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The Harem Project #7

House of Malak

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I’m the Director of Haven, a newly established sanctuary for all the misused and mistreated humans that The Harem Project recovers from the Division of Silence. I have my hands full, trying to save as many lives as I can.

Then a chance meeting has me virtually running into the men that hold a piece of my heavenly soul and my world shifts. My sense of duty pulls me to focus on Haven, but my instincts insist I make these men mine.

Finding balance isn’t easy, but somehow I manage to find peace in both the professional and personal aspects of my life. I can do this. I can do good and make my home with these divine men.

My name is Tatum and I just joined an all out war with a family whose power is such a threat to the monsters of Silence that we’re nearly number one on their hit list. Instead of waiting for them to target our family, we just jumped into the massacre happening before us.


This is a LGBT+ story with content not intended for those under 18 years of age due to graphic scenes and situations.

296 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 15, 2024

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About the author

Crea Reitan

78 books765 followers
Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. When she can't fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center - and utterly swoon-worthy! Don't ask her how many book boyfriends she has...

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don't even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,895 reviews93 followers
February 16, 2024
And another one. I got my hands on another Harem Project book, it's House of Malak's turn. Finally, I get to know more about those elusive angelic monsters.

Tatum was a great MFC, she represents everything we think her species to be, a beautiful soul with a big heart she just needs help learning to live her life. That's where the Malaks come in. As usual, Crea is pretty good with character development, the levels vary with each guy and while I liked all of them the two that stood out the most were Aden with a past that broke my heart, I love his love of reading and hermit lifestyle and Toby who gave big puppy energy brought a smile to my face every time. I adored the two to pieces.

Crea is sort of genius because while the base is the same we get to see things from new angles, which means we learn more stuff and the story progresses further along. With every new Harem Project book we get a a different aspect of the Harem Project and get a better look at the horrors both Silence and ORKA create. Crea is always switching it up, from locations to characters to how the family met, even the issues are never quite the same. This book focuses on the human victims of Silence, more specifically the female breeders and children. I didn't think we'd get this story. Everything was done really well, the different challenges everyone faces, from the mothers to the children to the Harem Project workers, everyone is affected. It was an emotional read at times, especially those final few chapters.

House of Malak was an exceptional read. I want to know, am I the only one who thinks this series needs a bunch of novellas? Like there are these little side explanations about stuff/people but I want a more detailed story. One can always dream. I love the Harem Project, it's such a unique series the characters draw me in, the plot keeps me pinned to my seat, and the emotional impact is felt in the best of ways. It's most definitely a favorite, I love looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Micronova.
179 reviews52 followers
February 9, 2024
House of Malak, book seven of the The Harem Project Series by Crea Reitan-
Rating: 4 ⭐️

This can be read as a standalone, which is how I read it however, I now will be going back to start the series from the beginning. There were so many things happening and character crossover in this book that I feel like it’s necessary to go back to the beginning so I can have a better understanding of this world. For this reason, I feel like it would be most beneficial to read the series in order.

Crea Reitan has quickly become a favorite author for me. I was first introduced to her with her MM writing. She writes the most meaningful relationships and her characters are so, so deep. Always so much more than what you initially expect. THIS book introduced me to a world that I quickly became fascinated with. The story is mind blowing. I was thrown into a world of polyamorous, bonded mates, the Harem Project itself, Haven, The Silence, magic and characters with abilities and traits that I could have never imagined.

This book centers on Tatum and her relationship with the Malak family. While she is learning about the men that will become her husbands, she is also spearheading a fosters program for the orphaned children at Haven. We learn so much about these incredibly unique children, children that have already been through so much and need to be protected from the Silence…at all costs. When The Silence coordinates an attack on the families…will they be able to protect themselves and the children? Will they be able to fight back??

As I said, I’m completely fascinated with this world and I need to learn more about all of it. I am excited to go back to the beginning and fully immerse myself in this world.

I received an advance reader copy and am leaving my review voluntarily.
Profile Image for TheBookBrat&#x1f5a4;.
622 reviews72 followers
February 10, 2024
*Why Choose
*Urban Fantasy
*instant attraction
*established harem (7)
*slow burn
*shared world
Solid Addition
There’s a lot of focus on the awful elements of The Silence and ORKA especially towards children - there are definitely some emotional pages to read here. But you also start to get some answers about this overarching story throughout this series which is good to see.
In terms of the relationships it’s not as spicy as previous books or Crea’s usual style but this fits with the books focus. There was slower development of relationships despite the instant ‘meet cute’ and those relationships were sweet. The only aspect for me was that I felt there was a significant focus on certain people (Tatum, Tobiel, Tyrus) over the tests of the husbands/harem but this could be due do the numbers of the harem.
A fair addition to this world.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
3,293 reviews47 followers
February 15, 2024
I'm loving these Harem Project books so much and all the characters in them. To me House of Malak felt like a different read in regards to the other books in this series and I be honest I liked that it was. Especially because there's little steaminess (a slow burn) in it but that's okay with me.

Archangel and The Director of Haven - Tatum runs a sanctuary for monsters and she genuinely cares for the souls in her care. Her relationship with the kids there was not only heart-warming but bittersweet too with everything that they went through. I loved that the kids and the mothers were a major focus in this book. It was touching. With each book this series just keeps getting better and Tatum's book was a great addition too it.
Profile Image for Miriam.
614 reviews10 followers
February 10, 2024
I'm a huge fan of the Harem Project series. And I was excitedly awaiting to read this.

Crea Reitan in general is my favorite author since I read her Wonderland Chronicles series nearly three years ago. Since then, I'm following her and keep close attention to new books and releases. Tho, I haven't read all her books. For example, her new M/M books. It's a new branch to me, because I rarely read books only focused on M/M. I love it, but normally, I mostly read poly books with a woman in it, so that I have a balance between that and M/M parts. But I don't focus on one kind of sexuality. Meaning, I don't read only M/M or F/F. I love the mix, if that makes sense.

And while I don't mind that Crea is following her passion and writes what she wants, my mood is just not on par with that development. I fell in love with her Wonderland series and the books before her M/M passion, because it has it all. M/F, M/M and love in all kinds of colors and forms. And it is often free of norms and standards. Like the Immortal Stream series — gender doesn't matter, sexuality doesn't matter, everyone should do what they want and be who they want to be.

With her focus on M/M now, it got a bit lost for me (though, I know her male characters in those books are on the same level — meaning, Crea shows much of diversity there). It's of course only my opinion, and everyone has their own taste of books. It's like Crea says, if you aren't into a specific brand of book, you don't have to read it. That's why, I don't do it, atm. Which doesn't mean, I will not read it, because as you see, I still love her writing and her books. And I'm intrigued about her M/M books too, I just wait for the right mood swing.

So, House of Malak is still within the rule “I love her books anyway”. But it was still a different experience. I loved that she put her focus on a woman, Tatum, again this time. A lot of her last books were more focused on the M/M part, which is logical to what I already explained above. But really, Tatum was a great female lead. Tho, the relationship building part was different in quality this time.

Meaning, it's far more short and not as detailed as usual. And Tatum doesn't spend equal time with each of her husbands. Rahael for example was mostly in the background. I can't recall a time she spent one on one time with him. It was mostly Aden and Toby, then Hadrian and Cobalt. And a bit of Laz and Hawthorn. And generally it was more slow burn, than I'm used to either.

Which was a pity, because House of Malak were one of the families I wanted to read about in the past.

Other changes were, that the Harem Project wasn't on the forefront anymore. Not like in the first books, where the lead characters found their families through the questionnaire. Again, it is not necessarily bad. Because I get it, that it can be too repetitive. And a meet cute is something that I enjoy reading about too. And in some way, they still met through the Harem Project, because Tatum works for them and the Malak's are working together with them too? But it was very loosely.

Of course, the HP is still there and part of the story. Just in different capacity and function. But still, I fell in love with the idea of matching with the perfect family through a curious KI. And I would have loved to see an extension of the new development with the KI doing things on their own.

Still, it was a great book, because the plot was compelling, and we learn a lot more about what Silence is doing. Tho, those discoveries are pretty horrific. Poor women. And those children… But so unique and amazing. I loved them. And I hope all of them find perfect families.

And I loved Tyrus. It was such a sweet process to follow him and Bael. And the interactions he had with Tatum. It was just great. I love the psychotic characters and generally speaking, I'm more attracted to the dark side. So, while Tyrus is a side character here, I can't wait to read about House of Darkyn next. It sure will be interesting.

Really, it was a great book in the Harem Project series, with lots of new developments and new pieces to think over.

Tho, I wished there was more on the ending and seeing the conversation about Shadow. That little guy stole my heart too. But I'm sure it will be mentioned in the next book. Cross-overs between characters are always there, as we know. 😁Otherwise, what happened with the mothers and children that were placed in families? I had a bit of a suspicion, since Taylour mentioned that she used the database/KI to find matches, that the families found their wives in the mothers too. But it wasn't told at all.

But again, maybe we will see more in the next books.
Profile Image for butterfliesandbooks .
1,571 reviews22 followers
February 20, 2024
There were so many things happening and character crossovers in this book that I think it would be helpful to read the series in order.

There are a couple of triggers you need to aware of, so my advice is check the warnings for jumping in…..

This book is all about Tatum and her relationship with the Malak family. (It’s been the one I’ve wanted to read for a while, they have been mentioned a few times in previous books.)
Whilst learning about the men that will soon become her husbands, she is also working at The Harem Project. She’s working in the facility called Haven, and is on a project for the orphaned children that have lost family through the fight against The Silence and ORKA. (See, I told you there was lots going on.) She’s also looking after the women who were taken and impregnated and children who are the result of those unwanted pregnancies!

Tobiel/Aden/Cobalt/Hawthorn/Lazarus/Hadrian/Rahael are an established family, but they still long for their wife. And when Tobiel meets her, he wants to take her back to his home and introduce her to the rest of the family. But bumping into briefly and then not being able to find his angel (yes she’s an actual archangel) is frustrating Toby. And to make things worse, his husbands don’t seem to be in a rush to find her!

But when he finally meets her, it’s full steam ahead with the courtship 😆 he’s certain Tatum is the one. And Tatum is definitely interested in getting to know the Malak family.

In this book you also get a few questions answered from previous books. It really starts to come together.

The Silence and ORKA have been increasing their attacks on the families we’ve read about, but it’s the Division of Silence that have taken a darker turn! Using women and children in their fight to win against the “houses” and the “monsters” that live in this world! When I’m fact they are the monsters!

I don’t think it’s a smexy as previous books in the series, I got the feeling we are focusing on the storyline. It’s more of a slow burn this time and again as there are so many characters in this family (seven established if I remember correctly) pages seem to focus mainly on Tatum/Tobiel (which can be a blessing at times 😜) but we get to meet and interact with the whole Malak family.

So when The Silence coordinates an attack on the families, will they be able to protect themselves and the children? Will they be able to fight back?

There is betrayal. Plot twists and catching up with previous houses. I really did enjoy reading this one.

Highly recommend you read in order then this one.

Profile Image for Casey Velasquez.
205 reviews12 followers
February 17, 2024
4.75 ⭐️
2.5 🔥
Book 7 of The Harem Project
Haven & House of Malak
Mythical Monsters
Slow Burn
Found Family
Dark Pasts
Demisexual Rep
⚠️ This book contains dark content. Please check content warnings. ⚠️
House of Malak is probably my favorite of the series yet! I have admittedly only read Book 1, House of Daemon, and Book 2, House of Aves, then this one, Book 7, House of Malak. This series is based around a world consisting of both the supernatural and human worlds. It was based on The Harem Project, where one goes to find a forever family, with a mix of all types of mythical & fantastical, supernatural “monsters” and humans. These families have different types of polygamy, with most trying to complete their family. While the first two books I read focused heavily on this process, and these families finding their happily ever afters, with small parts concerning the overall plot that connects all these books. House of Malak is more focused on Haven, a special division of The Harem Project. Specifically, Haven is a division that have taken in child mutations of these supernatural “monsters” and their forcibly breed human mothers, from enemy organizations ORKA and Silence, whom they have forged a war against. Tatum, the FMC of this book, is the Director of Haven, and Divine 🪽. Unlike with the other books is the series, Tatum is not part of The Harem Project, and instead focused on her work with Haven. Which is where she runs into some of the men from House of Malak. This is a slow burn romance between this group, mostly due to the human part of the family Aden, who is Demisexual towards women, and suffers from a dark past. I really enjoyed the heavier emphasis on the Haven division as well as the slower romance with the House of Malak. Crea has made up a world that is truly magical, but contains light and dark themes of the world today. This series is beautifully diverse and I feel like it would appeal to most people in some way. I love how inclusive it is! ✨

Thank you Crea Reitan & Chaotic Creatives for the ARC!
Profile Image for Gale MR.
185 reviews15 followers
February 17, 2024
Holy Moly amazeballs! If I was living somewhere in a dystopian future, where glimpses in human mind were possible, I'd love to see a moment of the inner workings of your beautiful mind where so many magnificent worlds co exist together. How is this possible, I'll never know but let's return back to what we know - your originality, flawless writing, intriguing world building, depth of your characters. I haven't read the rest of the Harem project books, only House of Malak but it wasn’t an issue to sink into the story and enjoy it with all my senses. I'll continue to repeat that, one of the things I love the most about your books is the wide arc of characters, simultaneously developing on page; all the micro stories that perfectly align and merge into the big frame of the main story line. The second thing that made an impression is the slow burnish vibe - yes, this was like the "mother" of slow burn romance but with everything happening in the book, that actually helped me to focus on the characters and all the intricate details of this complex, multi layered world of wonders. I didn’t miss the heat at all because the intimacy and warmth of meaningful connections was like a glowing, compelling beacon in the dark. In this world where polycules and large families are a norm, Tatum found herself tethered to a really wonderful group of men. All of them so different but complimenting each other perfectly as a match. What I loved the most was her fierce, passionate personality, her emphatic nature and devotion to her duties.
Last but not least important, I truly loved the easy way they merged as a polycule - no internal drama, no questioning of right and wrong, just acceptance and open, honest communication.
February 19, 2024
This was a bit of a different pace than the normal Harem Project books in this series but was still absolutely amazing. We meet Tatum she is running Haven where all the women and children that are found in Silence are taken to try and help them back into the world. Their story’s are so sad and heart warm all the same.
Tatum is very dedicated to her work and is not looking for anything to interfere with that. By a chance meeting she meets Tobiael Malak. His family the Malala have been waiting 15 months since receiving the bouquet to find their wife. After searching to find her again weeks later they finally run into each other again. She eventually gets to meet the others Cobalt, Hadrian, Rahael, Hawthorn, Larurus and the human Adem. They are a family of archangels and Nephilim and Tatum is an archangel and are perfect matches. This book had me with both sad and happy tears. The stories of the women and children dealing with the experiments and how they were treated in the clutches of Silence and ORKA organizations can be pretty emotional. I loved seeing the new children and especially loved Shadow and Bael. We are seeing the build up to the ultimate final battle with ORKA and Silence. The acts of these organizations are really ramping up their actions so much so the monster community has to band together even more than they have to try and keep everyone safe. This story is a unique twist in the story and i loved everything about it. I’m so excited to see what will happen in the next book and see how this unfolds.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Philippa Robinson.
131 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2024
“𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕. 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝; 𝚠𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚍. 𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎.”

💛💛💛.75 / 5

🌶️🌶️🌶️ / 5


House of Malak is the 7th book in the Harem Project series and it was the perfect combination of dark and wholesome! I read this one as a standalone and while there where lots of characters to keep track of I really enjoyed the plot and relationships it navigated. I’m definitely going to read the rest of the series at some point but it works perfectly as a standalone!

I love all the different species of monster, some I hadn’t even heard of, but the desperations of them were great! I can picture all the baby monsters like tooth girl and I adore shadow!

I also loved the relationship dynamic, Crea doesn’t write why choose that centres around the female, we get a complete polyamorous group who all have relationships with each other, and we get to explore the relationship they build with Tatum as it evolves. It’s such a sweet wholesome dynamic, and Aden’s journey with his relationship to Tatum is highlighted and shown, allowing us to watch as his feelings and attraction evolve (Aden is Demi).

While the romance of this is completely and totally wholesome, there is lots of trigger warnings, which I definitely recommend reading before going in as there are graphic descriptions of child abuse and neglect and more.

For lovers of:
- Monster Romance
- Why Choose Romance
- Interconnected Stand-alone
- Found family
- Insta Love
- Demi Sexual Rep
- Queer Rep
- Slow Burn
Profile Image for Miss E.
471 reviews
February 18, 2024
The Malak's find their wife at Heaven during a drop off of victims from The Division of Silence. She is there one minute and gone the next!

Tatum is the Director of Heaven, the place that helps women and kids rescued from The Division of Silence. She is married to her work, but when a chance meeting (more or less) with Tobiael connects her with the house of Malak, she must find a balance between work and family life.

This book in The Harem Project is a little different from the previous ones. There is HUGE development in the ongoing battle with The Division of Silence. I loved the more or less recap of what "we know" and "what has happened" and the new theories about the "whys".
The romance is more slow-burn and probably a bit more low heat than what is usual in this series and for CR overall. But this book is SO effing good! I LOVED getting more action and more progress on the fight of good versus evil.

As always, the horror of Silence is balanced with SO much heart and compassion.
Do read the content advisory before chapter 1. It is brutal, but oh, the feelings and the devotion. It is both heartbreaking and beautiful.

I'm looking forward to even more in this series. I can't wait for the next book. I'm actually a little sad that I know the series probably will come to an end at some point. I want it to never end LOL
1,135 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2024
I absolutely love this book it was a slow burn full of angst romance, but it felt like the pace was just what was needed as Tatum finds her husbands. Tatum works in Haven which is part of the Harem project. I so enjoyed this concept and all the characters they grab at your heart strings. Tatum was so tender and loving with Shadow that you could feel the love she had for him coming off the pages. While the story is of Tobiel and his men finding their wife we also have a mystery going on and all the characters are trying to figure out what silence and ORKA are up to what are their goals and are they working together. Each man in this relationship has something different to give to each other and Tatum as she finds her place as their wife. They are very protective of her but still give her the space that she needs. Each character is unique and complex and shows so much love and emotion for each other you can't help but feel drawn to them all. This is the only book in the series I have read but I definitely will be going back and reading the rest this story is so interesting it keeps you engaged, and you won't be able to put it down. I was given this book as an ARC for my honest review.
Profile Image for Tamarra Lynch.
638 reviews8 followers
February 20, 2024
If you love a story with a strong FMC such as Tatum and MMC’s that were written by an author who can show a character’s growth and development, then this story is for you.

Crea is a master storyteller. Her creative writing ebbs and flows in a way that allows readers to see things from different angles, and as the story develops, as a reader, you get to learn more along the way.

This story is intricate in its own right, from locations to characters to connecting with family and addressing issues that are not the same. The complexity of the challenges that the characters face is a testament to their own strength and resilience. It plays on the heart strings and is a story not to be missed.

Exceptional doesn’t begin to cover what this book encompasses. You will not find characters as unique as these ones because this book will draw you in, hold you through every word, every page, every chapter right up to the very end.

This story is for you if you love why you choose urban fantasy, multi points of views, instant attraction, established harem, slow burn, stand-alone, and shared world.

Recommend both the author and the book.

I received an ARC. Therefore, I am voluntarily submitting a review.
Profile Image for XxLaVampiresaAlexisxX.
967 reviews53 followers
February 25, 2024
House of Malak is book seven and a standalone, within the world of The Harem Project. While it is a standalone, if you didn't read the previous books, you can find yourselfa bit confused. So, I highly recommend doing so.

You have:
*PNR/Urban Fantasy
*Multi-PoV (just Tatum and Tobiael)
*Poly-Whychoose (7)
*slow burn
*shared world

*There's some content that might be distressing, such as violence against women and children

This standalone follows Tatum and the Malak Family (although, the POVs were just Tatum and Tobiael).Tatum is and Archangel and director of Haven. She oversees the women and children victims of the war between ORKA and the The Silence. Although, the Malak Family was an already established group, they still felt incomplete. It was fate when Tobiael meets Tatum and he just could have found the one to make them all complete.

I am seriously loving that Crea Reitan is coming out with so many spin-offs from this series. AND I CANNOT GET ENOUGH!This one, was a bit darker and moved at a more slower pace than the previous books. Buuut, each book she puts out are so unique and delicious and just overall a entertaining read! Definitely recommend!!

Profile Image for Anna McCauslin.
182 reviews2 followers
February 25, 2024
The plot has continued to thicken with the Silence and their fingers all over everything to do with the Harem project and it's families. However, Crea has managed to keep things fresh for us, by giving us Tatum. If Tatum is married to anything at the beginning, it's her job at Haven, helping the incubator mothers, and new species that have been created by the Silence, and then rescued from the breeding facilities. This book has a stern warning at the front about the content and how it relates to children. It's a tough subject no doubt. But Crea did an admirable job not just giving House of Malak their wife, and Tatum her family, but also giving us the bigger picture on how this elongated, and ugly war has affected all the children involved. It has cruelty, but also dignity. Abandonment, and unfettered attachment and adoption. And woven through each of these babies lives is Tatum, developing her own relationships with all of Malak's men, but especially Aden, the sweet demisexual who's long walks and conversations with Tatum drive their relationship. There is one more book left for this series, and honestly at this point it would take real witchcraft, and possibly 700 pages to wrap up all the loose threads. Hopefully we aren't left waiting too long.
Profile Image for Andrea Green.
766 reviews7 followers
February 16, 2024
Picture this: a luxurious mansion, secrets lurking in every corner, and a cast of characters that'll have you flipping through the pages faster than you can say "drama llama." Welcome to the world of "House of Malak," where nothing is as it seems and everyone's got something to hide.

At the centre of this storey of it all is Malak, the enigmatic billionaire with a penchant for intrigue and a yummy harem full of surprises – still looking for their wife and completion. So when our Tatum enters the scene, things start to get really interesting. Cue the steamy romance albeit very slow burn

Also, the back storey of ORKA & Silence runs through the plot with backstabbing betrayal, along with plot twists that'll leave you gasping for breath.

This series is a guilty pleasure you just can't put down. It's addictive, it's indulgent, and it's oh-so-satisfying. You'll find yourself rooting for the characters one moment and cursing their decisions the next, but that's all part of the fun.

Please read the trigger warnings expecially if you have issues around harm and experimentations on children
Profile Image for Kristen Lewendon.
7,776 reviews49 followers
February 12, 2024
I loved this opportunity to look behind the doors of the House of Malak. Tatum is not at all what I was expecting their final member to be, but she’s the perfect fit for them. I also quite adore the mission she’s set for herself with Haven. If you’ve been following the series and want to know more about what Silence and ORKA have been up to, this gives us some terrifying insights. Now, when the author said this book was dark and sometimes brutal, she wasn’t kidding. But this story isn’t dark only for the sake of being “dark”. These characters are fighting for their very survival; their right to continue to exist. That’s not a struggle that can be told in a happy, upbeat manner. And yet, the author is able to infuse this gritty, often violent journey with humor and a sense of hope that defies the very evil the monsters are fighting against. Sure, it’s often gallows humor, but when the options are to laugh or cry, I’d much rather be laughing.
I received a complimentary advance copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Emmi (bookish_redpanda).
335 reviews18 followers
February 15, 2024
This is the first book of Reitan's that I've read in The Harem Project world, and whilst I feel you can in fact read it as a standalone, you will walk in with a lot more information (and some less confusion) if you read the prior books first.

That being said, though, I did very much enjoy the world that has been created with this series. As stated in the book, please heed TWs as this one does deal with some sensitive subject matters.

This is definitely a book about building strong relationships, set in a very "love is love" universe. Whilst the action and the mystery continue through the book, I love the way that it doesn't detract from Tatum getting to know the Malak family. Compared to other books of Reitan's I've read (her MM's) this is a slow burn, but well worth it for the sheer emotional impact - and that's not just with the Malak family, but with Tatum's job, too.

This has definitely opened my eyes to another amazing series, and I cannot wait to go back and read the rest of the entries in this world.
Profile Image for Lene Blackthorn .
1,615 reviews5 followers
February 22, 2024
This has been so far my favorite story in the whole Harem Project series. Tatum as an angel definitely is pure and good and dedicated to her very difficult job at the Haven, taking care of abused women and unwanted supernatural children. The horrors she has to face on daily basis are heartbreaking, yet her warmth and love and healing abilities are a beacon of hope. Also to her newfound family, but also to those suffering from devastating attacks from the side of Silence..
There was a lot of suspense and action in this book, and the romance blossomed in a rather horrific and violent environment. The conflict between the HP resistance against ORCA/Silence and the two mentioned factions attacking the supernatural community is escalating fast and the collateral damage increases. However Tatum and her new family are a sweet counterbalance to the violence and bring lots of positive emotions. I really enjoyed getting to know them and looking into a different side of the Harem Project work. Looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Nikki.
Author 2 books10 followers
February 22, 2024
I have known this book was coming for a while, and I thought I’d be ready. I wasn’t. Silence has been in the shadows always, but the depths of their depravity are slowly being uncovered, and it’s well, monstrous.

Tatum is a witness to Silence’s inhumane abuse of women and children. She’s doing her best to help mitigate the damage, but it can’t always be undone or eased. Malak has been waiting for their wife for a while, and one dark, devastating night, Toby hears the voice of an angel and knows he’s found her.

This book is fairly different from others in the series, but it is no less compelling a read. We see some of our beloved early favorites make an appearance and please know that my whole heart is now Tyrus’s. That oni stole the show for me and I am here for it.

Be prepared for some rough rides, but the love, purpose, and total commitment that bleeds through these characters and the book will leave you satisfied and in that post book place we all hate until the next one comes along.
Profile Image for Srish.
358 reviews6 followers
February 7, 2024
𝕬𝕽𝕮 𝕽𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖜:

∆ House of Malak is book 7 of The Harem Project by Creating Reitan. It is a paranormal world meets urban fantasy world romance (one of my favourite). This book outdid every other urban fantasy story I have ever did! Also, this is a polyamorous romance meaning that there will be one single FMC who doesn't chooses between her men (multiple MMCs) and the MMCs also have a relationship with each other. I love when why-choose romance have MM relationship as well because how can you be okay with sharing your girl if you aren't a little fluid? This book is highly recommended 🩶

∆ This book was something I wasn't sure that would become my favourite, but omg this book is so so so good! I am in love with the characters! The way all of them love each other and look out for each other just shows the extent to which they would sacrifice themselves to protect the others. I loved this book!
Profile Image for Lory.
3,037 reviews27 followers
February 11, 2024
When I tell you that I'm a huge fan of this series. I was patiently, and excitedly waiting for this book. When I tell you that it didn't disappointed liked I knew it wouldn't it was so worth the wait. I enjoyed get to know Tatum and her relationship with the Malak family. However this story did feel like the other it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I felt like Tatum didn't spend equal time with each of her husband. Rahael was one who stood out to me but he was mostly in the background. I can't remember a instant where she spent one on one time with him. I only remember her time with Aden and Toby and then the other husbands. Also this felt more like a slow burn. I guess it was to be expected in regards to Aden I guess I wasn't used to that. Still, it was a great book. I'm definitely looking forward to the next book. As always my reviews are totally voluntary. No monetary compensation was received. The opinions I have expressed are completely my own.
Profile Image for Libby Fowler .
448 reviews3 followers
February 12, 2024
Great addition to the series!
This story followed Tatum, who works at Haven where they look after the women and children that have been rescued from silence. It’s heartbreaking what they have done to the children, but Tatum has such a big heart and looks after them all and is helping to find them families.
Silence are getting somewhat smarter with their attacks but luckily there are lots of monster families who are strong.
Tatum meets the Malak family, however she does not meet them through the harem project.
This is not a book like the others in the series, this book is more focused on Tatum’s job we don’t get much of her with her new family, so it kind of feels like their should be a second book where we get to see them as a family. Also I would have loved to have read Tatum ask the guys about having the Shadows!
After reading this I can’t wait to read the Darkyn’s book I absolutely loved Tyrus!!
353 reviews
February 15, 2024
I love this series to pieces. It has become on my favorites. This book is very heavy on plot and setting up the next phase of this series I suspect. We learn much more how and why The Silence is doing what they are doing. There are some amazing easter eggs in this book I think.

This book follows Tatum who is the director of Haven. Haven is helping the women and children who have been abducted and experimented on by The Silence. Tatum is an ArchAngel. She is alone right now and throwing herself into work. I do love that this book isn't instant love via the Harem Project matching. Tatum finds her mates by accident when rescuing a women who was dying. Toby see's her and knows she is his mate. Poor Toby doesn't know who she is though. He wanders around Haven getting into all kinds of mischief trying to find her. Once he finds her though he won't let go. The rest of his husbands aren't as fast. They take some time to get to know her and fall in love with her. She does the same with them.
Profile Image for Sammy .
728 reviews16 followers
February 14, 2024
House of Malak is a a fantastic paranormal romance mixed with an urban fantasy. This is a why choose story that doesn’t solely focus on the FMC, but the MMC’s also have a relationship between them and this is my favourite type of why choose. This book does have a large cast of characters, and this was by far one of my favourite things. I do personally prefer a large cast of characters rather than a limited few.

The writing style of this author immediately pulled me into the story and straight away I was fascinated with the character of Tatum. Tatum is the new director of the Harem Project which is a sanctuary for human beings who have been mistreated, and I absolutely love this premise. This plot was wonderfully executed and I was absolutely obsessed with this story.

If you are a fan of paranormal romance, why choose, compelling characters, make sure this is added to your TBR ahead of the release tomorrow.
141 reviews4 followers
February 16, 2024
Another great group

I know this story is from the viewpoints of Tatum and Toby, but I think the star was Aden. I mean the orphan monsters are definitely a big part of this story too.

The House of Malak was crammed full of information, and as the families continue to fight against the evil that has been threatening their existences, they find more victims. Everything that happens though has them banding together.

I loved how protective Tatum was over the women and kids that were brought in. I also loved how she listened to her instincts with them. Plus, she was so good with the Malaks... especially Aden. He was such an interesting sweet character that I'm so happy he was the center of this family. His story really pulls at the heartstrings.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the houses bring whoever is behind these evil groups down. And this book made it clear that there is more going on. Bring on the next book.
Profile Image for Tara Syrnyk.
668 reviews4 followers
February 21, 2024
This was another fantastic addition to this world. Everytime I read one of these books, I am blown away at the attention to detail throughout everything, whether it be world building, character development or just the way the sentences are structured, you can “see” the story easily with the way the authour writes. I love that while these books are technically standalones, the interconnected-ness between the characters and the world these stories take place in, adds a depth that really makes the stories quite engrossing. Getting to know Tatum and the men in her life was a real treat, I enjoyed how diverse all the characters were. We also get some answers to questions that have been lingering since the start of this series. I Love how thick and unpredictable the plot is. We get a good mix of drama and spice in one. This is well written and flows at the perfect pace for these characters. I am looking forward to more!
Profile Image for Margarida.
443 reviews21 followers
February 14, 2024
I always love coming back to this world, and this book almost more than others in the series because it feels like we're finally making progress in uncovering what's happening with Silence and ORKA!
After everything that's happened and all the experimentation at Silence and ORKA facilities, in this book we meet Tatum, who runs Haven, a facility for the human women that were being experimented on and their offspring. But when another facility is raided and more people rescued one of the Malak men finds her, their wife. But will they be able to come together in the midst of the chaos Silence has left behind? And with Tatum dedicated to her job will she take the opportunity that is given to her for a family of her own?
Can't wait for the next book and PPPLLEEEEASSSEEE tell us what happens with Shadow!
Profile Image for J.
3,059 reviews14 followers
February 17, 2024
This is another addition to The Harem Project series and can be read as a standalone, but this series is quite addictive and there is a lot of crossovers so for the best experience I would recommend reading in series order. This book was a slow burn and focused more on the romance side more than the steam factor. Like all the books in this series it was completely captivating with its storyline. Not only is there a romance journey taking place, but there is also a mystery and more. It's hard for me to review without giving much away but I just loved this family - their bond was just so great. Definitely a book worth reading. Paranormal, reverse harem romance read told in wonderfully well written multi POV. Just a great addition to this series!

This book was given to me for free at my request and I voluntarily provided this review.
February 26, 2024
Wow what a ride this arthur took me on. It was like one thing after another kept happening, but then when dealing with monsters it's never a dull moment. We're getting down to the wire with Silence & Orka as the houses of monsters are coming together to defend their families. Tatum is the director of Haven a safe place to bring the orphans that are being found in facilities by Silence. She's also an archangel who's ability is to heal it's while there's been an attack that she find's her mate or mates or rather they find her. The House of Malak consists of 7 men 1 being the only human. I liked the fact that this was a slow burn thanks to Aden lol, because Tatum not only got to know these men, but we as readers did as well I liked that alot. But questions are being raised as the attacks are happening more often and no one is having any luck in figuring out what's Silence's & Orka's plan or who's behind it all. Hopefully we'll get answers in the next book or the next as thing's are heating up.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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