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Her World #1

Get Him Back

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Ever get hit with a plot twist that feels like a punch to the gut? Mine came wrapped in the all-too-familiar smirk of Jack Thompson. Yup, the same Jack who, back in college, broke my heart and ruined my chances at a life-changing internship. Now, as fate (or just bad HR recruiting) would have it, we're co-workers.

And he doesn’t even remember who I am. The nerve!!

With vengeance burning brighter than my phone's night mode, I hatched the perfect plan: Slide into his routine, dazzle him with my unmistakable charm, then leave him on 'read' in real life. Poetic justice, right?

Call it karma's to-do list, and honey, I was checking boxes.

But, as our shared Spotify playlists started hitting different, and coffee runs became less about caffeine and more about connection, I glimpsed a Jack beyond the viral college tales. Turns out, beneath those perfectly timed GIF reactions, there might be a real heart beating. Annoying, right?

Caught in this whirlwind, I'm starting to realize that while revenge might be sweet, love's got its own flavor of mischief. And as every heartbreaker knows, when karma and Cupid start plotting together... well, strap in

476 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 18, 2024

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About the author

Coralee June

71 books2,910 followers
Author Coralee June has always been passionate about storytelling and impressed by the influence it has on people and the decisions they make in life. She loves engaging with the projects she works on, diving headfirst into developing real, raw, and relatable characters that are equally flawed and beautiful. Coralee lives in Dallas, Tx with her husband and two daughters. She's been known to frequently indulge in boxed red wine and day-old pizza. When she's not writing, June is reading or substitute teaching at the local middle school.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,144 reviews13.2k followers
January 23, 2024
You don’t just forget the girl who once meant everything. You sure as hell don’t forget the one who got away.

I first discovered CoraLee's books when I read No Such King and then binged the entire trilogy in two days. Being the picky beech that I am with dark romance, it's always hard to find great dark romance. And dang, but this author could write it. I was immediately hooked and knew that I would read anything and everything she releases.

Now the last thing I would expect for a dark romance author to write is a romcom. Or, if I'm being totally honest, I should probably say a "good" romcom. I'm judgy, ok? Get off my case! But I knew if this author wrote it, I'd be reading it. And boy am I glad I did.

I am generally not a romcom reader, nor am I usually a fan of the cinnamon roll heroes. But this book did it for me in all the right ways. The humor was humoring. The banter was bantering. And the cinnamon roll had just the right amount of tortured to him, that I loved him even when I wanted to c*ck punch him. But I digress.

Sadie and Jack had a bit of a situationship in their college days where Jack didn't want the label and Sadie fell hard, only for Jack to leave her in her most vulnerable. Now, years later, Sadie is a boss b*tch, though maybe not in her dream job yet. But she's just waiting for a chance to prove to her boss that she deserves it. And who walks in as the company's new CPO? Why none other than the situationship from college who ghosted her. And the kicker? The man doesn't even remember her! So what's a girl to do? Make him suffer. Obviously.
I straightened my spine and glared at him. “Fine. If we’re going to hash this out, then let’s get it all in the open. There’s no time limit on heartbreak. And I’m going to rip you a new one, then I’m going to nail this presentation, then I’m going to find some rich investor with big dick energy to take me home tonight.” “I’m fine with about eighty percent of that plan. Continue,” Jack replied.

Now it's not just any author who can write about an FMC who goes from consipated to blowing up her boss's previous porcelain throne to the mortification of her college ghoster in hearing distance and make her be a fierce b*tch. How she managed this? I have no idea. But I was in literal tears laughing.

The humor of this book was amazing! It was a delicious slow burn, though admittedly at times I found myself craving a bit more conflict. But that's because I'm crazy like that. I need my books to hurt my feelings. But if you're looking for a hilarious, playful and heartwarming story of second chances, this one is it!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Kursed Reads.
648 reviews6,104 followers
January 16, 2024
Get Him Back follows Jack Thompson and Sadie Monroe. After a passionate, albeit undefined quasi-relationship in college, the two don’t set eyes on one another for nearly a decade.

Through a series of embarrassing moments and harmless pranks, the two navigate the here-and-now that remains shrouded by the past.

I’ll be honest, I was iffy about CoraLee stepping so far away from where she began. I will never not miss the dark corners of her mind. Curling iron incident, anyone? But this new side we’re seeing is rooted in reality and utterly hysterical. From the witty banter to the inner monologues and mortifying situations to the cacophony of side characters, I enjoyed the lighter side of CoraLee.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Burn: 🔥🔥🔥
Darkness: 🤍
Heat: 🌶️
Range of Emotions: 😫🥺😂😊😍
Ending: 💗 {HEA}
POV: 👫🏻 {Dual}

🗄️ Genre: Contemporary Romance
🗂️ Subgenre(s): RomCom

✨ Tropes: Forced Proximity, Grumpy/Sunshine, Hidden Identity, Miscommunication, Neighbors, (Harmless) Revenge, Second Chance, Workplace
💫 Microtropes: Grovel, Jealous/Possessive

💋 Kinks: n/a

⚠️ Warning: The angst in this slow-burn will edge you to the point of combustion!

🚩 Safety Squad: Grief, Parental Dėath (Off-Page, Past), and other potentially triggering elements. If you have any hesitation, check the warnings before diving in. Otherwise, blind is best!!

📣 Type: Get Him Back is a standalone.

🛑 Be Advised: My Goodreads shelves are … explicit in both senses. As such, they could be considered spoiler-y.
Profile Image for M.
650 reviews269 followers
January 17, 2024
Y'all this was a cute and hilarious second chance at love story. I was either giggling or swooning over these two. Then add in ALL the extras from side characters, to pets, to mishaps, to pranks... So much fun! Started out shitty ;) but man did we get quite a journey with these two!

Sadie was so freaking endearing. The kind of friend you want in your corner and will have your back through anything. Always cleaning up other people's goofs and lending a hand in everything at her work, yet never getting what she quite deserved.

Jack broke my heart and made me swoon. His grief was palpable at times and made my heart ache. I wanted all the good things for him. The sad didn't last long though because the banter and chemistry between these two definitely took center stage.

8 has an entirely new meaning for me now... and for our adorable Sadie girl haha.
Profile Image for PP's Bookshelf.
2,381 reviews370 followers
January 20, 2024
Coralee June always showed us the glimpse of her razor sharp witty writing even in her dark romance and now, she has fully embraced that light swoony flowery side in Get Him Back! Sadie and Jack's story is a well oiled machine made of hilarious accidents, endless pun, laugh aloud loud moments and just the right kind of heartache. This second chance, revenge plotting, workplace romance would make you laugh uncontrollably at one moment and in the very next one..sober you up with some deep heartbreaking feels. Colourful secondary characters play an integral role here and you will find yourself in an entertaining world promising good times and occasional heavy feels.

Sadie is master of all trades in the technology company she works at. But she really wants and deserves the promotion to the post of marketing director. And then..The blast from the past is hired on a new post. Jack is the guy who broke her heart in college and left her alone in an unknown city without any word after taking her virginity. She wants revenge BUT there is a long and conflicted history here. The more she comes to know Jack's secrets..The harder it becomes to hate him.

This story is a treasure house of witty banter, flirty puns, hilarious accidents and laugh out loud moments. Sadie is a sweetheart all the way. She doesn't like confrontation. She wants to do best to keep people happy. She is such a vibrant sweet personality and that's why she couldn't really keep on hating Jack when his truths came out. Now Jack is perfect gentleman to everyone and he knows he deserves Sadie's Wrath. He has been dealing with intense grief and heartbreak..or should I say has not been dealing because it was very clear that he has a lot of emotional baggage stopping him from loving Sadie completely. He doesn't think he deserves any kind of goodness or happiness or love in his life. He did hurt Sadie again by pushing her away but this Sadie is much stronger and smarter. Their chemistry is explosive but the hearts needed to heal. The secondary characters were quirky and adorable and so entertaining. I loved the jealous possessive side of Jack but loved the charming swoony side even more.

I reviewed an early copy voluntarily
Profile Image for Gayane♡.
229 reviews
February 29, 2024
Can we just talk about how freakin cute this book cover is?? 💕 This book was hilarious I mean the amount of laughing I did probably made me look crazy. 😂🤣 The way chapter one started off with a 💩 attack lmao I was sold. 😭😂🤣🫣 This was my first book from this author but it definitely won’t be the last.

Get him back is about Sadie and Jack, they had a fling back in college where they weren’t official as labeling themselves but she was falling for him. One day Jack disappeared and Sadie’s heart was broken. Now 8 years have passed and she finally sees Jack again at her work as the new CPO and boy the laughing I did when they met for the first time (epic scene). 😂💩😂🤣 Jack has a lot of groveling to do but once you realize what he has been through you’re not too eager for pay back. The work banter and little games they played, I loved it so much. 🩷🫶🏻 The 8 times Jack apologized with his tongue to Sadie is forever marked in my brain. Lol 🥵

If you’re looking for a fun romcom, with some hot sexy scenes, then this is your book. 🥰 Also the side characters in this story were also amazing, I was never bored. 😉
Profile Image for Holly Rife.
321 reviews4 followers
February 10, 2024
“Get him back” is a slow burn romance with plenty of laughs, truths, and some fun hijinks along the way. I laughed so hard, I woke my husband. Oops 😁 I also love the vulnerability in the story and how well it melds with the positivity. It's gold!!! The supporting characters are everything! Please tell me this is becoming a series!! I just adore these people!! It's a wonderful romcom! ❤️
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
1,966 reviews905 followers
January 18, 2024
The laugh-out-loud until you pee your pants sugary sweet romcom era of Coralee is here! And I am here for it! Coralee brings all of her snarky charm and witty charm that we know from some of her darker treats into this uproariously irreverent and hilariously outlandish second change romp. Spurred by our heroine’s office office place frustration and catalyzed by an unexpected new work colleague, Get Him Back is a second chance romance that starts with a plot for revenge. But like so much of our human emotions, that quest for vengeance is really fueled by the most human emotion of all- the sharp hurt that can only come from a festered broken heart. Sadie finally has the chance to take out all her feelings on the man who changed the course of her trajectory…and quite honestly the core of her personality. And Jack has the much awaited chance to try to make-up for the real hurt he caused- and to perhaps finally shed some light on what caused him to do a total d-bag ditch.

Coralee explores the depth of both characters failures, misunderstandings, and insecurities as they hilariously battle it out- one thirsty for revenge and one surprisingly thirsty FOR it. Coralee balances heartfelt moments with total belly-laughing ones. From the first chapter you get a sense of just the type of humorous antics and quirky characters we can expect in the new era of Coralee- and let’s just say it’s a WHOLE lot of fun. Cora is certainly a master of a clever turn of phrase and clever puns, and add in some slapstick humor and a few swoony ones too, and revenge has never been so fun…or so sweet.

💖Second Chance
💖Out for revenge
💖Rom-com antics
💖Adorable Corgis
💖Forced Proximity
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,088 reviews6 followers
January 22, 2024
The dialogue reads like it's a sitcom at times, just jokes and quirky bits, but it got on my nerves after a while. There was substance to the story (being overworked and underpaid, divorce, death...), but the story itself wasn't to my taste from the beginning, where the fmc and mmc both pretend not to acknowledge that they had a relationship back at university (or that they know each other at all), yet they work closely with each other in the office...? Huh? I didn't care about their past or them getting back together. Also, I felt like there was too much work specific jargon that was SO boring and made me cringe. The varied unique personalities of the side characters was distracting.

That being said, it is a quirky story and if you're looking for a more light hearted read, then you might enjoy this, especially if you like sitcoms or silly romcoms (I don't). I would certainly try more of Coralee's lighter work in the future, though. I've enjoyed her stuff in the past, but this was a miss for me. Sorry.
January 18, 2024
My god, this book is like a breath of fresh air, it's funny and whitty and I couldn't get enough. I was annoyed when I had to sleep for work the next day, I didn't want to put it down. ITS THAT GOOD!!

It had me howling from the very.first.page.

Jack and Sadie have my whole heart, I absolutely love them, the vulnerability and depth of these characters made my heart hurt.

With it's depth and heart, it kept me firmly in my feels whilst still having the ability to make me spit it my tea out at the laugh out loud moments, and there was plenty.

Cora wanted these stories to feel like a warm blanket and by god she achieved that and then some, this beautifully written story wrapped me in it's warmth I felt everything down to my core.

It's Perfect... absolutely PERFECT 

We're only just into 2024 but it's going to take a lot to pull this off my top spot
Profile Image for Jennifer Bishop.
1,301 reviews35 followers
January 18, 2024
Get Him Back is a standalone, M/F, second chance, workplace, romantic comedy. The writing, pace, flow, characters, character development, relationship development, storytelling, storyline, and world building are all brilliant.

Sadie is assigned the task of showing around the company newbie, Jack, and getting him up to speed, little does she know that the new hire just happens to be her ex, and the kicker, he doesn’t even remember her. The series of unfortunate events that lead up to them meeting again are hilarious.

I loved absolutely everything about this book. The story has a ton of LMFAO funny moments. It���s pure RomCom gold. I was in adjective heaven with all the spectacularly vivid descriptions. Jack and Sadie have sizzling chemistry and major angst happening between them, and I loved every single second of it.

If you love your RomCom’s with a terrifically written story and amazing characters, then I’d definitely recommend this book. I, personally, cannot wait for more from this fabulous author.
Profile Image for Nadia.
135 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2024
Great writing, but I just got bored with this one around 35%. I feel like the characters got together too early and there wasn't enough drama afterwards to keep the plot going. I skimmed through the rest of the book and nothing else really caught my attention. I really wasn't a fan of Jack either, he was pretty bland.

I can see how others liked this one, but it just wasn't for me. I'll definitely check out this author's other books though.

Also, what an interesting choice of first meetings for the MCs...
Profile Image for Ari Loves All The Books.
385 reviews64 followers
January 26, 2024
This book had me hooting and hollering because the characters were so funny. I absolutely loved the different parts of the book where it gave us different viewpoints.
Profile Image for Arceli.
1,124 reviews
February 3, 2024
This book is such fun and sexy book. I loved it so much. The romance is amazing . I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Kay Daniels (Kay Daniels Romance).
1,796 reviews59 followers
January 13, 2024
Get Him Back is definitely a slow burn, second chance romance that brings a lot of mushy heart vibes intermixed between silly laugh out loud moments.

First off, Sadie's work environment resurfaced a lot of memories from my past work history where I was overlooked, overworked, and underappreciated for all of the extra tasks I was assigned. It was sometimes hard to watch Sadie be undervalued for half of the book. I honestly had no idea that after so many years it could be so difficult to see it spelled out on paper, but there it is.

Perhaps the pivotal moment I loved best was when Sadie was able to speak her mind, letting Jack know how much damage he did beginning in college leading up to the present. To sum up...there is always a beginning thread that begins to unravel us; creating our quirks, our core personalities and it isn’t often that we get to confront or even tell the person who pulled that first thread and began the hole in the fabric of who we become, if you will. Sadie never says anything about being less to those around her, she hates standing up for herself and a lot of those self-doubt feelings go back to those college days. Those feelings of never being enough for someone like Jack and the moment she was able to speak her truth...I even felt vindicated.

This book is of course a second chance romance...so of course the even better part of this story is that when Sadie told Jack he also listened. This is the point in the book I sat up and took notice.

This man, who didn't appreciate Sadie, for reasons, is all about letting her shine. He's a man who can excel on his own merit and loves when those around him excel too. There is nothing sexier than that. He isn't afraid to admit he was wrong and he wants to make amends, plus he wants Sadie to shine. That's fantastic boyfriend quality right there.

Get Him Back wasn't what I was expecting, but in some ways the differences were freshing. In others, yes, I miss the quirky Coralee books I've read before, but this new path she's taken is still a good book at the end of the day. Did it also take just a little bit to fall into their groove, just a touch, but that is why I went with 4.5 stars vs. a full 5.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
519 reviews4 followers
January 14, 2024
So this is second chance romance from Coralee June and having read her alternative romance books I’m sure I will get at least a few laughs from this.

Now if you’re a regular CoraLee June reader you this epic lady can write the darkest of dark and make it enticing and thrilling but what about a conventional romance?

I will say this, going in I was apprehensive, I am not by any stretch a “romance reader” PNR/RH/E2L tropes are my bag, the darker the better BUT I haven’t read anything by this author that I haven’t enjoyed.

So when I was given the opportunity to get an ARC of “Get Him Back” I was compelled to sign up. I put off reading it for a few days while I was finishing another series which was more my thing but finally it was crunch time.

My first impression was:
“The opening paragraph has me cackling I think I’m gonna enjoy this read! “

This line had me laughing so hard my own two little dogs startled awake.
“Jack, bless his heart, looked like a man who was about to learn what it felt like to be the last gazelle at the watering hole.”

Enjoy it I did, I lost around 6 hours realising it was 5am when I was sure I’d only been reading an hour or two at the most.

I was engulfed in the story of Jack and Sadie. I became invested in their story, their dogs, their etcentric but loveable band of rogues that made up their colleagues and the ride or die BFF Emily.

I finished the book after some sleep and felt warm and fuzzy at the ending. And I am not a warm and fuzzy person.

So I guess what I’m saying is - don’t doubt Coralee June, she’s a goddess in authors garb, spinning mystical tales of blue eyed boys, drunken revenge plans and second chances.

If you are, in any way, on the fence cause it’s not your thing - just give it a read because it was blimmming glorious.


#SecondChanceRomance #Romance #romancebooks #coraleejune #warmandfuzzy #spicy #funny #KindleReads #KindleUnlimited #bookobsessed #ARC #ARCReader #tequila #corgidogs #Love #HEA
Profile Image for Michelle Lebron.
114 reviews9 followers
January 20, 2024

💞Get Him Back💞


The perfect balance between comedy and romance, I couldn't stop laughing at Sadie's witty banter, with her cheerful, joking personality, but most of all with a big heart that cares about others. The way the book starts I have never read anything this hilarious in my life. We have Sadie who works in a rather peculiar technology company, she is in all departments doing wonders with her personality and wit, but what she really wants is the position of marketing director. That's where it all starts to get complicated the day she has to show everything to the new co-director who happens to be her ex who left her abandoned in college on a trip to Florida without any explanation, her day starts to get more interesting with everything that happens to her, who takes a laxative, then a coffee and then a burrito, if you know what happens to our Sadie on that first impression she has to run to the nearest restroom.

This book is a whole experience, it has everything from comedy, romance, loss, personal growth and most of all growing up and leaving the past behind for our Jack. The only thing that I can say about this book, which is why I am not giving it 5 stars, is that it was a little too long. Both characters I loved Jack, I could only hug him for everything he has been through, he is so sweet and not ashamed of the jokes that Sadie plays on him now and then, on the contrary, he has fun with her in those moments. They are an excellent couple, full of spark, so much so that there was always tension between them. Jack thinks he deserves all of Sadie's wrath for leaving her when he had so much to deal with at the time, but Sadie shows him just the opposite, they are both so cute together, and Sadie has a contagious happiness. Not to mention the rest of the characters who are all unique in their way and full of quirks.

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this ARC team. This is my honest and voluntary opinion.

Profile Image for Murphy.
723 reviews
January 14, 2024
𝗦𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸

From page one, you will find yourself immersed into this quirky, comedic story. Starting off with an unfortunate backed up/taco tummy and coffee incident while meeting former flame just in time for his first day on the job. I found myself laughing throughout the pages and equally attentive for the undercurrents of seriousness throughout the book.

Together they were a kettle on simmer until the pot boiled over...multiple times. This second chance romance was great. I loved all of the aspects the author incorporated and not just with the one or two situations that arose, but multiple. I found myself looking to see how much longer I had left in the read because I was not ready to say goodbye to the characters. Even the side characters hold so much promise; I was thoroughly looking forward to learning about the entire company roster.

While the book is slow burn, the tension between our main characters could be cut with a knife. The author gave us a serious edging complex of would they or wouldn't they and I was totally here for it. It had lots of laughter to hold you over for the serious situations and a great plot that kept you guessing at what was going to happen next. Jack and Sadie's banter was definitely on the top charts to write about and the final chapters were everything that you wanted, leaving us with a perfect HEA.

I hope the author continues with romantic comedies. While I am a huge fan of her other stuff, this really was a true treasure and I loved it. She has lots of material right here in this book alone she can branch off of and I would be one happy girl.

*Overall 4.5/5
*Heat? 3/5
*Med/Slow Burn
*Dual first person POV
*Ends on HEA
Profile Image for Sandra.
226 reviews
January 18, 2024
The way this story began was outright hilarious.💩🚽 It had me in stitches. Sadie Monroe certainly packed a punch with her inner thoughts, funny banter with Emily, Jo her boss, and pretty much everyone around her at work. I liked how it began. But after awhile the humor, the schtick, the accident prone slips and falls, camera watching escapades, it got overly done for me.

The chapters were too long. Maybe it could have been edited a little bit more. It got... boring. I'm all for slow burn but this was really slow. Too much was put into the space of time of Sadie running into her ex from college from 8yrs ago, who now happens to work with her at TherTech, and building back that former relationship with him. The story didn't move forward but lingered in places. Jack Thompson broke Sadie's heart. He shared a night with her 8yrs ago then ghosted her. He had his reasons for leaving. But that guy was still playing the game, still running, leading her on half way through the book.😱 And Sadie still put up with him, after hearing him tell her this, still caring when he was sick, still trying with him. Would you? It was a constant back and forth. I think Sadie deserved better. Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't know your worth. Jack needed to work on himself. Which I'm glad the story touched on that briefly. The corgis were awesome though!🐶 The number 8.🤭 Overall, this one wasn't for me. I'm sorry.

💻Thank you for an early book via Bookfunnel. This is my honest critique on the story.💻
Profile Image for Lo.
168 reviews17 followers
January 23, 2024
This book was a reminder of why I love second chance books so much. The hurt is just so good. The longing, the what-ifs, the “damn I fucked up but I want to fix it.” Get Him Back was a rom-com that had depth to it. It gave emotion. It made my heart ache.

Jack and Sadie were my sweet babies. Their history was so relatable, so realistic. My heart aches for young Sadie and young Jack, the heartbreak they both experienced in different ways. Jack’s grief was so palpable. The feeling of being so helpless when you’re young and not knowing how to navigate the world after trauma. The way he thought he didn’t deserve any happiness when I just wanted him to have the world. It was a good take on the healing process and how it takes more than just yourself to heal. It takes time, people, and some cute corgis. Sadie was patient with him and when they decided to let themselves love each other I was so happy. I just love them so much.

Now this book wasn’t all sad. It was funny! It was witty! From Jack’s jealousy to Sadie’s boss Jo, and the side characters were entertaining and a delight. Coralee has some banger lines that had me nodding along: “I had self-worth, self-respect and a self-cleaning oven - totally adulting,” and “I mean, he was the same guy who thought it was a brilliant idea to mix tequila with milk because ‘it’s basically cereal, right?’”

I didn’t even care that this was a slow burn because it was a delicious slow burn and there was more to the characters than just their relationship. I was engaged the entire story.

I’ve never read Coralee’s dark romances, but I really enjoy this light side of her. I look forward to her lineup this year!

Also Coralee got me looking back at my own college flings. There are some people I wouldn’t mind seeing again and then there are definitely people I would never want to see again. Especially how Jack and Sadie’s reunion went at first! iykyk.
Profile Image for Lauren.
132 reviews14 followers
January 18, 2024
“And as we turned to our tasks, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was standing on the edge of a precipice, with Sadie unknowingly holding the power to push me over.”

Did I laugh multiple times throughout this book? Yes, yes I did.
What I wasn’t expecting? The emotional journey.

Sadie is juggling many, many hats at her job (and kicking ass) and she arrives at work to show the new CPO around. Except the CPO is Jack Thompson…her college crush, who left her during a beach trip with no explanation and crushed her heart (and confidence). Jack seems to not remember her which has Sadie questioning everything and plotting a revenge scheme to get him to remember her and their past.

But Jack does remember…he’s been through a lot since that night years ago and he wants Sadie but life, grief and regrets are weighing him down. He feels unworthy of love, of happiness and even asks Sadie to punish him for everything he put her through.

Sometimes happily ever afters take longer to get to than we plan…but if you find the right person it will be worth it all in the end 💗

The only thing I wished more for was flashbacks of Jack + Sadie. We get glimpses of their past from their talks, pictures that are looked at, and conversations with friends. But getting their POVs from the past would have put this over the edge. Still a great read!
Profile Image for Ariana Martin.
229 reviews
January 23, 2024
This book is long for a rom-com. But worth it. It covers some heavy topics. And makes you laugh throughout.

This story is sweet, spicy, and comical. An interesting combination that really works from his story.

Sadie is feeling under appreciated at her job and is working herself to the bone to prove she’s worthy of getting a promotion. Her love life on the other hand has fallen by the wayside.

In comes the new CPO, Jack, and her life is flipped upside down. Will history repeat between these two? Or will amends be made and hearts healed?

Jack is lost to his past. He’s stuck in a cycle of guilt that he’s not sure he can see past. But he wants a future with Sadie. He’s her champion and fights for her when she doesn’t fight for herself.

The banter they have back and forth is so fun to read. They push each other to be the best version of themselves. And are there for each other in ways that transcend friendship.

Sadie wants to hold grudges. But something about Jack always gets past her defenses. She will only accept better though. And she works hard to come to terms with their shared past.

I loved the candidness of this book and the depth of the characters. Hard topics are covered and the romance is chef’s kiss.

I received an ARC of this for free. I am voluntarily leaving this review.
February 6, 2024
“Operation Make-Jack-Regret-He-Ever-Met-Me is now in full effect.”

So… I absolutely love other books under CoraLee June and her sense of humor is always top notch, but… Get Him Back was not what I was expecting from her new branding.

I think I automatically assumed this would be a light fluffy Rom-Com and it was not. Not at all. Maybe it was the fun color palette that made me assume or maybe it was some of the teasers that were posted, but if you are looking for LOL funny, then stick with Looking to Score or Hat Trick.

This story, while it had funny parts, was not what I thought it was going to be. To me it was marketed as a rom-com but I didn’t really feel that at all. I felt there were funny parts sprinkled in the lighten the real subject matter at hand. There is some deep subject matter happening within this book.
🌸Finding ones worth

I enjoyed Jack and Sadie’s story but I just didn’t love it.

And if you want spice… yeah you gotta wait until like 80% this was a slow burn of epic proportions.

It felt it was way too long. Some chapters just felt filler to me and didn’t necessary need to be in the book.

I know CoraLee is rebranding and I’m excited for this change. I look forward to reading other books by her in the future.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Sharon.
2,078 reviews15 followers
January 26, 2024
4.8 stars

I was not sure what to expect with this one but with that title, I had to take a chance and the author did not disappoint. This is a lighter style than what I have come to expect from the author, and it will have you laughing so hard there will be tears in your eyes. It delves into what some people have to deal with in the workforce when he/she is not given his/her just rewards, i.e. a promotion, case in point with the heroine of the story. Sadie is a woman who is the glue that holds her company together. She is the go-to person for everything and goes above and beyond to ensure the ship is running smoothly. Jack is the new CPO who has come aboard to take the company to the next level. Sadie and Jack have a history and watching them reconnect is hilarious. Overall, this storyline is pure adrenaline that ends with a gold medal for everything that is contained within its pages. It is very well written with a heroine who learns her worth and is not afraid to strut her stuff. This is a book that you can see playing out as a movie in your mind until it is picked up for the big or little screen. I recommend this book.
January 17, 2024
Get Him Back is a standalone and is Sadie Monroe and Jack Thompson’s story. This is a second chance romance and my oh my it starts off with a bang.

Jack and Sadie were boyfriend/girlfriend at college. Now it is around 8 years later and they haven’t seen each other since. Jack is a new hire where Sadie already works and the first day scene was hilarious.

I really needed to read this light hearted and humorous book after my previous book was a tear fest! Get Him Back is LOL funny!

There was a lot of bathroom humor. Not funny to the person it was happening too but funny to the reader.

I think Jack and Sadie must have been in a race as to how many places and surfaces they can do the “thang” (if you know what I mean, wink,wink).

Get Him Back was funny and ticked the boxes for a very good Rom Com. I can just see the movie version of this book! Very cute! 5 STARS for me.
Profile Image for Sassafrack.
483 reviews11 followers
January 29, 2024
a romcom like only CoraLee June could write.

Do not go into this expecting a light fluffy read. Because it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, there’s lots of laughs, a sprinkle of second hand embarrassment, and great bff side characters. There’s also heavy feelings, character growth, and a good dose of real life.
Sadie was deeply hurt by Jack. The kind of hurt that affects who you are and how you navigate life. He’s her “he who shall not be named”, and for good reason.
I didn’t immediately like Jack. But I came to realise that what I didn’t like, was what he was struggling with as well.
These two were fun, real, and evoked some pretty raw emotions for me. Their relationship started imperfectly and took real strength and work. It was both tough and inspiring to read.
There were a few times that I felt things were taking longer than I wanted, though I wouldn’t call it slow burn. In the end, it was definitely worth the wait.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.3k reviews85 followers
January 23, 2024
Sadie has worked hard to prove herself to the company she works for and believes that the upcoming promotion was meant to be hers. She is about to find out how wrong she is as not only does she need to assist the person they have hired with the transition, but he is also the man who made it difficult to trust men because of what happened when they were in college.

Jack has not forgotten the time he spent with Sadie and regrets the way he left. When he sees her again they are not only dealing with the conflict over the job but the pasts they share both as individuals and as a couple. Let the antics begin!

The banter and the situations that Jack and Sadie found themselves in are sure to bring a smile to your face. This is a fun and engaging story about overcoming the past and realizing that some things are just meant to be.
Profile Image for Renee.
4,314 reviews62 followers
January 19, 2024
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

This is the story of Jack and Sadie. These two have a past together back in college. Their flame burned really bright, but after college they didn't see each other for a decade. Things are about to get very interesting for both of them and you get to come along for the journey. I don't think you need to know a lot about this book and just go in blind and enjoy the ride. There are pranks that will have you shocked a little at times. Moments that will have you laughing so hard you find yourself crying. I loved these characters and I really loved this entire book. It is witty, will melt your heart and is so much fun to read. You really don't want to miss it.
Profile Image for Nicole.
98 reviews2 followers
January 21, 2024
CoraLee's new contemporary rom com is full of heart, with relatable human connections & experiences that lends a depth to the story and feels like a movie played out in your head. Told from dual povs, our main characters Sadie and Jack, meet for the first time, years after a disastrous college fling. Now forced to work together in close proximity, and with sparks still smoldering beneath the surface between these two reluctant individuals, will this second chance lead to a HEA? Or will plans for revenge prove too appealing to pass up? Read and find out!

Another highly recommended read from an author who proves she can write the light hearted stuff as well as she does the dark romance tropes.
Profile Image for Kristy.
192 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2024
““And to new beginnings,” she continued, already pouring the next round. “Because let’s face it, you’re about to rewrite history with Mr. Oblivious.””
“There are a few absolute truths in this universe: water is wet, chocolate is a gift from the gods, and a hot guy in gray sweatpants is the kryptonite of any woman with a pulse.”
“You don’t just forget the girl who once meant everything. You sure as hell don’t forget the one who got away.”

This book had me laughing from the very beginning. I feel in love with Jack instantly even though Sadie had her reservations. The entire book kept me hooked and falling in love with every page. Left me wondering where their story was going to take them next. Such a good addicting read that I just didn’t want to put down!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews

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