Dormaine G

About the author

Dormaine was born in Long Island, New York where she lived most of her life. As an adult she liked to travel out of the country though her favorite places to explore were her fantasy worlds as an author. She may be a nurse by profession but her heart has always belonged to writing. As a young child she spent many Saturdays in the library nurturing her love for books. There she discovered her fascination for the science fiction genre, through books, movies and graphic novels. She now resides in Colorado with her husband and feisty dog. After many years of working in hospitals and travel nursing, she decided to pursue a career in writing. Her first novel "The Keepers" is in one of her favorite genres, young adult urban fantasy but the dark side of paranormal is a close second. She's a Kindle Book award semi-finalist for "The Time of Sanura" from her Madame Lilly series. Presently she is working on a paranormal mystery series of stand alone novels. Please contact Dormaine G by email at: or via website:

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