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The Wilcox Wombats

Puck Proposal

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My hockey career is on fire, so when my best friend from high school (and the girl I'd always want) shows up on my doorstep in trouble, I have a turn her away (not likely!) or propose.

Back then, Josephine Baxter was the unattainable debutante who took pity on the kid from the wrong side of town.

We were unlikely best friends. And she was the girl I’d never have. At least not like that.

Five years later, Joey shows up on my doorstep on the same day she’s supposed to be getting married with a plea for help.

Of course, I take her in. And when her tight-laced, controlling parents show up, demanding she return and go through with the wedding?

I tell them we’re engaged.

She’s the girl I always wanted, the one who was always out of my league.

And now that she’s here, wearing my ring and sleeping in my bed? It feels like destiny. But we both know it can’t last.

Because guys like me never end up with the girl.

Puck Proposal is a full-length, standalone hockey romcom in the Wilcox Wombats series.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 25, 2024

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About the author

Delancey Stewart

84 books835 followers
I'm USA Today Bestselling author Delancey Stewart. My contemporary romances run the gamut of settings and setups, but they always deliver humor, heart and heat. It's a guarantee.

I write from my home in Denver, CO, where I manage a household full of boys and men. Okay, only one man. The hubs. But two boys. I mean, three if you count the hubs. (You see why I do words and not numbers. I was told there'd be no math in this bio. Someone lied.)

I grew up in California and have had more jobs than anyone on earth (personal trainer, pharmaceutical rep, copywriter, tech writer, marketing director, wine seller, elementary school teacher... I'm not kidding. The list. It goes on.) But the one I love the most is writing, in part because I get to meet people who love books and stories as much as I do! Please don't hesitate to get in touch to say hello, and don't forget to join my newsletter!

Get a free story from me by joining my weekly email here: https://www.subscribepage.com/delance...

Find me at www.delanceystewart.com
Facebook: www.facebook/DelanceyWrites.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews
Profile Image for Elizabeth Connor.
1,306 reviews26 followers
April 14, 2024
Thanks to the author for an ARC of this book. I always love a second-chance love story, especially one involving high school or college sweethearts who missed their first chance at love. Josephine “Joey” Baxter and John “Sammy” Samuels are one such couple who, it’s clear from the start, are absolutely perfect for one another. Despite some initial trepidation from both of them, they quickly admit that they have always had strong feelings for one another, and eventually they admit they’ve always loved one another. Unfortunately, some people put up obstacles in their way back in high school.

I have to insert here, a quote that I loved when Joey first saw John after five years, standing next to two policemen: “John’s size and stature made both men look little, like early attempts at men that had been abandoned once the sculptor had created John.”

Everything seems to be going along too smoothly and it’s inevitable there will some kind of great conflict trying to pull them apart, and when it comes, it’s a doozy. How can they possibly overcome this obstacle? But where true love is concerned, it’s never a good idea to bet against a happy ending, and that is exactly what we get here. Along the way, both Joey and Sammy grow in their confidence and the realization that there’s a whole community prepared to support them and cheer them on to success. I really enjoyed it and I recommend it.

I have to add something I found amusing. Knowing about the author’s necessity to take Zamboni out of the title of this series, I found this exchange quite funny: “Together, the lot of these devices are referred to as Zambonis…” the ice-cleaning-machine driver explains. “But it is critical to know that the word Zamboni is a registered trademark of the Zamboni Company. The machine we use here at the Wombats rink is not a Zamboni.” Ha! Take that, Zamboni.
Profile Image for Tammy Moldovan.
1,513 reviews18 followers
April 12, 2024
Love in the midst of a messy life

It was beautiful to watch this story unfold of bruised but not broken characters. It had the perfect balance of humor, heartwarming love, real life issues, painful pasts, and spice. John and Joey are portrayed as real, relatable people who have flaws, but are really just trying to do their best as messy humans. And phew - I was felling all their big messy human feelings along with them. I have a soft spot for the people who are a bit uncomfortable in their skin because they don’t feel like they fit in or are worthy, like John (and Joey). So I love when they finally see their truth and they get swoon worthy HEAs. John is a professional hockey goalie on the Wombats. He worries that any day now they’ll realize he does not have what it takes to be a goalie or a hockey player. He’s got a whole bunch of unpacked baggage. Joey is a debutante who ran away from her stifling parents, her perfectly planned life and her picture perfect wedding to someone she is not in love with. She has an equally large bunch of unpacked baggage. John and Joey were best friends as kids but they lost touch in college. Despite losing touch, Joey heads straight to John when she runs from her wedding. The more time John and Joey spend living together in his house, the more impossible it is to ignore their attraction and connection but can that translate to permanence with all the mess of Joey’s life? I just loved this secret crush, friends to lovers, runaway bride, finding your path, healing romance. The story was well written and included witty dialogue, three dimensional characters who grow, and a fun engaging storyline. I am loving this hockey series and its characters. 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Donna L.
178 reviews6 followers
April 13, 2024
Delancey Stewart has taken a common trope and made it extraordinary. Her beautifully written story of young-love/secret crush, friends to lovers, runaway bride was a pleasure to read. With her captivating writing style, the author created characters with beautiful souls and amazing chemistry.

John is a kind, considerate, and kindhearted man who is burdened with feelings of inadequacy, due to his childhood experiences. Joey must overcome a lifetime of having parents who controlled all of her life choices. Both characters help each other grow stronger individually through their unwavering strength and support.

Their story is touching and soulful, and even brought tears of emotion toward the end. I don’t ever reveal spoilers in my reviews. I believe you will enjoy this enamoring and romantic story with a wonderful ending. I enjoyed this advance reader copy for free and am leaving my voluntary review.
535 reviews5 followers
April 23, 2024
To Joey, her longtime childhood friend John Samuels is Sammy, a person who she cares about and has a million wonderful memories of. So when she becomes a runaway bride, deciding that she cannot go through with the marriage and life that her mother has all planned out for her, she runs to Sammy to regroup and figure out her life. They realize that they have been harboring feelings for each other all along but when they face some bumps in the road, can they find a way to their HEA? I loved the two main characters in this book. They care about each other so much and truly want the best for each other, no matter what.

I have read the other books in this series and loved them all. This works as a stand alone but I do recommend the others!

I read an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Caroline.
231 reviews7 followers
April 13, 2024
This book gives me the “squealing because I am so happy” feeling—so much so that I don’t know how to write a review that captures my contentment.

John Samuels (Sammy) and Josephine Baxter (Joey) were made for each other. I fell in love with John’s puppy dog preciousness in Mizzoni’s book, so I am thrilled I did not have to wait for him to get his HEA with the girl he has always loved. 🥰 🥰🥰

This book can be read as a standalone, but it is more fun if you read the prior books in the series since there are plenty of cameos.

Dual POV
Runaway bride
Second chance romance
Hockey romance
Secret crush
Proposal of convenience
Friends to lovers
Meddling teammates
Profile Image for Quinn Fforde.
2,713 reviews12 followers
April 15, 2024
Just before her wedding, Joey realizes that she is not living her own life, and she runs away to her best friend from high school. John is surprised but thrilled that she is back in his life. They finally admit that they have always loved each other. Things are looking great, but then life throws them some curve balls. Joey has just starting making her own decisions, and she isn't having it. A very emotional story
242 reviews3 followers
April 15, 2024
John and Josephine have been friends for a very long time. They might even have been in love with each other for almost all of their lives but they came from different backgrounds and never really got the chance.

I really love friends to lovers and if you put it together with hockey, a dose of fake relationship, grand gestures and a parade, an eccentric cat and a cinnamon roll hero I can’t help but recommend it. It’s a great game and a great read.
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.3k reviews140 followers
April 23, 2024
This is another heart stealing entry for this incredibly fun series. There is just an amazing amount of heart and swoon in Joey and Sammy's romance. These two are going to have your heart simply aching for them and if you are at all like me you will be rooting them on passionately right from the start. I was all up in my feels and swooning hard as this couple turned me into a mushy puddle, made me laugh, and tugged firmly on my heartstrings.
695 reviews3 followers
April 13, 2024
I received this book as an arc member . I give my thoughts of own free will. John and Joey was friends in high school . Years later Joey goes to find John running from her life to figure what to do now . John a goalie for the wombats hockey team has to prove himself . Loved it .
Profile Image for Jenny.
464 reviews29 followers
April 21, 2024
This one big book of feels and real like things. John is the goalie for the Wombats and has a real case of imposter syndrome; Joey is running from the alter of a trapped, loveless marriage. These two were friends as children and lost touch as young adult, but Joey thinks of him and goes to him after she runs away.

They both have baggage with a Capitol B, but they work it out. Love the structure of this story and well thought out characters.
1,609 reviews3 followers
May 3, 2024
This book was so much fun! Ms. Stewart created characters that I felt I could relate to and believe in, even though I’ve never had a close relationship of any kind with professional sports (though I played in one hockey game in college…). I loved watching Joey grow into herself after bailing on her wedding (essentially an arranged marriage!) and running to her high school best friend. And the Wombats are such a wonderful found family. It really felt like I was right there, included in all of it. Ms. Stewart somehow manages to create a world that is warm and fuzzy, yet realistic, and also spicy when it needs to be. I’m certainly hoping for more installments in the series.

p.s. I remember those Presidential Fitness tests!

I was gifted an ARC of this book and requested to write a review.
1,099 reviews16 followers
April 17, 2024
Puck Proposal is a fantastic romance story. I love the characters. They have great chemistry. This is a fun and engaging book. I really enjoyed it.
693 reviews
April 22, 2024
This book is an incredibly heart-warming addition to the Wombats series. I already liked John Samuels from the prior book, but he is even sweeter and more adorable than we saw before. He also has some difficult and tragic parts of his past that colour how he views life and his career. The "kid from the wrong side of the tracks who made it big" trope is perfectly executed. It's not overdone or implausible, but how the past affects the present is an important part of who he is and how his relationship with Joey evolves and how he views his hockey success. I love how much his teammates and the community love him too! The universe was balancing the scales for him, making up for some of the past.

I love a heroine who finds her voice and her strength and says "NO" to a path that other people planned for her. That wasn't my personal story, but I had so many friends whose families didn't seem to permit them many choices and few who pushed back. It's hard to see that IRL. I always have some extra love for the "forge her own path" heroine. Joey's mom seemed awful. Thankfully Joey woke up from that nightmare of a pre-planned life just in time to find her way to build a life she wanted. Bravo to her on her strength in setting limits with her mom, no matter the consequences.

I love that Sammy and Joey got a second chance after

Despite the differences in their situations, their high school connection was mutual, and even though a lot has changed for both of them, that true love is still there. I loved these two. Their story was like a big, warm hug!

We also need to talk about Hank. My first cats were Burmese Ms. Stewart nailed it on their personality. 100%! Hank was not just a pet; he was a whole character in his own right, and he had a unique relationship with both of the main characters. I loved Hank!

The rest of the Wombats crew shows up throughout the book and we get glimpses of the prior couples who are living their HEAs. Once a Wombat, always a Wombat. I might have shed a tear or two about how Sammy and Joey were surrounded by so much love, which both of them needed and deserved after what they had been through in the past.

Each book in this series seems better than the last. This one is a warm, soft, welcoming hug!
Profile Image for Eileen.
2,157 reviews
April 27, 2024
I loved Sammy and Joey in Puck Proposal by Delancey Stewart, book three in the Wilcox Wombat Series; a run-away bride, high school best friend, long-time crush, second chance story. John Samuels (Sammy) and Josephine Baxter (Joey) have been friends for a very long time. They might even have been in love with each other for most all of their lives; but coming from different sides of the tracks, they never really got the chance. John is a kind, considerate, and kindhearted man who is burdened with feelings of inadequacy, due to his childhood experiences; despite having achieved his dream of being first string goalie. Joey must overcome a lifetime of having parents who controlled all of her life choices; figure out what she wants her life to be and to look like. Sammy and Joey are role models for what support should look like; bringing encouragement and care as they help each other. In this case, that support uncovers something else between them, if they're brave enough to bring their oldest secrets to life.

Ms. Stewart wrote a story of young-love/secret crush, friends to lovers, runaway bride, hockey, a dose of fake relationship, grand gestures including a parade, an eccentric cat and a cinnamon roll hero that kept me turning the pages. This story is rich with a little bit of everything: magnetic attraction, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, the magic of friends, and a colorful cast of secondary characters; especially the on the Wombats team. John and Joey are perfectly matched and belong together.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
508 reviews
May 7, 2024
Decent read

This was a decent read. A second-chance romance, the wrong side of tracks makes good as well. We get Joey, a raised rich like a princess from small town Alabama, but she doesn't feel that way, woman, and John, aka Sammy, a poor guy from same town and rookie goali for the Wombats. These 2 grew up together and had feelings for each other, but interference from family ended their relationship.
Flash forward a few years. Joey's family has planned out her entire life, including her wedding, but she has second thoughts. She bails right before big day and ends up in Wilcox, VA. Home of her good friend John Samuels. After a minor run-in with police she calls John for help. He gets her out of trouble and takes back to his place, and lets her stay to figure out her life. While she's figuring out her life, John must contend with fears f possible trade and anxiety of being rookie on team.
One thing leads to another, and they end up together. Her interfering parents show up and try to get her to come back home as if nothing happened. Joey says no and tells them she and John are now engaged. Will this be a real engagement or fake? Will Joey return home or stay? Will John get over his fears? Will he be traded and their budding relationship fall apart?
These questions get answered in a well written story with returning Wombats and more.
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
4,790 reviews45 followers
April 29, 2024
Puck Proposal is a delightful romance novel that beautifully captures the essence of young love and second chances. Stewart's skillful storytelling weaves together a heartwarming tale of friendship, love, and destiny. The characters are well-developed, with palpable chemistry that draws you into their world. The author's unique take on the friends-to-lovers and runaway bride tropes adds a refreshing twist to the narrative, making it a truly engaging read.

Stewart's writing style is captivating, immersing readers in a world where emotions run deep and relationships are tested. The dynamics between the characters, especially the protagonists, Josephine and her best friend from high school, are portrayed with depth and authenticity. Their journey from unlikely friends to engaged partners is both heartwarming and compelling.

What sets Puck Proposal apart is Stewart's ability to infuse the story with a sense of destiny and hope, despite the challenges the characters face. The book is a perfect blend of romance and humor, keeping readers entertained from start to finish. Overall, Puck Proposal is a must-read for fans of romance novels looking for a well-crafted story with a touch of magic.
Profile Image for Cecilia Dawn.
140 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2024
Man, I did not expect John Samuels to grab me right outta the gate. As a peripheral character earlier in the series, he hadn't spoken to me as a potential hero. I'm sure glad he spoke to Delancey - he has quite a story to tell!

John has reached the dream, finding himself the youngest starting goalie there's ever been in hockey. But, he's having trouble getting out of his own head and feeling worth the privilege. As he spends off season pushing harder than he should, he's disrupted in the best way possible by the appearance of Joey.

Miss Josephine Baxter, aka Joey, has no idea what she wants from life, but she knows it isn't where it's heading. In a flash of clarity, she leaves it all behind and visits the one person who has always taken her as she was, her high school best friend Sammy. He's as accepting as he was when she last saw him 5 years earlier and welcomes her as she figures things out.

Sammy & Joey show what support should look like, bringing encouragement and care as they help each other. In this case, that support uncovers something else between them, if they're brave enough to bring their oldest secrets to life.

8 reviews
May 7, 2024
I had to wait a while to write this review so I could be objective. The book left me with a feeling of peace and contentment, as if all was right with the world. I was actually that immersed in the story and characters. I’ve tried to figure out why that happened. The book held moments of tension, the main characters faced challenges, the friends rounded everything out: but Ms. Stewart’s writing is always satisfying. Each book is worth the effort.
So, what made this book so special? Why did it feel so good when they got their HEA? It was the strength of character and level temperament of John. He wasn’t a pirate, or a famous archeologist, or an astronaut or billionaire. He was a guy who worked hard and loved deeply. He provided a safe space. As I was reading the story, I felt secure that he would do the right thing, no matter the circumstance. He knew the people around him were good people and didn’t blame others when things didn’t turn out as he hoped. He knew, and was, himself in the growing relationship with Joey; trusted her; and was remarkably grounded.
Thank you, Ms. Stewart, for this character and his story.
42 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2024
Josephine (Joey) Baxter met John Samuels in 5th grade where she beat him in the mile race for a solid year. They became closer in high school and he asked her to the sports banquet but her parents interfered and both were heartbroken. A few years later when Joey is a runaway bride she runs to her friend for his support even though they haven’t seen each other since high school. Now a professional hockey goalie for the Wilcox Wombats, John is hoping this is his year to play first string as the previous goalie retired. They help each other with their own sticky situations then find themselves wanting more. Joey finally figures out what she wants out of life without someone else deciding. John needs some help but gets the coveted position after a grand gesture Joey helps plan, involves the whole town and was very emotional for his family and for me! If you haven’t read any of the Wombats books, you can still read this one and enjoy it. But here’s a secret- read them too! I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I received an ARC to review.
1,128 reviews13 followers
April 22, 2024
- Second chance
- Runaway bride
- Friends to lovers
- He falls first

I am an absolute fan of the friends to lovers trope, especially when one of the friends is secretly in love with the other. I just ate this story up!

John "Sammy" Samuels has just been named starting goalie for the Wilcox Wombats. He should be feeling great, but he has doubts that he is good enough for the position.

Josephine "Joey" Baxter is about to make the mistake of her life - marrying a man she doesn't love. She decides to run away from her wedding...straight to her former best friend John "Sammy". John is thrilled to see Joey as it has been 5 years since he's seen her, but the attraction and feelings he had for her have not faded with time.

With Joey staying with John, it is just a matter of time before their mutual attraction is too strong to deny. I loved how the other Wombats help this couple with their HEA. I could not put this down until I finished it!!
Profile Image for Baby Girl.
705 reviews5 followers
April 27, 2024
I love reading sports romance books that have wonderful characters. There are so many wonderful athletes that are swoon worthy and then there are some that take a while to love. John Samuel is absolutely one of my favorite hockey players in the sports romance genre. He had me from the very first sentence in the book because he showed how passionate he truly is about hockey and his team. He dropped everything to help his high school best friend Joey when she needed a place to stay. His patience with Joey and his love for her was so apparent. He was supportive and not pushy. Joey is a wonderful match for "Sammy" her nickname for Johnny. Her love for him was also apparent. These two burrowed themselves in my heart and had me gobbling up every word of their story. I absolutely loved this book and all the characters from the other books in the series intertwined in the story was the icing and cherry on top of the cake!
1,447 reviews10 followers
April 29, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. John and Joey were so perfect for each other and together that I kept waiting for something to come between them. I even think that is part of the reason her parents did what they did when they were younger.

John is sweet, caring, a fantastic friend and hockey player. He has also been in love with Joey since high school. When he gets a call and finds out she is in Wilcox he has a hard time believing it. My heart was breaking for him for a while because of the temporary status of Joey being in town.

Joey doesn’t know what she is going to do, she just knows that she can’t marry Evan and that she has always felt safe and supported by John (a.k.a. Sammy). Things start out as friendship but move past that and leave her wondering what if?

I loved the friendship, support and interactions between them. I really loved Mizzoni, but John might have taken the lead. I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.
31 reviews2 followers
April 30, 2024
When you're a rookie goalie replacing a legend a championship hockey team, you can be forgiven for having a bit of imposter syndrome.  So we can understand John's total absorption with training.  But when Joey, his BFF from high school, unexpectedly shows up after being out of touch for 5 years, it's a major distraction. Especially since Joey, a runaway bride, is the girl he's loved forever! 

This latest in the Wilcox Wombats series is a friends to lovers, secret crush delight. It is easy to understand John's feelings of inadequacy in his job and trepidation about his relationship with Joey. For her part, Joey has never been able to be her own person until now and has her own fears. We are invested in their success as a couple from the gitgo. Once again Ms. Stewart has given us engaging characters in a challenging situation. We're rooting for them every step of the way. A thoroughly entertaining read. Don't miss it!
Profile Image for Michele Richardson.
536 reviews4 followers
May 4, 2024
From the Grumpy Goalie to the rookie goalie this is a great story! John Samuels is the new rookie goalie for the Wombats and striving to be perfect. He is overdoing it in the off season and really pushing himself to prove he has what it takes. It doesn’t help he comes from such a negative background. When, one day the local police call him. Someone was trying to sneak into his house after she fled her wedding and proper southern mama. Joey is looking to find herself again and winds up at her high school best friend’s place.
These two have such an honest, pure relationships. It was fun to watch them reconnect, then more. The proposal started out fake to push her parents buttons and very quickly became real. The two of them know each other so well, they are truly this beautiful balance of honesty, faith and fun. T
Another great story in the series, I love all of these “trespassing” women.
213 reviews4 followers
April 22, 2024
I was honoured to receive this as an ARC and this is my honest review. Definitely a 5⭐ review

Josephine (Joey) Baxter ran away from her wedding, her wedding was pretty much planned for her from choice of groom to how the wedding should look by her mother. As she left Joey just kept driving without knowing where she was going she ended up at her old friends house.

Joey ends up getting arrested by the local sheriff for trying to gain entrance to John (Sammy) Samuels house.

Once everything was explained and Sammy said that she could stay at his place. Because they both had crushes on each other as kids when Joey's parents rock up spur of the moment to try and get Joey to go home and STILL go through with wedding. Joey states that her and Sammy were engaged. They both have to deal with logistics about their careers which really put a strain on the relationship.
Profile Image for Melena.
2,894 reviews71 followers
April 26, 2024
4.5 stars

Puck Proposal is a great addition to the Wilcox Wombats series!

John is the Wombats goalie and he is hardworking and dedicated to the team. Joey is about to get married, but it feels all wrong and she ends things just a couple days before the wedding. When Joey shows up at John's it's unexpected. They were friends when they were younger and he had a crush, but they never dated. When her parents show up demanding she comes home, they start a fake engagement. The two of them were so sweet together and I loved their relationship development. You could see how different Joey was with John compared to her ex, and how solid of a connection they had.

This was a fantastic read and I loved seeing John and Joey get their HEA. I can't recommend this book and series enough.

Thank you to the author for providing an ARC for an honest review.
Profile Image for AnneMarie Davee.
1,029 reviews
April 26, 2024
Cute Friends to More Book! ♥️💍🏒💙

I loved how these two high school best friends, John and Joey, reconnect after years apart, and they renew not only a friendship, but the underlying attraction they had always had for each other.

The book begins on a fun note, as all her books do, with Joey running away from the life she does not want. Watching her find herself, and John’s unwavering support of her was heartwarming. They have such a connection as both friends and partners. And their first kiss…one of the best on page first kisses I have ever read! I could definitely feel the passion these two have for each other!

Not only does John support her, but the surprise at the end of the book when he realizes how much others have his back-great way to end! A very enjoyable and fun read!
Profile Image for Tina Hobbs Payne.
528 reviews7 followers
April 30, 2024
My best friend from high school had been caught stalking me? "Um, Joey, what's going on? Were you prowling outside my house? How did you know where I live?"

John Samuels is shocked to see his childhood friend, Josephine Baxter. For her to just show up, out of the blue, after all these years, was not exactly unwelcomed. John has been in love with Joey ever since he could remember. He just needs to figure out why she is here now. And if his heart can survive it.

Joey ran away. A grown woman - and she ran away from home. She ran to the one person she knew she would feel safe and heard. Her childhood friend. Little did she know how seeing John Samuels again would turn her life upside down. All for the good.

Such a sweet story of young unrequited love having a second chance!
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.4k reviews86 followers
April 30, 2024
Even though Sammy appears to be living the dream as the goalie for the Wombats on the inside he worries that he is not worthy and that others will realize it as well. When Joey shows up at his door after she escapes her wedding, he knows that he will do whatever is necessary to protect her.

Even though it was almost too late Joey realizes that the life others had planned for her isn’t the life she wants. Uncertain where to go she finds herself at Sammy’s looking for a place to regroup while she decides where she goes from here.

Even though it has been a few years it is like Sammy and Joey were never apart. What they could have had together was waylaid by outside forces but with the help of friends they learn what love and family truly means.
103 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2024
I was so much looking forward to start read this book int The Wilcox Wombats series.
"Sammy" and "Joey" are long time friends, from their childhood. Joey left her hometown just before her wedding. She found out that she didn't want to merry her boyfriend Evan. She took off to Wilcox and ended up at Sammy's house.
Will Joey and Sammy find eachother and build a future together?
Will Joey's parents accept her running away from her wedding?
Will Sammy keep his place as the goalie on the hockey team?
If you want to know the answers you have to read this book and you wont be dissapointed.
Thank you Delancey Stewart for letting me read this book 💖
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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