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Kings Grove #4

Open Your Heart

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Cameron Turner is cursed. He’s lost almost everyone he’s ever loved, and he knows better than to try again. If the universe intends for him to be alone, then that’s exactly what he’ll do, keeping to himself in his quiet Kings Grove cabin.

Harper Lyles was born in the tiny mountain town of Kings Grove, and she never planned to go back. But when her life is turned upside down and she has no choice, she vows to make the best of it. For six short months at least, and then she’s on to bigger and better things.

When Cameron rents the empty house next door to Harper, both their plans begin to change. Harper’s energy and tenacious happiness make Cameron wonder if he was really meant to be alone. And Cameron’s dark brooding appeal has Harper wondering if maybe Kings Grove isn’t so bad after all.

The fourth book in the Kings Grove series is a tale of redemption and hope, featuring edge-of-your-seat suspense, Stewart’s trademark humor, and…puppies.

248 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 15, 2018

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About the author

Delancey Stewart

84 books835 followers
I'm USA Today Bestselling author Delancey Stewart. My contemporary romances run the gamut of settings and setups, but they always deliver humor, heart and heat. It's a guarantee.

I write from my home in Denver, CO, where I manage a household full of boys and men. Okay, only one man. The hubs. But two boys. I mean, three if you count the hubs. (You see why I do words and not numbers. I was told there'd be no math in this bio. Someone lied.)

I grew up in California and have had more jobs than anyone on earth (personal trainer, pharmaceutical rep, copywriter, tech writer, marketing director, wine seller, elementary school teacher... I'm not kidding. The list. It goes on.) But the one I love the most is writing, in part because I get to meet people who love books and stories as much as I do! Please don't hesitate to get in touch to say hello, and don't forget to join my newsletter!

Get a free story from me by joining my weekly email here: https://www.subscribepage.com/delance...

Find me at www.delanceystewart.com
Facebook: www.facebook/DelanceyWrites.com

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Profile Image for Delancey.
Author 84 books835 followers
Want to read
September 6, 2018
Hi guys! I've just finished writing LOVE RECLAIMED, and wanted to let you know it'll be out soon! This is Cam's book, and I'll be honest that I struggled with his character. He's been dark and depressed, but I needed to find a way to bring him out of that, and I think I created his perfect match in Harper Lyles. She's a bit of a mystery -- she's got a past lodged in Kings Grove, but it's not one she wants to face at first. Together, they bring each other right to where they each need to be to find love and hope together.

Oh, and Maddie and Connor finally get married in this one!
Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews350 followers
October 16, 2018
Love Reclaimed is the newest story of the King's Grove series by Delancey Stewart and it was a sweet, sometimes emotional, but ultimately really good story.

Cameron and Harper find themselves neighbors when Cameron rents her the house next to his, and also find an attraction neither was looking for. Cameron has plans to be alone after too much loss in his life. He doesn't want to be hurt again by letting someone close. Harper has no plans to stay longer than the six months she agreed to with her estranged father. Their chemistry and connection is a complication to their plans. But it's also impossible to fight.

I thought these two made for a sweet couple. That's also one thing I've come to associate with the stories in this series. They're sweet, clean romance stories where the two main characters either have demons in their past to work through or just need to open their eyes and see what's in front of them. Sometimes it's both.

This is the kind of story you can just relax and enjoy. That's exactly what I did.
Profile Image for Spunky N Sassy.
5,195 reviews110 followers
October 18, 2018
Spunky N Sassy Rating: 4.5

~~~~~~~~~~Julie's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review~~~~~~~~~~

This book was such a joy to read. Cam is living his life in a shell. He thinks he is cursed and doesn’t go outside his comfort zone. When he rents his house to Harper, he feels a spark but refuses to take it further. Harper has her own problems and when he doesn’t show her that he wants more, she lets it go. It’s hard but she just wants to get on with her life. Cam needs to wake up and hopefully before she leaves for good. Awesome writing.

~~~~~~~~~~Lindsey's ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review~~~~~~~~~~

I absolutely fell in love with this book. I really hope there’s more to come in this series.
Profile Image for Chelsea Ortiz-Gonzalez.
1,184 reviews4 followers
October 16, 2018
I never have any complaints for Delancey Stewarts books.
I am captivated and falling in love within a few chapters. Cam and Harper's story is just as amazing as the rest. Now I am waiting to see what happens with Tuck, Kings Groves own Aussie.
I would highly recommend this book.
Happy reading!
Rating 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
3,821 reviews28 followers
October 5, 2018
The book is a good romance read. The characters are good. The story is well written, and it has a nice flow to the read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Johnaka- Amity Book Blog.
1,163 reviews16 followers
September 16, 2018
Love Reclaimed by Delancey Stewart
“Letting go of the past, 4 stars”

Cam was in love once, but it wasn’t a simple kind of love and it ended in tragedy. It left him a shell of a man that he once was. Cam doesn’t think he deserves happiness, then Harper walks into his life, into his house and changes things. Will he be able to let her in or will he keep her at arm’s length? Will he be able to realize how much she means to him before it’s too late?
Harper is facing her past, and not really willingly. Her father wants to make amends, but she feels its too late. But he has something she wants. When she gets to King’s Grove she starts to fall back in love with the place of her childhood, from a time when life was simple. Then there is Cam her brooding landlord. Things heat up between them but Cam backs away. Is he worth fighting for? Is it crazy for her to want him?
I did enjoy these two and everyone around them. My only complaint is I wanted more of just these two. it was almost as if they spent a lot of time avoiding each other then really getting to know each other and I wanted more of that. Other than that, this story was spot on and a sweet quick read that I think you will enjoy.
Writing style-4/5
Profile Image for Sandra.
329 reviews4 followers
September 14, 2018
This story took awhile to really get anywhere. You can guess the outcome but it was a bit long winded & very descriptive. It wasn't bad but at times it was hard to hold my interest.
Cameron lost his wife & has serious issues relating to her death. So he's just grumpy & reserved. Harper is escaping from a bad breakup & a lost job. Both have lots of problems dealing with their issues. However while she is trying to start a new life Cameron just exists. There was definitely a connection between the characters but it took too long for them to get there. It's a bit angsty but there was no real outstanding moments for me. It just felt like OK they've both got past problems just get over it. Cameron more so than Harper.
Anyway it was well written & the story did flow but it didn't blow me away.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. 3.5*
Profile Image for Janet Graham.
2,334 reviews6 followers
October 16, 2018
California Redwoods Romance
This warm romance takes place in the Kings Grove area of the California Redwoods. The plot has a few twists, the reader always knows how it will end, the fun is in the journey. The characters are well developed and realistic. I enjoyed the mountain setting and the realism in its portrayal. From the taste of the water, the smell of the air and sounds of the night to the personal ownership the people feel towards the grove, it is all very realistic. I have read a few of this author's works. They are always fun to read and good literature. This book is no different. I will continue to read this author's work when the opportunity arises. I received this ARC book for free and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Tina Hobbs Payne.
528 reviews7 followers
October 10, 2018
"Why were you running away in the first place?" she asked "What is it you keep here, locked up so tight?" Harper's question was innocent enough. What she doesn't know is that Cam has a LOT locked up.

Cam has been closed off from the world in a lot of ways since his wife died. He has tried to stay close to his sister, but beyond that, he wants to keep to himself. Until his beautiful tenant pulls into the drive.

Harper returns to Kings Grove, under less than desirable circumstances. She hasn't been back since she was a child. When she was forced to leave with her mother after her parents' divorce. She thought she had a successful career until everything came crashing down. Now she is back to bide time in Kings Grove, until she can move on to her next big endeavor. While she is back, her father wants to repair their relationship. And speaking of relationships, she didn't count on having the hots for her new landlord. Cam is as closed off as anyone she knows. But there is something about him she just can't resist.

I do love the Kings Grove series. I couldn't wait for Cam's story and it was perfectly told!
Profile Image for Julie Jackson.
2,236 reviews10 followers
October 9, 2018
Reviewed for SNS

This book was such a joy to read. Cam is living his life in a shell. He thinks he is cursed and doesn’t go outside his comfort zone. When he rents his house to Harper, he feels a spark but refuses to take it further. Harper has her own problems and when he doesn’t show her that he wants more, she lets it go. It’s hard but she just wants to get on with her life. Cam needs to wake up and hopefully before she leaves for good. Awesome writing.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,795 reviews6 followers
November 29, 2020
I read this last year, but I don't know why is wasn't marked as read. Anyhoo, I can't remember too much about this one other than the fact that it was clean and safe. So that's good. :)

I think this title is now available as Open Your Heart.
659 reviews2 followers
October 19, 2018
A fantastic heartfelt story about Cameron a young man plagued with guilt and fear of losing everyone he holds dear, following the death of his wife, and Harper a young woman trying to make a new life for herself following a breakup and being let go from her job. The two have an instant attraction to each other, but Cam pushes Harper away time and time again until he can't anymore. Full of meddling family and friends, fear, heartache, loss, a dangerous mountain lion, passion, and love. Readers will fall in love with the characters and the small town feel of Love Reclaimed. Readers will laugh and cheer for Cam and Harper.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,447 reviews10 followers
December 30, 2018
I have been intrigued by Cam since we first met him and his wife. How does someone so young move on after losing his wife? Simple, he doesn't. Instead, he basically became a recluse and really only interacted with his sister and his coworkers. Until Harper. He is drawn to Harper's light, yet feels guilty because he believes he is cursed.
Harper lived in Kings Grove until she was seven and now she is back. Her father, who she is estranged from, is helping her out of a sticky situation and hopes to become close once again. She plans on leaving after the agreed upon six months, but she never expected to find the mysterious Cam in Kings Grove.
Even though they both think they should stay away from the other, they are drawn to one another. He doesn't want the curse he believes in to taint her and she doesn't think falling for him when she plans on leaving is fair to either one of them. Will she stay or will she go? Will he be able to move past the guilt and move on with his life?
A great, heart wrenching, yet inspiring book. I loved it.
4,343 reviews28 followers
October 16, 2018
Harper Lyles gets involved with her boss in the New York and when scandal happens she knows she has to leave so she heads back to her home town where her father still lives. She gets a job at the newly constructed inn and rents a house from Cameron Turner who lives in the smaller house behind the large house she has rented. She plans to only stay for six months and then go the Austin to start up another business with a friend but after meeting Cameron she may be having second thoughts. Cameron keeps everyone but his sister at a distance since his wife died two years ago because he thinks he is cursed but really doesn't want his heart to get broken. He is attracted to Harper but doesn't want to get close to her so he is very distant until she decides to leave early since she can never break through to his heart. He needs to decide if he will let her in or lose her forever.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Tracey.
1,297 reviews12 followers
October 19, 2018
A really good romance. 💞💓💞

Harper is really in a pickle. She's getting over a bad break up and losing her job and reputation. Now she's agreed to come back to her hometown and get to know her father and in return, he'll get her a job there and pay her rent for the first couple of months. Cameron is a widower trying to get over the death of his wife and has convinced himself that he's cursed to lose the ones he cares about. It's an emotional story about forgiveness, love and passion but it packs some heat too.💗

It is the fourth book in the Kings Grove series but it easily reads as a standalone.😊

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
2,953 reviews10 followers
October 16, 2018
Harper Lyles has been hurt by those she loved: her father abandoned her when she was seven, her mom abandons her for all the men in her life, and recently her boss and boyfriend cast blame on her when she caught him embezzling. Kings Grove is just a temporary stop to reconnect with her father and get back on her feet. Cameron Turner feels like everyone he has ever cared for ended up hurt or dead: his pets, his friends, and even his wife. He's too afraid to open his heart to anyone. But Harper and a stray pregnant dog named Matilda worm their way into his hearts. Will he be able to open up and trust his heart to love before he loses Harper for good? Plenty of funny and deep moments in this romance. Australian cinematographer Tuck was funny and I hope he gets his own romance in a future book.
1,978 reviews16 followers
October 15, 2018
Another story about the families of King's Grove.
Cameron lives his life in grief and guilt. He cannot get over the death of his wife and tries hard to stay in his depression to not feel anything for anyone else. One day he rents out the house he had built for his wife to a young woman, Harper. Harper had spent her childhood in King's Grove, but had left with her mother when she was seven. Something in Harper makes Cameron have hope, but as is typical for depression he fights it wherever he can.
This book really surprised me with the rather authentic description of how depression can influence people and how difficult it can be to get out of it again.
A wonderful book, that gives hope that there can be a way out of the dark and finding happiness again.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Misty Goan.
2,809 reviews14 followers
October 19, 2018
An entertaining and enjoyable well written romance with emotionaland funny moments. Harper abondoned or betrayed by the ones she loves goes back to Kings Grove when she lived as a child. Cam basically closed off from the world after loss of his wife becomes her landlord. I really enjoyed this sweet, emotional read that is a small-town, feel-good story that pulled me right in.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
9,522 reviews116 followers
October 18, 2018
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I’m voluntarily leaving a review.

This is 2nd book I’ve read written by Delancey Stewart; she has done a great job at writing a good book.

The story line caught my attention at the very beginning and kept me interested throughout the entire book.

I loved the chemistry between Harper & Cameron.
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
October 15, 2018
Cameron and Harper
How do you attempt to live gain after loosing so much. That is how Cameron feels about love. Having lost his wife he attempts to trudge on and deciding to rent out the house may be his first move in the right direction. When the beautiful Harper pulls into his driveaway he may find more than a tenant for his house .
Harper has returned to Kings Grove to regroup. She left many years ago after her parents divorced and now she just may find more than a home in her old town.
~~Michele McMullen ~~
Profile Image for Mona Shroff.
Author 33 books121 followers
October 12, 2018
Once again, Delancey Stewart has captured us. Cam merely exists these days, afraid to live because he might lose someone again, and afraid to be happy because of guilt. He does his best to ignore his attraction to Harper. But thankfully, Harper will not be ignored!

Harper has family in King’s Grove that she needs to deal with, not to mention she needs to get her career back on track. But she can’t keep her brooding landlord out of her mind. But then, why should she?

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Cam and Harper fall for each other, as well as tackle their own demons. A fantastic visit back to King’s Grove, where you’ll get to hang with Maddie and Conner, Mike and Chase and Miranda and Sam once again.

This book is not to be missed!
Profile Image for ☆☆Hannah☆☆.
3,182 reviews41 followers
October 16, 2018
This is only the second book in the series that I've read so far. I really have enjoyed both. In this one we have Cam and Harper. Cam believe that he is cursed. He has had a lot of people and pets die on him. He then meets Harper who luckily by the end can make him realize that he isn't cursed and can have a HEA after all.
Profile Image for Teresa.
698 reviews7 followers
October 17, 2018
Love Reclaimed

This is my very first book I have read in this series! I will definitely need to go back to read the others! I would like to follow up on the rest of the story.

What a great gut wrenching story. Keep me wanting more on what will happen.
1,467 reviews4 followers
October 18, 2018
This book was gripping, well written & the chemistry between the characters sizzled throughout this wonderful read.

Well done Delancey. I look forward to more!
Profile Image for Leigh Parrish.
1,049 reviews35 followers
October 17, 2018
It was a really good addition to this series! I look forward to reading Tuck’s story next!
Profile Image for Nadea Croix.
992 reviews6 followers
October 17, 2018
I like this story It is well written and quite and engaging read. The journey that the characters go through was well thought out.
Profile Image for poppy.
4,591 reviews27 followers
October 13, 2018
This was another great read from Delancey. I had read the previous books in the series and could not wait to read this one and it did not disappoint. It was really well written and had me pulled right into the story. I really liked Cam and Harper and enjoyed getting to know them and watching them fall in love my heart did break for him at times though. A great addition to the series I really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.3k reviews140 followers
October 15, 2018
I really enjoyed this sweet, emotional read. I loved Cameron and Harper together. They were just what the other needed without even knowing it. Highly entertaining and immensely enjoyable. I am voluntarily posting an honest review.
713 reviews3 followers
October 15, 2018
I was waiting for Cameron story for a while now and I m not disappointed. Is just torturous enough to just make you melt. As always a pleasure to return to kings cove.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
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