Best Book On Statistics No One is Talking About.

Pritam Pandit
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2022


Find out the secrets of gambling with probability

I googled everything to learn Data Science through self study. The journey met with a hurdle to study statistics.

Most of online content was HOW to do stuff in Python and R . Like plotting histograms in Python, But I wanted to know about the WHAT and WHY part of the Statistics to make solid grasp on core concepts.

In an Interview with Khan Academy, Elon Musk stated that the WHY of the learning helps our brain to store useful knowledge. What and How of any skill means use or technique of any skill. The Why part tells us more about real world problem solving.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

One day during browsing on Kaggle, I found reference to book “Statistics in Cartoon”. The books is 2 decades old and have amazing reviews of amazon.

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Let me explain why this book is amazing and you should try it

1) Order :

Tim Ferris in his famous book, “Four hour Chef” based on speed up learning and mastering skills. “That most of the content to learn about anything does not hold very good at order in which we need to learn the skills.”

I cannot agree less on this part Order in How things are taught is super important when learning new skills.

2) Reduced Complexity :

Any damn fool can make it complex. It takes a genius to make it simple” - Ray Dalio.

All the topics taught in the book are expressed in extremely simple language it to understand for large audience.

I studied Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course. but Advanced Regression concepts form the book actually ringed the bell in my brain.

3) Real World examples :

The Real World examples and case studies is great way to learn the statistics concepts. Eg. The concepts of Confidence Interval is very well explained with the Election Polls..

4) History :

Every new challenge needs to be tackle in new way. History of statistics teach us how techniques have improved and invented.

But Wait, what about the Practical Part of Statistics.

Well for that we have some outstanding books which explains the concepts with code in Python and R.

  1. Practical Statistics
  2. Think Stats

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you can also check out StateQuest amazing videos and the blog StatisticsHowTo.

I hope these resources and books will be helpful on your quest to study Statistics.

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Pritam Pandit

Playing at the Intersection of Data Science and Engineering.