'.

Because one day, just like when people woke up to the atrocities of Nazi Germany, those who blindly followed and lived in fear of the government will realise that they were duped.

And as history has proven they will be the angriest ones of all, especially when they realise that the insurance policies they have so loyally paid into will not pay out when requested, because the policies do not cover the untested vaccinations they willing allowed a member of the public to inject them with.

As someone who truly deeply believes in human rights, who has made the UDHR the fundamentals of my business, and someone who chooses to publish books many other publishers won´t, I don´t really care whether someone chooses to inject themselves or not.

Everyone is free to choose for themselves, and no one should be detained, judged, arrested, excluded or treated unfairly just because they choose to make different choices, because that would mean we would live in a totalitarian government....

... and surely no one wants that... no matter how refreshing that ice cold beer is on a hot tropical beach holiday with the kids.

#humanrightseveryday #udhr #sovereignty #freetochoose #farming #dentalhealth #foodindustry #freedomofspeech #history #commonsense




As I was listening to my Latin music, I was reading your article. And thought ... Poderosa !!!!!!!!! Ponderosa!!!!!!! Ponderosa!!!!!!!! Fuego !!!!! Fuego !!!!! Fuego!!! I know you know what that means. It was purely those two words that came to mind. You are awesome!! Thank you Dawn Bates Author Strategist and Publisher

Bianca Spears

Helping leaders to bring more passion, play and prosperity to the game of life.


Thanks for laying out the path of events so clearly and so far back. Often people talking about these things talk from a place of the reader already understanding/being aware of these things, and it can feel alienating to read, like you're on the outer. When it feels so far removed from what you understand, you do tend to just switch off and disregard it, well, I know I felt that way in the past. I feel your share here is super inclusive and will help others to see - even if only one - new piece/s of the truth that they hadn't noticed or realised before. 😊🙏 The changes they make from there will ripple out.

Robert Kesten

HISTORY=PRIDE. Working to save and strengthen democracy Human Rights=DIgnity


Provoking. Much I can agree with, some I do not. Indeed the historic record will, in time, speak for itself. There is no truth but the truth, yet it is hidden from public view. People are lazy, people are fearful, people are what people have always been, a mixed bag of everything out there. Over the last few days I have found the story I feel compelled to tell. It is indeed a #moonshot and I hope I have the organizational skill to gift it to the world.

Dawn Bates

Author coaching for those brave enough to challenge the status quo | Disrupting the publishing industry | Owning My Ovaries & Drinking Tea Down Rabbit Holes Daily


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