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For Your Love #4

For Your Forever

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Wishes on a star just don’t come true.

I used to believe in fairy tales, but I’ve kissed far too many frogs that never turn into Prince Charming. The glass slipper never fits. I’m always the ugly step-sibling; never the princess. They’re the same crushing blows every time.

When will you grow out of this phase?

Why can’t you be normal for once?

This was cute but now you’re just embarrassing me.

Why is it so difficult to accept that I like myself the way I am? With my pretty dresses, pastel tattoos, and sparkly nail polish, I like to feel beautiful.

All I want is my happily ever after. To be cherished and adored and loved for who I am. I desperately want to find my forever person.

Why am I always left with a broken heart instead?

This is a LGBT+ (MMMMM) story with content not intended for those under 18 years of age due to graphic scenes and situations.

364 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 25, 2024

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About the author

Crea Reitan

78 books765 followers
Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. When she can't fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center - and utterly swoon-worthy! Don't ask her how many book boyfriends she has...

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don't even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Micronova.
179 reviews52 followers
January 21, 2024
For Your Forever, book four in the For Your Love Series by Crea Reitan-
My rating is 4 stars.

This is a standalone novel in an inter-connected series. I imagine you would get the best reader experience by reading them in order, but that isn’t what I’ve done. This is the only novel in the series that I have read. So far.

I was only introduced to Crea Reitan’s writing last year, so I am still fairly new to their novels. I haven’t read many of their books but I can tell you, without a doubt, they write some of the most beautiful love stories I’ve ever read.

Some of the MANY tropes:
Male Lingerie
Hurt x Comfort
Found Family

There are five MMC’s in this story with the primary focus on Vulcan Solace (and Luca.) A tender, loving soul in a giant body. He’s soft-spoken, feminine, loves all things pink and sparkly and has been unlucky in love his entire life. No one has ever truly loved and accepted him exactly the way he is. He has absorbed all of the negativity, insults, hate etc…that he has experienced in his life and believes that he is unworthy of love, believes that he will be alone forever. And then he meets Luca. And Luca eventually introduces him to Orson, Wren and Zvi…

There is a lot of passion and heavy spice in this story, yet it still felt like an extreme slow burn. It is slowly paced but I never felt bored or like it was lagging. We get to know each of the MMC’s on a more personal level, with a crash course into their backstories when they meet Vulcan. I loved this! The depth of character development lent itself well to the way the story was told. Quin was an amazing support character. I think everyone needs a best friend like him and I feel like he was Vulcan’s platonic soul mate. I think polyamory was explained exquisitely, especially the emphasis on how not all polyamorous relationships look and function the same. I loved the level of open communication that the group had and it was heartwarming for Vulcan to get his HEA, even if it didn’t look the way he always thought that it would.

There are so many wonderful components in this story and I could make this review ten times longer than what I’m making it. There were only a few things that I wasn’t completely on board with, a few things that didn’t seem entirely realistic or necessary (like the scene with the police.) But, this is fiction after all!

Crea Reitan did an amazing job showing us who Vulcan is, even with all his insecurities and self-doubt. Luca and his men welcomed him with open arms, allowing him to always be himself. They gave him the confidence to fully embrace himself. There are some sensitive subjects that Crea handles with absolute care. This was a beautiful story and it highlights that everyone just wants to be loved the way they are. Everyone deserves it.

I received an advance reader copy and am leaving my review voluntarily.
Profile Image for dil.
41 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2024
Now that it’s finally officially out my ass can say that this was probably the most bizarre book I have ever read and I really need to have a talk with crea and understand how she perceives gay men.
1. I totally do not mind men who wear stuff outside of the norm like I find that brave and wholeheartedly support it like do your thing whatever but I draw the line at the 200 mentions of vulcans dick being SEE THROUGH even when he wears skirts.
A) im pretty sure at some some point in his life he would have gotten a fine for public indecency
B) How big is his shlong that apparently nothing that this man wears can hide the shape? Like is it 40 inches long not that I want to know but after the 300 mentions I am genuinely trying to understand the logistics
C) Now back to the public indecency thing how u 42 and wearing pink tight leggings and walking around outside when apparently your shlong can be seen by anyone like HAVE SOME SHAME WHAT THE HELL
2. I also do not mind when a man acts outside of the norm we are used to and I also dislike it when only twinks are allowed to be vulnerable and emotional in gay books but if you are 42 I will expect you to act and behave like a mature man. Like you can be emotional and also soft but why are those 20 year old boyfriends you have more mature than you like GROW UP at some point I thought this will plotwist to a ddlg story I’m so serious
3. I actually didn’t mind the poly aspect but only because the person I liked was the doted on one but crea really needs to stop writing poly books if every partner only focuses on one specific person. Those relationships do not usually work out like that
4. there was no plot but I did not expect one as the other books were dookie water and I also know that crea wrote a very dramatic foreword claiming that those mundane things in books r so ooo important..they are kot and i yawned alot. Hire an editor. Immediately.
It was alright if you ignore that crea tried to bend her back real bad creating the most stereotypical but yet oh so special gay men and for some reason they all wanted a 42 y old man baby but i actually liked vulcan if i ignored his age and behaviorism so thats that
2/5 if the crease is a flop crea wont ever see my ass again im so serious
Shiver u will always be famous
Profile Image for Jessica.
355 reviews17 followers
May 15, 2024

I love the love in this story. It’s not your everyday romance and honestly they’re some parts of it I can’t pretend to understand but somehow Crea still made it BEAUTIFUL.
Profile Image for Rae (semi-hiatus).
502 reviews119 followers
January 29, 2024
Ahh this was REALLY fluffy. Hearts, unicorns, pink, glitter, all that jazz. Zero angst.

I think if there was some angst this would have been a more cohesive story but it felt all superficial. I didn’t believe in the men’s love for V or one another as much bc it was all instantaneous. Reading along and then bam, they are in love with each other, living HEA. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing queer ppl happy but I want there to be more depthhh. Esp when I know Crea is bomb af and can write her butt off.

I loved the premise of an older bear who isn’t a “lumberjack” but a princess who breaks the gender norm. Love it. Reading MLM who support and encourage other men to be authentic to their true selves is so needed. The poly aspect was great. I did think it became a bit like a WC/RH storyline where the other MMCs focus on the MC (Vulcan) only (in this case way too much) for it to be read as a poly book.

Oh. Luca is AMAZING. Holy smokes. He’s a MAN. 👏🏻 Talk about a good person 🥵. Nothing more attractive than him- you’ll see when reading. It didn’t even have to do with his steamy scenes, tho those were fire. The other men were great as well, but this felt more like a Vulcan and Luca book imo.

Although V was older than everyone at 42, his younger partners, some half his age, acted more mature and older than him. I got so confused when reading V that I kept thinking he was the 22 year old. However, this book was wholesome and I can’t not love it. This series just warms the part of me that craves queer acceptance in society.
Profile Image for Liza Broadaway.
380 reviews6 followers
January 27, 2024
This will not be a book for everyone. But it should be. It's not heavy on the smut but the love story is exquisite without it. Don't get me wrong there are some good scenes but it's not the whole of their story! Crea's writing and ability to create and show amazing poly relationships has just blown me away. There are not many characters I would say I was protective of but Vulcan I can and will throw down for. This man. This man.

He is older than the rest of the men in this relationship but he is so much the one that needs guidance and protection. He has only known hurt and pain from the world.....except from his best friend Quinn-and God that man! Get you a BFF that is Quinn!!! But Vulcan is a dichotomy to the world looking one way but being the exact opposite of what is expected of him. He is the most beautiful soul.

Luca-falls hard and fast for this big burly tattooed princess. He's enamored immediately and when he realizes all of Vulcan's insecurities he is determined to build this beautiful man up and keep him forever. Luca has 3 other lives in his life as well and as these men meet Vulcan they too can't help but falling in love with this man the word has treated so cruelly.

Wren, Orson, and Zvi all have different relationships with one another and with Luca, but enter Vulcan and there is a shift, a good one that unites this group of men even more solidly.

As each of these men wrap Vulcan up in their individual love Vulcan once again begins to believe in himself and who he is.....a man deserving of love. though it looks differently than he thought these 5 men together have created the exact family that Vulcan yes, but also they needed.

Its love, respect, understanding that each person has unique pieces of themselves to offer others. The respect and love these men all offer each other was just beautiful to read.
Profile Image for Sammy .
727 reviews16 followers
January 25, 2024
For your forever is a MM romance and the fourth book in an interconnected series.

I have not read the other books in the series and this certainly did not take away from my reading experience, however I would recommend reading in order as this will likely create a better reading experience and I fully intend to go back through the series.

I was very intrigued with the characters in this book and I especially adored Vulcan. He was absolutely adorable and made me just want to give him a hug.
Profile Image for XxLaVampiresaAlexisxX.
967 reviews53 followers
February 5, 2024
For Your Forever is the fourth book in the For Yor Love series. While this is a standalone, I highly recommend reading the previous books, as this is an interconnect and shared universe.

I've been soooo looking forward to Vulcan's story. Now that it's here, I was so NOT disappointed. This seriously was a great addition to this, already emotional, poly story. This definitely hits you in all of the feels. The dynamic and spice was absolutely **chef's kiss***. For Your Forever has to be my favorite book out of this series. Crea Reitan did such a fantastic job.
Profile Image for Wren Vale.
254 reviews21 followers
January 13, 2024
Vulcan is amazing! And Luca is just as amazing!
There were a lot of moving parts in this story, a lot of characters and relationships, each relationship unique in its own way. This lead me to thinking about life and relationships, and I love the way Crea has captured the fact that all relationships are different and unique and we all mean different things to different people!
I love that Vulcan found his place, his family and is accepted and loved for who he truly is!
Profile Image for camms.bookshelf.
288 reviews19 followers
January 23, 2024
Vulcan is the most precious person you will ever read about! He’s the guy that always got looked down on for dressing in high fashion like sequined pants and skirts. He finds a beautiful HEA with his new found family who I loved just as much! Amazing story.
Profile Image for Avery.
260 reviews8 followers
January 11, 2024
“I want to be comfortable in my own skin. I want to be free to like what I like.”

I loved reading the For Your Love series. Crea had me hooked with Simon and his twins, finding their loves, and their family. Meeting Vulcan in their books as a side character had me wanting more of him. He intrigued me, he was so vulnerable and loveable, just one big teddy bear who deserved more love than the world had ever shown him. His own unique style, even if it could make him uncomfortable because society pushed him to feel so, he still wore it. Because he couldn’t be anyone else but himself. He feels so lost and uncertain, after having ingrained in him that he shouldn’t be his sparkling self. It made my heart bleed for him.

And then we meet Luca and his men. Wow what a bunch of beautiful characters (if Crea is ever bored, I would love their complete origin story!). A family that is complete, not necessarily looking to expand their relationship with another. The moment Luca sees Vulcan he falls for him, he wants him and will make sure he will have him if Vulcan lets him. That moment was just so cute, it shows a man who looks at Vulcan and sees him for who he is, and for how he should always be.

You can feel Vulcan’s insecurities in every action he takes, second guessing every step. I hate how the world hurt him, making me love Luca for taking the time to replace all that hurt. Making sure Vulcan knows he never has to change, that he is perfect, just the way he is.

“I don’t need to hear your words, princess. All I want is for you to understand that I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to wake up one day and think differently of you. I will never change my mind. You’re my forever. My always. My every day.”

When Luca comes clean about his way of living, with his husband and their boyfriends, I had to hold my breath. Not an easy thing to find out about the man you’re falling for. But when they all met, and the pieces fell into place it was so heartwarming. To see someone who has been wronged so many times, finally get all the love he deserves.

And as they grow in their relationship, the spice turns up (like all the way up!). The hike and the hockey game… those scenes were amazing and mind blowing! Loved it!!

“Look at our men, Princess. They’ll do anything you want. Anything you ask them to.” Vulcan takes a deep breath. “Should we have them strip for us, Princess? Show us what they have on under their clothes?”

With books like this, the review just flows, and I could keep talking about them forever. I absolutely love Vulcan and his men, the only think I would change is making so there is more of them because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. And one day we're going to need a bonus scene of them expanding their family, so Vulcan can hold a little one of his own in his hands.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Xanthe.
2,171 reviews37 followers
January 25, 2024
Crea Reitan has stolen my heart with how well they write a poly romance. While Vulcan is the main character of this book, all of the other men (Luca, Orsen, Zvi and Wren) get their much deserved page time and earn Vulcan's, and the readers, trust. Whilst there are five men, three children, and a best friend with a partner, I never felt overwhelmed by the number of people in the story.
Vulcan stole my heart straight away, feeling his pain as he goes through yet more heartache of men constantly putting him down for his preferences. The way I imagine him, he's a beautiful man. Dressed in exactly the way he wants to be and it's also what draws Luca to him at first, before he learns that he's also the biggest teddy bear with the purest heart and soul. Luca may have a husband and two boyfriends but Vulcan is that diamond that he has always dreamed of. What turns out to be the hardest thing is getting Vulcan to understand that he likes him just as he is, not wanting to change a thing.
You'd think it would get complicated with four men becoming five but there is honest, open communication throughout their relationships and I loved Orsen, Wren and Zvi's reactions to meeting Vulcan the first time they're introduced. His innocence, shyness and general aura draws them all in as they share in his joy. Each man takes the time to explain their place in the family, their history and who they are, as well as sharing about the children. This feels like a slow burn romance as Vulcan needs time to trust those who come to mean so much to him and in what they're doing, but the timeframe for their story is pretty quick.
It's not all about Vulcan, with some heartfelt moments for all of the other men involved, as well as getting to enjoy the friendship and support that Vulcan gets from Quin, his best friend. Then there is the time and joy he gets from being a blacksmith and teacher, time spent in his forge and with his three students.
There are two things that bring a level of angst to this book. Vulcan's feelings towards himself after the treatment and words he has received from so many people. He has a very negative view of himself and how others see him. It takes so much work for the four men to get him to a level that believes they actually want him permanently in their lives. Then there is his brother. The ultimate piece of work who only shows up when he needs something but who also knows the words to use to bring Vulcan down.
This story is fantastic. Full of emotional content, lifting up a man whose size you have you thinking he's tough as boots. The pink, glitter clothes and pastel tattoos show his true personality and it's a pleasure to read him finally get his HEA.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.
Profile Image for Amandas._.Books.
134 reviews10 followers
January 23, 2024
For Your Forever is a super sweet story of Vulcan finding his happily ever after. As a man in his forties, he feels like he's spent too much of his life trying to find the one. He's had his heart broken so many times in the past. He's a huge bear of a man and a blacksmith, but he's also soft-spoken and wears lace, frills, pink, unicorns, skirts, and the like. He's spent his life being insulted and humiliated by people he's tried to date and even bullied by his brother.

Luca, unlike the other men Vulcan has experience with, falls instantly in love with Vulcan. Luca has such a huge capacity for love, and he accepts and cherishes Vulcan exactly as he is. Luca also happens to be in an open and polyamorous relationship, and he's certain that his three men (Orson, Wren, and Zvi) will love Vulcan just as much as he does. All four of these men are much younger than Vulcan, but they've gained maturity through life experiences and are just the perfect men to spoil and comfort their princess.

What I loved about the dynamic between all five of them (but especially the four that were in a relationship before the book started) is that it highlights that there can be many different types of love in a polyamorous relationship, and not every connection needs to be sexual all the time (although there's nothing wrong with that either).

I found Vulcan to be so sweet and lovable that I was drawn into the emotion of the book from the very first page; I could definitely understand the instalove felt between the four men when they each met Vulcan. Vulcan is just such a precious, innocent soul that you can't help but feel like he deserves all the love. And it ends up that he hasn't been missing out on the one, but instead he's been waiting for his four.

This is book 4 in a series but can be read standalone. As with other Crea Reitan books, there is a large cast of characters that may or may not show up in other books, but I don't find it difficult to keep track of them. It is just a wild and full universe that the author has created. :)

Some Details:
Relationship: MMMMM, Vulcan & Luca & Orson & Wren & Zvi
POV: 1st Person, Multiple
Tense: Present
Angst: 1/5 😟
Spice Frequency: 2/5 🔥🔥
Spice Level: 3/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Overall: 4.25/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌙

I received an ARC of this book; this is my honest review of it.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
1,005 reviews95 followers
January 11, 2024
I will start off by saying that I didn’t read the other books in this series before reading this one. Unusual for me, but I just decided to dive right in. Which after reading, you can totally do! And it just makes you want to read the previous books to get more info on some characters and their story. So this story follow Vulcan! A giant of a man who actually works in a forge like him namesake and is by far the most softest, teddy bear, and sweetest man ever. He loves his colors and being feminine despite his size and appearance and what could be expected from that. And despite being hurt so many times by those he hoped to fall for, he still finds strength to be true to who he is and not hide himself. He may still have some insecurities but he is finally gonna find his person. Or should I say persons. Because only a man with so much love to share has the capacity to give it to more than one man. Luca is the one who finds Vulcan first. And immediately he knows that Vulcan is the missing part of this family he has built. Luca is married to his childhood best friend and love Orson. And their open relationship over the years opened to two more men in their lives Wren and Zvi. They all live together with three cute as anything kids. And though the idea of Luca falling so fast and ready to bring Vulcan to their home may startle them at first, it is clear the moment they meet Vulcan that he is different and that he belongs with them too. This family has such a beautiful dynamic, it is clear the love and respect they all have for one another is true and secure. And when Vulcan is brought in, he can’t help but worry that this is too good to be true and they’ll get sick of him. But bit by bit, they earn his trust and Vulcan finds himself falling for all of them right back. I really adored this story. I couldn’t put it down. You just can’t help but love Vulcan first of all. There is something so sweet and innocent about him that makes you want to love and protect him as much as Luca, Orson, Wren, and Zvi do. And you just want to see him get his happy ending. Such a great story all around!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for butterfliesandbooks .
1,571 reviews22 followers
January 26, 2024
Sad to see this mini series end as I’ve loved every book.
But what a way to finish a series. This book was never meant to be written, but I’m so glad it was.

Vulcan was never meant to have a story, but I’m so glad he did. He was a side character that fell in love with and wanted him to have a happy ending.

He’s described as a huge walking teddy bear, he’s also covered in tattoos. But he’s not your usual bearded/tattooed giant. Oh no, Vulcan is a gentle giant who loves to dress in skirts, sparkly tops and his tattoos are all pastel coloured. His best friend loves him for who he is and reminds him of this on a daily basis. Because not everyone gets Vulcan’s sense of fashion. He’s had dates and relationships that start ok, then after a while they want him to change, to leave the “fad” behind and be “normal”. Vulcan won’t change for no one, but it does dim his sparkle for a while 😔

So when he meets a stranger in a queue and he comments on his attire and tattoos, Vulcan doesn’t hear the positive only the negative….

Luca can’t believe what is in front of his eyes… A beautiful man covered in pastel tattoos and a cute skirt and top. Now Luca loves big men, and he’s instantly smitten with this man, he needs to know his name and is he single.

This is a insta love for Luca. It takes longer for Vulcan to believe him and trust it won’t disappear.

Wren/Zvi/Oscar are already a family, but they’ve come to know the signs when Luca has a new obsession. It’s been Oscar and Luca forever, then they both bring in a new partner into the fold. But Wren and Zvi are feeling a little insecure, does that mean a new addition or will one (or both) have to leave?

This story will stay with me for a long time, it’s different from most stories I’ve read. It has role playing moments that were sweet if not a little cheesey (i did chuckle out loud at those parts).

Children were just so darn cute. They were brought up in the family by all the men (the females that gave birth didn’t have a huge role in the book!)

It’s a book and series that I recommend highly. You don’t need to read the previous ones to enjoy this. But characters from the said books do make appearances.

Profile Image for Denise.
184 reviews2 followers
January 24, 2024
What if I told you that our MC, Vulcan who is a blacksmith by trade and just a giant of a man is not at all what you think. He's not some big burly grumpy viking type of guy who's out to pillage for his female... instead you will find a giant teddy bear who likes all things pink, sparkly, soft, pastel, and cute. He wears skirts or whatever else he finds adorable that day and just is a dear soul with a lot of love to give. Unfortunately, this loving man has been torn to shreds his whole life. His family essentially disowned him for the lifestyle he lives and his sexuality. We got glimpses of his life in previous books so we know he loves hard and fast and puts his everything into someone just to be used and abused and never in a good way.

Well, enter Luca... and then Orson and Wren and Zvi. (this man deserves all the love!) The story goes through how each guys relationship developed with Vulcan and how they all helped show him that he is loved and that he is worth being loved - something that I'm sure many people in this world need.

Being that this series revolves around polyamory lifestyles it only makes sense to continue the theme - so if that's not your thing, please skip this one. As always, C.R. does a wonderful job narrating a story that deals with more sensitive subjects and keeps everything pleasant even during more negative moments that need to be included.

This is technically a standalone within a series of work and can be read without reading the others - but I highly suggest reading the other books in order to get a full 360 vibe of the story and characters referenced in this book and just this little world.

This book was so needed and also not expected. I had read all of the previous books in this series and had thought that we as readers would never get to see Vulcan's side of things - so thank you C.R. for either sensing this or reading our reviews or just knowing what we all really wanted because Vulcan truly needed this story as much as we all did!

Profile Image for Gale MR.
185 reviews15 followers
January 26, 2024
I love authors who represent diversity in their books; authors whose characters are anything but conventional and fit the norm; authors who follow the pulse of the story even though it deals with uncomfortable topics or hard truths. Crea Reitan is one of them. I am in love with her storytelling - the feelings and power embedded in every word. Because You are worth it! You have an inner Vulcan sleeping somewhere inside you that wants to come out - the whisper of insecurity, our true selves, we, as people often have to hide to appease society, to be accepted and liked. No! We are worth it the way we are no matter the color, the sexuality, the body shape, the clothing. Vulcan is more than a character in a book - he is a special msg hidden inside colorful package of pastel tattoos, sparkling nail polish and beautiful dresses. I loved his personality and strength; the fact that no matter the pain of repeated rejection and lack of understanding, he had the backbone to stay true to himself. And with the passing of years, seeing people paired up and happy, it was getting increasingly difficult to keep the sliver of hope that there is someone out there who will accept him as a package deal - the giant teddy bear, looking like a biker with all the colors of the rainbow, with his love for fuzzy leggings and soft blankets. So I totally understood his hesitation and fear when he met Luca. And through Luca, Vulcan met his partners - Zvi, Wren and Orson. Every one of them was once again someone out of the socially acceptable norm. Like pieces of patchwork quilt so different but fitting so well. Because this isn’t only a story about how fascinating diversity is, it's a story of open polyamory and love beyond standard limitations.So if this still isn't enough to convince you, how incredibly good the story is, I am adding the fact that there is role playing and a lot of kinky fun. Check out the TW and dive in.
Profile Image for Mal.
210 reviews12 followers
January 13, 2024
Sweet, emotional, steamy romance with all the feels. I think Vulcan needed a sweet story and this was perfect for him.

These men were perfect for him and even though this book isn’t heavy on the angst it is still quite emotional with loads of character and relationship development. Insta love is normally not my jam and it did feel a teeny bit slower in the middle but the writing is extreamly engaging and the characters are so loveable I couldn’t put it down and would have happily read more in the best way.

I loved the way Vulcan’s men took on Merc for him and were always building him up. I loved the messages of inclusivity, acceptance and autonomy. I really enjoyed seeing everyone from the previous books. I’d have loved to have more of the individual relationships and connections between the men develop on page and would love to read more about these characters and I wonder if the author has another book in store for them - I would 100% read.
All in all the book was beautifully paced and I definitely recommend checking it out.


* Blended Family, Opposites attract
* Found Family
* Hurt Comfort
* Insta Love
* Poly Romance,
* Kink exploration: like Role Play, Public Sex, Loaning/Claiming, Rough Sex, Facials, Size Queen, Man Handling Bear
* Open Relationship
* Sex Workers
* Lingerie loving MC who loves all the pretty pink things

Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Swoon: ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Angst: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

The author has provided detailed content warnings as there are some sensitive topics in the book.
Profile Image for Emmi (bookish_redpanda).
335 reviews18 followers
January 24, 2024
Actual rating:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice level:  🌶️🌶️🌶️.5

This is book four in the For Your Love series - you don't need to read the previous three (I've personally only read one and two) but it does give you a lot of insight into supporting characters and the overall world Reitan has built in this series.

I was so psyched for Vulcan's story - I fell in love with his character in For Your Time, and literally happy danced when I saw he was going to get his time in the spotlight. The love I have for this bear of a princess is ridiculous.

And what a story Reitan delivered. I loved how true to character Vulcan was for a majority of the book - that he didn't change just because he found his people. I loved the complexities of the relationships, not just between Vulcan and the four love interests - Luca, Orsen, Wren and Zvi - but also between the established polycule of men.

This story was so sweet, packed full of spice (and holy smokes, the group scenes? Some of my favourite ones so far in my reading journey) and deep character development. The boys from the previous books in the series are featured in a way that help V grow, but also show his found family - which only expands in this book.

Overall I feel this was a slower burn in terms of the conflict, but once it hit, oh boy did $h!t go down. And Destin? By far my favourite scene.

I absolutely adored V's story, and am so happy he got his (beyond deserved) HEA.
Profile Image for Kate Seymour.
123 reviews
February 6, 2024
He Needs All Their Love

Vulcan is a big bear of a man, who loves all things girly. And at 42, he has yet to find a man who can accept him how he is. That is until he meets Luca. Luca is enamored with him from the moment he sees him in all his sparkly pink, pastel tattoo glory. However, after numerous bad relationships, Vulcan has a hard time believing anyone could want to be with him without wanting to change him.

Once Luca gets Vulcan comfortable with him, he reveals that he is in a polyamory relationship and has a husband and two boyfriends whom he lives with. Vulcan is a little shocked but agrees to meet the rest of Luca’s partners, all of whom are curious about him. Because Vulcan is a total sweetheart, all three of Luca’s partners also start to fall for Vulcan and want to start dating him, as well.

"For Your Forever" is a heartwarming tale of a man who has spent much of his life feeling lonely and unloved, until he finds not one, but four men who love him for who he is. The novel takes the time to delve into Luca's relationship with each of his four lovers, giving readers a chance to really get to know each character individually. Additionally, we get to witness the unique dynamic that exists between Vulcan and the other three men. The book is filled with steamy scenes that are sure to leave readers feeling hot under the collar. Overall, I found "For Your Forever" to be a thoroughly enjoyable read and would rate it four stars.
240 reviews
January 27, 2024
What A Story

If you have read this series from the beginning you will know about Vulcan and his constant struggle of finding someone to be his forever. If you haven’t then I suggest that before you read For Your Forever you start with For Your Time. Vulcan is also mentioned in the For Puck’s Sake series as well but just a brief introduction. Vulcan Solace is a forty something year old male who loves pink, cutesy, sparkling clothes. He is also a 6 foot 8 inch big sweet man with a heart of gold. All his life his brother Merk, who is homophobic, has been nasty and mean to him. As he got older his best friend Quin has been the one stable friend in his life. Even the guys that Vulcan has dated has in the end been nasty or mean saying how embarrassing he is to them and he needs to be normal. One day Luca and his men are out to eat at an Italian restaurant when Vulcan walks in. Luca automatically falls for Vulcan. This is Vulcan’s love story of how 4 men fall for this big Pink Princess. Vulcan fits in perfectly with Luca’s family and so the story goes on with struggles of the mind for Vulcan, four men falling in love with Vulcan, and how they spoil, love and protect him. What another amazing story by Crea Reitan. Definitely 5 stars ⭐️ hands down.
118 reviews
February 11, 2024
Well, I fell in love with Vulcan by page 2. Sweet sweet man, my heart hurt for him and that was it, I was invested. I had to physically push away the kindle and go to bed cause it was so late and I had to stop reading!

I went in not realizing that there were other books prior to this one, but it didn’t matter, it worked without the additional back stories of others.

Vulcan is such a sweet man, a big bear blacksmith, covered in pastel coloured tattoos and bright pretty clothes. The bear princess. He’s been so hurt and crushed by so many before that his self doubt hurt my heart. Luca is so sweet and perfect with him.

“Because I’ve dreamed about you for years, Vulcan. You’re the single missing piece in my heart. I knew it the second I saw you walk into the restaurant.”

All 5 of them have such lovely caring relationships and I loved this story so much! Had great spicy scenes, some fun role plays and just a lot of love and cherishing. I didn’t want the story to end cause it was just so great.

“They all call me princess and, I swear, it’s the best thing in the world. Because they make me feel like a princess. Wanted and special”

👑MMMMM Romance
👑Role Play
👑Public Fun
👑Group Fun
👑Age Gaps
1,135 reviews8 followers
January 25, 2024
This book was everything I needed and then some. I have been waiting for Vulcan's book and this did not disappoint. Vulcan's character rips at your heart strings and you just want him to find his love. What an emotional journey he has with Luca and his men. This book is about being true to who you are and being loved and seen as you are. Be true to yourself. Luca is a character you can't help but love he knows what he wants and just goes for it. He truly is a man with a giant heart. While he shows Vulcan what true love can be like the story is full of angst, passion and steam. Luca, Wren, Zvi and Orson are all characters you will love they truly do accept who Vulcan is and love him completely. While you see the struggles Vulcan has accepting, they truly see him and want him just how he is, we also see how accepting they are of each other and how different everyone wants to be loved. It was wonderful to see the growth all these men have through the story and how their relationships evolve with adding Vulan into the mix. I absolutely loved this book, and it was a one sitting read for me. I was given this book as an ARC for my honest review.
Profile Image for Gina.
182 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2024
My sweet bear ... I was over the moon when I heard Vulcan was getting his own book. I knew this book was going to wreck me in the best way and it for sure did.

The series was so different from anything I've read before but this author has opened me up to so many new things I didn't know I needed. The guys Vulcan fell for were exactly what he needed and it happened at the exact pace it needed to for him. He'd been so hurt by so much and Luca really pushed in the gentlest way to assure him they were all there to stay. The story was sweet, hopeful and just downright happy. I know this is going to be my go to when I want to snuggle under a blanket and lose myself in a story.

Vulcan is the perfect balance between masculine and feminine. And he's not afraid of who he is. He's been made to feel bad about it his whole life but it's really awesome to see how he doesn't change it even when he feels badly about himself. He's surrounded by friends who accept him and love him fiercely, which is something that I really love about his story. Found family is the best. You'll just want to give him a warm hug.
Profile Image for Naurarwen.
892 reviews7 followers
January 29, 2024
My poor adorable Princess Vulcan. I have loved this delicate, sweet, bear of a man since his very first appearance. I was so happy when the author decided that he was going to get his very own book, and it was the book he deserved. He is everything I could ever want in a story, he has passion, a soft side, vulnerability and so many worries about how people will treat him and he deserves so much more than that.

What he finds is a found family, who doesn't judge him for who he is and even has their own things that others may judge them for but they all accept each other for who they are. This book isn't everyone's cup of tea and I'm totally okay with that, if you don't like it then don't read it but remember folks don't yuck on anyone else's yum because I loved this book.

The whole cast of characters stole my heart from their very first appearances and I was so happy to see a little more of Quinn, Simon, the twins and their guys even if it was only briefly. If you enjoy found family, a polyamorous relationship, hurt x comfort, and acceptance, all with a brilliant helping of spice along the way then give this book a try.
169 reviews
January 18, 2024
I was not sure I wanted to read this book as it was a character mention in other books in this series. As I started to read I was captivated by Crea how drew us into the unique person he was and the pain he had experienced in his life due to the fact, as we all have a male and female side. Vulcan embraced his female side in loving the colors purple and pink. How he loves sparkles. I must say I so enjoy anything that sparkles myself so enjoyed how Vulcan loved glitter and sparkles. Vulcan despaired ever being loved for himself that big teddy bear he was. I so loved how the story tracked his disappoints and then finding that unique special love Luca had for him and the family that comes with Luca and how they all saw the special lovely person that was Vulcan . You will so enjoy reading how he slowly learned he was lovable and how he handled the abuse of his brother. Plus the men in his life what each one's story was and how they handled the problems concerning their life choices. The author was right Vulcan's story needed to told.
392 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2024
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

For Your Forever is Vulcan’s story and is my favourite book of the series. I really loved it and enjoyed every second of it. I loved Vulcan when he was introduced in For Your Time, he was such a different character from ones that I’d read about before and I just loved his kind and caring nature and how big his heart was. I loved Vulcan’s story in this book and it really felt like he found the right people to treasure him for the person that he was. I also liked the characters introduced as Vulcan’s romantic interests. The story itself was a compelling read and I found that I kept turning pages just to find out what happened next. I didn’t actually realise that I was at the end of the book until I turned that page. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I loved the characters. Another fantastic instalment and I would recommend giving it a read.
Profile Image for Leigh Gaskill.
526 reviews11 followers
January 20, 2024
This was probably the rainbow unicorn of poly relationship books that I have read. Usually I stay away from poly books because I always latch onto one character and someone seems to get less attention or doesn’t interact with the character I have latched onto and then I get upset. This wasn’t the case here.

Luca is completely enamored with Vulcan as soon as he sees him. He begins dating him first 1:1 but Vulcan eventually dates an existing open poly group of 4 total.

The existing romantic group function *pretty* well together but they don’t flourish until Vulcan arrives. While enmeshing him in their lives and changing his views on himself they form stronger bonds within themselves as well as with Vulcan.

This was an interesting read. You definitely have to suspend your imagination in some parts. I didn’t read books 1-3 but didn’t feel I really missed anything. I may go back and read them at some point.

I received an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for kilbride.
22 reviews
January 20, 2024
I read For Your Time by Crea Reitan, which was Simon & Quin's book. I haven't read the twins books yet since they kinda bothered me and I secretly wanted Simon to be with the twins. Book 4 brings the highly awaited Fire God Princess and . We know the pain Vulcan has gone through, so him getting an HEA is great. I love Vulcan's story and how Luca's family accepted him so easily, but, I feel like this book was a super interesting slow burn with polygamy. I think that if Vulcan and Luca were just two, or even Zvi and Vulcan together wouldn't really make the full story. I feel like I need Luca and Orson's story though... There are a lot of kinks, trigger warnings and sensitive themes, so I'd read those before deciding on this or any of Crea's books.

This review was in exchange for an ARC.
Profile Image for Mrs T.
231 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2024
Vulcan Solace is a huge bear of a man, but a gorgeous soft hearted teddy bear. He loves pink, sparkles, dresses, skirts and has absorbed a huge amount of hurt and pain in his life for simply being who he is.

Thank goodness then that Luca sees all of Vulcan and loves him unconditionally, the difficulty for Vulcan is believing its all true.

Luca is already happily married and in a poly relationship with two other men. And it is a wonderful relationship with openess, acceptance and love. All of them support Luca and what makes this book so special is all the individual interactions between the men and Vulcan, how they rediscover some of the joys that come with a new relationship, but between themselves too.

Spice levels are good and truly woven into building trust rather than for the sake of it.

My first book by this author and coincidentally my first all male polymory and I will definitely be back for more.
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,819 reviews7 followers
January 25, 2024
I loved this final book in the series. I was so enamored by Vulcan in previous books, and I had hoped desperately that he would get his HEA. He struggled by going against what society expected of him and embracing what he loved and what made him feel good, even if that meant standing out in the crowd in a skirt and bright colors. When Luca sees Vulcan, he knows he’s found his Princess, the man who is meant to complete him, not realizing what it will mean for his family. Luca’s men are an amazing bunch, and even I was surprised by the way Vulcan seemed to bring different sides out of each of them, allowing them to show new vulnerabilities. The chemistry they had was amazing in every possible way. Vulcan’s relationship with the children and his own students was a delight to see. He grows so much throughout this story, when he starts in a place of such self-doubt and insecurity. This was a HEA worth waiting for.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews

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