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Checkmate duet series #3-4

Drew & Courtney duet

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Drew Fisher is the type of guy every girl wants.
Noble police officer by day, charming prince by night.

He has no idea the effect he has on women, especially Courtney—his little sister’s best friend. She’s the blonde Southern belle who lives up to the cliché, except she has her own quirks. She’s smart as a whip, can change her own oil, and recite The Pledge of Allegiance backward, but no matter what, he doesn’t see that girl. It’d be easier to forget him if he wasn’t Courtney’s roommate and if the first thing she saw in the morning wasn't his shirtless body covered in tattoos. She’s crushed on him since the day they met, but he’s made it perfectly clear where they stand—just friends.

Courtney Bishop is as sugary sweet as her famous blueberry muffins.
Southern belle at heart, Cali girl by choice.

She barged into Drew’s life and they easily became best friends. All was great as roommates and just friends, but then he started to fall for the girl who could chop firewood, deliver baby calves, and bail hay without breaking a sweat. She’s the perfect mixture of sugar and spice, and he wants her.

One drunken hookup leaves them with much more than a platonic friendship. Pretending it never happened proves to be more difficult than either of them anticipated. A crazy ex-girlfriend, a dangerous war of stolen glances, and passionate kisses leads to the most reckless battle yet.

Loving each other comes easy, but losing their friendship will break them. Burning passion combined with an undeniable chemistry constantly pushes and pulls them together. In the end, Drew strives to prove they’re worth the fight, even when the game is far from over.


The Drew & Courtney duet includes This is Reckless & This is Effortless. Suggested for mature readers only.

550 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 19, 2017

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About the author

Kennedy Fox

78 books5,749 followers
Brooke Cumberland and Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors under the USA Today pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. Their characters will make you blush and your heart melt. Cowboys in tight jeans are their kryptonite. They always guarantee a happily ever after!

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Profile Image for book bruin.
1,281 reviews337 followers
September 27, 2017
DREWTNEY!!! I love these books and am so happy to see them available now as a box set! No waiting or wondering about what happens. Enjoy the duet now and fall in love with Drew and Courtney!

*This is Reckless*
Team Drewtney for the WIN! Kennedy Fox has done it again! Checkmate: This is Reckless is the perfect blend of friends to lovers romance, humor, emotion, and of course, page melting sexy times! This is the first book in Drew and Courtney's duet, so consider that your warning if you're not a fan of cliffhangers! We were introduced to these two in Travis & Viola's books, Checkmate: This is War and This is Love, but this duet can be read as a stand alone.

I loved watching Drew and Courtney blur the lines of their friendship. Courtney's feelings towards Drew are no secret and she definitely wins the most patient while pining for your best friend award. I will admit that there were times I was frustrated by Drew, but it was all worth it to see Drew finally open his eyes to his toxic relationship with Mia and see who was really there all along. Yes, there's some angst and drama, but there's also hilarious witty banter and smokin' hot chemistry.

All our favorite (and not so favorite) characters are back and a few new ones are introduced too. I definitely enjoyed getting to revisit with Travis and Viola and I'm really intrigued by Logan's story. I wouldn't mind one bit if he got his own story or if there was a spin off series featuring Courtney's brothers. Just saying ;) I cannot wait for book 2, Checkmate: This is Effortless, because that ending was a gut punch! I'm still reeling a bit from those last few paragraphs (seriously, oh hell no!!!), but I trust Kennedy Fox and so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride! ;)

*This is Effortless*
I could not wait to get back to Drew and Courtney after the conclusion of This is Reckless to see how their story ends. Checkmate: This is Effortless was an emotional and action filled story that picks up right where book 1 left off. It is the second book in the Checkmate duet and is not a stand alone and should be read after This is Reckless.

Oh Deputy. I didn't think it was possible to love Drew more, but I was so wonderfully wrong. We've seen the cocky alpha cop and brother, but this time around he showed a more protective, vulnerable, and sweetness that left a goofy grin on my face for most of this book. Seriously, Drew and Courtney are friends to lovers gold. He's not perfect and may not always make the right decisions, but his heart is ALWAYS in the right place. I love that when he commits, he's all in.

Courtney needs to be real. I would love a BFF like her and she's one of my most favorite heroines ever. She's smart, sassy, funny, and incredibly loyal. I love that she nurtures her relationship with Drew just as much as her friendships with Viola and Kayla. #squadgoals for sure. She has some of the best dialogue too and Kennedy Fox never disappoints with their sexy and hilarious banter! I really love her quirky and loving family too and hope that this isn't the last we hear about them, especially Jackson and Evan.

Sorry this review is purposely vague, but I really don't want to ruin some of the amazing surprises and twists that the authors have thrown into Drew and Courtney's journey. Just rest assured that you will laugh, swoon, gasp, have a panic attack or two, and then feel all warm and fuzzy. Some things were a little over the top and the story stalled a bit in the middle for me, but I did enjoy the suspense and mystery in this book. Though this is the end of Drewtney's story, I know we will continue to get updates on them and Traviola. Speaking of Travis and Viola, their appearance in this book is awesome!! Travis and his super... yeah, you'll have to read the book ;) I can't wait to for Logan and Kayla's story next!
Profile Image for Natasha.
537 reviews26 followers
September 27, 2017
So i finished reading both Checkmate: This is Reckless, & This is Effortless by Kennedy Fox. This duet is about Drew, who is Viola’s older brother, & Travis’ old roommate, and Courtney who is Viola’s best friend, works for Travis at King Marketing, and Drew’s new roommate and best friend. 

Drew and his on-again-off-again girlfriend Mia, were having problems again. Let me just say, even since the first two books, I haven’t liked Mia, ever since her trying to sabotage Travis and Drew’s & Travis and Viola’s relationships- but she gets to a whole new level of crazy in these books. 

Viola and Travis get married after baby number two- and her tubes tied, because after a puppy and two kids- they can’t handle any more. For a week before the wedding, after Drew and Mia broke up again, after she gave him an ultimatum- her or his roommate, he wasn’t having it anymore- Drew has been dreaming about Courtney, and not in the just friends and roommates way. Him and Courtney get fairly drunk at the wedding, and they (finally) hookup. Come morning, he claims he doesn’t remember it. 

So with them trying to figure out where they stand, with the stress of his job as a police officer, impromptu trips to Texas, and Vegas, and the drama of his ex Mia these two go on a whirl wind of emotions & tensions run high. Do they finally reveal their feelings for each other? Does the stress of the job get to them? Does Mia bring a ton of unwanted drama into their lives? 

I give both books 4 ⭐ out of 5 ⭐. These were great quick steamy reads- although I didn’t like them as much as Travis & Viola (which we learn a new tidbit of info!) – it was still a great friends- to lovers romance to get lost in! 
Profile Image for LibriMagnetici Blog.
1,019 reviews17 followers
October 20, 2022
recensione a cura del blog “Libri magnetici" by Meghan

Dopo Travis e Viola, il cui duetto era stato piuttosto altalenante, eccoci dunque a Courteney e Drew.
Lui ha una storia tira e molla con Mia, una ragazza superficiale e soprattutto egocentrica, che lo tratta un po' da giocattolo; Courteney è invece innamorata di lui da sempre.Spera infatti che un giorno prima o poi la noti, che non pensi più a lei come la ragazza del Texas in stivali da cowboy e accento del Sud, che, insomma, non la releghi più nella classica “friendzone”.Da un po' di tempo sono anche coinquilini, che è il tema di questi duetti, per cui la povera Cpurteney è stata anche spettatrice di tutti i tira e molle di lui con Mia.E bisogna dire che nella prima parte del libro, per quanto sotto l’aspetto lavorativo Drew sia un poliziotto davvero bravo, nel personale ci sembra quasi uno zerbino, piegato ai capricci di Mia.

«La risata sgradevole di Mia mi riporta alla realtà e mi rendo conto di essere proprio patetica. Sono innamorata di un ragazzo che ha dato il suo cuore d’oro al suo diavolo in persona.»

La loro storia è fondamentalmente una storia da amici ad amanti, con tante battute ma mai troppo acide o forti (come era stato per Travis e Viola).Quando Courteney diventerà coraggiosa al punto di avvicinarsi e rivelare a Drew i suoi sentimenti, le emozioni di entrambi si riveleranno.

«Non ho mai provato nulla del genere con nessun’altra donna. Un vortice di emozioni mi turbina dentro. Ricambia l’abbraccio e io la stringo……..
“Dove sei stata tutto questo tempo?” Si allontana un po' e mi guarda.
“Qui ad aspettarti.”»

Come di prassi, il libro ha un finale sospeso per cui non ci resta che scoprire come questi due ex migliori amici evolveranno la loro storia.

Quattro petali.

Il colpo di scena con cui si era chiuso il primo capitolo di questa serie è il filo conduttore di tutt il volume.
Drew, il nostro protagonista, è l’oggetto di un amore malato, ossessivo da parte della sua ex Mia, e che avranno un finale tragico.Per quasi un anno, la durata del romanzo, Mia compirà i gesti più violenti e tragici, ossessionata da un sentimento malato e folle, che porterà la storia di Drew e Courteney a momenti davvero difficili.
Non basterà ad entrambi l’amore per superare quei momenti, ma piuttosto la presenza costante, il trovarsi e ritrovarsi anche attraverso delle semplici telefonate o messaggi, arredare la loro casa insieme o prendere un cane.In realtà questo rispecchia perfettamente il legame di questa duologia: Drew e Courteney sono sempre stati migliori amici, e quel legame particolare emergerà di nuovo facendoli superare tutte le violenze subite da Mia.

«Mi giro a guardare Courteny e, in cuor mio, so che niente e nessuno potrà mai cancellare ciò che provo per lei. Non Mia e neppure la morte.»

Il loro inizio, passato attraverso l’amicizia e poi la coabitazione, li porta fino all’amore, a quel momento di serenità che davvero meritano.

«Ogni volta che sto con lei, un vortice violento di sentimenti mi travolge. E’ la perfezione in persona, di una bellezza unica, e ancora non riesco a credere che il nostro rapporto si sia evoluto in un legame così forte e profondo.»

Una coppia davvero messa alla prova più e più volte non tanto nei sentimenti quanto nell’affrontare quel tunnel distruttivo che sembra non avere fine: tante volte leggiamo storie simili nei media, ma sono per lo più con protagoniste femminili.E dunque la particolarità della storia, che invece ha per oggetto un uomo, riesce a rendere la lettura molto più veloce e particolare.L’epilogo, forse in qualche passaggio un po' troppo scontato, riesce a chiudere la storia in modo però coerente.

Quattro petali.
Profile Image for Chelé-----4 The Love of Books .
768 reviews58 followers
October 1, 2017
These two authors!!! How they torture me so good!!! Between the pages of their fantastical words is where I love to be! I was so excited to read more about Drew, I mean....who wouldn't be...he's hot AF! There's nothing quite like a Kennedy Fox book because it's such a fun experience. Like being reunited with your favorite friends!! The emotions run high, the sexy times are....well....***fans self*** and it's stomach hurting funny! Gah I love them!! I love these characters and I can't wait until the next one, the wait is killing me!!!

HOLY 5 STAR BATMAN!!! I mean.....HOW!!?? How are they DOING this!! This has been my favorite of ALL THE Checkmates!!! Which is saying a lot because they're all freaking amazing! First, I love Drew and Courtney so much, their relationship is like MEGA goals!

I had to slow my pace down while reading because I was trying to read so quickly that I was skipping words and had to go back but I just COULDN'T DEVOUR IT FAST ENOUGH!!!

People always say, "This book has it all" but THIS book, LEGIT has it all!!! What a ride!!! I was laughing until my stomach hurt, smiling like a crazy person, sad at times, so mad I literally wanted to throat punch a character and slap another. My heart. My heart was so happy with the beautiful intimate moments and other parts were happy with the sexy times, LOL. There's suspense, humor, romance, dragons, high speed chases, crashes, kidnappings, secret babies, reunions, unicorns!!! Okay.....I made some of those up but others are in this AMAZING story!

I didn't think I could love Drewtney or Kennedy Fox more but I'm already needing another Fox Fix!!! Congratulations on this FANTASTIC story!!!! A must read!!
Profile Image for BookSmackedMel.
916 reviews371 followers
September 27, 2017
One of my all time fav series. Kennedy Fox and their Checkmate series will have you addicted, cursing and completely in love with all their characters.

Checkmate: This Is Reckless:

Seriously I mean seriously they did it again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kennedy Fox has once again given me the heart pounding HOLY SHIZZ BALLS, ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW feels.
This book will take you on a little bit of a rollercoaster. Drew and Courtney together will make you heart happy and you will giggle like a school girl. Things get intense, you will swear you will curse you will swoon you will want to throw your kindle. Did I mention you will curse. And of course as this is a duet Kennedy Fox will leave you with a WHAT THE EFFING EFF that only they can do.
The book is just AMAZING, you won't be able to put it down and you will immediately want more from these two.

Checkmate: This Is Effortless

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!! What a conclusion to this story. I mean This is Reckless left me reeling and beside myself and I have been dying to see what was going to happen next. Once again Kennedy Fox has given us yet another Amazing read.

I found myself muttering expletives while reading this book. Drew OMG I absolutely loved him even more. He was so attentive, SWOONY and so devoted to Courtney. Courtney has become one of my all time fav heroines, she is witty, smart and no nonsense. I will say that my heart did go out to her so many times throughout this book I mean HOW MUCH CAN ONE PERSON TAKE !!!
Profile Image for Bookworm Between the Sheets.
481 reviews15 followers
September 28, 2017
Kennedy Fox has created another amazingly, addictive Boxed Set! Reading Drew and Courtney's friends to lovers story is majorly HOT. "You're fully loaded, Deputy.' she smirks." Courtney's baking nature will leave you craving her blueberry muffins which is the complete opposite of roommate Drew and his strict fitness regime. Drew & Viola appear in the story along with Mia F***ing Hamilton so make sure to catch up on This is War & This is Love duet before reading it. I do have to say that ending though...

This is Effortless immediately starts off with that epic cliffhanger night in Vegas from Book 1, This is Reckless. As the story progresses, you see Courtney and Drew dealing with the aftermath of that night and how to move on from the reckless black cloud that is Mia F*ing Montgomery.

I loved the banter between Courtney and Drew and found myself wishing I could be one of their friends! I also enjoy how Kennedy Fox includes Courtney’s crazy Southern Family along with Travis & Viola so the reader can get updates about these characters.

This friends to lovers story is one of my favorites in the Checkmate Duet Series with Kennedy Fox’s smooth writing blending easily just like the butter in Courtney’s famous blueberry muffins! This book gives you all the feels and book high that every bookworm craves!
Profile Image for Laura.
242 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2022
I enjoyed this Duet, but not nearly as much as Travis & Viola. I connected with Courtney because she yearned after a man she couldn't have, especially a sexy man in uniform. I'm glad there was some drama and excitement in the plot, the crazy ex kept me guessing. About 2/3 of the way through I was honestly tired of the characters though, and I was ready to move on. Not enough to DNF, which I'm glad I didn't because the craziness near the end made it worth finishing. The spice was hot, but not as hot as T&V, in my opinion. I'm not sure if I will continue the Checkmate series, as I don't really care about Logan and Kayla. *shrug*
Profile Image for Stephanie.
620 reviews38 followers
December 30, 2018
I didnt enjoy this one at all. It just seemed so obvious and I'm not a fan of Drew and Courtney together... Like at all.

The characters are great separately but I didn't like them together
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shasta Hope.
946 reviews17 followers
October 4, 2017
Great series. Just beautiful!

The relationship between Court & Drew is simply perfect. It's truly amazing to read a beautiful love story that starts off as friends...
Profile Image for Becky Rhoades.
278 reviews2 followers
July 18, 2019
This Is Reckless

OMG! So heartfelt & sincere. I love Drew & Courtney's love story. They wanted each other even though one of them didn't want to admit until he couldn't taken anymore with his previous girlfriend being such a such a b----! He finally stopped being such a pansy and went for the one he truely was destined to be with. Going to delve into the 2nd one now. LOL.

This Is Effortless

Finally got to the interesting part where Mia is finally out of the picture. Sad that she had go like that but no more worries & just focus on themselves more. Love Love Love the Epilogue. So romantic and emotional. I almost teared up. Love the Bishop brothers. As soon as I'm done with the Checkmate series, I will definitely read the Bishop boys. Can't wait to see what's in store them zany boys.
Profile Image for Shelby (BookLoversHaveMoreFun).
1,265 reviews39 followers
November 17, 2017
edy Fox is KILLING IT with this series!!! They keep writing my favorite kind of romance books. First it was enemies to lovers and now it's best friends to lovers, but overall FORBIDDEN. Believe it or not, but I think This is Reckless was actually better than Travis and Viola's story. Don't worry though, they are in this one quite a bit. I didn't realize how much I missed them.

I was wishing and hoping that Drew and Courtney would get their own story. I was PSYCHED when it was revealed that they were. Courtney has got to be one of my favorite heroines EVER. She makes me laugh-out-loud on SEVERAL occasions. 

I love Drewtney SO MUCH!!! Almost as much as Violet and Travis. ;) I never wanted their story to end, BUT I have a feeling we'll still see plenty of them in the next one. 
Profile Image for Night Owl Reads.
200 reviews86 followers
November 18, 2017

"I wrap both arms around her, fist the bottom of the material in both hands and pull as fast as I can. It finally rips apart, and as it falls off her body, her breasts are completely exposed. I inhale sharply, unable to control myself any longer. She's fucking beautiful."

This book, this series, these two ladies, co-authors, seriously have taken over my life! Reckless, just the prologue leaves you like "WTF." All you need to do is read the prologue and you'll be hooked, just like I have become with each book in this series starting with book one.

Reckless starts off with a serious bang. At the end of This is Love, we all think Drew is NEVER going to get over Mia and we all start to lose hope on him ever really seeing Courtney for who she is and how she feels about him. But then things start to change, and seeing the change in Drew is amazing!

"Collapsing on top of the mattress with her underneath me, it takes me a moment to really wrap my brain around the fact that Courtney, my best friend and roommate, is naked and in my bed. I feel like an adolescent again--nervous and overwhelmed. She's absolutely beautiful as her hair sprawls over my pillows and her body shivers on contact."

I seriously fell in love with these two characters! As much as I love Travis and Viola, I feel a little closer to Drew and Courtney because they remind me of me and my husband and how our relationship started. Courtney loves to bake, I love to bake, my husband doesn't have a big sweet tooth like Drew but when he gets the craving, he will indulge himself. These characters and book won me over big time. I loved watching how Drew's vision of Courtney changes, I think that's the best part of it all for me. Plus, Mia is not a good person! She is a big B*&$h!

"'God, Court... where have you been all my life?' She pulls back and looks up at me. I run my fingers through her wet hair and rest my palm against her cheek. Moving in closer, she speaks against my lips before I can kiss her. 'I've been waiting for you.'"

One of the things I LOVE about Kennedy Fox is that you still read for her previous characters. We get to read and keep up to date on what's going on with Travis and Viola. I love reading about them and seeing what they are up to. They are a big part of Drew and Courtney and their existence. Best friends will always be there for you.

"Hey, new marketing idea! The Universal Beau. Keep your paperbacks and sex toys safe wherever you go! Or Bullet Beau. Storing your vibrating bullets since 2017."

As time goes on, Drew and Courtney become inseparable. Drew's eyes finally open up to Courtney, he finally sees her and it's like a miracle when it happens. My heart aches for them. I want them together and happy but lets just say, this wouldn't be a good story without some flipping drama and let me tell you, the drama is brought to the table, ten fold! One, simple name, MIA! She is like a cockroach that won't die! She keeps making her way back, even when she isn't wanted.

The end of this book ripped my heart out, it does leave on a cliffhanger, but don't worry, This is Effortless, the conclusion to Drew and Courtney's story releases April. 25th! Let's just say, shit is going to hit the fan!


'"It's like you know me so well or something." I press a soft kiss on her nose. "Drew Fisher, I knew you and all your quirks long before I fell in love with you."'

What a great ending to a set of characters I have grown to love so much. I am sad to see Drew and Courtney's story come to an end, even though I know it's not the complete end, we will see more of them. I honestly don't know what more I can say about these books and these two authors besides READ THEM! I have fallen in love with these books. They have held my attention since day one!

"'I changed my mind. Fuck me like a horny jackrabbit." "Oh my God, Court," I say, dropping my head and laughing. "How do you make something so weird sound so sexy at the same time?"'

Kennedy Fox knows how to write characters to a point where they feel like they are a part of your real life. I don't want to say too much because this is a second book in a duet. But let's just say the drama remains. We all know Mia, the cockroach that won't die, that keeps finding her way back to a place where she isn't wanted. Ugh, I hate her! She is a psycho! But let's just say karma is a big bitch, she gets her's. We see more of Courtney's family and her childhood home in Texas.

"'Even your panties are blue?' He raises a brow as if he's impressed. 'You bet, cowboy. I had to coordinate.' I smile. 'Well let's coordinate your naked body to mine and see what happens.'"

We get more from Travis and Viola, which is great. There is a little shocker we get from them! I love these books and can't wait to read more from Kennedy Fox. Kayla and Logan are next. There is a big cliffhanger that center Kayla and a little secret about Logan. It drives me crazy, especially this secret. But it keeps me on my toes and trying to patiently await Kayla and Logan's story, which releases this summer!

"'Holy shit, sweetheart. You and that fucking mouth." I groan, ready to speed the rest of the way home and throw her down on the bed. 'You're so lucky there's no handcuffs in my truck right now.'"

Obviously, 5 foxy owls!
Profile Image for Jennifer Dale.
777 reviews14 followers
January 11, 2018
I have seen the Duet Series on different social networks but never really wanted to invest the $ in them. Especially since the reviews were kinda up and down. This set was on Bookbub for .99. I grabbed it up and started reading; even though I hadn't read the first set (Travis and Viola).

Book 1:
Prologue set the mood perfectly. Went back to a couple of months before Travis and Viola's wedding. We get to see the events that lead of to the prologue. This was nice since i had not read the first set of books. It moved quickly. Although it was leading up to their wedding, most of the dialogue was from Court, Drew and "Mia" - Drew's on and off again girlfriend.

Courtney: Viola's BFF; Viola and Drew are brother/sister; Courtney has been googoo over Drew since they met but all he ever saw / sees is Mia; Courtney is now roommates with Drew; Now Drew and Courtney have one of those, BFF/love hate relationships that makes Mia made.
Courtney loves to bake blueberry muffins and super awesome at it. She is quick wit and doesn't mind putting you in your place.

Drew: Is BFF with Travis but the BFF torch is now being held by Courtney. Drew loves Mia but really he is just use to her. Right? He is a cop and works night shifts. So Really Courtney and Drew never see each other except weekends. That makes Mia happy. Right?

Book 1. Has lots of spunk with banter between all characters. Great development. Gears towards to the push / pull between Drew and Courtney (there is not a love triangle). With a definite cliffhanger. but no worries since this includes book 2

Book 2. Pretty much starts where book 1 ends. The conflict is what makes Drew and Court take off to Vegas.. Where the craziness begins. Crazy being "MIA"!
This story revolves around the growth of Drew and Courts relationship.. Sex and lots of Sex and too many pages of sex. Sorry guys but I did skim. There was just to many pages of sex... Not erotic sex but just sex... Trust me, you wont miss anything and by the second LLLLOOONNNGGG read about their sex, you are over it. But just skim over and get back to the story..
I love meeting Court's brothers. Would have love one of them having a connection with Kayla or one of their friends. There were lots of crazy MIA moments, but there were still LOL moments and some good bantering.
Around 55%-65%, the story got somewhat boring.. That is prob where all the sex fell and the professing of love.
I won't say to much more b/c both books are good. and if you are reading this review; you prob haven't read book one.. So I don't want to give anything away.

You will love book one of the Drew and Court series; Book two would have been awesome but got distracted by to many pages of sex that I skimmed over. Skimming caused me not to be as invested. Overall characters were perfect and I love the building between all the relationships and the quick wit between them all.
Book One: 5 Star
Book Two: 3.5 Star

I do recommend. Dual POV
Not a reread for me

Profile Image for Linda ( Clary_Starfall ).
621 reviews5 followers
April 19, 2020
#review #bookstagram #spoilerwarning @kennedyfoxbooks
This book was such an fun read, good storyline, some parts were an bit long in details but you need them to understand the depth of the storyline 📖
Overall I loved reading them both, it’s an duology ....
Notes on book 1;
Drew deputy, Courtney best friend and secretly in love, Mia the crazy girlfriend/ex
Loved it, hate the cliffhanger ending... really need to buy the second book NOW!
Notes on book 2;
Sequel, a lot of plot twist some did got to me as an surprise, but to long on some subjects to end the story.
Checkmate: This is Reckless & This is Effortless is a friends-to-lovers romance that'll have you swooning and laughing from the first to the last page! Are you ready to play the game?

Drew Fisher is the type of guy every girl wants.
Noble police officer by day, charming prince by night.
He has no idea the effect he has on women, especially Courtney—his little sister’s best friend. She’s the blonde Southern belle who lives up to the cliché, except she has her own quirks. She’s smart as a whip, can change her own oil, and recite The Pledge of Allegiance backward, but no matter what, he doesn’t see that girl. It’d be easier to forget him if he wasn’t Courtney’s roommate and if the first thing she saw in the morning wasn't his shirtless body covered in tattoos. She’s crushed on him since the day they met, but he’s made it perfectly clear where they stand. Just friends.

Courtney Bishop is as sugary sweet as her famous blueberry muffins.
Southern belle at heart, Cali girl by choice.
She barged into Drew’s life and they easily became best friends.
All was great as roommates and just friends, but then he started to fall for the girl who could chop firewood, deliver baby calves, and bail hay without breaking a sweat.
She’s the perfect mixture of sugar and spice, and he wants her.

One drunken hookup leaves them with much more than a platonic friendship. Pretending it never happened proves to be more difficult than either of them anticipated. A crazy ex-girlfriend, a dangerous war of stolen glances, and passionate kisses leads to the most reckless battle yet.
#books #bookstagram #lovehate #friendtolover #smut
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
833 reviews54 followers
October 1, 2017
This Is Reckless

I am gasping and fighting to breathe right now because that ending was devastating. I needed a couple days to make coherent sentences. Because this was my thought process -


Courtney has been in love with her best friend and roommate, Drew, since ages. Unfortunately for her, Drew is in love with someone else so she hides her true feelings, pretending that she isn't slowly dying inside. But maybe just maybe she is wrong. Maybe all Drew needs is a wake up call to realize that his soulmate is his best friend.

I can't even with this book, y'all. I was cheering so hard for Drewtney in the first duet. I cannot tell you how happy I am that it finally happened. Drew and Courtney are all the goals; relationship, friendship and any other ship that is out there. Their chemistry is amazing, their love is heart-warming and their friendship is inspiring. I seriously cannot wait for book 2. (Okay secretly I want to see this one goddamn character eat dirt but still)

I am a HUGE Kennedy Fox fan!! Their story writing blows my mind, everytime. #Drewtney4Life <3

This Is Effortless

Drew has my heart FOREVER!!!!

Courtney and Drew are madly in love. But before they could start their blissful future, they need to exorcise past demons. It so happens that their demon is actually Mia, Drew's psychotic ex, who'd stop at nothing to get Drew back. Will Mia tear them apart? Or will their LOVE triumph all?

SERIOUSLY Y"ALL I CAN"T!!!!!! Drew and Courtney's love, friendship and passion is what people dream to have in life. I am just so in love with these characters that I can't separate myself from them. Drew is such a perfect good guy hottie. I adore the way he loves Court. And please can I be bffs with Court and Viola? I need that in my life.

Every book in this series gets better and better. The kind of authentic real romance that is in this series, I've never read it anywhere else. It makes your heart ache one second and jump with joy the next. Also, I'm pretty sure Kennedy Fox are unicorns because regular people can't do what these two are doing. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
Profile Image for Amanda.
193 reviews12 followers
August 21, 2017
Checkmate: This is Reckless

If you thought Kennedy Fox couldn't get any hotter after Travis King and Viola Fisher well let me tell you right now... Drew Fisher and Courtney Bishop are bringing the HEAT and it's not only in the kitchen! DAMN! I'm speechless.. y'all are gonna LOVE 'Checkmate: This Is Reckless'

This book is SO well written. The story keeps your attention the entire time. I couldn't put it down. I had to have every moment of Drew and Courtney together. We also get more of Travis and Viola.

Kennedy Fox is AMAZING at Friends to Lovers Romance and I highly recommend all books written by this secret duo.

Checkmate: This is Effortless

"It's only you and me. They'll only ever be a me and you." - Drew Fisher

There will only ever be one Drew Fisher and he is absolutely EVERYTHING.

Checkmate: This is Effortless picks up right where This is Reckless ended and I was ready to get every detail about WTH happened in Vegas!!!!! Kennedy Fox SO brilliantly delivered in having me lose my mind over MIA F#*KING MONTGOMERY... I hate that name, the character, just everything about her, but the back story to Mia and why she is the way she is made me "very slightly" sympathize for her. (very very slightly)

This book was everything and more.. I couldnt get enough of Courtney and Drew together. They are so perfect for each other. The long journey these friends took to find each other and love each other is ulike anything else. They truly overcame every obstacle in their way.

Kennedy Fox is a TOP FAVORITE DUO AUTHOR for me. I am forever a Kennedy Fox fan/addict.

Drewtney's Duet not only measures up to Taviola's Duet but the ending of this duet was the perfect HEA!!! I read that ending well over 10x

AND lets talk about Logan and Kayla.. Why do I get the feeling Logan will break my heart and make me LOVE him more than anyone else in this Checkmate Series?!?!!! SO excited for the next duet

I highly recommend all things Kennedy Fox!!

"Sometimes in order to get the guy, you've got to create yor own rules to win the game of love."
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,384 reviews202 followers
August 31, 2017
Drew and Courtney's journey is such a sweet, sexy, friends to lovers romance. I love the relatively slow burn, and that once they acknowledged how they felt about each other, they were all in. There was relatively low angst, no dithering about how each felt about the other and no cheating, .

I like that Drew is not portrayed as a manwhore, the way so many heroes are in romances lately. He's a solid, sweet guy who's all about the one who has his heart. No chasing multiple women, no strutting around like the king of his kingdom, just a good man who loves a good woman. And Courtney is amazing. She's feisty, sweet and loves with her whole heart. Her relationship with Viola, Kayla, and her own family are just examples of that, and why Drew fell so hard for his best friend.

I love the ending, and the epilogue. A fitting way for Drew and Courtney to start off the new phase of their relationship. Now I can't wait to read Logan (Drew's old partner) and Kayla's (Courtney and Viola's dog loving friend) story (Checkmate: This is Dangerous (Logan & Kayla, #1)).
Profile Image for Novel Grounds.
1,519 reviews77 followers
February 15, 2018
This Is Reckless:

Mia. Again? How is this girl not knocked out by now?

This book is ALL Courtney and Drew and I am shipping them SO MUCH as a couple. Like HOW are they not a thing yet?

FINALLY, Drew sees what is in front of him and let the swoonfest begin.

We get so much with these two. Of course the past won't stay where it belongs,  but these two are absolutely IT. I want this HEA for them and I know they are going to have to fight for it. Friends to lovers guest here are one of my favorite types of reads. Throw in the crazy Ex:CHECK, and we are ready for a novel we don't want to put down.

This book is like watching an episode of your FAVORITE Tv show and then having it be the season finale and you end it with an OMG and are holding your breath until you read the frist page of the next book. Because that is EXACTLY what I did.

See. No self control.

This Is Effortless:

Again this book knocked it out of the park. I was WAY on the boat of HAVE FAITH that we will get a HEA for Drew and Courtney and I am so glad I stuck with it.

Also, Shovel? Deep Hole? MIA? Can we just make that happen?

But really, this was a novel about two people really falling in love and I enjoyed ever second of it. Drew was perfection in this. He was everything that I wanted in a character and took all his traits from book one and delivered twice over.

Courtney was the GIRL. Guys, she was strong and smart and just I loved her personality. I related to her and I feel like that made me ship these two even more.  Really, though. Strong is the word for her. She persevered and was trusting and just Yes.

IF you are still reading, which is a big If, than you need to know this novel is beautiful and full os the humor and angst that you know you will get with this duo.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,135 reviews18 followers
May 18, 2019
Okay - this is a perfect example of why I dislike the duet concept. The need to fill two books took an interesting concept and turned it into something over done and frankly a little boring towards the end.
I liked Drew and Courtney and liked the set up for their story. Friends/roommates who gradually realize there is more to to their relationship. Add a crazy ex and a dangerous job for some drama, siblings and friends for a good secondary cast and you have the makings of one good book.
When stretched to two books, we ended up with a lot of filler that just left me flat. The sexy time even got old, especially once it started getting a little too creative.
I also struggled with the fact that several plot points were introduced, but never fully resolved. Combined with the heavy continuation of Travis/Viola’s story and the lead in to the next books and this was just too much.
There is so much potential here, I wish the authors behind the pen name would stop writing duets and focus on telling the story without the extras.
Profile Image for Samantha.
1,139 reviews6 followers
September 10, 2017
Fisher and Bishop.

Loved.Loved.Loved I admit I was hesitant because I wasn't the biggest fan of Vi and Travis books but these books were great. The first book was just super sweet and in the honey moon stage. Then of course a major bomb in the last page. Next book picks up exactly where the first one ended. The dreaded bomb. I was not a fan of what happen. Knowing it wasn't Drew's fault at all it still made me extremely mad. I don't think it had to go as far as it did. Could have been a little lighter because I knew it would break Courtney. Then of course comes the drama! Sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for find out what happens! Overall I absolutely loved both characters and the fact that Vi and Travis were in the book. Plus an intro to Logan and Kayla. I was desperately hoping for some babies in the end but it seems ill be waiting. Regardless the ending was great and super sweet.
Profile Image for Raine.
2,467 reviews51 followers
February 16, 2018
Not bad!

This is why I like to write reviews right after I read a book because I will have forgotten all the important things I want to say about the book. But if I remember correctly I think this was the least of my favorite out of the three couples of the series. I think it has to do with the fact that the ex-girlfriend Mia was a real psycho and that Drew really should've seen it so much sooner because everyone that was close to him hates her. I'm not sure why he was so hung up on her! He's a cop...someone who is observant and should be looking under all the false trappings to the underlying motives. If he did that he would've broken up with Mia after a few days. Even in Travis and Viola's story I'm not sure why Drew would stay with in a long distance relationship with someone. Seriously, I almost felt like Courtney should just give up because she deserved better than Drew.
Profile Image for StinaA.
689 reviews5 followers
August 21, 2017
Checkmate Duet Boxed Set, by Kennedy Fox.

This is Reckless.

You can read it as a standalone, but I highly recommend that you read book 1&2 in the Checkmate Duet series, This is War & This is Love!

Drew Fisher, a police officer. Clueless of his hotness. Protective as F! But he is sometimes too forgiving..but I love him anyway!

Courtney, sassy and full of spirits! With a big, big heart! From Texas, and the biggest and funniest family ever!

Mia " Fucking" Montgomery...makes me ashamed she is a woman, enough said!!

This is Effortless.

OMG!!! What an roller coaster of emotions!

This is Effortless picks right up where we left Drew and Courtney from This is Recless. And let me tell you, this book has it all; friendship, enemies, love, jealousy, stalkers, action, hot bedroom activities and cupcakes!

Loved it!!

I thank the author for providing a copy to voluntarily review.
Profile Image for Shelby.
25 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2021
This could have been great but I just didn’t feel like I was given a reason enough to care about these characters other than they were close with the couple in the first duet. I think these duets could have all been stand alone books. These felt like they had too much scene chewing just to fill pages. I started skipping pages & I know what happened. I liked the first duet enough but this duet was bad enough I won’t read the third one about Kayla & Logan. It just got too cheesy & unbelievable. Also the cop stuff & “good southern girl” stuff made me a little uncomfortable & left a bad taste in my mouth.
Profile Image for Rosemarie.
240 reviews
August 30, 2017
Such a great series!!! Love Drew and Courtney book.

Courtney is love with her BFF brother Drew. Who happens to be her roommate and her BF. But Drew got a off/on again girlfriend from hell. After too many drinks at Drew sister wedding , Courtney and Drew final slept together. They want to see how things work out between them. But the nightmare ex-girlfriend try's to come between them. Plus others twist and turns.

Wow, I couldn't stop reading look forward to the next book in the series. Logan and Kayla book.
September 21, 2017
Can't get enough of this series.

I purchased the box set of This Is Dangerous and This Is Effortless. I love every single word of the books. I happened to fall in love with Courtney since I've read This Is War and This Is Love and I'm happy her and Drew have their own books. Kennedy Fox delivered books that are well written, the plot develops flawlessly and all the dramas with the crazy ex have me screaming and gasping for air. I can't wait to read the next books. Very enjoyable, I highly recommend the series.
October 1, 2017
Drew and Courtney very quickly stole my heart. They are so adorable and I really adored the dynamic of their relationship and how it built up. I've been rooting for this couple since we found out that Courtney is crazy about him in the first Duet (This is War and This is Love). You may experience unexpected blueberry muffin cravings while reading this book but Courtney stress-baking them left, right, centre was such a cute quirk. I also love how it's the same main squad as the first Duet. This series builds you up into feeling like they're your real life friends too!
Profile Image for Olivia.
93 reviews2 followers
February 23, 2022
Overall, this book is adorable and wholesome (with a touch of spice). However, there were crazy twists and turns in the story that I felt were a bit overdramatic to keep the reader's attention. I feel as though bonding things to keep the reader hooked doesn't need to be this insane, extravagant craziness, but it wasn't too bad, just not preferable. This novel took me a while to finish purely because of the randomness. This book was mostly cute but definitely contained some cringe.
Fall in love with your best friend
Maybe. Inconclusive
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