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For Your Love #2

For Your Heart

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The heart is a cruel master.

After the fallout between me, my brother, and Simon, I find myself either wallowing in a black pit of depression or lashing out with vicious rage. Technically, Simon still lives in the condo the three of us bought together, but ever since our relationship imploded months ago, I’ve barely seen him.

His absence is loud and it feels like a knife through my heart.

I miss dancing with him. I miss having him sandwiched between my brother and I at night. I miss the soft brush of his lips against mine, just because. I miss him.

A newly single co-worker strikes a bargain. All he wants is someone to wreck his body while I get to let out my anger. It’s a win-win. .

Except I’ve still lost.

Once, the only future I saw was with Simon, but I don’t see a future at all anymore. Because all I have left is a broken heart and no one to pick up the pieces.


This is a LGBT+ story with content not intended for those under 18 years of age due to graphic scenes and situations.

372 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 7, 2023

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About the author

Crea Reitan

78 books765 followers
Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. When she can't fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center - and utterly swoon-worthy! Don't ask her how many book boyfriends she has...

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don't even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews
Profile Image for Lilly [Hiatus due to School] .
938 reviews324 followers
November 10, 2023
This picks up right where the last one left off. However, the focus of the story is on Damon and his love interest Sage. I will keep this review short because while I really enjoyed this author’s writing and the first book, I don’t think this series is for me. There are just so many things about this book and the next book (since it’s directly connected to this one) that are not working for me.

Some aspects of the twin’s connection and partners reminded me of Onley James’s set-up with her twins, and I was not a fan of that at all. The author is hinting at taboo and poly scenes with the twins and their partners; however, these will be exclusive to subscribers (the more taboo stuff).

I am not into partner swapping, and while, at least in this book, it doesn’t happen on page (they do have sex together in the same room if I remember correctly), their relationship becomes poly in the third book. I love taboo/twincest, and I enjoy reading about committed poly relationships, but this one felt a bit messy. There are specific poly dynamics I enjoy too and this story did not have it. I don’t know what to say, really, but this book was a very frustrating read in many ways.

I don’t mean to attack the author in any way, but Iwant to point out something in the author’s note. The author states that we are the problem in finding issues with the twin’s behaviour in book one.

For those who decided that they hated everything about the friendship between the twins and Simon, and determined that it IS wrong because you feel you have the right to determine what’s NORMAL and NATURAL, this statement is for you - you don’t get to decide what friendship looks like for everyone! You don’t get to determine how someone deals with death and how they choose to heal. You just don’t get to decide that their friendships are worthy of being considered real or fabricated for a story. You’re part of the toxic problem in the world.

It’s okay if the relationship is problematic and unhealthy (I love reading about unhealthy/messed relationships, and so do many), but own it, because there is no way their relationship was anything but that. The twins behaviour causes Simon so much hurt and grief to the point they’re not on speaking terms, mind you these two were his whole world. Yet I still enjoyed For Your Time - It's a book I recommend often in reader groups because it has tropes that many people will enjoy! People calling it out (rightfully) should not be an issue.

Anyway, I don’t know what else to say. I did really enjoy this author’s other books.
Profile Image for megan.m.reads.
611 reviews33 followers
September 22, 2023
I don’t think Sage really cares. All he wants is to be loved. The more people who love his affection-starved soul, the better for him.
ARC Review~

Following on from book one, Declan and Damon are stunned by Simon’s departure. This book is Damon’s story as he initially hooks up with his coworker Sage to blow off steam but then it becomes something more.

There’s lots of heavy themes in this book and naturally a lot more smut. Sage is so needy both physically and emotionally - I adored him! The twin’s “hive mind” communication was strange in a sort of paranormal way but it really enhanced the story. There is implied twincest and they do form a sort of poly relationship by sharing their partners. The spice was spicy!! 🔥

It’s utterly fascinating, messy, and more than a little toxic but I was invested in finding out what their HEA would look for and I’m keen to read book 3 to hopefully get some closure.

Definitely read the TW and don’t go in blind. This is not a warm and fuzzy romance.
8 reviews
September 17, 2023
I hated the relationship dynamics. The twins plus Simon seemed very selfish. Every other person compromised in the dynamic except them. To me it seemed sage, Zarek and even quin had to put up with things they were very uncomfortable with just so that they could be with the twins and Simon and it made so uncomfortable. Honestly sage and zarek seemed like a stand in for Simon. The only person who seemed to be truly conflicted was Simon because it was obvious that he was deeply in love with quin and the relationship with the twins though intense had boundaries. The boundaries however seem to not exist in this book. It was already established that Simon was not sexually or romantically interested in the twins and neither was quin so why must they share a bed and have sex together, it all seemed so wrong. It was so obvious that the situation between the twins and sage and zarek was a "I'll take them however I can have them and I'll force myself to be okay with what I'm not okay with so I won't loose them". Honestly I thought this chapter would be about them finding themselves individually and still finding a healthy middle ground for their friendship.
September 20, 2023
Couldn’t finish

I liked the first book and was hoping to see more of Simon and Professor in this one. Unfortunately I couldn’t finish this one. The author defends the relationship but it is the very definition of toxic!
And the twin hive mind belongs more in a supernatural book, the way the talk in their heads and have actual conversations while apart is ridiculous. The author also borders on in€est without actually going there and it’s just ick…
I love MM but this one was a big NOPE from me.
Profile Image for Kate.
84 reviews
September 22, 2023
Immediately on picking up the book I’m annoyed at Crea Reitan who in the introduction tells me that because I hated the twins’ behaviour in For Your Time that I am “part of the toxic problem in the world”. Uh, no. These are fictional characters, and the fact that I think their fictional behaviour towards Simon was horrible does not make me a bad person. One of the twins literally frots against Simon without consent - that’s not an unconventional relationship, that’s a description of assault. I’m now a bit worried that people don’t recognise that for what it is.

A few deep breaths and … because I’m a horrible cause of toxicity in the world I’m glad that at the start of the book Simon is off living his life with Quin and the twins are left without their pet/toy. It’s interesting seeing Damon try to justify his and Declan’s behaviour towards Simon. It doesn’t excuse it at all, but it’s good to see it from another perspective.

Sage is an over-excited puppy, who it turns out likes to be tied up. He’s just embracing his homosexuality after a life of pretending to be straight after being controlled by his bigoted mother. He of course falls for the first man he does ‘butt stuff’ with, Damon. Damon is more tolerable in this book. Sage definitely bringing out the good in him.

It’s worth noting that this book falls into the sci fi/fantasy genre in some respects. The twins’ shared consciousness is the stuff of science fiction. I don’t want to read sci fi or fantasy, and as far as I’m aware this wasn’t marketed as such. In the first book it wasn’t so obvious, but there is no escaping in this book. They frequently have telepathic conversations. It got quite boring and repetitive for me. It felt a little lazy, like the writer was cutting corners rather than having to write scenes where the twins were communicating properly.

There is a content warning at the start. The book includes - among other things - an awful homophobic parent, a lot of bondage etc. There is also on page incest (it’s not just hinted at). Also, Damon stalks Simon briefly (yep, I’m still not loving this relationship!)

No Vulcan sadly in this book (he’s mentioned briefly a couple of times, but makes no appearance). Sage’s friends Jordan and River and their baby Sparrow are kind of boring and serve only really to tell Sage the same thing over and over again. It feels like they were a wasted opportunity.

It wasn’t as good as the first book in the series. It was a bit of a chore to read. Not sure if I’ll read the third book, there’s only so much obsessive-possessive-twin stuff I can put up with.
Profile Image for Bárbara Jung.
2 reviews
September 25, 2023
It was incredible, until the incest started.
I love the relationship between the twins and Simon, but when the author started a sexual relationship between the twins it crossed a line that made me super uncomfortable, the fact that all the other characters found it sexy and normal made the situation worse.
This relationship ruined the whole book for me and I couldn't finish it, and I definitely won't read the next one.
P. S.: It's worth highlighting that the relationship wasn't just a peck or hug, but it was already at the point where they talked about having sex with each other, including BDSM techniques and talking about sexual situations that happened when they were teenagers
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rae (semi-hiatus).
502 reviews119 followers
September 14, 2023

Now this was quite the story

After we were left with an unresolved and messy relationship between the twins and Simon we finally get some much needed closure as well as new love interests.

This was unique because we had 2 (maybe 3?) stories happening at the same time. Sage and Damon, Simon and Damon, and Declan and Zarek? I hope we see a lot of them in the next book. Crea really wanted to give us angst by writing about a character heartbroken from unrequited love navigating a relationship with a coworker who is pure golden retriever energy. You felt for Sage AND Damon even if you didn’t want to because it wouldn’t be the perfect lol romance book all tied with a neat bow.

I’m soooo on board with the taboo aspect. It’s unique and interesting and spicyyyyy. I wish this was explored more in the next book. I also wish the ending will be played out and expanded on as it felt a lil rushed here. I want to see the twins and Stommers dynamic and how it has changed.

Sigh. Such a great series.
29 reviews5 followers
September 21, 2023
Continuing on in the story of Simon and the twins, this book focuses Damon and his new beau, Sage. I won’t lie, I was slightly apprehensive starting this book since the twins were absolute d**ks to Simon. I was half hoping there would be grovelling and crying and maybe a couple of throttles over the back of the head to try and put some sense back into them. Whilst this didn’t happen and it still took me almost half the book to actually forgive Damon - both for his treatment of Simon and his aloof attitude with Sage, I did enjoy this book.

It was interesting learning more about the Twins and seeing them as individual people and not just as a collective ‘one person’. I did find Damon to be a sweet guy that’s being forced out of his comfort zone and facing a reality without Simon and potentially losing his twin. Thanks to his “casual” relationship with Sage, Damon begins to move on. Once he got his head out of his as* Damon was the perfect boyfriend to Sage. I loved how supportive, reassuring and sweet he was to Sage, especially when he finally embraced his feelings towards Sage was 100% in it with him. Their relationship was lovely to witness, Damon truly wanted the best for Sage and you could feel the love and pride he had for him.

Sage was an absolute sweetheart. With an innocent puppy dog energy, low self esteem and filled with doubt from the emotional abuse he experiences at the hand of his mother, Sage is a beautiful soul that needs to be protected at all costs and I was ready to go to war whenever he had even the smallest of doubts surrounding his lifestyle or relationship with Damon. I can see why Damon liked him, he is so similar Simon. Just another guy to add to my “wrap them up in bubble wrap and protect forever” collection (I know how creepy that sounds but it's not).

There were a lot of taboo themes in this book, so I would check them before diving into this series. I am okay with pretty much everything but the closeness between Damon and Declan did put me off a little bit. Even though they don’t take anything too far, I did have to skim some scenes as they didn’t really do anything for me. I hate to do it, but the book does loose a star due to these scenes and the unrequited love the twins have with Simon whilst still establishing relationships. I’m usually okay with polyamorous relationships, but the fact that it was unrequited just left an imbalance in the relationships that just left a bad taste in my mouth. Even after Sage comes to terms with it, I still found it unfair, especially when the twins were still pining for Simon at the end of the book and hoping he’ll develop romantic feelings for them.

Notwithstanding the unrequited love, I did enjoy this book and learning more about Damon. Sage was an absolute dream to read about it and absolutely loved reading his story in finding confidence in himself and finding a loving and accepting family. Though we have read Declan’s story alongside Damon’s I am interested in his perspective and how he comes to fall in love with his big c***ed boi.
Profile Image for Mal.
210 reviews12 followers
September 11, 2023
The author takes us right back to where the first book left off but this time we get the POV of Sage, and one of the twins - Damon (and by default because of their shared connection a lot of Declan’s as well because of their preternatural connection).

Sage broke my heart and made me tear up more than once as did the twins in their intense pining. He also made me grin the most because of his energy. Sage is a ball of sunshine with a massive heart wrapped up in crippling insecurities and Damon is honest and strong and unshakable, going after what he wants for himself and the ones he loves. Their chemistry is off the charts hot and their bond is adorable and made my heart a bit mushy.

This was an intense read! This is not a typical romance with the expected stages of connection development we are used to exploring in any trope I’ve come across. I mean that’s there too, but this story is so much more. This is really a story of three men who share a lot of history and an unshakeable connection, two of whom are twins as they navigate their way to finding their way around a host of emotions and attraction and codependent attachments built into the love they feel for each other and then the men they fall in love with. I for one am quite anxiously looking forward to what everyone’s HEA looks like. This book doesn’t end on a cliff hanger per se but an HNF and there is a ways to go in the overall plot.

I really appreciated how the author doesn’t shy away from teasing apart and laying bare the internal journeys these characters are taking as they build all these connections and hold the dichotomy feelings navigating towards the unconventional and figuring out how this can work, what anchors and solidifies them. It’s an incredibly interesting way to tell the story of these atypical relationships because waiting to hear the remaining POVs lends a further edge to this already gripping story.

* Workplace romance
* Mild D/s
* Kink exploration
* Taboo Twin relationship
* Opposites attract
* Poly/Group relationship dynamics
* Hurt comfort
* Found family
* Protective MC
* Pining

I also particularly loved the growth and healthier transitions the characters navigate through and I loved the glimpses we got of the larger intertwined poly relationships. I enjoyed the found family aspects that the author brought in with Sage���s friends but I did miss Vulcan.

Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Angst: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Humour: 🤣🤣

Thank you to the author and @chao for the opportunity to read and honestly review the ARC

I’m excited to read the next book specially because it runs in parallel to this one but has the POV of Declan and Zarek.
Profile Image for Dinoh (Akari).
344 reviews7 followers
September 30, 2023
I seriously thought about not reviewing this book, but finally decided to give it a chance. I have to say, it's not a bad book, if you like toxic, co-dependent relationships and/or with people who just want to get things done without giving up anything in return, then this is your series, and this is your book. It is well written, the personalities are complex, and it has everything, maybe too much. I mean, representation of the asexual spectrum, bondage, possessiveness, codependency, toxicity, love, jealousy, polyamory, controlling mothers, you name it, and you have it.

Please read with caution if you don't want minor spoilers.

What bothers me, and I said it in the previous review, and I am going to affirm it in this one, is the author's determination to want to describe the co-dependence, the toxicity and the relationship between the twins, and of the twins with Simon as a natural and normal. It is not. Now, if she simply needed to write this story, and give the corresponding warnings (which she did) and stop trying to say that if you don't see these types relationships as natural and normal , you are prejudiced... Let me tell you, No. I'm not prejudicing. I just finished Brothers of Reckoning, extremely taboo between a father and his son (and a lot of more things), and it was a freaking masterpiece. But toxicity and incest, (no matter how minimal) ARE NOT NORMAL OR NATURAL. That exist? Yes. That only the people involved have the right to decide how to live their lives, OK, but then, there are several sensitive topics that should also be seen as normal and natural, right? If sex between siblings is normal and natural, is it between sons/daughters and parents? Between grandchildren and grandparents? And that's just to give an example (With this I don't mean that the twins have sex, but... things happen, and there are hints that more are going to happen. In fact, as I said, it is mentioned in the warnings), so please don't try to sell this that way. Call it as it is and will be much better.

The other thing that bothers me is that in the first book, Simon establishes boundaries, boundaries that in the second book look very blurry. He is not a sexual person, why then should he allow these brothers to touch him, kiss him etc in such an intimate way? That is to say, the brothers already have their own partners to have sexual releases with... And... here comes the other thing. Poor partners... Having second place in everything, where everything has to be the way Damon and Declan want. The twins don't give up anything. Sage in this book, if he wants to be with Damon, he must accept the twins' situation with Simon. And why? Why can't Damon soften his relationship with Simon a little so that Sage is more comfortable? Why does it have to be just Quin, Sage and Zarek who have accommodate to what the twins and Simon want? If you're seeing how hurt they are, isn't there anything you can do to prevent that pain? Nope. That's not how twins think. And I understand it. One should not change because another person asks you to. One changes because one wants to change. But one can change the situation a little, without losing oneself, and one can meet the other person halfway. And yet, for the twins and Simon, it's either how they feel, think, or want, or nothing.

And I'm not going to say more. I'm finishing the third one, and... I guess the review will be very similar to this one.

I was giving an advanced review and voluntarily wrote a review.
Profile Image for XxnightxowlxX74.
990 reviews8 followers
September 9, 2023
New Beginnings…

After the first book my emotions were all over the place. I was so mad at Simon’s character for keeping secrets from the twins. Then expecting them not to get mad and be hurt. He was so oblivious to their being “in” love with him.

I understood where they were coming from and why they were so angry with Quin. I feel they had every right to see him as a predator but it’s because Simon kept secrets.

I liked that Damon and Declan comforted each other in the months that Simon was gone. Their heartache was heartbreaking to read.

This book was from Damon and Sage’s POV. They were co-workers and Sage being fairly new to his designation was very timid and sweet. Sage had been doing what his mom wanted him to for years. She demanded his perfection and even set him up with a woman she wanted him to marry. Sage reached a turning point and finally broke that toxic hold she had on him.

Damon was floating through life because of the loss of Simon. Sage approached him for a deal that he couldn’t turn down. I loved watching these two form their relationship. Sage was just what Damon needed.

We do get to see a part of Declan’s life at the same time with Zarek. Once they do get Simon back into their life they are terrified that it will scare off each of their new relationships. They will not give Simon up. He is the love of their life but they love them as well and want them to be all together. Sage and Zarek at first are heartbroken when they actually see the twins and Simon dancing. It became real for them and they began to understand their relationship with Simon. They began to doubt that the twins could love them.

I loved seeing the twins and Simon work through Sage and Zarek’s jealousy and heartache. I loved seeing them building off the foundation that the twins and Simon had already built.

Simon, Damon and Declan’s relationship may not make sense to others but they don’t give a damn what others think. They never thought that they’d find lovers that would understand.

I can’t wait to see where this goes in the next book. 6 men in a “inappropriate” relationship beginning a new journey towards their HEA.
Profile Image for butterfliesandbooks .
1,572 reviews22 followers
September 9, 2023
After reading book one (For your Time) I really didn’t like twins Damon and Declan. They weren’t very nice to Simon, made his life miserable, and in my opinion caused Simon to leave and not return messages or phone calls.

I didn’t like the dynamics between the three, I felt it was just wrong. But that’s just my opinion.

Damon is still in love with his best friend, he doesn’t ever see that changing. But he won’t get to see him if him and his twin don’t change their way of thinking!

Sage is a fitness and nutrition professional in the same gym Damon works in. He’s had a crush on Damon for a while now, but has never had the never to approach him!

It’s starts with Sage proposing a casual relationship (just s£x!) to Damon, and even though both know it’s going to end up in disaster (Damon knows he’s going to break Sage’s heart) they approach each other with caution…..

It took till about chapter 12, for me to forgive Damon and for said character to pull his head out from his a$$ and see what a wonderful man he had in Sage. Once he came to that conclusion (after almost losing him!) he couldn’t hold back his love, he wanted Sage to be his and his alone 💜

Additional characters were all needed in this book, including the brainwashed ex girlfriend and Sage’s horrible mother! She was a vile individual and I was glad when Damon evicted her from Sage’s life. I loved catching up with Simon and ? Didn’t see Vulcan in this book (sadly) but we did find out who Declan falls for 😉

I want to see Declan’s side of the story now (even though we get a glimpse at the end of this book 🤫) I want to read his side immediately 😆

And I’m going to admit I was wrong, I’m going to eat humble lie and beg forgiveness from both the twins and the author. I was ready to hate the book, and all the characters in it (I’m still in love with book one)

I ended up loving this book (book one still my favourite)

There a lot of triggers in this book, including a taboo subject that a few readers might find hard (and I have a feeling it might evolve in book 3 🤷🏻‍♀️)

September 7, 2023
🖤💙 For your Heart // For Your Love Book 2 // Crea Reitan 🖤💙

This series is becoming special to me quickly. It is very different then a typical romance journey. While there are poly family and shmink dynamics the connections between the twins, their lovers, and their best friend are complex, complicated, and emotional in a different and increasingly beautiful way. I am loving seeing these relationships become healthier and more stable as they accept their true selves and stop fighting their true needs. All three books focus on the twins and Simon, their relationship with each other, and their love stories. This book, book 2, For Your Heart focuses on Damon and Sage falling in love, but still showcases dynamics and growth of the rest of the characters.

Damon and Sage are major grumpy / sunshine vibes. Switching between POVs is like walking from a rainstorm to a field of daisies. Damon’s POV is written in a dark style with heartbreak and emotion in every word. While Sages’s POV is light, humorous and endearing. I love the juxtaposition of these complete opposites and the ways they learn to support and comfort each other. Damon and Sage have some spicy shmink dynamics that make for a high heat delicious story ( see below).

I am so eager for book 3, For your Mind, which is a parallel timeline to this one but instead focuses on Declan and Zarek’s love story. Since we get to see a lot of their dynamic in this book, I’m so excited for the inside look 😉.

☀️ Opposites Attract
⛈️ Grumpy Sunshine
💔 Emotional
🔥 Shminky
❤️‍🩹 BFF/sibling co-dependency
🐝 Twin Hive Mind
👀 Twin Taboo
💕 Hurt / Comfort
✨ Poly Family - Group Dynamics
🔥 Shmink, High Heat

🔥K!nky tags:
Strict Top/ Bottom: yes.
Dominance and Submission
Smaller Dominant Top
Bigger Begging Bottom
Pain Play
Bondage- Including predicament
Gags + Blindfolds
O- Control
🍆 Cage
All the Toys
Dirty Talk
Group 6
Twin Taboo

✅ yes, book has listed trigger warning page and author notes.
Profile Image for Carol Rupprecht.
731 reviews16 followers
September 14, 2023
I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this book. The previous book ended on such an abrupt note and not on a very happy one either. I hated how the twins treated Simon after they found out about his relationship with Quin. I wasn't even sure if I wanted them to have any happiness, especially Damon, without a lot of apologizing about how they treated Simon and Quin. I understand they were all miserable, but stubbornness and jealousy definitely won over any common sense. 

I will say that this book took a different turn than I expected. With Simon mentioning how Vulcan would be so good for both Declan and Damon in the first book, I half expected their love interest (notice how it isn't plural) to be him instead of them beginning two separate relationships. Now, I am not mad at the twins taking things separately for once in their lives. I actually think it was good for them to have something for themselves, despite the hive mind they have. I think it helped them mature a little bit and sort of think of things with a new perspective. However, I still am not convinced that Vulcan will not be added in sometime along the line. There are four planned books and with the next book being Declan and Zarek's, there is still a chance in the 4th book. Either it is his, or a continuation of the family that the guys are already making. 

I am interested to read Declan's book to see his POV into his relationship with Zarek. He handled Simon's absence a lot differently than Damon and I want to see the changes in emotions he experiences while beginning a new relationship after heartbreak. I also want to see where else the group relationship goes. For those with triggers, I would pay attention to the author's note at the beginning of the next book. Talk of twincest popped up in this book and I know it isn't something everyone is OK with. Damon and Declan are already so close, but I have a feeling things will go a lot farther in the future book(s).
Profile Image for Mich Mich.
228 reviews9 followers
September 7, 2023
I said it before and I’ll say it again; I absolutely love the relationship dynamics in these books!!! This book is exploding with so much true and genuine love. It brings a smile to my face and gives me warm & fuzzy feelings just thinking about it. I can’t get enough 🩵

This is the 2nd book in the For Your Love series, and it features Damon and Sage on their path to love. The point of view is only from Sage and Damon but there still is some input from Declan (Damon’s identical twin - you can’t have one without the other). It picks up nicely from where book 1 ended but with a change of who’s telling the story.

At this point Damon is hurt, angry, and miserable. The plan he had for his life is gone and he’s really just functioning.

Sage, his coworker with golden retriever energy, is really becoming comfortable with himself and wants to experience more. He sees Damon as an opportunity to do that and offers an arrangement.

It’s a win-win for both of them to use each other for what they need. Slowly a friendship develops and then deeper feelings after that.

There’s more than just their feelings for each other that they have to navigate through. It’s intense, at times difficult, but worth it. With a strong enough bond, trust, honest & open communication, and some work love really can conquer it all.

🌶️ Damon’s tastes in the bedroom combined with Sage’s eagerness to please as well as willingness to try new things leads to some really HOTTT scenes!!!!! It’s generally spicy goodness but there’s another layer to the hotness. The fact that they have enough trust to explore those new things together and the communication they have that’s ever present makes it that much hotter! 🥵🫠🥵🫠🥵

Profile Image for diana  moreno.
98 reviews
October 17, 2023
Read this as part 2

These books should be read as part 1,2 and 3. This one being part 2. I actually simoltenously read Declan and damons books because they actually take place at the same time, and it's frustrating staring a book from the same point a previous one was in, it breaks up continuity. As for this story I'm gonna just write the few things I loved which was zarek, sage and his friends and Quinlan. What I didn't was that I finished both books and I just couldn't get on board with liking the twins. They are 23/24 and act like they are 16 or 65 depending on the scene. They're in complete control over everything and essentially the entire relationship between them and the others was very frustrating for me. Some parts definitely read more as dark romance, especially the taboo parts. Simon for me is meh. Overall, I expirienced anxiety not wanting to read the twins obsession over simon, and "not cross" lines which each other which they totally did all the time. I really have a hard time with incestual/twincest tropes, and I become vocal in my reviews that it should be a label given to books. I don't think they should be banned at all, but definitely have a warning. The twin fantasy can be enticing for many though. This one was passable, but there's definitely more than 3 scenes where it's about them. It's still something that is difficult for me to read with out any issues. Either way it's not so bad. My 2 stars is more based on the feelings I got reading this story and it wasn't one that I would re-read or made me feel the feels inside, I just felt a disconnect with the characters.
Profile Image for Denise.
184 reviews2 followers
September 3, 2023
"I think I have loved him since I first saw him. But I just fell in love with him all over again."

This book was all the feels - from golden retriever energy to severe protection energy, this book had it all. This one starts where the last book leaves us and we go through a small grief period but then we get to experience the amazing character development of the twins via 'hive mind' (although mostly Damon in this book).

Sage was such a fun character and I'm so happy that his horrible mother finally got told off as well as Sammy. Good riddance!

The idea of 'hive mind' was so very interesting and I absolutely cannot wait to see how the flip side of this twin thing goes in the next book. But I absolutely loved seeing how Damon progressed through this book, first through his grief, to coping and denial of his inner feelings to the beginnings of acceptance for how life will be and beyond!

C.R., you did such an amazing job with this one!

As for possible future readers of this book and series, please check your triggers and read the authors note(s) in the beginning of these books. This type of book is not for everyone, but for those that jive with everything included in these pages, just give in and go read this book!

Triggers do include but are not limited to: bondage, blindfolds, orgasm denial, cock cage, dirty talk, BFF/sibling co-dependency, begging, strict top/bottom and a hint at twin taboo.
169 reviews
September 7, 2023
This story was very interesting how the author brought out the unique relationship of the twins, Declan and Damon. Much has been stated about “twins language” how they were were like one person split able to feel and hear each others thoughts. Simon their friend that was bought into their life when his mother had passed and his father in his grief did not take care of Simon. So Damon and Declan's mother had gone to Simon's house at the twins request and she saw how he had no food, clothes or anyone to take care of him brought him home. Simon became part of the twins, in their attempt to make him feel loved and cared for, Simon became part of twins emotional, and physical life, there was no separation. The three talked when they grow up how they would be together in their adult life. The surprise in this story was when Simon found someone to love outside of their world. How the 3 of them learned to handle the separation and what happened when the twins each fell in love and it showed in their love they were different individuals, however still needing the relationship of the “three” . How did they work out the jealous of their loves and their jealous of Simon's lover. Even how they dealt with Sage's mother, who in trying to “fix” her son was destroying him. You will come across much in this book about alternative live styles. Read about the unique solutions to their relationship problems.
Profile Image for Lettura Arcobaleno.
87 reviews8 followers
September 10, 2023
Recensione a cura di Lettura Arcobaleno 🌈

Questo è il secondo romanzo della serie "For Your Love" che uscirà il 7 settembre 2023. Ringrazio Crea Reitan per avermi dato l'opportunità di leggerlo in anticipo.

La relazione con Simon si è purtroppo deteriorata e per Demon e Declan la perdita del loro migliore amico è inaccettabile. Si sono presi cura di lui sin da ragazzini, lo hanno protetto e lo hanno accolto nella loro casa. Ma ora è sparito...cone riusciranno a sopravvivere?
Riuscirà Simon a perdonare i due fratelli? Oppure quell'amicizia così fuori dagli schemi sarà perduta per sempre?

Adesso è il turno di Demon di trovare la sua dolce metà. Anche in questo caso partiamo con una proposta indecente: Sage Rossi, il suo collega di lavoro, gli chiede di fare sesso senza legami. Ovviamente il gemello accetta, ritrovandosi a trascorrere bei momenti con quel "cucciolotto" adorabile.

Ho apprezzato l'insicurezza di Sage, il suo bisogno di avere riaffermazioni e di essere toccato da Demon. Queste qualità hanno reso questo personaggio molto dolce e facile da amare.
La connessione tra i due gemelli era già forte nel primo romanzo, ma in questo viene descritta nel dettaglio. Ho adorato il loro modo di comprendersi e di comunicare senza necessariamente parlare. Attenzione perché questa storia sfora decisamente i limiti della moralità, sebbene io l'abbia trovata genuina e degna di nota.

Ho apprezzato la figura di Simon più in questo volume piuttosto che il precedente, per l'empatia e la compassione che mostra ai ragazzi. Sono felicissima che alla fine ognuno di loro sia riuscito a trovare la propria strada e la propria felicità. Ciò non toglie che sono molto curiosa di leggere l'ultimo della serie per sapere come andrà a finire tra tutti e 6🤭.
Profile Image for Laura Lou.
112 reviews7 followers
September 7, 2023
For Your Heart by Crea Reitan is the second book in the For Your Love Series. It picks up right where book one left off after the fallout Damon and Declan had with Simon. We get to see Damon's point of view, and some of Declan's due to the twins 'hive mind' which was definitely an intriguing aspect of the story. Damon is trying to deal with so many emotions, especially grief and anger. Fortunately for Damon, his co-worker Sage tries to befriend him. Sage is just the best and I could totally relate to his thoughts and feelings for Damon. And my heart hurt for him and everything he went through growing up with his awful mother.

I was curious to see where things were going to end up with Damon and Sage and how it would all work out with Declan and Simon too. It did not end up going in the direction I thought, and I admit that I personally wouldn't be able to handle some of it. But with that being said, I found it interesting to read this story to see what these characters were comfortable with and how they wanted to live their lives.

Please make sure to check out the author's note as well as triggers for the books in this series. I believe the third book is coming out soon and will be along the same time frame as For Your Heart, but the story will be from Declan's point of view.

I received an advanced copy of this book, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
653 reviews25 followers
September 8, 2023
For your Heart by Crea Reitan is book two in the For your Love Series. After reading book one I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this one. I must mention that book two picks up after book one so you should read them in order. (Who wouldn’t want to with these boys) This is from the POV of Damon and Sage. This book was incredibly well done, I couldn’t stop reading it! Cover to cover in a day, I was so invested from the early chapters. The plot and pace of the book was great, the story was captivating. The characters are great and I find myself drawn into their development even more with this one. I really enjoyed reading Damon and Sage go from just being an opportunity to something more…something deeper. The way they communicate and develop their bond was just amazing. The trust they have with one another they are able to try new things. The spiciness of this story was so good! It was hot in more ways than one. The way they can communicate during just adds a whole different level. Also just to be on the safe side check your trigger warnings. Overall this book was amazing reading this friendship form then becoming more…I loved it! I cannot wait for the next book, well done Crea Reitan…well done!

Final review:
4 out of 5 stars
Profile Image for Holly Rife.
325 reviews5 followers
September 13, 2023
'For Your Heart' is the second book in the 'For Your Love' series. Damon is angry and working on healing. Who knew the remedy would come in the form of Sage. Damon needs someone to take care of, but also someone with such a big heart… and Sage fits the bill perfectly. Sage has a heart of gold with so much energy, no filter, and in so much need for someone to care for him.

Together, they make such a wonderful couple. Their spice is out of this world. The development of their relationship is rolled out so well when things evolve. As they go through past pain (on their own and together), Sage and Damon both really grow in their character journey. ❤️

Crea (the author) isn't afraid to tackle controversial topics and she does this with complete integrity. They are so good at making their audience think and I love that!!

This *could* be read as a standalone, but it would be best to read 'For Your Time' to completely understand what's happening. Please be sure to read the content warnings, as there are quite a few.

I love every character in this book except for one. (You will know who I mean if you read it.) I hope to see more of the supporting characters in the following book. I can't wait to see what unfolds for them next!
Profile Image for Book Life With Jen.
1,031 reviews18 followers
September 26, 2023
For Your Heart, the second book in the For Your Love series by Crea Reitan was just as fabulous as the first and will instantly pull you in and take you on another hot and steamy journey.

This story picks up right where the first one left off with everything kind of up in the air with Simon, the twins and Quinn and boy does Crea take us on another emotional roller coaster of a ride! If you thought it was crazy adding Quinn into the mix, wait until Damon finds his own Simon and things get even crazier! The emotions in this story are heavy as Damon battles with his own jealousy and feelings over Simon and Quinn and Sage is just the person to help him overcome all his anger, jealousy and resentment. Because even though Sage has his own issues he’s still lighthearted and compassionate and just the guy Damon needs.

This was quite the emotional and slightly chaotic story ad they all work together to slowly discover what’s worth fighting for, how much they actually feel for each other and how hard and amazing it can all be. Next up is Declan’s point of view and I can’t wait to see what Crea has in store for us with that one! And as always, mind your triggers and warnings because this one definitely pushes the limits the only way Crea can!
Profile Image for Booksfordays40.
250 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2023
Do you ever have one of those emotional books that just squishes your heart and you just can’t put it down? This was one for me. In the previous book, we saw a lot of Simon and Quinn’s story. It left us on a small cliff hanger… we didn’t have to wait long for this story to continue… Bless you CR…. but, instead of getting back into Simon’s head, we see inside Damon’s head… we get his perspective. Its not pretty. Its emotional, he’s angry. But it’s his journey and how he comes to terms with relational development. Its fascinating to me how the three of them work through their unusual relationship. How CR weaved this relationship, that borders on taboo by mainstream standards, is pretty masterful. Not since I read the book Push by NK has a book gripped me this hard emotionally outside of my comfort zone and made me think of things differently than what my comfort zone typically puts me in. It was sweet, hot, emotional… I just really enjoyed the ride. We kind of got a preview of what the next book will be. I sure hope we get some more of Vulcan in the next one… and I REALLY want him to get an HEA….
Profile Image for Michelle Elman.
204 reviews3 followers
September 8, 2023
This book is amazing! So well written and thought out. Open your mind and read a beautiful story of friendship and love that include lifelong friends, twins, and their spouses! This book picks up right where book one left off from Damon's point of view. The Twins are struggling with the loss of Simon since he's been MIA since the fight. He's not returning their calls or texts and have been staying at Quins. Damon works at a local gym and this is where he meets Sage and where Sage propositions him for some "fun" time. Sage is an adorable golden retriever of a puppy. So happy and bouncy and full of love and living his "best gay life." Damon and Sage fall into a friends with benefits routine that progresses to more while Declan also meets someone and starts falling for his new guy. So, can these brothers start something new while also repairing their relationship with Simon and grow their family?

I think what I love most about this book is the bond between Damon and Declan. The way Crea wrote about their twin bond and love and described how they are one soul just had me in a forever choke hold. I can NOT wait to read the last two books!

Profile Image for Ashley.
270 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2023
This series continues to give me all the feels. In this book we focus on Damon and Sage. I enjoyed the concept of the twin hive mind. It's an interesting concept to be sure. I know a few pairs of twins that have mentioned the similar thinking, but this degree of it was fun to explore. I think I really liked Sage's character because the absolutely no chill vibe was me when I was dating. I WAS THE PUPPY Y'ALL!
The thing I enjoyed most about the book was the discussions on co-dependency and what that can look like. How the relationship between the twins and Simon is perceived by others. I can understand Sage's reaction to the situation because I think I'd have a similar one. It's hard for me to fathom accepting that because of my own trauma, but that's entirely the point. The real goal is processing that each relationship is different and accepting each individual situation for what it is. The book made me stop and think a lot.
Ultimately I really enjoyed the book and I'm ready to read book 3!
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,822 reviews7 followers
September 7, 2023
This one left me with so many thoughts… If you read book one, and you were frustrated, this may give you some hope even if the road getting there isn’t the straightest path. Damon is still surly, dealing with Simon leaving the apartment until things are in a better place and essentially needing a break and some boundaries. Sage is his cohort at the gym and “an eager puppy” so this has definite grumpy/sunshine vibes. Sage’s optimism in the face of his mother’s toxicity AMAZED me. He’s a better person than I could ever be. He’s also exactly what Damon needs. Damon’s mind meld with Declan means his loss is multiplied, and he’s feeling all his emotions even more strongly. Sage is a breath of fresh air from those moments. This seems to be headed in one direction, with the third book giving us a parallel timeline from Declan and his partner Zarek’s POV. I’m interested to see how the final story plays out for everyone involved. I loved getting to see each of them here, but the one major missing piece was Vulcan!
240 reviews
December 23, 2023
Book 2 Goodness

So For Your Heart (For Your Love Series) book 2 was interesting as well as wonderful. Sage and Damon work at a gym together and decide that they want to hookup. If you read the first book you know that it didn’t end well for the twins and Simon, their best friend. So both the twins, Damon and Declan, are going through a lot of Simon withdrawal. In book 2 it’s a few months before Simon even talks to them. During this time Damon and Sage hookup. Sage has been a closeted gay man all his life and when he finally came out his mom didn’t want to hear it. Yep homophobic. Well a-lot goes on and everyone involved have to adjust to the entire relationship with each other. There’s really so much that I’m not going to be able to go through it all but if you read it I think you will enjoy it. Please read the beginning of the book about trigger warnings or things in this book you may not be comfortable with. Please don’t read if you are uncomfortable. But if you do read be mindful that the author has stated in the book. Hope in enjoy it as much as I did.
540 reviews
September 5, 2023
Damon and Declan are trying to pick up the pieces from the bombshell seperation from Simon in the last book. They are each going through the motions while feeling like the glue that binds their life together is missing.

Enter Sage, who is finally trying to live his authentic life without lies. He finds the courage to ask Damon for no strings benefits so he can experience what he's been missing. He's prefectly described as a golden retrieve puppy who is looking for validation and unconditional love.

Sage helps to soothe over and patch some empty spaces within Damon but the Simon hole is still too much. Faced with losing it all, Damon needs to make some touch decisions.

I loved the reality of the situation and to see the twins hive mind connection. No one is perfect and that's not how they are written. They could be your neighbor or best friends with how "human" they are. I can't wait to get the other side from Declan
1,136 reviews8 followers
September 7, 2023
This book starts right after the ending of the first book. Damon and Declan or struggling with the departure of Simon. They can't get over him leaving them. Damon has so much anger inside him over the situation while Declan is more grieving. Sage has always done what his mother wanted until he had decided he needed to live for himself and came out gay. He has so many insecurities steaming from emotional abuse from his mother. This book was very emotional, and their journey was a hard one. I loved how what went from just a fling turned into so much more. This book was mainly Damon and Sages story, but you do get a lot of Declan as the story moves forward. We see the struggles they both have as well as the wholehearted love they have for each other. It was very interesting to see all six of them trying to work on a future together and I loved every second of it. I was given this book as an ARC for my honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews

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