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Satan's Touch Academy #2

A Touch of Seduction

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Don’t go into the basement…

After finding themselves kidnapped by a hidden secret society that operates out of the basement of Sacred Tongue Academy (AKA Satan’s Touch), the witches barely managed to get away, taking a tortured demon along with them and landing in the middle of Crea’s new family’s living room. This was not what they’d hoped for during their last years of graduate school.

As they get ready to launch their next line of magical sex toys in their successful business venture, A Lick of Magic, the secret society continues to haunt the girls. Tempting them with glamor and wealth. Prestige. Extravagant promises of success. Trying to convince them that it was all a misunderstanding - they weren’t hurting the demon but helping him.

After all, witches don’t go missing at Satan’s Touch. This new society swears that they’ve been trying to find those who go missing. The girls are about to find out just what lies within the walls, whether they like it or not.


This is a LGBT+ story with content not intended for those under 18 years of age due to graphic scenes and situations.

456 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 27, 2023

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About the author

Crea Reitan

78 books765 followers
Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. When she can't fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center - and utterly swoon-worthy! Don't ask her how many book boyfriends she has...

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don't even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews
Profile Image for TheBookBrat🖤.
624 reviews72 followers
July 26, 2023
*Why Choose
*Urban Fantasy
*multiple FMCs
*species variety
*academy based
*adult toy business
*secret society
*multiply polycules
*mid burn 🔥
This series is so different in that we get to see insight into all five girls if the curbs and their harems, although the main focus of this one is the establishment of Sinclairs harem!
We also get to see how their business develops and wow oh wow is the cock talk at an all time high as they find new friends to fit into the business 😅😅 there’s so many ideas flying around that I don’t know if they’ll get them all out! Angel is a great addition 😁
There’s also the development within the academy and the spooky goings on there that seem to have branched into who they’re after 😬😬 plus those involved seem desperate to have the five girls on side and are willing to do creepy things to make it happen 😩 thankfully they’re stronger and wiser and know all is not what it seems!
I have to say this is my favourite of Creas series 😄
Profile Image for Naurarwen.
892 reviews7 followers
August 11, 2023
Satan's Touch Academy is back with the second book in the series, A Touch of Seduction. This time the book follows more of Sinclair's story and the men in her life, though we do still get chapters from other characters in the story. The girls are opening their own store outside of the Academy to help get away from the fact they were kidnapped on the grounds. And now they are being followed by a creepy society.

I love watching their business grow, and some of the ideas they come up with are absolutely brilliant. There's also the growth of their friendship with each other, and the other people they meet.

Lots of mystery, action and sexy times ensure throughout the book and it's a really enjoyable read.

Can't wait for book three!
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,897 reviews93 followers
August 4, 2023
Satan's Touch is back with the sequel to A Lick of Magic. A Touch of Seduction was one of my most awaited books, I fell in love with the series instantly and I was not disappointed by the follow-up. This book was marvelous, I forgot about how much detail Crea put into this series, no wonder it took some time to get out to us but it was well worth the wait. Also, omg! How did I not put together that the MFCs' names were those of some of my favorite authors? Yeah, I got Crea (of course) the first time but the others went over my head.

If there was ever reason enough to have a character chart it's this series. Crea has created a beautiful but complex world with a huge cast of characters. I love it but I need a chart. Whose connected to who and how would be great. This is a big cast of characters, I love that they're all one big family that looks out for one another and it's only gotten bigger. There were a few new characters introduced. Huxley, Brax's best friend who fits in really well with the group, also kinda breaks my heart for reasons you just have to read about. Angel is the girls' new employee and it feels like he's always been there, he just fits. I love his fun personality and I need him and Crea, haha. There are two more, flirty Nemix and grumpy Warrick, both are mysterious. Nemix has introduced a whole new aspect to the story and I think Warrick will too.

Gods this group and when I say that I mean the girls and the guys (haha). Brennan keeps whipping it out, Crea (and newbie Angel) can talk about them all day and night, the innuendos... let's just say the conversations are always fun and enlightening, as Huxley is finding out. Seriously, the humor in this book was priceless. However, there was the dark side, the Sanctus Sacrum (the weird murder cult) is still after the girls, stalking their every move. The school walls are still swallowing people and now more public displays of absolute horror are occurring more frequently. So the story is still giving off mystery vibes but the horror aspect has been upped.

I didn't want to put it down, so I didn’t. I devoured A Touch of Seduction in one sitting and I miss the gang already. I love that they're making new connections (even if Sinclair and Indie are a little oblivious) and bonding more. There were several relationship developments, tons of drama, new demon mythology, and an ending that left very little resolved. Where the story is going? I don't have a clue but I'm so ready to see what else the girls are gonna have to deal with next.

August 6, 2023
This series is just outstanding. As we get into this second book it’s just pulling me in further. I absolutely love all the different povs we get with all the different characters and that we have added on more love interests for some of the groups. I just love all the girls and their men and simply cannot pick a single one out as one I like over the other. I am loving that we are getting to watch each group grow and build their relationships. Some are going more smoothly for the girls and some are struggling. I loved watching Crea slowly grow her relationships with the other 5 guys in her group although Nero is still holding g out since he works at her school. Then we have Sun with Hero and Brax. They are slowly building their group and possibly adding in Braxs best friend Hux. Then we have Devyn with Brenna with an added fae friend of Nero’s that has come in to help with the search for the secret society. We then have Elizabeth and her shifter Xander and what looks like a possible addition with the grumpy shifter Warrick that we met when the ladies move their shop to an actual store front. Then we also have Indie who looks like finally gets something going with Wilder her long time friend and might have a new possibly growing thing with Hendrix. We also get a new character Angel who works at the shop with the ladies and is just a perfect addition. Him and Crea together are just friendship goals.
I love all the humor and antics they get up to with their shop and the boys product and how they are trying to collaborate. I love that the groups are so entwined with each other and their is friendships throughout. They are still dealing with the secret society and what happened to them and the demons while still trying to complete school, run a business, launch new products and navigate their relationships. All of this together just makes for a great read and makes me wish that it was real and I could be part of the group hanging out and having fun.
The end was a bit of a cliffhanger and has me hoping the next book comes out quickly to see what happened. I have some ideas on Hendrix. I’m hoping a couple are wrong and one in particular is right but either way I need to see what happens to him and see the rest of these relationships growing and find out what’s up next in the product launches that they have.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carol Rupprecht.
732 reviews16 followers
August 3, 2023
This series has been so much fun to read so far. I love that it is a combination between romance, comedy, and mystery. You get a little bit of everything. The relationships don't get glanced over by the action and danger happening and the comedy content is always a nice break up from everything else as the girls bounce ideas off of one another for their business.

This book starts right off from where the previous one ended and I'm so glad it didn't fast forward at all so we didn't have a chance to assume that the secret society was in the past and that things calmed down. If anything, these crazy people didn't know when to stop. What happens when someone not used to hearing the word "no" is told it? They pursue harder. And it's so funny to see them fail each time. It makes you really think about how long they have been doing this, how long they have gotten away with their actions, that they assume Crea, Sinclair, and the others are the same, easy to dupe students that they have dealt with in the past. I can't wait to see what they try next.

Because this series focuses on six different women and their relationships as they build their harem, it was a little difficult for me to keep up with names sometimes when the POVs switched. However, even with the bouncing around with the different characters, this book seemed to follow Sinclair a bit more than the others similar to how the first book followed Crea more as she met her harem/rhyma. We not only got to read about the different developments in the other girls' lives but we also got to get a bit more intimate with Sinclair and her possible men as they attempted to figure out their situation. A touch of jealousy, relationship issues, a lack of communication as well as her dragon's flush quickly approaching. She had a lot going on in this book that needed to be addressed and it didn't always go smoothly. I really liked that about her relationships, actually. It showed this wasn't always just instant attraction and that their relationships required effort to make them balanced and so everyone was happy. I'm looking forward to seeing how her harem comes together, how the dynamics will work out with everyone and which ones will be romantic or platonic. Can't wait for the next book!
29 reviews5 followers
August 4, 2023
If you’re not a fan of male chickens this book is not for you!! With our leading ladies finding BIG success with their business; c**k talk is at an all time high. If you thought there was a lot in the last book, you are not prepared for the sheer amount in this one! I am deeply intrigued into how Reitan actually comes up with all these ideas, an am beginning to think Reitan might be in the wrong profession.
Focusing on Sinclair’s developing harem, we get to know more about her, Hero, Brax and a new character, Huxely. Written in multi-POV we get to know the dynamics and dramas of each growing relationship and each of the guys in turn. I really loved getting to know Sinclair and Hero a little more. The only thing I will say about this series is that each book having a greater focus on one witch can be a little frustrating at times. Like book one I’m invested in these girls and I don’t feel ready to move on from them when we get to the end. Crea’s harem is a large one, and I would have loved to focus solely on them for a little longer and get to know her guys a little more. We finished book one with Crea cementing two of her relationships with the others taking a slower pace. Whilst I loved the slow burn, the fact that we moved on from them hurts a little since I wanted to read about them getting to know each other. Since we jump back and forth between each of the girls and their relationships I feel like we’ve skipped over major stages of their relationships. I don’t like how we’re missing out! As much as I love the steamy scenes I want the growth as well.

The ever growing success of the girls' business only seems to paint an even larger target on their backs. Following the events of book one the mystery and danger surrounding their school only seems to worsen and our coven of witches are only dragged further into the chaos. Death, kidnappings, and disappearing doors Sacred Tongue Academy is really living up to its nickname and appears to be truly touched by the devil. I'm both intrigued and frustrated by the cult that’s targeting the girls. What do they want? How are are our favourite coven of witches going to defeat them?, and Why are they so g0ddamn mysterious? I cannot wait for book 3 where hopefully we’ll get some answers.
Profile Image for butterfliesandbooks .
1,573 reviews22 followers
July 29, 2023
This starts where the last book ends (so it would be prudent to read book one before book two)

This series revolves around a coven of witches who start a business selling toys. s£x toys😜 to be exact, and it’s a thriving business, all whilst trying to finish their schooling. Oh and don’t forget the men/demons and shifters who enter their lives and remain there. And a society that want them to join up!!

Each book is just a continuation of the previous book, points of view from everyone is mentioned (but you’ll get the hang of it pretty quick)but has lots of interaction with the coven. It’s also got an understory (a secret society want the girls to join them!) there is plenty of laughter in this book, we have drama also (a demon is rescued and healed within the coven) and we get plenty of spicy moments🥵
There is also a murder to solve. But obstacles are being thrown out, the girls will need their wits about them to work out who is doing this (my money is on the secret society 🤫) and after being kidnapped Crea, Sinclair, Elizabeth, Indie, and Devyn now have to be extra vigilant!!

I’m really enjoying this series, it’s written differently from other books. Although none of the books are really dedicated to one person, you do get a little more time with a female from the coven. Sinclair and her males are given this book, but it doesn’t stop other characters having chapters in this book.
I really like the secret society (although not really good guys, it’s more of dark and sinister, they are happy to sacrifice whom ever to gain power)

A fast paced read with action/adventure/murder and mystery. And lots of spicy moments 🥵

Cliffhanger alert!! It does end on a cliffhanger, but so did book one… something I need to just let happen 😆

Need the next book to see who is left standing…..

53 reviews
August 6, 2023
This is book 2 in the Satan’s Touch series, which takes place in the current day but in a magical world that is “normal”-world adjacent. It’s set in Salem, Massachusetts, and takes place in a magic academy. The series tells the stories of 5 witch friends, and follows them as they continue to develop their magical sex toy business, find friendships & romances, and attempt to survive the machinations of a mysterious secret society within the academy’s walls.

Although each book follows all 5 of the ladies & their budding romances, book 1 focused more on Crea, and book 2 is more Sinclair-centered. Their sex toy business is coming along nicely (with some extremely creative products!), but unfortunately, they’re catching the unwanted attention of the creepy society. There are overtures made to the ladies - the society wants them to join - but all signs point to membership being a very risky proposition.

I really enjoyed the continuation of the mystery, and it’s great to see how the business continues to grow. The friendships among the ladies, their budding relationships with the men, and their developing interpersonal relationships are very intriguing and I’m pulled into the story & fully invested in seeing how things turn out!

As expected when you’re reading about the love lives of 5 women who are operating a magical sex toy business, there’s a lot of fun sexy times and a lot of talk about male genitalia. So if that’s not your thing, you might not want to indulge in this series - but if you can get on board with it, the story is very fun, fast-paced, interesting, and enjoyable!

I can’t wait until book 3!
July 27, 2023
This was way too much fun reading. If reading or throwing out the word c*ck is too much for you then you you might want to skip this series, but you don't know what you'll be missing out on that's for sure.

Well the girl's of A Lick of Magic are back and business is good. This pick's up where book 1 left off at leaving the girl's reeling from what had happened and what they saw. They're realizing that there are dark forces at play at Satan's Touch Academy that it's hiding something sinister.

This was a different kind of book that I ever read. There’s 5 girl's so you'd think each book would be about each one as they find they're harem, but no each chapter is about each one separately even the guy's, so I was surprised. It's been a minute since I read the first book lol.

This was about Sinclair & her situation I was a lil surprised as each book is about adding to the harem, but hers was about Brax and who he wanted in his rhyma or harem, so I was a bit surprised at that, but you get a look into each of the girl's personal life as they go about opening up their sex toy store and thing's get so wild and crazy it'll have you wishing you could be apart of the story lol.

Like I said this was so much fun to read and most definitely different & with the suspense thrown in that I cannot wait to find out which of the girl's is next. I have an idea, but I could be wrong. This did end on another cliffhanger and someone's been taken, so we'll have to wait and find out what's happening next.
Profile Image for Ines.
933 reviews24 followers
July 26, 2023
"A Touch of Secution" is book two in the "Satan's Touch Academy" series, and picks up right after the first book. While a secret society tries to get their hands on the five powerful witches, they still have a creepy school te deal with, messy relationships, a business and a lot more toys. The author herself writes at the end of this book: "There's something incredibly freeing about writing this series. I can be as ridiculous and over the top extra as I want and it all has a home here, while still delivering on plot and smut." I believe that's the only review this series truly needs, because it describes this series perfectly.

"A Touch of Seduction" holds a lot of characters: with five main ladies, each of them with their own harem (where more men are added in every book) and many different side characters who also have their own relationships, the multiple POV in this series is off the charts. But I really like reading a book like this: it's original, and it leads to a bit of 'telenovella' atmosphere. This series is truly fun to read, with a lot of interesting and wonderful characters and all of them bonding together, building upon a beautiful friendship. I truly love this series, and can't wait to see what will be next for these characters!
Profile Image for Seraphia.
1,927 reviews27 followers
August 4, 2023
A Touch of Seduction is the second book in Satan's Touch Academy series, and I really recommend that you have read book one recently before reading book two. It's been awhile since I read book one, and when I tried to read book two I was absolutely lost. I enjoyed book one, don't get me wrong! But I guess it didn't leave that huge of an impression on me, so I needed a refresher.
Once you've had a bit of a refresher, the story falls into place for you, but it's still chaotic. You have multiple female MCs that the author is trying to focus on, AND their various harems that are growing. It's chaos! LOL! Then you have the drama with the secret society going on. It becomes a touch overwhelming really. You're trying to keep everyone straight, and then trying to enjoy the storyline as well.
I was hoping that since book one had so little steamy book two would have...more. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I really expected more.
I wanted more cohesion of the entire storyline, but with multiple characters vying for the spotlight...it's difficult to keep them all straight. Plus, the lack of steamy scenes with so much (ahem) certain talk being prominent throughout the story.
4 out of 5 stars
Profile Image for Lene Blackthorn .
1,615 reviews5 followers
August 10, 2023
The fun and darkness started in A Lick of Magic both continue in the second book of this series, this time more focusing on Sinclair's storyline and the development in her personal relationships. The launch of the store was an overwhelming success, but the girls in the coven have not graduated yet and the secret society residing in within the walls of the Academy is upping their game, increasing the lure and the threats to force the girls to join the society. But their magic is strong and they see the cult for what it is, the evil and manipulation instead of the glitter and glory on the surface.
There is again a lot of drama an mystery involved in this book, even as we learn a little bit more about the secret society but the major part of the information is still missing, there are only glimpses and the threats against the witches. I totally enjoy all the "business related talks" in this book, the immense creativity and humor that comes with it, and the banter between the characters. The bond between the witches in the coven is strong and amazing, but I also love watching how they are building and solidifying their own lives while keeping it tightly together. Looking forward to the next one (including the new line coming :) )
Profile Image for Miss E.
471 reviews
July 28, 2023
This book picks up exactly where the first one let off, right after the 5 girls, with a “mistreated” demon in tow, escapes from the Secret Society.
Where book 1 focused mostly on Crea finding where she romantically belongs, this one follows Sinclaire.
The book is different from other multiple-POV books due to the fact, that we get chapters from all of the girls and some of the boys as well. We still get the view from the previous book’s FMC. I really like that.
Anyways, The next line is released and we follow the girls as they build their business. It’s thriving and then some. All the while they are trying to keep their heads down - not easy when you are being practically followed and propositioned by a Secret Society, that wants your power in their ranks.
I’m looking very much forward to the next book in this series. They are super exciting and wildly creative.
I recommend this to anyone who loves romance with a side of magick, drama, action, and devotion. Don’t forget the ducks (it’s never ducks, autocorrect! *giggles*) - all the ducks. the flesh and blood ones and the silicone replicas LOL
169 reviews
July 30, 2023
A Touch of Seduction story continues with the 5 witches, Elizabeth, Sinclair, Indie, Crea, and Devyn mulling over their abduction and their escape, along with the demon Mark, no telling the horrors he was subjected to as he had been held over a week. As the witches get back into getting their life on track getting caught up in their school work, and the continuing expansion of their product line and their newly opened store. Crea's dragon's rhyma working out the logistics of the 7-man. The other ladies working on their love life. The intricate relationships of the men and the women, the screams and continued abductions at the school keep you turning page after page, your thirst for the answers never quenched. Especially the answers to who and what is the secret society, why are they so interested in the witches? What is the purpose of the presents they were sent, was it to entice them to join and why are they trying to get them to join them? Who ordered thousand of dollars of their product line? Who is following the witches? The questions leave us waiting impatiently for the answers in the next book.
Profile Image for Anna McCauslin.
182 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2023
Crea's latest in the Satan's Touch Academy series felt like a long time coming after all the events in Lick of Magic. At Touch of Seduction follows up in the same sort of vein. There is a huge cast of characters, based of Crea Reitan's real life author friends, and as I've read many of their books, reading her take on them as characters in a book has been incredibly fun. The ridiculousness of dick talk is at an all time high. The girls' dedication to their shop sucked me in again, and has me wondering about non-magical versions of what they offer. The twists and turns of the underlying plot continues, and frankly, I don't wish to give anything away. Part of the fun of these books is the ride you are taken while trying to figure out what happens. On a personal relationship side, the focus is definitely on Sin more than anyone, and we get to see her relationships, although you'll get a peek at everyone. These are are secret pleasure books, that provide spicy scenes, hilarious situations and dialogue, yet a very real and present danger to the girls and their friends and partners keeps you guessing. I hope we don't have such a long wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Booksfordays40.
251 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2023
Pretty sure that “Crea” must come from the word “Creative” because it definitely suits the author’s story writing capacity. In book two, we revisit the Luck of Magic witches and their creative entrepreneurial efforts of A lick of magic. Unlike other books that would focus on one specific character, and kind of leave previous characters with mere cameos, we are still immersed fully in the original group of witches all interacting, which includes Crea and her harem from the first book. This multiplies the group of characters, so that there are many more on the chess board so to speak. It’s a different take. And while I can follow it now, I worry a bit that it may become a bit unwieldy heading into future books. On the other side, we get to see some fabulous characters, revisit ones we loved from the first book, and meet new ones, while the plot moves on as well. You get humor, spice and magic in this book. I enjoy the authors writing and look forward to what else they have coming!
Profile Image for Angela Celeste.
138 reviews
August 6, 2023
This second serving of Satans Touch Academy doesn’t disappoint! It started a bit dark, which is appropriate considering how book 1 ended. But it took about five chapters to get back into the groove of the book for me. The secret society is relentless in their efforts to acquire the girls. This makes me wonder about how they all ended up at the school. Will there be a prequel that shows they were spelled to attend at birth? Is it fate bringing them there to discover their men and find a way to dismantle the society? Are they meant to not just join but lead the society? So many questions rolling around in my head!

Anyway, back to this book. I thought about having a list of the girls and their men just to keep track of who belongs with whom. It’s mind boggling how the author is able to keep them all straight!! I love the continued building of the relationships. While there are steamy scenes and lots of dick talk, it’s not all about that.

And the cliffhanger at the end! BOOM! Just cannot wait for the next installment!
Profile Image for Taylor Loewe.
290 reviews17 followers
August 11, 2023

Spice: for this series revolving around a sex store, I’d still give the smut a 3/5. The relationships have been heavier on the slow burn for the most part. Some scenes are HOT but there is a mix of slow and fast that you’ll find.

There are so many POVs that it can be confusing (Crea can we get a flow chart?), but once you learn the characters names it’s easy to follow.

The overall plot follows a group of friends attending a sketchy mysterious Academy that are building a business (selling sex toys). In the previous book, the girls were taken and almost forced to be part of some cult like ceremony before they escaped. This book follows immediately after their escape into the next semester filled with them trying to determine whose after them. Not to be mistaken, the girls are spending even more time building extra relationships and their business. Lots of laughter (mainly caused by Crea the character), lots of serious moments, hot moments etc.
Profile Image for DMCechak.
1,568 reviews19 followers
July 27, 2023
Touching is Encouraged

“Can we touch you, Sin?” I shivered, my entire body breaking out in goosebumps at the thought of their hands on me together. Unable to find my words, I nodded. Probably far too eagerly.’

All the witches continue to grow in their relations with their other paranormals, in Crea Reitan’s A Touch of seduction, book 2 in her Satan’s Touch Academy series. But while book 1 focused a bit more on Crea’s experiences, this story highlights Sinclair and her men.

Oh, and there is a lot of murder and torture and lots more ‘toys’ ;)

There is a secret society of witches who desperately want Crea, Sinclair, Elizabeth, Indie, and Devyn to join them. Unfortunately for them, the girls want no part of a cult that is kidnapping demons and sacrificing them, not to mention enslaving others for their benefit.

There is bawdy humor, filled with ‘Everything D*ck’ as their store provides fulfillment of many fantasies, but the underlying danger of attending the Academy is getting stronger and stronger, and even their guys are being drawn into the harrowing experiences now.
Profile Image for Gina.
182 reviews2 followers
August 1, 2023
This is one of my favorite series by Crea! It's centered around her and her witchy besties. This one was more focused on Sinclair and the building of her relationships. I loved Crea's story and was worried that I wouldn't hear as much from her and her harem but there was nothing for me to worry about. You get ALL the POV's from the other girls and who they are building relationships with as well.

This series is super unique and really shrouded in mystery. The girls and their guys are investigating the crazy scary events happening at their school. All while building their businesses. I've fallen in love with these characters so quickly because you can tell that the author is really invested in the friendships the group of girls share. Her ability to make you feel the emotions right alongside her characters will always be why I will read every book she ever writes. If you love paranormal with a bit of mystery, a good bit of steam and drama, you gotta read this series!
Profile Image for Libby Fowler .
449 reviews3 followers
August 6, 2023
Oh my god that ending!!!! Well that was one hell of an ending that left you needing the next book.
I loved the first book in this series but I have to say I think I enjoyed this one more!
It follows on from the last book, the Sanctus Sacrum are still after the girls they want them to join them but the girls are having none of it! As well as this the girls are expanding their business, creating new products and creating new ideas. As well each girl is forming relationships some deeper than others.
We get to meet new exciting characters within this book which is great.
Crea is definitely my favourite character in this series I just love her personality and how she is obsessed with a certain male body part. I love her guys too and I cannot wait to see her developing relationships with the rest of the rhyma.

This was honestly a fab read with amazing characters, it was funny too as well as steamy!
Profile Image for Dorothy Y Nunamacher .
711 reviews7 followers
August 10, 2023
Let me just tell you this book is so friggin awesome. It picks up right where the first one ended.
Sinclair, Elizabeth, Devyn, Indie and Crea are still making their store a huge success. They keep coming out with new product. Loric, Xander, Brennan, Hero and Hendrix are coming up with new ways to expand their product. Each of the girls are slowly building up their very own Harem except for Crea who got thrown into one by her dragon. Bad dragon (🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆😺💦). The secret society still wants them( witches with very little power ) . Each time they try to seduce them into joining their Cult (as the girls call it), it's always an epic fail. What the SS doesn't realize is that they show their true selfies each time they come out. Of course since it's bk2 we are left with a doozy of a cliffhanger. I really can't wait for bk3 to come out. We are starting to get into some really good smutastic stuff between each girl and her multiple men.
Profile Image for Samantha Silensky.
324 reviews4 followers
August 2, 2023
Back at Satans Touch, we find our girls trying to both thrive and survive. Business is booming, but so it the ever growing presence of the dark side of the academy. The cult is getting both more ballsy and more desperate to get them in their circle. While Crea and her “take me or leave me” attitude, is my favorite character, I adore the other girls as well.
I do have trouble sometimes keeping the men and who they’re with straight. Especially trying to remember which one Hendrix is when he hasn’t been mentioned in a while. But all-in-all it’s not too hard with the context to figure it out.
I love following along while the girls plan and expand their business and all the antics that come along with it. You could probably write books about all the characters separately, and I’d devour them. Can’t wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Ashley Clark.
524 reviews17 followers
August 3, 2023
Loved it. This one’s slightly better than the first one. Crea and her girls are still getting up to their antics. They are still trying to improve their business. They now have a store. They also have a new employee. Everyone is still freaked out by what happened at the end of book one. Everyone is staying away from the school as much as they can. Each character is working on their relationships outside of their coven. Lots of dirty jokes and sexy times in this one. Crazy things are still happening at the school. The people they took the girls in the first place are still trying to get them to join them. No way is that going to happen. They are no closer to finding out what they want with the girls or why them. Something happens during a school event and someone goes missing. Check out the book to find out who goes missing. Read book one first.
Profile Image for J.
3,074 reviews14 followers
August 4, 2023
Book 2 in Satan's Touch Academy series by Reitan. Such a great read - I am loving this series about a coven of witches finding their way with all the action, danger and suspense that Reitan delivers along with romance, steam and of course the humor. I also really enjoy all the points of view from these characters. A continuation from Book 1 - and this ends in a cliffhanger so be forewarned this series will become addictive. Great paranormal characters and species represented, that are so captivating and really, I adore that Reitan gives us the laughs to lighten the darkness and danger surrounding these witches. While each of the 5 are represented, in this book we get more time with Sinclaire. I am loving this series so far and I can't wait for more!!!

This book was given to me for free at my request and I voluntarily provided this review.
394 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2023
Great Read

I really love this series and the focus of the girls business, it’s a great read and the things the girls come up with are really is only limited by Crea Reitan’s imagination. Although this book is Sinclair’s story I really loved the fact that there were chapters from the perspectives of all the girls. This meant that developing relationships could be explored before we actually get to that characters book and you can see the back story as it happens. It also meant that you could continue reading Crea’s story, although she isn’t the focus of this book I felt her story was more of a HFN rather than a HEA so I really love the way these books are written. Overall, this was another fantastic book which was entertaining as well as keeping me on the edge of my seat with everything else going on in the story.
Profile Image for Ange Bennetts.
705 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2023
There is nothing out there like this series of books and how grateful I am for that. I love the uniqueness that is a group of witches who open their own shop, selling unique products, while going to university, oh and meeting the loves of their lives. While meanwhile a secret society is trying to recruit them and they are not interested in a bar of it. This is like a girls night out with no filters! This book is supposed to focus on Sinclair and her relationships, to me it was more about one of her guys Hero and his developing relationships and priorities changing. While there is a lot of talk about physical things, this is definitely a slow burn series, more focussed on the building of bonds and the starting intimacy, which I think makes it unique and fun!
217 reviews
August 5, 2023
This picks up at the exact point book one finishes. So you do need to read book one but that is also great so you should anyway. This is a multi point of view book which I love as you get to know what everyone is thinking. I love all the interactions with the girls and all their new and old men. Crea’s antics just make me laugh so much. I love the new character Angel that’s been added. I think the whole world is so clever with the girls running a particular business and trying to deal with its success and I’m really looking forward to the collaboration with the boys business Flex. Lots of attempts from the society, but will the girls be able to resist or escape them all? Really looking forward to next book the cliff hanger ending was fabulous.
Profile Image for Renee.
710 reviews16 followers
August 7, 2023
Oh my gosh, I think this may be one of my favorite series ever. This is book 2 and were still completely within the same amazing group of characters that we were in book 1. I can definitely sense that in the future Crea may need to ‘break up’ the group just because of how many FMCs and the harems they collect. There is humor, spice, and I loved that we saw all of the other amazing characters from book 1 and we saw more amazing characters added into this world. I liked the flow of this book, and the added in humor which is always fun, the magic was great, and we get some fun scenes *wink*.

I will say all of the characters don’t take away from the plot/storyline that was heavy in the first book. I am so interested to see what happens next!
Profile Image for Cassandra.
163 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2023
And the plot thickens! After reading book1, I had many questions and theories about everything that was going on at Satan's Touch Academy, and the mystery just keeps getting bigger and bigger. While we get some answers, the intrigue is still going strong (yay! that means more books for us) which doesn't stop the girls from being wildly successful in their business and romantic relationships. Speaking of, there are some new yummy additions to the group and some unexpected development you'll definitely want to know about. The products offered by the girls and their company, A Lick of Magic, are even more amazing if I dare say so with a brand new line being launched.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews

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