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Shameless #1-3

The Shameless Series Boxed Set

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Five years ago, Jane helped presidential candidate’s daughter Lindsay after an unspeakable crime. Now it’s Jane who stands accused, caught at the heart of a presidential candidate’s scandal that threatens her very life.

As people in her life turn up dead, she swears she’s innocent, but forces around her continue to make her look like the betrayer — and possibly, the murderer.

Can her bodyguard, Silas, save her?

Better yet — can he trust her as the two fight an attraction that could put them both in danger?

Or is Jane not who she seems?
The Shameless Series Boxed Set takes A Shameless Little Con, A Shameless Little Lie, and A Shameless Little Bet and gives you the entire trilogy in one pulse-pounding read.

Get the audiobook, narrated by Virginia Rose and Aaron Shedlock, as well and give your imagination a wild ride!

1040 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2020

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About the author

Meli Raine

29 books1,823 followers
USA Today bestselling author Meli Raine rode her first motorcycle when she was five years old, but she played in the ocean long before that. She lives in New England with her family.

Join her New Releases and Sales newsletter at: https://meliraine.com/newsletter/

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews
Profile Image for Foxy Vixen.
197 reviews11 followers
April 9, 2022
This is a 3 Book Series that takes place mostly in California, some in Texas and a very little bit in DC.
I listened to the Audio on Hoopla, and the narration was 5 Stars!
The 3 books in the series is:
The Con
The Lie
The Bet
Below is a list of the main characters.

Alice-She is the one that lives in Texas, in her 90’s, a daughter of a prior US VP and Supreme Court Judge. She’s also a past professor of Jane’s. Very, very interesting lady.

Silas- Bodyguard for Jane which turns into more than a bodyguard! Did I mention McSteamy!

Monica- Wife to the Senator and trying very hard to become our next US First Lady. Evil.

Kelly- Sila’s niece, really neat little girl. Got to see the Princess Tea Party!

Joey- Sila’s Cat

Jane-main character in the book. The first 2 books are told by Jane’s perspective, the 3rd book is told by Jane & Sila’s perspectives. I really believe this lady has 9 lives!

Lindsay-The Senator’s and Monica’s Daughter and Jane’s best friend and a real survivor!

Senator-running for President of the US and a current sitting Senator. Douchbag!

Anya- Jane’s mother

Lily- Jane’s look alike and a wonderful florist

Drew- Lindsay’s husband and Sila’s BFF and boss.

Duff- Sila’s back-up for Jane’s Bodyguard and chauffeur of the Black SUV

Warning! There are many intense sexual scenes in these books, especially in the 1st book. I have a feeling that is why this series has such a high Star Rating. Me, not such a fan, don’t get me wrong, I like a little sexual tension in my mystery/thrillers, but this was really over the top. If you took the sexual scenes out, you probably could have 2 books instead of 3.

These 3 books were very drawn out to me, if it wasn’t for the great narration, this boxed set could’ve easily become a DNF for me.
Profile Image for Cheryl   Graham-Petit.
4,115 reviews23 followers
November 1, 2020
O.M.G.! This book had me hooked from the get go. A Shameless Little Con is filled with twists, danger, suspense, mystery, turmoil, betrayal, deceit... everything I love in a book.

A Shameless Little Lie picks up where the first book, A Shameless Little Con ended. This outstanding read with a great storyline, well-developed characters, plot twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat, secrets, lies, betrayal, mystery, angst, and lots of feels, will have you turning the pages in this fantastic story.

This is the third, and final, book in the Shameless series. They do need to be read in order. Well written, strong characters, obstacles, doubts, danger, suspense, excellent twists and turns, and hot steamy scenes, will keep you glued to the pages.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.
Profile Image for Amber.
1,233 reviews33 followers
October 28, 2020
A Shameless Little Con is a magnificent masterpiece that will devastatingly shatter and deliriously twist your very perception as you journey through the darkest regions of the ambition, greed, and power. You will learn about the exquisite pain and extreme isolation of being forced into the reaches of oblivion and holding onto the strains of sanity in a world turned against you. There is nothing more powerful and utterly debasing than being the center of shame, ridicule, and hate. How far can one person be made into a non-person by those who seek salacious rumors and do anything to feed an atmosphere of oppression and lies?

Jane may not have been a key player in the horrific scandal of Lindsay Bosworth, but she is still vilified as one of the monsters who dare infect their poison and filth on civilized society. Information has power and those who wield that information hold absolute power. They crawl through the walls to determine the best way to attack and hold you captive. They never attack you head on instead they hit you sideways and upside down, so that you will ever suspect them. Misdirection is their greatest weapon and they wield it with familiarity and grace. Only when one chooses to truly think about the information before them and weigh the truth from the lies are they finally able to claim a small measure of power.

The depth and purity in this story is astounding and breathtaking. There is nothing but the pure baring of the human soul to its very core. All pretention and niceties set aside for the seeking of truth and finding the very secrets of the soul. Only then can you figure out who you really are and what things in life are truly worth fighting for.

Meli Raine has captured my heart from her very first series, but this book is something very different and very special. It is pure magic that holds my very soul in its hands. It not only engages all of my senses but it ignites them on fire until they transcend to a new dimension. Raine is a true literary master of words that transform, of heart that feels and of spirit that enlightens. I have not yet found her equal, and I will cherish and savor every work of pure genius that she blesses me with. They make my heart lighter, my feet surer, and my mind freer.
Profile Image for Sue Ouellet-Cofsky.
2,245 reviews32 followers
November 2, 2020
Shameless Little Con
I'll be the first to admit that when I started this book, I felt a bit lost (despite having read the Harmless series), but once everything started to click and the suspense got seriously rolling, I absolutely couldn't put the book down. (I seem to recall a post about carrying my kindle EVERYWHERE so I could continue to read it -- I didn't want to miss a thing lol). Do you have to read the Harmless series first? I think you can still enjoy the suspense of this story without it but personally I would absolutely read those three books first so you have the background and can do like I did -- AHA -- over and over and over. Jane has been painted as the serious bad guy, people want her dead for the role she played in the kidnapping and harm done to America's sweetheart, Lindsay Bosworth. She maintains her innocence but it seems that not a soul really believes her. Silas Gentian works for Lindsay's husband Drew and is tasked with protecting Jane per Senator Bosworth's orders.

There are so many twists and Oh My God moments in this book that you sit there shaking your head saying "I never saw that one coming"; and "Give me the next book now". This does end on a doozy of a cliffhanger but it is absolutely worth the read. Meli Raine does romantic suspense amazingly and it is proven with this book!

Shameless Little Lie

Where to start on this one by Meli Raine. This is the second installation of the Shameless series and what a doozy it was. Yes there is a heck of a cliffhanger but Meli absolutely does not disappoint. The entire book had me riveted and unable to put it down just waiting for the next twist in this crazy, suspenseful story. Silas is truly one of my favorite Meli Raine characters but Jane is slowly becoming a favorite. There is a scene with Jane in the shower where you hear all her inner thoughts, feel her all-consuming pain both physical and emotional that absolutely captivated me. I kept re-reading this part because there seemed to be so much to grasp in this one scene. The rest of the book was just as captivating. The chemistry between Silas and Jane is amazing but watching Silas come to terms with Jane's truth is truly difficult because he has so many others whispering in his ear. Do these two even have a chance at a Happily Ever After? I'm not so sure but I have to say the ride is absolutely worth it. Bring on book 3 and more twisted roads please. I can't get enough of Meli's writing.

Shameless Little Bet

Meli, Meli, Meli....you kill me. You DID say you would redeem Drew and you did...but I still don't like him lol...This book is the final book in Silas and Jane's journey and it is certainly a doozy. As I was reading, I kept imagining what "the storyboard" must look like because there are so many moving parts, so many mysteries, so many different characters who have significant roles. It would seem inundating to me but Meli writes a completely seamless story where everything (well as I am starting to learn with Meli not necessarily EVERYTHING) comes together and makes some sense. With the introduction and more information on certain characters, I now know I need to go back and read The Breaking Away and Coming Home series because I NEED to know more (not a requirement though to enjoy this series for the record). If you enjoy twisted suspense with some definite steam, this entire series is a great place to be.
1,741 reviews12 followers
November 1, 2020
Read each book individually and experimented lot of emotions while reading Jane’s calvary. The intensity of the plot development had me intrigued and on edge most of the time following clues, expecting the worst and waiting for a thrilling outcome.
A Shameless Little Con
Being a sacrifice lamb with everyone intended to chop and had a piece of you had become Jane’s reality. Treacherous, unworthy and dangerous, everybody thought that she was. How to prove she was another victim? Who could listen and trust her? A rollercoaster of emotions and circumstances that added to an exciting and intense search for the truth behind the conspiration against the Senator. Even I was thinking the worst of Jane so, I devoured this first book in one night. Intrigue, mortal situations, lot of suspense, a romance in the making and secrets well kept in a cliffhanger that left me with eyes open wide. I enjoy stories with lot of drama, strong issues and action and this first book was really good.
A Shameless Little Lie
Knowing the truth about her father complicated more her situation. Jane was a scapegoat everybody wanted a piece of her, and she wasn’t ready to trust anybody, even Silas was out of the equation and with a big twist in the events seems like she was right. Intense drama, lot of suspense, intrigue and heated passion, violence in this second part that had me at the edge all the time. A rollercoaster of emotions with the protagonist’s distraught permeating the action. Way to keep me reading immersed in the exciting plot development! Can’t wait for the outcome of the web of lies and intrigue threatening Jane’s life.
A Shameless Little Bet
Third book in the series with more unexpected conflicts and mind blown situations that kept me at edge. Deception, intrigue, suspense, violence, a mystery character, mind games, and a sense that there were more things hidden. Jane and Silas had a lot to go through with doubts and violence threatening at each pace. The way the author was connecting the characters and former events was spectacular. My mind was in overdrive following the interesting connections and situations that had kept the action flowing all the time. Way to keep my attention!
Profile Image for Pamela.
206 reviews5 followers
November 2, 2020
I have read these books individually and here is my review of the first book in the series "A Shameless Little Con"
Wow! Wow! Those are the first words that came to my mind as I was reading this new book by Meli Raine. This is the first book in her new Shameless series so if you expect it to end on the last page that is not going to happen. It will end with a cliff hanger and boy did it! I was not prepared for how it did in fact end and I knew going in that would not be finished with this book! I started this book on Thursday evening and finished it on Friday I could not stop reading, it was just so good! This series starts about 6 months after the Harmless series ended ( which was an excellent series). We see a lot of the characters from that series here as well! I was so glad to see Lindsay and Drew but this is Jane and Silas story. We even see Lindsay's awful mother Monica and she is still as evil as ever! This series focus is on Jane and her quest to prove that she had nothing to do with what happened to Lindsay. She is determined to prove to all of those doubters that she is telling the truth and as of now only her friend and former teacher Alice believes her! This book has many twists that I didn't see coming! It has some sweet moments, sad moments, funny moments along with some hot and oh no that did not happen moments. I can not wait to read the next book in this series to see what happens next to Jane and if she and Silas get closer( I so do hope so!) The other two books in this series are just as gripping...Take a chance on the series you will be happy that you did.
Profile Image for Kirsten Evans.
90 reviews3 followers
November 5, 2020
OMG!!! WOW!! So many twists and turns from one book to the next…

Jane is trying to get through the problems of being involved in the kidnapping and rape of her best friend, Lindsey, and the supposed betrayal of her mother. But, with so many tentacles involved in this Ruse and everything that had happened and is still happening...Jane doesnt know who she can trust! She tries to start trusting one of the girls who was originally involved and someone decides that she is not needed anymore, leaving Jane reeling.

Silas has been around since Lindsey came back from 'The Island' and is assigned to protect Jane. Even with his own personal problems causing him stress and thinking that Jane is not 100% in the clear, he still protects her from the likes of the Senators wife.

But then the twist throws the whole situation into a bigger turmoil than what it originally was!!

Talk about looking in all different directions and not knowing what is happening next. The third and final book of the Shameless Series FINALLY gave us quite a few answers we've been wondering throughout the series...not to mention the fact that Silas and Jane FINALLY get to be together!

Meli gives us many twists and turns and it is hard to keep up at some spots but, thats what keeps us reading on to find out what happens. We knew who was involved in the who mess against Jane, but now we find out for sure what was going on, how long it was going on, and exactly how far it stretched into everyone else's lives.
Profile Image for Didi Ps.
736 reviews
November 9, 2020
Shameless #1
This is the first book in a new trilogy by Meli Raine...

From the first chapter about how to “blend in” & not stand out, trying to just be normal, this book just sucks you in...

It was really believable the way the media was portrayed here, it seemed to be quite realistic. Once the media says something, everyone tends to believe them despite what the truth may be. There could just be a ray of hope from an unexpected person, though...

It had lots of suspense, it was well written... Great beginning!

Shameless #2

This is the 2nd book in the series for this romantic suspense. I loved the twists & turns, I wanted to give myself a few days to read it, but I just could not put it down... I kept wanting to tell Silas to believe her, but he just wasn’t listening to me... ;)

Shameless #3

Wow... What a series! Loved the entire story from start to finish... Lots of intrigue & suspense... A great third book for the series, a thrilling read with lots of suspense, twists & turns along the way... I can’t wait for the next series!

I got these books as ARCs in exchange for an honest review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
877 reviews4 followers
November 1, 2020
OMG! This series contains all the heart-pounding suspense, intrigue and sexual tension that Meli Raine's Harmless series had. Just when you think you've got something figured out, the author throws a strong twist in to dispel your theory and keep you on the edge of your seating tapping page after page in your e-reader! The more you find out, the less you know. I keep trying to guess who the "evil puppet master" is, but each time I think I have it narrowed down, something happens to add another suspect in to the picture. I thought the Harmless series was twisty, and that this one couldn't possibly replicate the suspense, but Meli Raine has me on the edge of my seat! For me, this is the type of book that has me wanting to flip the pages to see what happens, but I have to purposefully slow down so I don't miss a possible clue! So good!!
Profile Image for Cali Jewel.
5,124 reviews38 followers
November 6, 2020
Wow this story just grips you and does not let go... Emotionally thrilling, action packed, heart pounding twists and turns not to mention the exciting cliffhanger.

Jane is the most hated woman in America thanks to a all out media smear complain after she and her best friend (Lindsay) where kidnapped and she was accused of helping the kidnappers. She is broke and has had very thing and every one systematically striped from her life and is only living thanks to Lindsay's father providing her with shelter and a bodyguard. Silas Gentian is assigned to watch her 24/7 and keep her alive, he is also an employee of Lindsay's new husband. Very intriguing and complicated web of danger, deceit and betrayal of the deepest kind. This series is a edge of your seat, emotionally thrilling roller coaster from beginning to end.
61 reviews
November 10, 2020
Loved it! It was a great series!!!
I hate spoilers so I will not reveal any parts of the plot. I will just say that this trilogy is full of twists and turns. It is full of suspense, and mystery and the plot really really thickens but most of our questions are answered in this book and it is also full of love and lust and romance. Jane and Silas are amazing characters and I truly enjoyed their love story which was full of suspense...
I also love how the characters from all of Meli Raine's trilogies appear, mix and we keep up with them in this series as well. I like that I have read all the books in order (even though it is not necessary in order to read this trilogy) but it gives you a better insight and understanding and I can't wait to read Lily's book as soon as it comes out!!!!!!
Profile Image for Christine.
9,736 reviews26 followers
November 2, 2020
ARC Review For honest review. Book 1-When Jane Fonda lies,betral, and secrets she is out into danger. Body guard silas gives her love. 10 stars book 2-Silas is protecting Jane after threats are being carried out against her .she felt as if she is a small Pawn in a very big picture and they should just have their way with her but Silas will not let harm come to her 10 stars..Book 3-When a web is weaved then unwound bodies and secrets unfold. 10stars of awesome writing , suspense , and roller coaster rides.
Profile Image for Sandi.
535 reviews
November 1, 2020
I love how Silas protects Jane. It is his job but it is turning into more. This series is full twist and turns and you can't trust anyone. Who is telling the truth? Who wants Jane dead? Can Silas keep her alive until they solve this mystery. Every time I think I know who is the bad guy, something happens and maybe it's someone else. I love Jane and Silas together. This is a must read.
Profile Image for VoraciousReader.
1,432 reviews
September 18, 2021
I got this series on sale for $.99 on Amazon. Despite supposedly being a standalone, I quickly realized that I wouldn't have a clue what was going on without reading the previous series. I hate being manipulated like that. 🤬
Profile Image for Sophie Ruthven.
2,015 reviews137 followers
November 2, 2020
Absolutely adore this author and every book by her, so having this handy boxset so you don't have to flick between books and ruin your white knuckle binge session is a no brainer.
Profile Image for Andi.
1,055 reviews
November 10, 2020
Amazing series, full of plot twists and turns. I loved the characters & the storyline was a roller coaster ride from start to finish!
24 reviews
January 5, 2021

Loved these characters so many twists and turns! I couldn’t put this series down!!! Stayed up late many of nights to read! Highly recommended
3 reviews
March 12, 2021
Kept me captivated.

Made me want to skip to the end then go back to fill in all the blanks. Glad I didn't. But what about Lilly? I still have questions to be answered.
Profile Image for angela yargus.
369 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2021

I am so enjoying life , living in Meli Raine's stories!
I am on to the next series! At 85.5 years, I hope I survive the next, and the next......
Profile Image for Auntmolly.
558 reviews
June 15, 2023
This will be the second time reading this series. I forgot some of the details, so most of it was like reading a new story. I liked it again and was satisfied with the whole thing.
Profile Image for Barmybelle.
508 reviews13 followers
October 10, 2023
Would have been a 5 if not for my annoyance at Jane. She’s naive or stupid, I can’t decide which.
Profile Image for Nicola.
220 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2021
AUDIO VERSION - This started off well but I did find Jane a bit long winded at times. She just seemed to go on and on and on.
The story itself was pretty good, although predictable at times, but it didn't tie up some of the loose ends that were key throughout the books, like why exactly Jane had to help the 3 perpetrators from the Harmless Series, who her informant was, why Duff seemed so familiar and why Romeo gave her the creeps. Hopefully these will be answered in the next series.
It was also difficult at times to tell the difference between speakers as the narrators voices weren't always different enough to be able to tell who was who.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews

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