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Dirty Air

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What the three of us have together might not be conventional, but it's the dirty air I need to breathe.

Before Wyatt Murray I was living a quiet, yet boring life. Raising my brother, racing on the weekends; and I was okay with that. That's how I preferred things until Wyatt exploded into my life. The hot blond with golden retriever vibes was a tornado on hockey skates and determined to change everything I knew about myself.

When Wyatt asked me to pretend to be his boyfriend, I knew I was in trouble. Then he kissed me and tilted my entire world on its axis. He was the blood running through my veins, and it terrified me. I wanted him. I needed to be with Wyatt and all the horrendous weather events he brought along with him.

But Wyatt doesn't just want me; he wants Seth Hill too. The flirty, young camboy that we shared a moment with last New Year's Eve. Seth is young, broody, and drop dead gorgeous. He pushes when I pull, zigs when I zag, and happens to be the most stubborn man I have ever met. I'd be a liar if I said he didn't pique my interest as well. I absolutely want both men.

Wyatt and Seth are suddenly a necessity. Opposites in every way but pieces of a puzzle to my world I never knew I was missing. When the three of us are together, I'm a better person. Happier, ready to take on the whole world. To make it loud, hectic and crazy. Three things that used to drive me nuts.

Then, just as suddenly as Seth decided he wants to be with us - he's pushing us away. Wyatt and I were hanging on by a thread. We want one another, but we need him to complete the circle. How can we convince Seth that our relationship doesn't work without him, before everything we have is gone for good?

*This is book five in the Wide Open Series. It can be read as a standalone but is more enjoyable if read in order.*

*This book contains dark themes including parental abandonment, disordered eating, and depressive thoughts. Please read at your own risk.*

354 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 4, 2024

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About the author

Sundae Leighton

20 books230 followers
Sundae Leighton writes romance novels that are sweet with a dark twist. She got her start writing fanfiction with her friends in school, but didn’t take the plunge to publish her first book (Picture Perfect) until 2020. Born and raised in Connecticut, where she currently resides with her husband and their cats. She sometimes scares herself when she writes things darker than intended, considers coffee the nectar of the Gods, and once ran the NYC marathon (OK - half marathon). When she isn’t writing down what the voices in her head tell her to, she likes watching murder shows, NASCAR, and reading romance books with lots of dark angst.

You can keep in touch with Sundae at SundaeLeighton.com and find her on most social media platforms.

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Liza.
318 reviews10 followers
May 13, 2024
Dnf 37%
Everything about this story was stupid. The dialogue was badly written, the characters were unlikeable. The whole group was noisy af and it was so annoying. I hated everyone.
Profile Image for Nic Harris.
330 reviews11 followers
February 25, 2024
I have discovered a recent love for MM romance and Dirty Air was another step along that journey for me.

In this book, we follow Seth, Noel and Wyatt as they discover feelings and develop from friendship into something more. There are two different dynamics in this book with Noel and Wyatt having had a background of strong friendship which spans back a long time. With Seth, it is more of a hate to love dynamic.

This book is quite insta-lust right from the get go and I would have liked to see a little more of a build up but that being said the chemistry in this relationship is hot! The this is a throuple relationship and the author did a great job at giving each of the men very distinct roles and characteristics in the relationship. Seth in particular really had my heart and I was desperate for him to let down some of his walls as I was reading it.

The love between these characters was really lovely to read and there was genuine sense of the three of them prioritising each other above all other things/people.

The whole relationship takes place in the context of a wider friendship group of ‘WAGs’ which is part of the book which I really enjoyed. There are some very distinct characters in the friendship group and the banter between them made me laugh out loud several times (resulting in me getting some very strange looks!). The WAG What’s App chat is something I would want to be part of and I love when an author includes something like this in their writing - it can fall flat, but in this case it just really added to the whole understanding of the friendship and I ate it up.

This book is very open, no judgement about different relationships, how people want to dress, speak, love etc and I found that so enjoyable to read.

This was an enjoyable, spicy, fun read and I devoured it.

Thanks @chaoticcreatives and @sundaeleightonauthor for giving me a chance to read and review this book.
Profile Image for Mandee.
262 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2024
At the end of Wrapped in Red, the previous book in the Wide Open series, we’re left wondering where things will go for Wyatt, Seth, and Noel. Wyatt is our sweet hockey player, and has just come to North Carolina. He is reeling from his break up with Asher, another hockey player from his previous team, who is still in the closet. Seth is the best friend to Ezra, and is a fellow camboy. He moved to North Carolina as he didn’t have any other friends or family back home. Noel, another race car driver who formerly dated Carson, presently living in North Carolina, and struggling to raise his brother.

They all come with baggage, and while it seems that there is a layer of attraction at the onset of Dirty Air, Seth is left feeling like a third wheel. Noel and Wyatt have already become fast friends, and it seems that the mask Seth puts on is a bit abrasive and overly sexual. It isn’t until a bit later that both Wyatt and Noel realize that this is a front, and not who Seth truly is.

Dirty Air is complex, and heartbreaking, and you’ll definitely shed some tears. Seth’s background isn’t pretty. He has a lot of things to work through, he gets scared often, and he tries to push others away. He isn’t the only one with baggage though, Noel also has a heartbreaking backstory, and as a result has a tough time letting people in. Once he does, he struggles with intimacy, possessiveness, clinginess, etc. Wyatt isn’t free from baggage, but is probably the healthiest of them all.

Also surprising, as I read Wrapped in Red, was how much Ezra has grown and matured. I was so happy to see how healthy he was. I loved to see his cameos in Dirty Air!

Overall this was a great story, and while it was a struggle to get to their happy ending, it was fought for and hard earned. Seth got the help he needed, he put himself first for once, he (with a push) got some much needed therapy, and while I wish he’d have communicated this to his partners, I was so glad he made himself a priority.
Profile Image for Emmi (bookish_redpanda).
332 reviews18 followers
March 3, 2024
Actual rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

First off - whilst this is a standalone in the sense that Noel, Wyatt and Seth's story gets wrapped up in the one novel, it is book five in the series, and I do highly recommend reading them first. There are so many characters you get introduced to, and it does get very confusing. This was 100% my own fault, but in saying that, I'm definitely going back to read the other books now.

Now that's been said, I did very much enjoy this book, watching the relationship (and the characterisation) of Noel, Wyatt and Seth grow. This was as much a book about the triad's relationship as it was about character development. All three of our leading men had issues to work through, and they were amazing at working through them (even if I got a bit frustrated with Seth - you'll understand why).

The three men were all so unique in their characterisations and backstory, and the emotion definitely was brought during this. My heart broke for Seth so many times over, and I felt almost a kinship with him with some of the emotional moments he went through. But to watch Noel and Wyatt and their unconditional love for him... it made my little heart melt.

I also loved that this was a sports romance novel without going heavy on the sports. I do wish there was a little more to it, seeing as two of the three were professionals, but I also understand that it's not required for the novel to read so smooth. I enjoyed seeing Seth's realisation in regards to his job, too, as the narrative went on, given some previous conversations he and his men had prior to the "aha" moment he has.

My only real "issue" is I feel this was almost too long a book. I feel there could have been some things cut out to make it read a bit more smoothly - as at times it did drag, and I had to put it down and take a break. But in saying that, it was a highly enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Dee Your TBR Wrecker.
84 reviews2 followers
March 6, 2024
HEA for Three

One thing I can count on in a Sundae Leighton book is for one character in the relationship dynamic to frustrate the heck out of me. Yet I still love her books. It's because the character that frustrates me usually has their reason for their behavior and even if I don't agree...I understand their motivation. This book was no exception.

This MMM romance was beautiful, swoony, messy, and frustrating. I was here for it because I loved these men. Wyatt is a golden retriever with a bite. Noel gives all the daddy energy while having his own insecurities. Seth was a hot mess. His trauma had defined him and his coping mechanisms left much to be desired. That was realistic. He's been alone in this world, he's young and emotionally immature with major abandonment issues.

That boy absolutely needed to men to love him. He just needs learn that he's worthy and to accept their love and that's why you have to read the book.

Also the found family feels are off the charts because their family is ever expanding. The personalities in their family are huge and the WAGS chat is off the chain.

This book is a fun read an the personal growth the characters experience is beautiful to see. You can read this one as a standalone BUT you will love everyone more if you read their stories too.
Profile Image for AshReads6.
49 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2024
This would have been a first from this Author for me, but since I was asked to read I went ahead and read the first 4 in the series before starting this one to make sure I had an insight into the lives of each of the Characters. I will say that having not read With the Band, I feel like I did miss some of the backstory on a few characters that were introduced into this story without much insight into who they were, I almost felt like I should already know who they were. Also, personal preference maybe, but the amount of times "boo" was used started to be too much for me. That being said, it was a good storyline. All theses of these men have a terrible history and have had a lot of baggage that they brought to this relationship. Seth and Noel both have a history of abandonment and Wyatt had just had his heartbroken. I like how, when I first met Noel, you were under the assumption that he was this Alpha but throughout this story we see his softer side and he more than embraces that.

Overall, it was a great storyline and they fought hard to get their HEA. Seth sought counseling to help him push through his fear of not being good enough and put himself first and let himself be happy.

* Thank you to Sundae Leighton and Chaotic Creatives for giving me the chance to read and review this story*
Profile Image for Kate Seymour.
123 reviews
March 11, 2024
He Was Their Missing Piece

Noel and Wyatt have become good friends, so when Wyatt needs a fake boyfriend for a meeting with the ex who broke his heart it feels natural to ask Noel. However, they realize that they both like acting like they’re dating and decide they want to do it for real. But there’s a piece missing in their relationship. They’re also both attracted to Seth, a flirty camboy they kissed on New Year’s Eve.

They decide to pursue Seth and invite him into their relationship. At first Seth is willing, but soon his insecurities get the best of him and he runs away. His rejection leaves Noel and Wyatt devastated. They try to proceed with their relationship without Seth, but the sparkle just isn't there.

"Dirty Air" is a captivating book that follows the romantic journey of three men with unique personalities who fall deeply in love with each other. The story revolves around Noel and Wyatt, who start a relationship before inviting Seth to join them. The book takes us on a thrilling ride through the careers of all three men, offering readers a glimpse into their professional lives.

The scenes of them making love to each other are sizzling and intense, leaving the readers breathless with passion. The author's writing style is immersive and engaging, bringing the characters to life and making them relatable. The characters are well-developed, each with their own strengths and flaws, making them fascinating to read about. Overall, "Dirty Air" is a must-read for anyone looking for an entertaining and engrossing book. I would easily rate it four stars out of five.
Profile Image for Heather Duff.
1,152 reviews29 followers
March 7, 2024
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This was an intriguing story with three men surrounded by their mutual found family. I will say to start, you really should read the previous stories first. I didn’t and I frequently found myself feeling like I was left out. There are a lot of characters that are hard to keep track of and have a lot of shared history that I lacked. I also felt like I missed getting to know the characters leading up to this point. It's kind of like missing the start of a movie. So yes, I enjoyed the story, but I wish I had the previous stories to create a better richness to the story.

It’s a great story of 3 men who have an attraction and desire to be together but have several personal issues to work through. It also delves into the realization that though they are working to be in one relationship, they also have individual relationships with each person which are just as important.

They go through the ringer, but in the end, they find a much stronger base for their relationship to thrive.
Profile Image for R.
1,929 reviews
February 24, 2024
Wyatt and Noel, best friends, pretending to be more so Noel could finally move past his ex. Only they didn’t expect the flame that flared between them. Seth, outrageous flirt, cam boy, wanting both Wyatt and Noel. Watching them get closer is torture for him.

All these characters are damaged in one way or another. Afraid to trust or just unwilling too give anyone a chance. In the beginning the story was very slow and even after they started to accept the idea of the possibilities of starting a relationship the story still dragged a bit. An awful lot of drama ensued. Each character was interesting in their own right but their interactions sometimes almost seemed to take away from their individual personalities which I found unusual.

A very large cast of characters was at times confusing but they sure were entertaining. I really think the other books in the series need to be read for better enjoyment of this story.

I wanted to stop reading at several points but thought that I needed to give the book a longer chance. It did improve but by that point my interest had wandered a bit. I did like the characters.

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
120 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2024
I loved the way their relationship came together in this book and how caring and protective they are of each other.

All three characters came with some baggage but this is partly why I loved their characters. Seth has some issues to work through It was a bit of a long slow burn at times but loved the ending.

They help Wyatt with a past relationship and things start to heat up between the three of them.

Loved the spice and the mix of sports in the story.

What the three of us have together might not be conventional, but it's the dirty air I need to breathe.

This is my first read for this author and I will read the next book in the series. I read this as a standalone and was fine. There are a lot of characters in this book.

🧡Enemies to Lovers

🔥Fake Relationship

🧡Found Family

🔥Friends to Lovers






🔥NASCAR Driver

🧡Mental Health Rep
Profile Image for Sylvia Pelletier.
307 reviews19 followers
March 4, 2024
Holy heck this was a fantastic story. When I first met noel, Wyatt and Seth in ezras story I absolutely fell in love with their characters and couldn't wait to read their love story. I loved finally getting a poly story in this series. Of course it doesn't come without its challenge, but these characters are so incredible. I love the friendships and seeing them come into their own, especially Seth and noel. They both are so much alike and their upbringings broke my heart. I love the found family and of course the wags Chat is my all time favorite aspect. You're going to want to read this story for all the hot spice, the mental health rep and to watch these incredible characters find love and happiness in each other.
Profile Image for Mich Mich.
228 reviews9 followers
March 13, 2024
Cue up the angst and drama with these three!!!

My emotions were a twisted mess while reading this book. It doesn’t happen often but I had to put this book down & walk away briefly because of how frustrated I became with the characters. I just wanted them to be happy. They definitely earned their HEA; it was a long and hard road getting there.

Seth, Noel, and Wyatt all have their own complex reservations when it comes to relationships. They aren’t always the best at communicating and often act based on their emotions first. So it creates a tougher dynamic. But once they are on the same page they love that much harder.

While this is a standalone I would highly, highly recommend reading the prior books in the Wide Open Series. There’s a lot of character overlap.
Profile Image for Gina Burkart.
2,851 reviews51 followers
February 27, 2024
This is Wyatt, Seth, and Noel story and it is sweet and beautiful. Wyatt is a hockey player that had a bad break up and relocated, Seth is a self conscious person and overthinking about the negativity and has dating issues, and Noel is a car racer that is raising his younger brother and has dating issues and doesn’t what to get his heart broken and he hasn’t had the greatest relationship. These men find each other and see that they are meet to be together and that it has taken them work on this. This story had me laughing during their banter between them and their group chats with the rest of the men. This story will melt your heart with the love that they expressed between each other.
Profile Image for Vic.
728 reviews29 followers
March 4, 2024
I want to start by saying that if you have not read the other books in this series i highly recommend it. While it's not needed for the plot of the story of these 3, there are a lot of other charactersthaty make appearance, and it can get super confusing. 

These three are all equally damaged in their own way. Watching them come together and heal in their own way was beautiful. 

It was a little too slow for me at times and sooooo much drama occurred that the story of these three got lost for me.
Profile Image for Ashley.
450 reviews4 followers
March 7, 2024
This was my first read into this series and while it is a standalone I highly recommend reading the others because it does get very confusing with all of the characters that I was trying to piece together.

While I liked this story of the 3 MCs coming together I just felt like I was confused with all the other people and trying to keep up and that is the only thing that distracted from the storyline to me.

I did enjoy the 3 MCs trying to move past all their baggage to find their happy ending.
Profile Image for Amanda Reeves.
2,103 reviews10 followers
March 4, 2024
This is the fifth book in the Wide Open series and while it is a standalone in the main characters but it really does make more sense if you have read all of the other books in the series. This has some hurt/comfort feels as all three MC's have been through a lot in life. Noel and Wyatt are best friends who, through pretending, find they are so much more. Add in Seth and this triad is just so good together.
Profile Image for camms.bookshelf.
286 reviews19 followers
February 28, 2024
This was my first book of this authors and I couldn’t be more excited about finding this series! Holy wow was this such a great romance between three men. Each one was written with such a unique way. I fell in love with the whole crew. I highly recommend!
59 reviews
March 12, 2024
3 stars
It wasn't the best written thing I have read but had an ok time. You are not missing anything special if you don't read it.

But omg I hate the term 'Boo' ahhhhhhh
Who the hell calls people 'boo'
Made me hate the book. OK maybe not hate it, but it pissed me off.
2,109 reviews17 followers
March 6, 2024

This was a super spicey MMM romance with sports elements. At times, the characters were frustrating due to their past damage and lack of communication. Good read overall.
Profile Image for Colleen.
152 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2024
I had the immense pleasure of beta reading this for Sundae, and I absolutely loved Noel, Wyatt, and Seth's story.

This book has substance - the romance aspect is gorgeous, but there's also incredible friendships and superb character development.

Sundae has created one of my fave found families, and you get the pleasure of being part of it in this book.

Noel, Wyatt, and Seth are three completely different characters. In the way they view sex and relationships, in their pasts and in their careers. But none of that matters once their hearts are involved. They're like three jaggered pieces that slot together as if they were always meant to be. Because they were.

Each character has a backstory that hurts. And is the love and security they find in each other and their friends/found family that brings the comfort element to this book.

Sundae is a genius at writing push and pull, and she definitely put these three through it! But they got their HEA.

I would suggest reading this series in order so you get to know each character and see how their friendship circle develops.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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