Mike Clayton

About the author

Many people have described Mike Clayton as a Powerhouse. In five years, he wrote 12 books, whilst extending his speaking and seminar business. Those five years were happy and busy, as his writing career started a week after the birth of his daughter, and a month or so after moving to a new home in a new town, with his new wife. Now Mike has 14 print titles and numerous ebooks, including his series of Kindle-exclusive Project Management eBooks, under the OnlinePMCourses.com imprint.thirty Mike has always tried to be effective in everything he does, and learned his business, management, and professional skills as a management consultant, leading large engagements on behalf of the international consulting firm, Deloitte. Having established two training businesses after leaving Deloitte, Mike now focuses his work on writing, on business, management, and personal effectiveness seminars, and as a platform speaker. All of Mike’s books, seminars and training programmes are about being effective as a professional, manager, or leader. They represent that experience and what he has learned about how to make his ideas easy to understand and implement. His books and seminars cover all of the personal and business skills he has needed throughout his career. In 2016, Mike started up a new online business offering high quality project management training, in video format, at OnlinePMCourses.com. Mike has spent the last thirty years of his career studying and learning this stuff and nothing gives him more pleasure than sharing it. Mike lives in Hampshire, England, with his wife and daughter.

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