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Shopping for a Billionaire #17

Shopping for a Yankee Swap

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Christmas is nostalgia heaven for my family (unless you count the Christmas tree fire last year, which we won't...).

Mom owns more holiday decorations than twelve area malls combined. Dad prides himself on hand-chopping the best live tree, while my older sister perfected peppermint cookies to the point of unparalleled bliss, and my younger sister has memorized every Christmas carol with her fingers for a piano bash that goes on and on.

And on.

But this year, Christmas is different.

This year, the McCormick men are joining the Yankee Swap.

You know how it works, right? Bring the craziest gift you can possibly find, pick a number, open the presents in order and play “steal the gift” until person Number One gets one last chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

My husband, Declan, is on a mission to win. He's so sure he can find the absolutely, positively, unreservedly weirdest gift that he's willing to go to any extreme to find it.

Any extreme.

That's right.

He's going thrift store shopping with my mother. The billionaire and the frugal queen are on a quest.

Only one will win.

And on Christmas evening, after we're stuffed silly, sung out, the kids fall asleep and the adults break out the bizarre presents and the alcohol, it'll be showtime.

Because there ain't no competition like a McCormick competition.

But the Jacoby family has a trick or ten up its sleeves, too.

Declan and Shannon are back in yet another hilarious Christmas family saga in Julia Kent's New York Times bestselling romantic comedy series.

It's a competitive Yankee Swap - what could go wrong? Read and find out ;) .

228 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 23, 2020

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About the author

Julia Kent

115 books7,939 followers
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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 5 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.

From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire in a rom com).

She also writes romantic suspense as Meli Raine, sexy shifter romances as DJ Jennings, billionaire shifters as half of the author team Diana Seere, and co-authors with Elisa Reed.

She lives in New England with her husband and three children in a household where she is the only person with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by:

Email at jkentauthor@gmail.com

Twitter @jkentauthor

Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jkentauthor

Instagram @jkentauthor

Visit her at http://jkentauthor.com


Love You Again (Love You, Maine, #2), July 19, 2022

Ten First Kisses (anthology with my story, Shopping for a Booty Call), August 12, 2022

Love You More (Love You, Maine, #3), October 11, 2022

Love You Now (Love You, Maine, #4), January 3, 2023

Author photo credit: Felix Rust http://www.felixrust.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 125 reviews
Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,168 reviews828 followers
August 8, 2023
The last book in the series so far, and it’s bittersweet. I’ve grown so fond of the characters and it feels like there is still so many stories to tell. There were some really funny moments in this installment and I had a great time listening to the story.
December 21, 2020
McCormick Men are VERY Competitive, but the Jacobys aren't Far Behind!
Such a Great addition to my Beloved Series! I love This gang so much, Shannon+Declan are My Favs and I can't put it into words how much I Loved seeing them here. The Fun & Feels are on Spot Perfect. I Laughed-out-loud (Especially during the Yankee Swap: a Weird tradition to Exchange Crazy gifts) AND Choked up on my emotions many times throughout the story. It was reminiscing & Making new memories Alongside. The Writing is Beautiful & Smooth as Always❤.
DEVOURED this in 5hrs but I didn't want it to End! *ARC Received for a Honest Review.*

So this is from Shannon+Declan's POV. Its time for S+D's Baby Ellie's 3rd Christmas & we all know how her 1st X-mas went in Shopping for a Baby's First Christmas (😂). Also Andrew+Amanda's Twins are around 15 months! And The Way the Bonus Epilogue of the previous Book had ended (Andrew was the CEO of their Family Company Anterdec And..He QUIT!!)...So I was Extra Excited for this book! We also get some emotions from James (Dec's Dad) in this book who's normally Stony.

The book starts around Thanksgiving, & Dec realises That he needs to make Changes So that he can Spend even more time with his Family. And I Adore how as days pass, he makes a real effort on it! Plus S+D are now trying for their 2nd baby (Another Baby Book, Please? *hint, hint*) Cue Hot Sexy times!
From Meeting in Male's Urinal to falling in love to now being loving parents, Shannon+Dec had so much Character Development in the series. She's more Confident & Dec's more Emotional!
~It was hot Seeing Dec go all Alpha When a Guy (Piece of Shit!!) Was Very Rude to Shannon During an Event.

Dec also spends some Quality hours with Shannon's parents (Marie & Jason) here!
There's Lots of Fun, banters & Some Troubles when Dec & his younger bro Andrew accompany (why?) Jason & The Scouts to get Wreaths (& A Tree) from Jason's friend's Farm in Maine.
Then Later Dec went with Marie to a 'Flea Market' so that she could show him her 'Yankee Swap Ways'. I laughed with their Usual Banters & Shenanigans AND was in *Happy tears* when Dec found His Mom's Momento!
~All guys Together in the gym was Funny as usual! And that Dinner of Dec & Terry (D's older bro) with James was Expected but Still Full of Surprises!
P.s. I really like Dave, Dec's Executive Assistant!

Then Comes the Christmas Day!
This year its only immediate family: 11 adults, 1 teenager, 4 kids, Laughs & Oversharing Involved!
Gotta say, seeing Jacobys & McCormicks being a family warmed my heart❤.
The Main Event, The Epic Jacoby Yankee Swap (Whose rules had to be told to the Rich McCormicks😂 & me..) was so Damn worth the wait! ❤😍😁😂😋😉😘
I loved the Swoony Ending💙.
"I'm holding my dream in my arms and I wouldn't swap him for anything."
>>AND I'm so excited about the News that Amy (Shannon's Younger sis) & Hamish (McCormick Cousin) are getting their own Story!
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Profile Image for Diane (Books and Tequila Blog).
1,442 reviews66 followers
December 24, 2020
I loved this fun addition to the Shopping Series. Shannon’s family is introducing Declan and his family to the Jacoby’s traditional Christmas Yankee swap. And the McCormick men don’t even have a clue! It’s a bit of a competition for the best gag gift, so everyone wants to win.
Along with the shopping shenanigans the author gives us a little catch up with the whole cast of characters. It was great to get another glimpse into Shannon and Declan’s life.
-4.5 Stars!-
553 reviews3 followers
December 20, 2020
As usual Julia Kent has you laughing over and over! The Jacoby’s, McCormick’s and the rest of the Shopping series characters are back with all the love, competition, family drama, hot times and a surprising number of emotional/sentimental moments that tug on your heartstrings and help you understand the characters just a little more. I couldn’t put this down as usual with this series! I would love to she my favorite laughs and tears but I don’t want to spoil it, so just know be careful where you read this if sudden laughter or a tear or two will be a problem! Thanks Julia for another great book in this series! I can’t wait for Shopping For A Turkey to be released!
Profile Image for Linda Dossett.
939 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2020
This light hearted story from one of my favorite authors, is exactly what I have come to expect from Julia Kent, humorous, heartwarming, slapstick fun. We catch up with the McCormick\Jacoby families as they celebrate the Holidays in a way only they can. Well worth the read. Grab this one.
Profile Image for Shelley.
680 reviews4 followers
December 14, 2020
Shopping for a Yankee Swap (or you might know it as a white elephant or dirty Santa gift exchange) is the 17th book in the Shopping for a Billionaire series. It could be read as a standalone and if you have an eccentric family member, you will find some parallel laughs in this Christmas season book.

James, Terry, Declan and Andrew are pulled into the Yankee Swap for the first time ever this holiday. They are having a hard time with the concept of one man's junk being another man's treasure. Follow Jason, Jeffrey and Tyler's boy scout troop on a snowy adventure, be prepared for three adorable toddlers and all the crazy that comes with a Jacoby family Christmas day celebration. Laughs and love enough to go around for everyone!
Profile Image for BookAddict.
1,786 reviews149 followers
December 23, 2020
As only Kent can do, she brings together the McCormick and Jacoby families for the holidays in a captivating, humorous, full-of-feels, delightful story that I couldn’t get enough of. I’m not sure if it was the laugh-out-loud hilarity, the outrageous Christmas practices and competitiveness, or the poignant, breathtaking, incredibly special reveal, but this book made my heart ridiculously happy!

This holiday story is a fantastic way to get to know the characters in the Shopping Series, or to catch up with ones you’ve come to love if you’ve already read the other books. Of course, Declan and Andrew continue to compete over everything, and adding kids to the mix gives them even more ways to be competitive.

It's time to make plans for the Jacoby family’s annual Yankee Swap gift exchange, where the most unique and preposterous gift wins. All of the McCormick men will be joining in this year, and Declan is determined to have the best gift. So determined that he agrees to go shopping (spoiler alert: Declan does NOT shop) with the Queen of Thrift and the Maven of Flea Markets, his mother-in-law. She takes Declan to a place he likens to a tent city after hurricane Katrina, where he finds far more than he ever imagined.

This light-hearted book is so much fun! But don’t let that fool you, because there are some touching, moving moments that are better than the Grinch's heart growing three sizes or Scrooge vowing to honor Christmas in his heart. So settle in with your favorite drink and a cozy blanket and join in the best Yankee Swap this side of the Mississippi. It's the ultimate holiday read full of humor and heart, and you won’t want to miss it!
Profile Image for Kari.
255 reviews5 followers
December 22, 2020
"Who came up with the idea to bring the craziest gift possible, have people pick numbers out of a hat, and then systematically steal the most prized gift from each other? You have to have a sense of humor and be a bit of a sadist--and a holiday one at that--to enjoy such a ritual."

Any time I get to revisit the characters who made me fall in love with Julia Kent's writing, I'm a happy reader. I fell in love with Shannon and Declan in the first ever book in Julia's Shopping series, and each installment reminds me why I keep coming back again and again -- I will read any book Julia writes in this series!

Shannon Jacoby McCormick comes from a strange, humble family --one where every penny is pinched, thrift stores are fun, and neighbors help neighbors just because. Her husband, Declan McCormick, comes from money. Growing up, he was taught time = money, and he and his brother Andrew like to throw money at problems instead of looking for creative solutions to fix them.

After an especially traumatizing Christmas 2 years ago that led to a burning tree and new sheetrock in her parents' home, Shannon is looking forward to the annual Christmas yankee swap. First, though, Declan must be subjected to his mother in law's idea of holiday shopping, at a local flea market, where he finds an item with an unexpected amount of sentimental value.

As always, this newest installment in the Shopping series is filled with witty banter, sexy scenes, the reality of parenting toddlers, and Julia Kent's own brand of smart introspection. Add in a competitive look at a beloved Christmas tradition, and you've got yourself a fun, sexy holiday read.
Profile Image for Liz.
1,355 reviews12 followers
December 23, 2020
And they say that the McCormick men are competitive! Compared to the Jacoby’s and their Christmas Yankee swap, Declan and Andrew are rank amateurs. This book, while letting you catch up with all your favourite characters in the Shopping For a Billionaire series, will have you laughing out loud at the antics of Shannon, Declan & co. I’ve never read books before where the main characters are billionaires but at the same time manage to come across as being so normal and down earth….. or maybe it’s just the pure craziness of Shannon’s parents, Jason and Marie that makes them come across that way. For me, hidden amongst the hilarity of Yankee Swap such as Declan experiencing flea markets, was a touch of pathos with James, Declan and Andrew’s father. He’s really a character I do not like and his behaviour towards Andrew in this book just reinforces my dislike but I have to confess to feeling a little pang on Christmas Day. For all he was in attendance it was like he was standing on the outside looking in. This book was the perfect escape from all the turmoil in the world right now and I can’t wait for the next book in the series Shopping For A Turkey when hopefully the world will be back to normal.
Profile Image for Pamela.
206 reviews5 followers
December 21, 2020
This is book 17 in the Julia Kent's Shopping series...wow and it just keeps getting better with each book! This book has all of my favorites...more Shannon, Declan, Andrew, Amanda, Ellie and the twins with of course Marie and Jason. We have Shannon and Marie shopping for the Christmas Yankee Swap together and Declan and Marie as well. While doing that together they find something precious to Declan's family! Declan and Jason spend some time together on a road trip with Andrew and some Boy Scouts to a tree farm for wreaths etc. There is a hint of another child for Shannon and Declan which would be so excited and so another book! We see the family which included James and Terry, Pam and Carol and Amy and Carol's boys all gather for Christmas there are laughs, sighs, couples sneaking away while their children are sleeping...you can probably guess who that couple is...(hint their names start with "A"! This book has lots of laughs, moments with tears, sighs and swoony moments. I fell in love with this family in the very first book and just love them even more with each book that I read. I want to thank Julia Kent for giving me the opportunity to read this book in advance of it's relase...You have done it once again...just as I expected this book does not disappoint!
Profile Image for Joe Kendall.
608 reviews3 followers
December 25, 2020
Seventeen books in and I still cant get enough of these characters.
Declan and Shannon's exploits along with their families is gold, pure genius.
I laughed out loud many times, snorted quite a few and nearly wet myself with glee :-) nothing new with this series then.
Declan is new to the Yankee Swap (just like me coming from the UK). But when Declan commits to something, he is all in.
Just like Jason and Bessie. Not giving it everything is not an option.
The raw emotion coming from the page and serious undertones gives depth and heart. The reality of life seeps through, making the joy all the more genuine.
Shannon thinks she has the upper hand but Marie wants to win at all costs and she pays all her children off against each other.
I love this series, these characters and their lives. I know it has to come to an end at some point, I just home there are lots more tales first.
I highly recommend this book, series and author wholeheartedly
498 reviews1 follower
December 24, 2020
Ah, the time-honored tradition of the yankee swap, or white elephant gift exchange as we Okies refer to it… always a fun way to bring families together to lie, cheat, and steal their way to the best of the worst gifts imaginable. And when those families are the Jacobys and McCormicks? Well, hilarity and utter ridiculousness is sure to follow. This book was such a lovely bit of goodness and fun in a year that has been sorely lacking in both. It’s absolutely laugh-out-loud funny while also managing to be sincere, touching, and downright hopeful. I completely adored this book! And I challenge anyone to read it and not end up with a smile on your face. Thank you Julia Kent for this wonderful and unexpected gift.

* I was given an ARC of this book and voluntarily chose to review. All of my opinions are honest and entirely my own.
Profile Image for Amber - TBR Book Blog.
1,235 reviews50 followers
December 24, 2020
Welcome back to the crazy world of Shannon and Declan! I never realize how much I miss these characters until I read the latest installment of their story. And then it makes me want to go back and read the start of the series with Shannon mystery shopping. Which I might just do because why not?

I'd never heard of a Yankee Swap, so I'm glad it was explained. It's essentially what I know as a white elephant party/gift. This year, the Jacoby Christmas tradition will include the McCormicks. BUT in true McCormick fashion, it's a competition over who can get the most ridiculous gift within the parameters.

If you've read this series, you know the hilarity that can ensue and certainly does in this latest installment. Between the crazy Jacoby family, to the staunchness of the McCormick men, there are tons of laugh out loud moments that only the "Shopping" series can bring.
Profile Image for Didi Ps.
739 reviews
December 20, 2020
Shannon & Declan’s story continues, with Declan deciding to spend more time at home & with some talk about expanding their family. This holiday, the Yankee Swap (a weird tradition of exchanging crazy gifts) is coming back, with Shannon’s mother at the helm. She is, of course, a “funny eclectic sadist...”

Does anyone need a stool sample hospital refrigerator?
How about an envelope doinker?
How does one break a ThighMaster, anyway?

This book has it all...

Including “the realization that testosterone” is no match for “estrogen-filled creatures...”

With their MIL Marie shopping for the Yankee swap with a gigolo - uh, I mean Declan - at a Flea Bath, what could go wrong?

Does anyone want a lobster trap bassinet?

How do you make Bessie, a lovely Xmas tree, fit into a livingroom when she’s too tall for the ceiling? Well, all you need is a reverse Grand Canyon!

Julia Kent doesn't disappoint...

Just pick up this book to find out more about this & many other funny situations...

I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Julia.
Author 1 book49 followers
December 20, 2021
Fun read. Perfect for this time of year.

Enjoyed the audiobook very much, too.
Profile Image for Judi Borne.
58 reviews
January 16, 2021
Just as entertaining as the rest of this series of books. It could be a stand alone but reading the whole series fills in all the gaps. I would recommend the whole series.
Profile Image for Ann.
1,820 reviews32 followers
December 27, 2020
A much needed Christmas memory

I have followed these characters from the beginning of the series. Each book has me laughing out loud and this book is no different. All the characters are dear to me. The McCormick men have grown and evolved since their involvement in the Jacoby family. The Christmas family gathering was special to me because the pandemic prevented me from having my extended family to celebrate this year. I loved this book!
Profile Image for Toi.
3,834 reviews
December 29, 2020
Cute Read

What an cute funny read - learned a lot about a Yankee Swap (might have to do this next year). Looks like lots of exciting things in the future.
Profile Image for Kristen Lewendon.
7,784 reviews49 followers
April 17, 2024
There are two things I love about this series. The first, and probably the most obvious thing I love about the McCormick and Jacoby families, is that anything they’re involved in is guaranteed to make me laugh so hard I hurt myself. The other thing I love about this series is a little sneakier. It’s nowhere near as in-your-face as the comedy. I love that these books have moments of great introspection and give me the opportunity to think about my own opinions on some heavy personal topics. Things like: what defines a family, how do you determine a person’s worth, what’s the true measure of success? The McCormick men, in particular, are faced with these questions, and some of the answers they come up with pleasantly surprised me. I know that any time spent with Shannon and Declan (and their extended clans) will be wildly entertaining and be over long before I’m ready for it to end. And that’s exactly how I’m feeling now, laughing and happy, but it was over far too soon. I’m more than ready to come back and do this again with the next one.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Diane.
2,330 reviews18 followers
May 18, 2024
The latest Jacoby/McCormick holiday adventure includes Boy Scouts adventures, Christmas tree cutting, emergency helicopter rides, Yankee Swap gift hunting, and loads of fun with toddlers as Declan and Andrew learn there’s more to life than work. I loved their transition from workaholics to family men, their constant rivalry, and their wildly entertaining euphemisms concerning canoodling with their lovely wives. Marie is up to her usual shenanigans but she’s mellowed a lot and Shannon and Amanda are closer than ever. In befitting style Tanya Eby and Zachary Webber really delivered with hilarity and heartwarming moments.
336 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2020
“Shopping for a Yankee Swap” is part of Julia Kent’s long running “Shopping” series. It’s thoroughly enjoyable, and fans of the series won’t be disappointed. And although it’s probably not the best novel to enter the series with (I’d recommend an earlier one), it’s still likely to be highly enjoyable for new readers.

This series of romance novels usually comes with a solid helping of humor; here I found a little less humor than usual, and a little more serious reflection on issues such as attitudes to money, and family support or lack thereof. This is no bad thing. Although this is clearly a romance novel, it’s one in which “boy” has already got “girl”, and reflection on some of the compromises that go into creating and maintaining a family deepens those romances.

Shannon and Declan have decided that it’s time to give toddler Ellie a sibling, and that means a look at some of their priorities around family and work. Declan’s brother Andrew and his wife Amanda are exhausted by their sixteen month old twins, and have already begun making changes similar to the ones Declan and Shannon are thinking about.

But despite the child induced chaos (and anyone who’s ever parented a young child will find a lot of familiarity and humor in some of the situations that confront them), each person rises to the challenge of the Yankee Swap.

Not familiar with the concept? You have a low price limit – in this case $20 – and your goal is to find the craziest, weirdest, most unexpected, present possible. Shannon’s mother is the queen of the Yankee Swap, and determined to keep her crown. But she hasn’t reckoned with the competitive instincts of the McCormick men. She’ll have to surpass all previous craziness if she’s to keep her crown.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. Kent finds humor in common situations, which means most readers will find something that strikes a chord. As I noted, I felt this novel focused a little less on humorous scenes than earlier novels. However, in dealing with some quite serious issues – like different attitudes to money – Kent has a light enough touch that this is still something of a romp. This is partly due to her writing style, and partly because her set up is a little far fetched: Andrew, Declan, their brother Terry, and their father, are all billionaires, meaning that their attitudes are far, far distant to those of average people.

(Although not unrecognisable. Who among us wouldn’t love to be able to solve problems instantly through the application of a little money?)

One caution for new readers: Kent’s books usually rest equally on situation and character, making them accessible both to new readers and to those who are following any particular series. However, to me “Yankee Swap” rests more on character. That means that while new readers will have no trouble working out what’s going on, they may find that it has less emotional impact than if they were already familiar with the characters.

And one general caution: some scenes are fairly sexually explicit. If you prefer your romances with misty curtains drawn over such scenes, this may not be the novel for you.

“Shopping for a Yankee Swap” is an unpretentious, fun romance particularly well suited to established fans of the series. However, most romance fans will find something to enjoy here. Indeed, even non-romance readers who are looking for something light but with a serious under current may enjoy this.

If you enjoyed this review, please visit www.otherdreamsotherlives.home.blog to read more.

382 reviews
March 9, 2021
Like the rest of the series, this book is just as funny.

While Declan and Shannon decide they are going to try for baby number two, Declan has to learn the art of shopping at thrift stores. Who is better to teach him than Marie. Declan is at a loss of the word Flea Market, complaining that why would anyone want to buy fleas! Poor Declan, this day is going to be long one. Of course, the reason for this, is the annual Yankee Swap held on Christmas Day at the Jacoby household. He is bewildered that people would pay real money for the junk he is seeing. When he spots a tent with different styles of stained glass. Looking at the beautiful pieces, Declan asks the owner what she’s doing there when the pieces he’s looking at are actual works of art. Come to find out this was owned by the owners father, who had an art studio. Some pieces were created by him, others by his students. Declan explains he needs something ugly for the Yankee Swap. Stepping to the back of the tent, the owner comes back with a picture of different dogs playing poker at a table. Upon further inspection he notices one of the dogs looks exactly like Kilty, the dog they had when he was young. Turning the artwork over, he utters a gasp when he realizes it was his Mom who did that part of the piece.

That’s all I’m saying since I don’t want to give anything else away. You have to read this book, but make sure you start with book one Shopping for a Billionaire.
October 9, 2022
It's almost a peaceful and treasured Christmas at the Jacoby house. This season's greetings are challenged by the McCormick family Billionaires and all the kids young and old.
Julia Kent is legendary. She makes life with your own holiday drama pale in comparison.
Witty, laugh out loud, jaw dropping scenes.

If you choose the audiobook of reading this yourself, focus on the book fully.

Mildly erotic book takes women seeking out their vibrators or husbands. Genuine connections between Shannon and Declan and their frequent love making with yummy rauchy detail. You can handle it.

The families are gearing up for a gift exchange. Jacoby family calls it Yankee Swap. But there is a twist.
Mrs. Marie Jacoby and Declan Mccormick are close in-laws but their fashion tastes and financial value of items couldn't be more opposite. In a feat of desperation, Declan, reluctantly agrees to go with Marie to the thrift store to shop for gifts.
Their wackiness meets interesting plot twists.
Profile Image for Elaine Coghlan .
1,079 reviews8 followers
December 28, 2020
Shopping for a Yankee Swap~Shopping for a Billionaire bk 17 by Julia Kent
Julia has only done it yet again, this is why she is one of my top authors, how does she do that.
Shopping for a Yankee Swap is Declan and Shannon's third Christmas with Ellie, I love her names for her two uncles, so funny. Poor Declan is out with Marie on his own where he finds a perfect gift at the flea market! not telling lol not even he knew. There is a Christmas tree called Bessie for Jason and Marie~ there's more to this than just a Christmas tree.
The whole family gather at Jason and Marie's for Christmas 16 in all a full house whatever could happen, please purchase the book it is so good. Hopefully, you will also fall in love with Julia's writing just as I have.
So thank you, Julia, for yet another fantastic book and please keep them coming, I totally love this family they feel so real and true to life, enjoyable.Strongly recommend. Back to the beginning now
Profile Image for Ashley Hedden.
5,053 reviews38 followers
July 25, 2022
Shopping for a Yankee Swap (Shopping for a Billionaire #17) was a great read by Julia Kent. Christmas is a big deal in Shannon's family, even after the Christmas tree fire last year. Her mother owns more holiday decorations that most mall combined. Her dad chops the best live tree, and her sister perfected peppermint cookies. Her younger sister has memorized every Christmas carol's for a piano. Christmas is different for them this year. The McCormick men are joining the families Yankee Swap. You bring the craziest gift you can find, pick a number, open the presents in order and play "steal the gift" until the person with number one gets one last chance to snatch a gift. Her husband Declan is on a mission to win. He is willing to go to extremes to find the weirdest gifts. He has decided to go thrift store shopping with her mother. I enjoyed reading this book and cant wait to read more by the author.
Profile Image for Payton Box.
973 reviews17 followers
December 21, 2020
This was a hilarious addition to the Shopping Series and I loved seeing more of Declan and Shannon as parents and how they are making it work. With the length of this series, I love seeing how much Declan and Shannon have changed throughout each book and they are one of my all time favorites couples I've read. I get super excited for each of their books and this book did not let me down. I loved the way both Jason and Marie were able to get Declan out of his comfort zone and teach him more about the value of things money cannot buy. Additionally, I loved how much more Declan and Andrew's mom was brought up in this book and how it was explored. Those scenes made me bawl from how amazing they were!!

I hope we get to see Declan and Shannon soon with their quest to have another baby!!!
1,244 reviews3 followers
December 24, 2020
This is Shopping for a Yankee Swap, book 17 in the Shopping for a Billionaire series, written by Julia Kent. There are very few families I would rather spend Christmas with besides the McCormick and Jacoby families. Declan and Andrew are still are still as brutally competitive as before, maybe even worse now. Add the Yankee Christmas swap madness of the Jacoby's and its a free for all! Its very fun and entertaining to read of their antics while they are trying to find the best possible gift to bring for the swap. It's also got a few sniffley moments when an heirloom is accidentally unearthed. I would totally pay good money just to watch the Christmas swap game in person! This is one of my most favorite series by one of my most favorite authors!!
Profile Image for Busybeth76.
737 reviews3 followers
December 27, 2020
Finding Treasures

A fun, spontaneous novella providing quirky characters, real life situations and loving relationships. The holiday revelations that compare the rich and cosseted to regular, if a bit outrageous, folks are hilarious. But the real gem in this series of Shopping escapades is the first hand education of buying for a Yankee Swap gift and then, how to play the game. The story provides insight into the Jacoby and McCormick family dynamics, reflecting on how their social and economic backgrounds and cultures have molded them into who they are. This book also reflects how we impress and change each other through life experiences, hopefully for the better. A true diamond in a series of brilliant jewels.
Profile Image for Joy Roberts.
552 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2021
I had never heard of the yankee swap before but looking it up it shows everything. Julie you have another hint on your hands. My favorite characters are back. Declan and Shannon’s daughter is two. Andrew and Amanda’s twins boys are sixteen months. It’s Christmas time and the family is getting together. They don’t want a repeat of a couple of years ago when the animals caused the fire. Jason is the Boy Scout leader and the boys are selling wreaths. Jason asks Declan and Andrew to go along to this farm to get away. Jason was not I was picking up the wreaths he was cutting down the tree he planted 28 years ago in honor of the baby him and Marie lost.. This is the last tree that was planted in honor of the kids. This is the biggest tree they have ever had. Jadon cut branches to use for decorations. Marie has offered to take Declan shopping to find a gift for the yankee swap. Declan knows nothing about flea markets. She is helping him when something unbelievable happens. He finds a piece of his mother he can’t believe he found. Andrew wants to step down as CEO of Andertec and James McCormick has given Andrew the silent treatment. James wants Terry or Declan to take over the business. They both refuse. This is a good book. I love the family gets together. These characters are so awesome I can’t wait to find out what comes next with them
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