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Timeless #1

A Minute More

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I'll admit I've never had grandiose plans for my future. I'm really more of a "take it as it comes" sort of dude. But making minimum wage at a small-town sandwich shop wasn't exactly what I had in mind after college graduation either. It may not be an exciting life, but it isn't so bad. At least I have my amazing coworkers and friends who always try to make the workday fun.
Everyone, that is, except the new guy, Simon.
That guy is not fun. He's broody and silent, but I can tell that something interesting is brewing just under his surface. Day after day I try to get his attention, try to coax him out of his shell. He won't even look at me, let alone talk. It's making me a little crazy, if I'm honest.
I don't even know why I care—I'm not gay. But there's just something about him that draws me in. He's become this mystery that I need to unravel.
Until one night I get a small peek behind Simon's mask—a shared kiss, just a minute in time, and then it's gone.
I don't even know what to think. All I know is I need more.
I want all the hidden parts of him.
I don't understand this obsession, this need.
And I'm afraid that there isn't much I wouldn't do for just a minute more.

222 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 21, 2023

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About the author

Cora Rose

25 books1,583 followers
Cora Rose loves any kind of romance and consumes way too many books each year. She currently lives in the U.S. and spends her days daydreaming about the characters inside her head.

You can email her at CoraRoseRomance@gmail.com or visit her website at www.coraroseromance.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews
October 2, 2023
- Updated review -
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes & tags down below.

Okay, I’m rewriting most of this review because I had a lot of thoughts that took a while to put my finger on. I don’t want to be hateful, but this book wasn’t it for me. Spoiler alert probably.

There is no doubt that Cora Rose is a very talented writer. I’ve enjoyed every book of hers I’ve read so far, but this one was wild to me. I’ll leave my original review below. I’m sure some of my anger has festered and made it worse in my mind, so I figured it’s nice to have some of my initial thoughts posted still. Keep in mind I’m quite annoyed when writing these next bits.

I just really didn’t like Wesley at all. I found him to be quite childish, emotionally manipulative, and sometimes straight up cruel. Also crass. Wesley says he doesn’t enjoy sex as much anymore (he hasn’t had any for WEEKS you guys, how does he even still live? *insert eye roll), and he casually asks his friends if they know a girl he can fuck for a few minutes. Gag. I didn’t connect much with either character. It all felt a bit surface level. The things I would’ve thought were most important were glossed over, and whenever Wesley messed up (several times), there were no consequences. Simon’s ex wasn’t a very nice person, so I feel like Simon didn’t stand up for himself when he was treated unfairly. Like maybe Wesley would’ve gotten the boot ages ago if Simon thought he was allowed to speak his mind more. Maybe I’m projecting, but that’s a bit of the vibe I got, and it’s not a good one.

I do really love Cora’s writing, and I freaking adore some of the books I’ve read, but this one wasn’t the best for me.

Original review ⬇️

How had I ever found anyone else attractive when Simon existed?

I really did like Simon (although I wish we got a bit more information about him in general), and he was very intriguing right from the start. I wanted to get to know him, but didn’t feel like I ever did. Most of my ‘dislike’ about this book comes from Wesley. I don’t think he’s a bad character, but he *is* awfully young, and certainly acts like it sometimes. There were a few moments that angered me quite a lot. It’s not Cora’s fault that he hit a couple of my pet peeves, though. That’s just how it goes sometimes. I also wanted a little bit of groveling, but didn’t get any.

He dresses like a forty-year-old accountant, and it gets me all hot and bothered. I swear to god. I have a new kink.

I can’t at all argue that this is a well written story. I just wasn’t as invested as I wanted to be. The ending definitely picked up in terms of my investment and entertainment, and I also cried quite a lot by the time it was all over. Would be strange to read a Cora Rose book without weeping just a little bit.

“So! So Lucas said I was maybe bi.” “Nah, man. Just because you kiss a dude doesn’t make you bi. I give dudes blow jobs all the time, and I’m straight as an arrow.” My mouth drops open, and I gape at my friend. “What the fuck, Jude!”

This made me laugh long and hard, lol.

Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Sexual awakening
Opposites attract
Push and pull

⚠️⚠️ Content warning ⚠️⚠️
Explicit sexual content
Unsafe sex
Death of a partner (off page, in the past)
Excessive drinking (side character)
Past cheating (not between MCs)
Unspecified STI (MC, past, treated)
Brief mentions of drunk driving accident

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Book safety ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Cheating: No
OM drama: Mild drama with a woman. Nothing happens beyond texting and intent to date (before MCs are together)
Third-act breakup: Yes
POV: 1st person, dual POV
Strict roles or versatile: Versatile

[…] leaving me alone once again with my thoughts. Dreadful things.

It hurts to breathe, but my lungs keep doing it anyway. Fucking traitors.
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
249 reviews319 followers
September 28, 2023
***4.0 rating***

"You're not a placeholder. You're not. You're...you're mine. You're mine."

I am probably among the few who enjoyed this story, to each their own. I get why it worked out for some and it didn't for others.

Personally, I haven't had the best luck with Cora's books but this one was very cute, OTT yes but it was sweet, simple, and enjoyable!🥰

This book if it weren't for Simon, would probably be 3.0 stars but I adored his character. He was sweet, shy, and vulnerable.

Simon and Wesley are in their early-mid 20s, they are still figuring out this thing called life, it would be unrealistic to think they are super mature for their age. So was I surprised that Wesley made some questionable choices? no. Did I wish he sometimes treated Simon better?? yes.

Their flaws made them human and believable. We cannot expect every character to be perfect in stories so some may disappoint you. Normally, I would let critical reviews of a book impact and influence my judgement of a book but I have started to go into books with more of an open mind and judge for myself. What someone may love, others may not, and that is okay. I happen to enjoy this one. Do I wish the epilogue was executed better? YES.

All in all, this story may not be for everyone but I think it is worth finding out for yourself rather than what the masses think.

Just my opinion.


-Opposites Attract
-Obsessed Hero
-Sexual Awakening
-Workplace Romance

I received an advance review copy for free, and this is my honest opinion/review.
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
577 reviews269 followers
September 26, 2023
i’m always scared to start a cora rose book because it can either go really well or really really bad.
i’m not even sure how i feel about this.

i really didn’t care about it when it released, but as soon as started reading i was sucked in. it’s definitely interesting and makes you keep reading. i just love mysterious characters so much. i definitely get obsessed with them and i have a physical need to find out what happened that i had to spoil myself the book because i was falling asleep but couldn’t go without answers.

everything’s was going super well and i was definitely thinking about giving this 5 stars up until the 85/90% mark. i definitely didn’t like how things went and the epilogue was kind of disappointing, and that would be like 3 stars.

i’m still happy about this, especially after some big fiascos, however i just wish we had a different resolution.
Profile Image for Dani.
827 reviews91 followers
May 9, 2024
I was really enjoying this up until Wes decided Simon needed time on his own. I actually hate when people tell you how you feel and what you need, as if you don't know yourself better than anyone else does???

The pacing until then was really good, I felt like I was getting to know the characters and seeing their relationship build nicely.

Then it was just big time jumps! What happened in the first month they were apart? What happened in the six months before they reunited?

I don't just want the hearts and rainbows of a character's life interspersed with endless sex scenes. I want the emotional stuff too from the difficult times. I want to know how they're thinking and feeling when things aren't going great. Don't tell me afterwards that things were shitty but now it's good again and oh look at that it's back to sex scenes 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

The emotional content is what connects me to a character. Only portraying the good times is literally the book version of social media - you're not showing all of your character, you're only showing the good bits where people are envious and interested. I'm just so bored of this trend recently where time gaps are used rather than delving into the characters more when they're facing difficulties.

Personally I would rather an author didn't even bother introducing a conflict like this if they aren't going to see them through and instead they just gloss over it.

If more of the difficult times were included, I genuinely think I could have rated this as a 5 star, but as it is I felt like a huge chunk of this story was just missing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
October 14, 2023
This is the first book in a new series, so I thought I'd give it a go.

It wasn't too bad, but the relationship was all surface. The guys spent nearly the entire book taking turns at pushing each other away.

Wesley has no emotional depth. He's a bit self-centered and thinks he's god's gift to women.

Simon is keeping a secret, but honestly it's nothing terrible and certainly not something to to be ashamed of.

The bi angle wasn't well developed. The author has a fetish for "straight" dudes who are "gay for" one man. I call that bi erasure, but whatever.

While the epilogue was sweet, what was up with Simon not texting Wesley that he'd hurt his ankle and was going to be late? And why was Wes waiting on the porch when he had a key?

Closer to 2.5 stars, rounded up because, damn, that bed was rockin'.

Might read the second book depending on MCs.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
561 reviews534 followers
September 7, 2023
A Minute More is another winner from Cora Rose. I love how addicting this story is from start to finish. It has all of my favorite elements for a fantastic opposites attract story. I love how obsessed outgoing Wesley is with the enigmatic Simon. Wesley's obsession with the quiet and elusive Simon creates many wonderfully steamy moments and a great push/pull dynamic between the two.

Another aspect of this story that I love is the many wonderful echoes of past favorites from her in particular Whit and Until Him. These two main characters are polar opposites who find themselves quickly drawn to one another, which is only further complicated due to both working together and one being quite hesitant to his attraction.

One of my favorite aspects of this story is how in a short period of time Simon and Wesley are drawn to one another. Simon is drawn to Wesley's bright and sunny personality that slowly brings him out of his shell, while Wesley is enamored with Simon's confidence and kindness. Their mutual obsession with one another creates so many electric and steamy moments that I could not get enough of.

A Minute More is a fantastic romance of two complete opposites who over time grow quite captivated by the other, which makes for such a wonderfully heartfelt romance.

*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this story.***
Profile Image for Ro {semi-hiatus}.
275 reviews9 followers
October 31, 2023
love love love Cora. she delivers the perfect formula for me every time fr. i don't read Cora Rose because i want depth, a library of quotes, and crippling heartache. i read Cora Rose because she is here to entertain and entertain she does.

Wesley is just a good ol golden retriever. in typical Cora fashion, he's got all the brawn but is a bit slow on the uptake. not exactly dumb because he does have a sociology degree, but like... witnessing his thoughts was a little painful at times. he was surprisingly emotionally mature for someone who says and does so many head ass things, although the head assery can be extremely distracting. especially when homie is foaming at the mouth for Simon but keeps telling himself he's straight. clearly just a compulsive thought since he's been obsessed with Simon since Simon started working at the same sandwich shop.

Simon is tiny (compared to Wesley) and very broody. he's mysterious to Wes, that's the only reason Wesley is interested in him. the only reason. anyways, Simon is fresh off some traumatic event that is only hinted at until the last 80%. he's not outwardly interested in anyone, especially not Wesley, but internally.. i'm not saying simon is living a delulu girlie's dream but he did manifest some big things for himself applying at that sandwich shop. hailey bieber moment. he can't take his eyes off Wesley, but he's a lot more subtle about it than Wesley is.

i'm ngl, i felt the motive behind the push/pull was a little boring tbh. like it disappoints me how often characters don't get the chance to communicate fully with each other. because it was fr just a matter of Simon opening up to Wesley about his past relationship and how it started and ended and what his feelings were about it. i think i would have preferred to see Wesley given the opportunity to be more articulate in his feelings for Simon. i appreciated why he wanted to leave it for a year before revisiting things, but why tf did he have to make that be his one grown man decision in the book?! 😂 i guess i just prefer when their issues are external and not coming from inside the house cos grow tf up.

so Simon is set to leave for school in a couple months and since he's still grieving his ex, he tries to keep barriers up with Wesley. but Wesley obviously isn't mindful of those barriers, but not in any malicious kind of way. Wesley is so caught up in his own fascination of Simon that he blunders his way through what would be pretty awkward circumstances if Simon wasn't also super into him. the two start smashing obv and Wesley embraces what Simon is to him a lot more readily than either of them expect. but when Wesley finds out about their narrow timeframe and all that Simon's been keeping from him, he puts their relationship on pause and presses Simon to take care of himself and heal for a year. they make it six months and it's a time jump.

frankly Simon is a little creepy after all but also kind of sweet so... whatever. Wesley is into it af. Simon has a house and moves Wes into it, the end.

i think the spice wasn't spicing quite as hard for me because the dual pov takes a while to kick in. after reading so much from Wesley's perspective, i found Simon a little hard to understand and he annoyed me a little bit. like at two diff points i wanted a Simon grovel and then i wanted a Wesley grovel. i got neither but i technically didn't need them bcs there was no cheating or extra relationships while they were on a break so like it's fine. it still made it kind of difficult to see what had them so passionate. they ate each others faces off but how was i supposed to know Simon's crazy ass only got a job at the sandwich shop after he saw Wesley for the first time?? i needed that info early on so i could bite my nails at Simon's tension too. still love that they were wild af for each other that's always the best part. like relax you're in the middle of a fairground, but also don't.

“I can’t keep away,” I say softly, sliding up his body and tucking myself into him. I can’t stop. “Don’t make me stay away.” His body is tense under mine but slowly he softens and his arm reaches around to pat me softly on the back.  “I…I can’t be a hobby.” “I was an idiot for saying that. You’re not…you’re more than that, Simon. I don’t know what you are, but I’m fucking obsessed.”

lived it laughed it loved it, but it's just a happy fun read. perfect 3*
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for L Ann.
590 reviews140 followers
September 29, 2023
This was such a sweet story. The beginning was giving Whit vibes, but somewhere along the way, it managed to become its own unique story. 🩶 3.5 stars, rounded up
Profile Image for Hugo #freepalestine .
471 reviews38 followers
November 21, 2023
It's Official I don't like the author's writing style- or I don't like the way they write their men.
They have the same writing style as God, as in the way God writes men, These Man Have "AUDACITY", it's either that or this book was purposely written for the girls only, for the Fujoshi, because there's no other way around lol and as a gay man this was not an enjoyable experience, just fucking frustating.
This is why I read books to turn to 💫fictional man💫 but where is he, WHERE IS HE?+? Wesley just acts like man in real life I'm sorry he gave me the ickkkkkkkk!! All the way through, also there's no chemistry they don't even fucking talk for the first 65% of the story it's just pure sex,
Their conversation sounded like two strangers that just met on omegle, and another issues I have with this is that I feel like Dena add literally nothing to the plot like we could erase her and her crew entirely and the story would've gone the way it was and maybe even better.
How did Cora rose go from Sem to this-😰..
And by The way Wesley eyeing every girl he sees I feel like he's gonna be as unfaithful as James was maybe even worse, like I literally don't get how it was written, Wesley deserved better. And third act literally so dramatic for no reason whatsoever.
November 26, 2023
”Obsession is only creepy when it’s not reciprocated”

Read if you like:
Opposites attract▪️Co-workers▪️GFY▪️Obsessive/possessive MMCs▪️Instant attraction ▪️Two idiots falling in love🤧

On another note i really hope Jude gets his own book because I’ve never seen a character so deluded. Wdym sucking dick is a hobby and doesn’t make you gay. Jude my man how tf does your brain work😭😭😭😭
Profile Image for Jane aka Coughy019.
479 reviews72 followers
February 22, 2024
Tropes: workplace romance, grumpy/sunshine, bi-awakening, jock/nerd vibes
Feels: 4/5
Steam*: 4/5
Kinks: no
Angst: low
HEA: yes
Pairing: MM
Triggers/potential icks/content themes: grief, cheating ex, STI from an ex (recovered), alcoholic minor characters, fatal DUI (not MCs)

Feb. 22 2024 - reread! Looking forward to reading Jude's story in a couple days

Wesley is 22. He recently graduated with a sociology degree and he doesn't know what to do with his life so he's working in a sandwich shop. He's a big guy, used to be a jock. He's very friendly, he can make friends with anyone. He thinks he's straight but sex has always been meh for him.

Simon is 24. He is a new hire at the sandwich shop. He is a bit smaller of a guy. He never talks to anyone at work, he barely says any words. People don't know this about him at work because no one knows anything about him but he's gay and has a mysterious traumatic past.

Wesley is drawn to Simon. He wants to draw him out of his shell, learn more about him, talk to him, be friends with him. He fixates on Simon. He makes attempts to draw him out and gets rebuffed. But then Simon sees Wesley flirting with a girl that comes into the shop and Simon starts inserting himself into moments. One day Simon kisses Wesley and Wesley is shocked but absolutely does not want to end it. It's cute how Wesley just wants the kiss at first to suck in more about Simon, he'll take all his attention. Simon realizes though that he read the room wrong and Wesley wasn't intending their relationship to turn sexual, so Simon runs. But Wesley won't let him run for long. He is all for more Simon and is fine if that makes him bi. But... Simon is hiding stuff and has some dark s*** in his very recent past. Is this the time for him to be in a relationship?

I liked this book. I loved how obsessed Wesley was with Simon. From the very start he was just fascinated by him. Wesley was such a nice guy. I love Simon's jealousy and how that brought him to finally interact with Wesley on multiple different occasions, he was like a grumpy silent raccoon and being jealous over Wesley was like someone bringing out food and waving it at the raccoon. The smut was great.

I wasn't a huge fan of the separation at the third act, but you understand it. One thing that bugged me though was at one point Wesley snoops and finds a bunch of pill bottles at Simon's place. He never asks about it and it doesn't come up again. It felt like a missed plot hole.

Given we got introduced to a bunch of Wesley's friends, I'm wondering if there will be books about them? I do want to know Jude's story. He says he's straight as an arrow but talks a few times about giving blowjobs all the time, there's definitely a story there.

Some notable moments:

"When I finally corner Simon in the breakroom, minutes before it’s time for him to leave, I just tumble into him, pushing him up against the wall and breathing against his cheek. “What the fuck?” Simon whispers, his chest heaving, his breathing growing labored as I hold him against the wall. “Let me go.” I can’t. My hands seem to tighten almost painfully on his shirt, my body pressing firmly into his."

"My lips suck on him, teasing his skin, bruising it. He’s going to be black and blue there tonight. My mark on him. He won’t forget me easily. He will look at it and remember."

*FYI about steam: I rate steam based on a combination of quality & quantity. I note kink separate from steam because I don't want to underrate steamy reads that don't have much kink.

**Note about spoilers: I like to comment on the plot of a book in reviews, so I almost always mark my reviews as containing spoilers. But I try to avoid spoiling the big dramatic moments! As a reader, I personally like to know what I'm getting into before I read a book so I know more about the content and if it's to my taste/mood, so I try to give that information in my reviews for myself when I'm considering rereading and also for other readers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,370 reviews223 followers
September 9, 2023
4.5 ⭐️

- coworkers
- opposites attract
- instant attraction
- bi awakening

Wesley has been trying to get his shy & quiet coworker Simon out of his shell for months, but the more he tries to get to know Simon, the harder Simon pushes him away. The back and forth between them has consumed Wesley, and he is more than a little obsessed about figuring out what Simon’s deal is.

Simon does his best to ignore Wesley, but finds that nearly impossible to do. He’s secretive about himself & his past, and knows that the feelings brewing between him & Wesley will only end in heartache. He can only resist for so long, especially when Wesley is everything he’s ever wanted.

Honestly Wes and Simon gave me Whit & Caleb vibes, and I knew that I was going to absolutely adore this. A Minute More was a little angsty and way more emotional than I expected, but oh so sweet at the same time, and it was simply just everything.

I seriously loved Wes so much. He was so drawn to Simon and never gave up on him no matter how hard Simon tried to get rid of him. Even when he had to make the hard decisions for him and Simon, he did it from a place of love and knew that it’s what was most beneficial for them to be happy in the long run.

I also really loved how accepting he was of his sexuality changing, and that his friends and family took it in stride and were instantly on board. For sure excited for more of this series & to see more of Jude and his hobby, Ollie and Lucas too!
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
402 reviews143 followers
September 14, 2023
Five fucking months and then him. My light in the darkness. A hope I didn't know I'd find.

🌟 Star Rating - 5/5
🔥 Spice Rating - 3/5

What To Expect:
🖤 MM Romance
❤️ Opposites Attract
🖤 Obsession
❤️ Sexual Awakening
🖤 Coworkers
❤️ HEA

He's turned my life inside out and he better fucking stick around to make sure I don't fall apart at the seams.

𝑨𝑹𝑪 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘

This has to be my favourite book by Cora Rose to date! Opposites to a tee, Simon and Wesley could not be more different but gosh they are so good together. It's a slightly angstier story than Cora's normal books, with the characters backstories, and it was such a nice read. I loved getting glimpses into who they are as individuals, with Simon being more of a mystery, but the plot was super good! The tension between these two is explosive and I absolutely loved that the ending wasn't an easy one, they had to fight to be together and as it got closer to the end I really wasn't sure if they would get their happy ending! Such a swoony romance, I devoured it in one sitting and could not put it down! Another great read from Cora, I always look forward to her books!
Profile Image for megan.m.reads.
614 reviews33 followers
September 27, 2023
I have to find something else to do with my life. Obsessing over him isn’t healthy.

I devoured this! I love Cora’s writing and this gave me similar vibes to Whit. A “straight” golden retriever type paired with a quiet/mysterious guy with lots of baggage.

In this case, Wesley is obsessed with befriending his quiet coworker Simon. When Simon suddenly kisses him it completely changes Wesley’s world and he can’t get enough. Simon has some serious walls though and neither guy is the best at communicating or having an adult relationship but I found the push/pull really authentic for the characters (though frustrating for me haha). Angsty and emotional - I can’t wait for more in this series!!

“What are you thinking about?”
“You. I’m always thinking about you.”
Profile Image for Crisana.
647 reviews35 followers
October 13, 2023
Another one with so much potential but then it fell short. Such a shame as the writing is good but the characters now all sound the same. Also, what's with that 6 month separation at the end? There was no need for it, they could have just taken it slowly. And living in the same town for so long but keeping away? Nope. Simon deserved better, really.
Profile Image for SJ.
1,798 reviews17 followers
March 3, 2024
This was good, nothing earthshaking, except the bed! The sex was super hot, emotional, and very detailed. The author did a great job with the physical chemistry between Wes and Simon. It’s what kept me reading through a book full of push-pull from Simon who has a mysterious past that he has clammed up about. So much so, that he doesn’t even converse with any coworkers at the little sandwich shop in which he works with Wes. I wondered why he was even there. That question was answered as part of the plot line.
Wes is straight and gobsmacked by Simon, who looks and acts like a pretty, but nerdy, businessman or librarian. There are a lot of mentions of his button down clothes as compared to Wes who gets many of his outfits from the hamper. Their Richter Scale chemistry when they give into it is truly the glue holding the negligible story together.
At 88% the huge mystery turns out to be a common romance trope. I was very much enjoying the book until this trope landed like a bombshell in the relationship.
I skimmed to get past it, but it sapped my interest in reading anymore about the relationship. Disappointed.
I’m going to read the second book because I liked the roommates. I enjoyed every scene that Jude, Ollie, and Lucas were in. They were loyal, cheerful, and eccentric and added to the narrative. I can’t see any of them having a big drama relationship like the one in this book. At least I hope not!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,035 reviews72 followers
February 2, 2024
This was classic Cora Rose goodness. When I’m in the mood for something light and easy, I can always rely on her to deliver. A Minute More has loveable characters, over the top obsessiveness, and a great balance of sexy and sweet. I did feel the ending was rushed, and that the time jump should have either not been included, or should have been given more attention. But I did like the way it all ultimately came together. I’m definitely looking forward to more books in this series, as Wesley’s friends are all very unique characters.
Profile Image for E.L. Ough.
Author 2 books74 followers
October 10, 2023
This was a low angst read. I really enjoy Cora’s books but this one felt a bit rushed especially the ending. I didn’t really like some of the language used in the book, like when the MC was going to use the other MC as a ‘hobby’ I kind of felt like some of these things didn’t need to be there or the wording needed to be changed. I just didn’t connect with Wesley very well. I think I needed more back story on Simons past it was hinted at but not in detail.

Simon I really liked. But again I think I needed more back story.

So we have Simon who is very quiet and don’t engage with anyone at work. But Wesley is persistent and starts very slowly to get to know him and to get him to open up. They are both attracted to each other but Wesley is straight and Simon battles his inner demons that tell him it’s too soon to be with someone.

Between them though they get hot and heavy and go back and forth trying to work out this thing between them.

We get to learn a bit about simone past and why he’s like he is and we get to see Wesley come to terms with his new sexuality.

I didn’t think the break up at 87% was needed and there was quite a few time jumps so we missed quite a few bits.

But this is just my personal opinion and it won’t stop me reading any of Cora’s new books.


🫒Opposites Attract
🫒Sexual Awakening
Profile Image for KindleMMRomanceReader.
241 reviews26 followers
September 16, 2023
***ARC Review***

This is my honest review for the ARC I received.

I swear Cora Rose can do no wrong. This book is everything I didn’t know I needed or wanted. It’s just that darn good! It’s full of heat, humor, and heart. Wesley and Simon work at a small town sandwich shop together in Iowa. Simon barely talks and Wesley (and the other employees there) are extremely curious about him. Wesley’s curiosity turns into an obsession. Most of the book is from Wesley’s perspective, but it was absolutely delightful getting a few chapters from Simon’s perspective and realizing just how mutual the infatuation is.

Wesley is dealing with his newfound attraction to Simon, as well as his sexual awakening. Simon is guarded and reserved. Wesley is very open and communicative. (He reminds me of a golden retriever). Their interactions keep you on your toes! There is a bit of push and pull between both men.

There is a crap ton of chemistry in this book. Simon and Wesley are it for each other. They have a really strong pull towards one another and their connection is something that cannot be denied. Their steamy moments are h-o-t! Still, I’m a sucker for vulnerability, so I appreciated those moments and conversations immensely.

Simon is dealing with a lot. Something major has happened in his life that he really needs to work through. I don’t want to spoil too much, but there is a little bit of a separation between the MCs in this book. It tugs on the heartstrings, but it’s needed and it’s worth it. I was glad that Wesley gave Simon the courtesy, time, and space to heal (even if Simon wasn’t ready at the time). I was so happy that the MCs managed to figure everything out. It’s a well earned happy ending and the epilogue is so darn cute! (There’s also a bonus scene that you can access at the end of the book).

I loved the cast of characters in this series. Wesley’s mom and sister are awesome. Izzy and Ollie are great. Jude is hilarious and ridiculous. I questioned a couple of things he said. IYKYK. Lucas is an intriguing side character. (I’m hoping that Jude or Lucas go next in the series. I also want to see more of Seth). So, grab this book and give it a read! It’s totally going to make your day!
Profile Image for Mal.
211 reviews12 followers
September 18, 2023
What an amazing story Cora Rose has given us. I loved the way she builds it up, initially we’re only getting these peeks into Wesley’s fairly laid back world and there is a sense of stillness where you start to see him .. waking up, feel more.
Simon’s his quiet Co-worker at the sandwich shop who interacts with absolutely no one. A complete mystery. Wesley is a totally enamoured and wants to get to know him for reasons he can’t understand himself yet.

For most of the first half of the story the author still keeps us in the dark on what happening with Simon, keeping me a bit on edge, however there are hints of the forbidden and glimpses of intense longing and whispers of loss, making this so much more emotional than I was prepared for.

It makes for a fantastic reading experience because the author then coils everything tighter, all the while these two are getting closer and their chemistry is intense and explosive.. like they literally cant keep their hands off each other but nothing is revealed yet and they have still definitely crossed into some
seriously deeper attachment territory all adding to the stakes of what happens when everything is laid bare.

* Sexual awakening
* Opp attract
* Mysterious identity
* First times
* Possessive MC
* Hurt comfort
* Found family
* Emotional
* Marking

I absolutely loved the culmination and I loved the way that they fought for their HEA (I am trying so hard not to give spoilers so this is super vague 🙈😄) it’s not that you can’t really figure out what is probably coming, it’s more how they get there that just works for me.

Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Swoon: ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥.5
Angst: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Humour: 🤣🤣

Profile Image for beeisreadingromance.
311 reviews28 followers
September 26, 2023
This was such a cute read 😭 Wesley and Simon are so adorable and so silly. This was pretty instalove, quite fast paced and I didn't realise how quick I was getting through it because I couldn't put it down.

It almost felt like we were looking in? Even though this was first person dual POV I felt like an outside but not in a bad way. I can't explain it, it was like reading a diary and I loved it.

Wesley and Simon work in the same sandwich shop, and don't speak to eachother. Simon doesn't speak to anyone. But Wesley has a kinda Edward Cullen level obsession with him and is desperate to get inside his brain and know more about him. Thankfully he's a bit of a loveable himbo and breaks down Simon's barriers preeeeetty quick.

Simon is secretive, and has a past and reasons for his behaviour which we eventually find out, I loved that his chapters were secretive too but it made me maaaad 😂 couldn't put it down except I had to and I needed to know what was happening!

This touches on a couple of tough subjects as all Cora Rose books do but it of course is also absolutely hilarious in the classic Cora Rose way, and nice n spicy.

Some hilarious side characters in this too and maybe some nuggets of next books and I can't wait! Especially for Jude. He is a nut and I love it!

~ARC received from @breathlesslitpa & @coraroseromance and this is my honest review~
Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews

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