M-Con V1
Coming Soon
Revolutionize Mobile Gaming
With a Device That Fits In Your Pocket
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, it's rare to encounter a product that fundamentally shifts the paradigm, transforming how we interact with the digital world. M-Con stands at the forefront of such a revolution, introducing a groundbreaking mobile phone controller set to redefine mobile gaming. Our inception was inspired by a vision to turn the smartphone into a genuine gaming console, combining portability, ergonomic design, and aesthetic appeal into a single, revolutionary device.
Redefine Mobile Gaming
The inception of this device stemmed from a distinct need: a controller that would seamlessly integrate with the smartphone, enhancing rather than impeding the user's experience, whether attached or detached, whether Gaming or just using the phone as intended. It had to be so sleek that it could reside in your pocket alongside your AirPods, phone, and wallet without inconvenience. The attachment process needed to be effortless, encouraging its use anytime, anywhere without hesitation. Moreover, it was imperative that this device offer the full functionality of a console-level controller. The form factor that resulted from these essential requirements shaped the perfect controller for the smart phone and for the user. That is the M-Con V1, the next indispensable device in the pockets of people Worldwide.
The Perfect Form factor
In 2023, M-Con's Founder and CTO, Josh King, at 19, crafted the first prototype of the M-Con controller in his parents' basement during his college spring break. The inspiration dated back to 2018 when PewDiePie's viral Minecraft series captured Josh's attention. He was faced with the challenge of playing without a console or PC, so he turned to his phone, as many young people had before. With Apple's rollout of Xbox controller support, the timing was perfect; Josh immediately obtained an Xbox controller from the nearest GameStop. Playing Minecraft on his phone throughout the summer, he identified many glaring issues with this method of play. However, this year-long experience also highlighted the iPhone's remarkable yet devastatingly untapped gaming potential. M-Con's mission is to unlock and enhance this potential to its fullest, and then some. More than any other phone controller ever imagined possible.
M-Con’s Story
What People Are Saying
“Amazing build quality, honestly this sort of device is what I wish would make a big come back for modern mobile gaming. Most third party controllers work great, but you hit the nail on the head about why I dislike them. 10/10.”
— @o0kaelas
“THIS IS AMAZING! I've always been an Android guy, but I always thought... How nice it would be to have a new and modern PSP go phone of sorts! And then I thought of course, if a third party controller would be to pop up in the market, it would be for iPhone! And you finally did it! Nicely doneeee!!! Hope you get the attention you deserve and make it real!”
— @jolugar258
“Even though I'm an android-guy and rarely play on my phone, you sold me on this. Great prototype and awesome video, dude!”
— @Gibirabatibinaba
“Still waiting on the day you, or a company makes a device like this available for order.”
— @o0kaelas
“Man, I knew you were going to do awesome things when I saw the retractable wings video, but this is another level. As someone who has spent weeks printing relatively large project boxes and fitting components in, I feel like the work it must have taken to design this, minimize the size, keep it ergonomic, must have been painstaking... I am blown away. I cannot wait to see these get to market, and I also cannot wait to see what you do in the years to come.”
“This is one of the coolest DIY things I have ever seen.”
— @wonderwhatchannel