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The Harem Project #6.5

House of Kallan

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I thought I knew where I belonged. That I had found my happily ever after. Looking back, I was really just blissfully unaware of how unhealthy my family was.

Now I'm wandering the world, trying to find my place. Trying to heal my broken heart from a fate that no one could have predicted. The crushing blow was served to me by those who were supposed to love and support me for the rest of my life. That was the promise.

In the place I least expect it, I find solace. Companionship. And a fear so chilling, I'm frozen in place as everything is once again ripped from my hands.

My name is Iskander. All I want is to save the people who have claimed my fractured heart before it breaks for a second and final time.


This is a LGBT+ story with content not intended for those under 18 years of age due to graphic scenes and situations.

285 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 4, 2024

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About the author

Crea Reitan

78 books765 followers
Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. When she can't fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center - and utterly swoon-worthy! Don't ask her how many book boyfriends she has...

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don't even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Kristen Lewendon.
7,773 reviews49 followers
January 1, 2024
Iskander has survived a brutal relationship betrayal, but after all that pain, he’s no longer sure of his place in the world. Now that he’s seen the fairy tale in action, he’s searching for it for himself even if he’s less and less certain if he’ll ever find it. A remote island. Monsters whose lives have barely been touched by fear. A family of water that soothes all his broken pieces. But this island paradise is hiding a threat that might steal the peace Iskander’s barely begun to hope for. Son of a sea serpent! I’m still choked up from reading this. The level of pain that was inflicted on Iskander by people who were supposed to love and cherish him, took my breath away. And the amount of healing he had to do in order to be able to accept what the Kallans wanted to give him was astonishing. I loved witnessing this journey of growth, even if it did leave me teary-eyed a lot of the time. I’m more anxious than ever to see the next attack against ORKA and Silence now that we’ve discovered even more about what they’ve been doing… And to see the next family made whole.
I received a complimentary advance copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Adrienne McFarlane.
468 reviews38 followers
December 31, 2023
I am so happy that Iskander got a story dedicated to him. In House of Agni he really pulled on my heart strings. House of Kallan was the story he deserved. This series is fantastic in that every book focuses on a different family, but an overarching storyline ties them together.
Profile Image for Libby Fowler .
448 reviews3 followers
January 8, 2024
My heart was breaking for Iskander, we met him in the House of Agni where we learnt he was Emry’s gojem. After Iskander’s wife Imani kicked Emry out. Iskander was heartbroken and afterwards left his family.
He knew he didn’t belong with Emry’s and his new family, so he went to search for other dojems he learned things in which he didn’t want to. He knew he needed Emry’s still in his life. One day he got on a boat and headed for an island. Where there were ORKA about… he ends up saving a boy. He finds a family which he connects with (Kallan family) they want him and it takes him time but he opens up and accepts that they want him!
Unfortunately ORKA are once again back at it causing drama. But once again the family’s come together to help one another!

Overall an amazing read and I am so happy that Islander found his HEA!
Profile Image for Charlotte.
3,292 reviews47 followers
January 5, 2024
I loved Iskander (FMC) from when he popped up in The House of Agni - Emrys book which definitely tied in this book by having some of the events from that be resolved here.

Iskander's book was a bittersweet read. With him not feeling like he fitted into Emrys new life and pack he left in Emrys book to find his purpose and I guess a place to heal after everything that had happened to him. My heart genuinely went out to him throughout this book. His dynamic with the House of Kallan, their acceptance of him and some of the complications that surrounded him was just heart-warming to read. This was a brilliant addition to this series and a cracking read too.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,894 reviews93 followers
January 2, 2024
I love the Harem Project, read the entire series so far and loved them. The previous book, House of Agnis, hit a bit differently, for the entirety of the book I was a little heartbroken. Even during the conclusion with all the good stuff, I was still a little heartbroken for Iskander. Well, this book, House of Kallan, is Iska's second chance.

Iskander is the sweetest, most adorable Water Nymph. He's been through some stuff that just made me cry but he's still the best. The entire book was about his journey emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Iska had a lot of time to reflect and I liked that he owned his part in things, not just putting the blame in one place. He also meets some interesting people on his travels. I enjoyed getting to know more about the dojem bond and seeing Crea's world-building progress, I know a lot more about water monsters now. The Kallans are great people, I loved how open they were and how they treated Iska was the sweetest thing ever. I'm a little jealous. Okay, I'm a lot jealous, haha.

The backdrop was fabulous, Crea was very descriptive of the setting, and I could easily picture it. The cultural spin on things was pretty good as well, it was different from anything we've come across in the series so far. I loved the plot. It was a journey of healing and if anyone needed healing it was Iskander. There was a fair share of stumbling blocks but it was going good. Not surprisingly enough there was romance but it was low on the steam but that's understandable. There was danger everywhere with ORKA and Silence lurking about. Of course, there were a few jarring moments and revelations that shocked the people's foundation. The mystery and horrors behind this group just keeps growing. Every book has a piece of a much bigger puzzle that's slowly coming together.

House of Kallan was an emotional read, it had my heart aching almost the entire time. Yes, there were good moments but Iska's turmoil turned my emotions raw. Thank gods, this book ended well and with my heart is just a little bruised. HoK is an excellent companion to the main series, the story was an outlier in more than one way and it made the story better for it. As always, I'm sad to see the story over but I'm looking forward to the next family coming together.
Profile Image for butterfliesandbooks .
1,571 reviews22 followers
January 4, 2024
Can’t think of a better way than starting my new year with one of my favourite author’s.

This book can be read on its own, but I’d recommend read at least the previous book. But as this this a great series why not start from the beginning…..

After meeting and falling for someone, for his family to reject him (and showing their true colours) Iskander is now on a journey to find not only himself, but answers to questions, and to maybe find a family that want him no matter…

This series is continually evolving and I love it. Yes it’s a #whychoose story, but it doesn’t revolve around just one person finding their pack, it’s got relationships within the family. It’s also heavy on MM (which I like) which I think this author has found her niche 😊

Whilst travelling Iskander find families that are happy, and are happy to chat to Iskander, which compounds his belief that he did the right thing in leaving his family.
And when he thinks he’s going to grow old alone, he meets the Kallan family. They show him the real meaning of family. Can he really trust his feelings? And what will he do when his new family disappears?

I just love this series, just when you think we can’t go any further, the author proves us wrong. The secret society OKRA are proving to be a vile and underhanded society, the things they’ve done to bring down the monsters (the only true monsters are the society itself!) The story tells of not settling for second best, to hold out for the happiness your deserved. And family doesn’t always mean blood.

It’s great that the houses in previous books are here to help.
But can Iskander find his new family before the society claim another family?

It’s a highly recommended read from me. And if you haven’t read the previous books in the series, what are you waiting for?

392 reviews2 followers
December 23, 2023
I received an ARC of this story and this is my honest review.
House of Kallan follows Iskander as he searches for answers in relation to his dojem relationship with Emrys and also tries to find his way in the world and somewhere that he belongs.
One thing I really love about books written by Crea Reitan is that she has a way that just sucks you in and not only makes you care about her primary characters but also her secondary characters too. With this in mind, I really loved the character of Keary, I felt that he bought some balance to Iskander and I liked how he’d been a friend for many years and was always there for him. I also enjoyed reading about Iskander’s developing relationship with the Kallan’s and how he seemed to just fit with them, which is the magical connection we’re used to seeing in the romantic relationships in this series, although it was found naturally in this book and not through The Harem Project. I also liked how ORKA and Silence tied in with this book, and although it may not be part of the main series it still gets you thinking and re-thinking what you know about people, and that sometimes you don’t see the monsters that are around you.
Overall, I’m so glad that Iskander’s story got told and reached its completion with this book. I feel like this book has added to the world that is The Harem Project and I absolutely love this series so any extra stories I get to read are a bonus in my eyes. I would definitely recommend giving it a read.

Perspective: First Person
Genre: Polyamorous Why Choose
Grouping: MMMMMF
Pace: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Profile Image for Miriam.
614 reviews10 followers
February 9, 2024
I'm so glad, and happy, that Iskander's fate was expanded and got his own story. I was heartbroken for him and Emrys, when I read House of Agni.

In this case, it's a good thing that Crea's mind decided he needs his HEA.

And he totally found the perfect family, that he always deserved. He finally belonged somewhere, after all the heartbreak he went through. Knowing he needs Emrys in his life, but that he doesn't fit in his family. Learning how a real family should be, and having experienced only toxicity in his former family (mainly through Imani). Thinking, that he will never get that and aimlessly wandering around through the world. Too afraid to get ever close again to anyone.

But luckily he stumbled on that island and found the perfect home for himself. House of Kallan was everything he longed for and deserved. They accepted him completely and the complications, that are part of his life, doesn't matter to them a bit. It was so amazing to watch and made me feel happy.

Sure, there is a threat with the ORKA situation and all. But again, it's proven that they can survive everything, when they work together. Again, family bonds are all they need.

It was definitely a great side story and perfect in the series of the Harem Project. Though, the ending was a bit open too, because we don't get to see what happened with the contract. Or what became of his plans.

But it is great. Btw, I wouldn't mind a story about Keary. He was interesting too. And I love a good story where a sceptical believer of love gets his mind changed.
Profile Image for Anna McCauslin.
182 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2024
Full of angst and sweetness, House of Kallan is all the feels. Iskander and Emrys' mate bond that was discovered in House of Agni tore me apart. It was a cliffhanger, and an uncomfortable one at that. Sure, Emrys' got his happy ending. But Iskander...House of Kallan picks up where you'd expect---wandering the world, and trying to find some indication of a happy ending separated from his Dojem. What he finds, is a small island with an active Orka cell. The happy coexistence between monsters and humans is threatened by the disappearance of its monsters. Iskander instantly gains himself hero status. But what he finds is more than that. House of Kallan has the chance to create the home and family he's wanted all along.

I'm used to Crea giving us a fair amount of spice. Her ability to write true, polyamorous romance means she doesn't mess with the usual one girl, and several guy RH stories with some bi-awakenings thrown in. But House of Kallan is incredibly slow burn. Perhaps the lowest spice I've read from her. But the trade off, is the sweetest, saddest story to touch your heart and force tears to form. Iskander gets the best kind of ending he can get, and it still has moments of feeling lonely. The Dojem bond is incredible. And while I cheer for his ending, there is a reminder for all of us that true love can be quiet, comforting, and hopeful. The high passion and intense feelings we read
January 4, 2024
The side story I never knew I needed
Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2024
I did not realize how much I needed to see Islander get his HEA till I started reading this story. We first meet him in Agni as the Emrys former flame. It ended badly but evenly find that they are uniquely tied together and must find a way to adapt to this in their lives. In this book we see Islander wandering lost and trying to find answers. After learning some hard truths he finds himself on an island where he meets the Kallan family with Rylan, Thorne, Henley, Alaska and Ku. They are the perfect fit and want him to join them but with his previous situation and his connection to Emrys he struggles to be open and accepted.
This book was such a roller coaster of emotions with poor Iska right in the middle of it all. Watching him deal with his emotions and battle his depression and his self doubt was heart breaking. I was so happy to see things get turned around and finally see things going right for him. He ended up being one of my favorites in the series and I hope to see him in future books to see how his life is treating him, his new family and Emrys and his family.
As with all the books in the series this is a stand-alone but it’s best to at least read the House Agni to get insight on Emrys and Iskanders story.
Profile Image for Ariana Martin.
229 reviews
January 7, 2024
This is a part of The Harem Project series. And while there are technically standalones within the series I was very confused for the first 20-25% of this book.

The MMC was someone that was already well involved in a previous book. And because of this I feel like I was playing catch up to what all was going on

However, once it began focusing more on the current the story was really good.
Iskander is sweet and heart broken.
He meets a family (the Kallan’s ) and suddenly pieces he’s been missing begging to click. But his heart has already been crushed and he’s felt unwanted to so long he has a hard time accepting their love.

I love the diverse relationship the family had. And how that because of their connection they seemed to seamlessly accept Iskander into their lives.

Having Emrys still be a part of his life and learning to navigate that relationship was interesting to read about and figure out how they would all fit together.

I do wish we had gotten more from the rest of the Kallan family. For being a Why Choose you really only connect with Iskander. But the others were intriguing and I would have loved to get more of them

I received an ARC of this for free. I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Denise.
184 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2024
Multiple POV
Reverse Harem
Standalone (but better when read as a series)

The Harem Project series is always a phenomenal read and I can see C.R. continuing with families forever (please?!?). The 'big picture' story encompasses all the families that we've already seen in this series and just continues to get better with each additional family that we get introduced to.

This particular book focuses on the Kallan family. In the last book we are left a bit heartbroken with not every puzzle piece fitting together - which was something entirely new from C.R. in this series as normally everyone fits together so nicely and the HEA is just perfect. Well this story takes that slightly mishappen puzzle piece and finally finds the right place for him.

Compared to the other books in the series, this is more of a slow burn - but definitely still well worth the read as there are more emotions involved in this one. A must read for anyone who loves this series or any of C.R's works!
Profile Image for Lene Blackthorn .
1,615 reviews5 followers
January 17, 2024
How does it feel if you crave a fairytale, stare one right into the eyes, but your hands are bound and your happily ever after not in the cards?
Iskander knows all about it. His family seems to be broken, manipulative, and toxic, and he lost the one man that makes his whole life complete. On the search for what should he do with his life and investigating the unique bond with Emrys, he ends up in a close community in the middle of nowhere and finds a family that is willing to give him hope again... even though his hands are bound and heart broken.
I very much enjoyed reading Iska's story after reading Emrys' journey. His situation is very specific and challenging, and his beautiful soul and gentle personality are in direct clash with his circumstances. Watching the relationships develop and Iskander change under the pressure from the outside was an emotional experience, and I love the way how the stories of the families tie all together in the common theme of fighting about the common enemy.
Profile Image for Andrea Green.
766 reviews7 followers
January 19, 2024
OMG, this book tugs at your heartstrings and takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster, unravelling a story of resilience, heartbreak, and the quest for a place to call home. Iskander's journey is beautifully narrated. This story invites readers into a world where the pursuit of happiness is met with unexpected twists.

Iskander's attempt to find solace and healing after the devastating revelation’s from the last book in this series becomes the central theme of the story. Reitan masterfully captures the complexity of familial relationships, exposing the fragility of trust and the profound impact of broken promises.

There are still some references backs to the overall Arc of the series but In essence this storey is Iskander's storey and his journey to fund a place that he belongs where he can be loved and not manipulated.

The magic spark this series started with is also back in this storey that seems to have dipped a bit in the past 2 books so I almost skipped this one. I now have high hopes for the next book in the series as we seem to be totally back on track.
Profile Image for TheBookBrat&#x1f5a4;.
622 reviews72 followers
December 30, 2023
*Why Choose
*Urban Fantasy
*established harem (5)
*slow burn
*shared world
Interesting side story
3.5 ⭐️
This book follows Iksander, Emerys’ dojem, as he tries to find answers as to why he picked his family and what he can do about his situation! It’s certainly a heartfelt story as you really get to see the impact this is having on Iksander and how he feels about himself 😢 yet there may be hope for him yet when he meets the Kallan family who offer him Hope but he has a lot to sort through first!
I do like how they fight for him and show him how it should be 🥰 Although the book is polyamorous I didn’t really feel I got a sense of Alaska or Henley’s characters, they didn’t have any real discerning features for me, compared to Ryland or Ku.
There is some connection to the wider story of Orka and Silence which is entwined within this book although not the main focus as the author clearly states this is more a side story for Iksander 😊
Profile Image for Mellissa.
481 reviews4 followers
January 5, 2024
I have been waiting for Iskander to get his own book!!! The emotions when we meet him House of Agni is just Wow!!! His bond and Emrys' bond is finally figured out!!
He is traveling the world to ask others like him and what can be done
He stumbles upon and island of supernaturals and they are out in the open!!! The humans there know and live cohesively with them!! He finds the members of House Kallan and and instant spark is felt!! Is this what he's been missing with his previous controlling family?? Can this new family love him even though he was claimed already?? A family he left because of betrayal??
As he gets to know them and the Islanders he starts to believe he can stay there forever.
But there is another group on the island and they are taking supernaturals and stashing them somewhere on the island!!!
Its ORKA... or is it Silence.... or both working together?!?!?!
It is up to Iskander and his new love interests to find the missing before the enemies back up.arrives and no one is safe!!!
Profile Image for Katharine Lancaster.
459 reviews3 followers
April 18, 2024
What It's Like to Love Someone

I knew what it felt like to love someone. That need to always touch them. Smiling at nothing when something made you think about them. Breathing them in, just to hold a piece of them inside you for a little longer. The deep yearning to always have them and be close. Never running out of things to talk about, even when it’s nothing at all, but also being just as content to sit in the comfortable silence.

Just to be with each other. The way your pulse raced and your heart galloped unevenly for them. The need to make sure they knew just how much you loved them at all times. So they never forgot. Never questioned. Talking about them nonstop to everyone that would listen.

Being hyper aware when they’re near. Of every move they made. The sounds of their breathing. The rhythm of their heart. The feel of their skin and shape of their body. Being equally aware when they’re not there and every ingrained reminder of their absence.
169 reviews
December 28, 2023
The House of Kallan is how Iskander is figuring out the relationship that he has with Emery, exactly what dojem means. Iskander realizing that the family Emery has now is perfect for him. Iskander calls the Harem Project and asks them to check on the contract he has with his family to see if someone had lied and it was not valid. He is never going back especially since he has found a family he fits with the Kallan's. He is so content and happy with them. When he gets back to the Kallan's house after his phone call he finds them all gone and blood every where, with a dead ORKA. How could they take the most deadly of the oceans water supernaturals? Where are they? As Iskander calls for help and the town and Emery's family arrives to help him, will they find the Kallan's or will he again be left alone?
Profile Image for M Will.
819 reviews8 followers
December 31, 2023
Iskander is lost and doesn't feel he belongs, despite a contract stating so. After his family rejected Emrys, he felt hallow, lost. This story follows Iskander's search for his history, dojems and families in relation to The Harem Project.
As this book is a standalone but part of an overarching series, it honestly would be best read in order. However, seeing as this was my first book by the author, I still enjoyed the story and will be going back to catch myself up on the previous books in this series.
I felt so many emotions for Iskander on this adventure. The story moves rather quickly, but so do most monster themed tropes, and it has sweet, sad and spicy moments. Definitely humor. Reader be warned, there are some definite hard topics covered (abuse, kidnapping, death) so read the warnings. Overall this was a fun book to read.
141 reviews4 followers
January 5, 2024
Great side story!

I'm so happy that the author decided to write Iskander's story. He was introduced in House of Agni (which you should read if you haven't) and my heart just ached for him. Emrys had found his forever family but Iskander knew he didn't belong with them. Their connection just makes you wonder how they are going to make things work.

In trying to find answers, Iska ends up on an island and is in danger as ORKA is there too. But this island holds something more too. I don't want to ruin it for anyone but let's just say that I was really happy that he found the Kallan family.

I also am very happy that the author addressed that some individuals have used the Harem Project for their own gains. The pain that Iska and Emrys suffered because of Imani makes it clear.

I'm looking forward to which family we meet next! I love the HEA we get with each one.
Profile Image for Chey3995.
1,476 reviews50 followers
January 7, 2024
House of Kallan

House of Kallan was not part of the original planned series, but it was a much needed addition! We get to see Iskander's story and see him finally find his family, and get an all around incredible insight into his story.

While the main theme is found family in this book, there are quite a few spicy scenes that will definitely grab your attention (I mean tentacles? Who doesn't love those scenes?). I really enjoyed that we got more into depth with his story and his oppression under Emry's former control.

I did feel like because this book wasn't planned, it didn't quite fit with the rest of the series, so that threw me off. However the overall book was great and despite it not quite fitting, it did add to the series in a positive way.

Overall rating
4 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
3 🌶🌶🌶
January 19, 2024
Ever since I read the House of Agni about Emrys and Iskander's unique relationship I couldn't wait for him to find his family. This book I believe is #7 of the 9 book's this arthur is writing in this series, but me personally I love this series so much if she wanted to continue past 9 it wouldn't hurt my feeling's lol js. This book was all about family and being happy in that family, which you learn he was not especially since Emrys his dojem (soulmate 2 halves of a whole) had left that family. Iskander was lost and realized his family wasn't the right family and ended up leaving as his heart was broken and he was lost, but he ends up on this small island called Iano and meeting the House of Kallan after something bad almost happened. I loved this story and this family and for him to find his forever family. I would highly recommend this book as well as this series.
Profile Image for Ashley Clark.
521 reviews17 followers
December 26, 2023
Another great book in the Harem Project series. Iskander who we have met in Emrys story. Iskander is on the move. He’s looking for something. He wants to know more about his and Emrys bond. He ends up on an island. There he meets the Kallans they are a family of water monsters. They become fast friends. There’s a threat of ORKA on the island. Everyone knows they are there and are weary of them. Things are changing between Iskander and the Kallans. Everyone wants Iskander but he’s hesitant because of his past. As with every Harem project book there’s a battle between the supernatural and ORKA or the Silence. This time it involves Iskander and the Kallans. Read the book to find out what happened to them. Find out if Iskander gets his HEA.
Profile Image for Melanie.
510 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2024
We carry on this series Harem Project with The House of Kallan. I would suggest reading the previous books in this series as it focuses on different houses,so then you be able to follow on what is going in. You will not be dissappointed. This series is an epic read and just keeps getting better and better. I will be sad when this series is over but I am sure Crea will knock something up to keep us hooked on her books.

This book is Iskander story and I have been waiting to read his story since The House Agni. He deserves to be part of House Kallan they really are all great together. Loved the storyline that Crea wrote for Iskander and his Harem it kept me hooked. The emotions that I went through reading his story really made it epic. Such a good series.
Profile Image for Amy Hannagan.
761 reviews3 followers
January 8, 2024
I thought this series had come to an end so this book was a welcome surprise.. until I read the blurb and saw that it was going to be more of a M/M centric story. I'm okay with some of that but a full book of it usually isn't my cup of tea. I accepted the ARC anyway as the author is amazing and I'm happy to give it a go when she offers. This book was a joy to read though. The story is full of triumph over heartbreak and finding true happiness after having everything you thought was perfect ripped away. Iska was a great character to lead this story and while I can't give it a 5, I feel like a 4 is a perfect rating for it. Beware the M/M, if you aren't into that, skip this one. If you dig that, you may find a 5 here.
78 reviews3 followers
January 9, 2024
I'm so happy we finally get Iskander's story. We first met him in house of Agni. hes a broken man as he's searching for a new family. He was broken by someone he shouldve been able to trust, his wife, Imani Kicked out his Gojem AEmry. so then My heart was breaking for Iskander, we met him in the House of Agni where we learnt he was Emry’s gojem. After Iskander’s wife Imani kicked Emry out. Iskander was heartbroken and afterwards left his family. he knows he doesnt fit in Emry's new family. So he goes in search of his new family. on his journey he saves a life meets a family and finally meets his forever home, but of course not without drama from the bad guys of ORKA. i love this series its one of my go to rereads.
Profile Image for Book Life With Jen.
1,031 reviews18 followers
January 12, 2024
Crea Reitan’s newest addition to the Harem Project series, House of Kallan, was yet again another fabulous dive into a unique magical monstrous world and a steamy polymerous relationship that only Crea can write!

This time it’s all about Iskander, who we have previously met and most likely fell in love with already, and was a definite ride full of emotions, pain, trauma, angst, discovery and reconnecting that will run you through all the feels and take you on quite the journey! But man was it worth it to finally see everyone with their loves and happy. Knowing how much Iska suffered over the loss of Emrys but finally finding peace with the Kallans was definitely amazing to watch unfold.
Profile Image for Miss E.
471 reviews
January 22, 2024
Iskander has become quite the nomad after his Dodjem, Emrys, has found his family.
Iska feels lost and can’t settle down. He has no direction and that is how he boards a boat and finds himself on a remote island in the middle of nowhere. Love, action and this time it’s ORCA that delivery the drama. It’s all there.
An unplanned addition to the Harem Project universe. And a very needed one in my oppinion. I loved seeing Iskander find his family and find love.
There are a few more unresolved loose ends in this than what I’m used to in this series, but I’m certain that answers will be provided - in a timely manner, of course - LOL
If you truly believe in Love Is Love, then this is an absolute must-read.
Profile Image for Lory.
3,037 reviews27 followers
December 27, 2023
I'm telling you the Harem Project series just keeps getting better and better. I didn't realize I needed this story until I started reading it. I would've been content if later down the road if it was mention that Iskander got his HEA. When I tell you that this book was everything I love in second chance at love story. Which by the way I'm a totally sucker for!! Honestly this book was so worth the wait. I want to say more but I don't want to spoil it for anyone trust me when I tell you one click right away you won't regret it. As always my reviews are totally voluntarily. No monetary compensation was received and the opinions I have expressed are completely my own.
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Author 2 books10 followers
January 4, 2024
While it has been maintained that this installment is “out of the planned lineup,” I was thrilled to see that Iskander was going to have his story told and find his family!

Learning that his relationship with Emrys is a dojem connection, one soul housed in two bodies, helps explain Iskander’s connection and the longing he felt intensify when Emrys left the Kaiyo house. Emrys finding his perfect family with the Agnis, means there’s not a chance for them to be fully together.

Supportive people willing to let him be around isn’t what Iskander is looking for though. He wants what Emrys has found, pre faith Emrys, but that ship has sailed. After traipsing around the world, Iskander finds himself in an island in the Pacific. It’s here that Iskander learns more about himself, his monster, the true monsters of the world that go bump in the night, and he might just find home.

As with other Harem Project books, there’s a lot of connection and family building. We also have our friendly, world wide menaces - ORKA - come to play. Readers also see some of the “downsides” or potential ugliness when bad people use the Harem Project for their own ends, and not to find a means of control and domination. Get ready for a fantastic ride on this “side-quest” read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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