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Bershka affiliate program

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Bershka DE on FlexOffers

Country: DE
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Inditex Group founded Bershka in 1998 in response to the growing demand for a new store format for a young, dynamic and demanding audience, always following the latest trends. Two years later, they already had 100 stores, expanding their brand image and becoming a reference for this new audience. And we continue to grow: After 21 years, they are now represented with 1107 stores in 79 markets

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Bershka FR on FlexOffers

Country: FR
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

In 1998, the Inditex group created Bershka in response to the growing demand for a new store format for a young, dynamic, demanding public aware of the latest trends. In just two years, Bershka reached 100 establishments, consolidated its brand image and became a benchmark for this new audience. And we continue to grow: after 21 years, we have 1,107 stores in 79 markets (including 35 for which we also offer an online sales site), for 8.6% of the Inditex group's turnover.

Bershka IT on FlexOffers

Country: IT
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka sets itself as a reference point for fashion aimed at this increasingly demanding public and, in just 2 years, the number of its stores reaches one hundred, thus consolidating the brand image. Today, after 18 years, the chain has over 1,000 stores in more than 70 markets. Target is made up of bold, brilliant young people who are aware of the latest trends in fashion, music, culture, new technologies and who access this information and communicate it constantly through social networks.

Bershka PL on TradeTracker

Country: PL
Status: Closed
Launched: 2 years ago
Cookies: 100 days
Revenue: n/c

W 1998 r. Grupa Inditex stworzyła sklep Bershka w odpowiedzi na rosnące zapotrzebowanie na nowy format zakupów skierowany do młodej, dynamicznej, wymagającej i śledzącej najnowsze trendy publiczności. W zaledwie dwa lata otworzyliśmy prawie 100 sklepów Bershka konsolidując wizerunek marki i staliśmy się punktem odniesienia dla wspomnianej, nowej publiczności. I ciągle się rozwijamy: po 21 latach działalności podsiadamy 1 107 sklepów na 79 rynkach (na 35 z nich oferujemy również sprzedaż online), które generują 8,6% przychodów grupy Inditex.
Nasi odbiorcy to odważne osoby znające najnowsze trendy panujące w modzie, muzyce, kulturze i nowych technologiach, które uzyskują powyższe informacje i stale komunikują się za pośrednictwem sieci społecznościowych.
Kampania rozliczana w modelu CPS.
Account manager: Suleyman Koyuncu

Bershka UK on FlexOffers

Country: GB
Status: Opened
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Through the Bershka UK Affiliate Program, your customers can shop a variety of trending apparel for women, men, and teens. Founded in 1998, Bershka has grown to become a successful shop with 1,107 stores in 79 markets.

Bershka UK on FlexOffers

Country: GB
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

In 1998, the Inditex Group created Bershka in response to the growing demand for a new store format for a young, dynamic and discerning audience that loves keeping up with the latest trends. Within just two years, we opened 100 Bershka stores, consolidating our brand identity and becoming a mainstay for this new audience.

Bershka on Sovrn Commerce

Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka BE on TradeDoubler

Country: BE
Status: Opened
Launched: 1 year ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c on Kelkoo

Country: FR
Status: Opened
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

En 1998, le groupe Inditex a créé Bershka en réponse à la demande croissante d'un nouveau format de magasin pour un public jeune, dynamique, exigeant et au fait des dernières tendances. En seulement deux ans, Bershka a atteint les 100 établissements, a consolidé son image de marque et est devenu une référence pour ce nouveau public.

Bershka DE on Adpump

Country: GB
Status: Opened
Launched: 1 year ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka DE on TradeDoubler

Country: DE
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka ES on TradeDoubler

Country: ES
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka FR on TradeDoubler

Country: FR
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka FR CPS on Indoleads

Country: FR
Status: Opened
Launched: n/c
Cookies: 1 hour
Revenue: n/c

Bershka IT on TradeDoubler

Country: IT
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka IT on Sovrn Commerce

Country: IT
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka NL on TradeDoubler

Country: NL
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bij Bershka shopt men kleding, assecoires voor heren en dames. Van een lekker zittende jogging tot de meest mooie outfit voor een speciaal feest. Bershka heeft het allemaal! Commissie vanaf 8%

Bershka PL on TradeDoubler

Country: PL
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka PT on TradeDoubler

Country: PT
Status: Opened
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka UK on TradeDoubler

Country: GB
Status: Opened
Launched: 4 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka AT on TradeDoubler

Country: AT
Status: Closed
Launched: 1 year ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka CH on TradeDoubler

Country: CH
Status: Closed
Launched: 1 year ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka - DE on MyLead

Country: DE
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Inditex Group founded Bershka in 1998 in response to the growing demand for a new store format for a young, dynamic, and demanding audience, always following the latest trends.

Bershka DE on Admitad

Country: DE
Status: Closed
Launched: 2 years ago
Cookies: 30 days
Revenue: n/c

Bershka ES on Admitad

Country: ES
Status: Closed
Launched: 3 years ago
Cookies: 30 days
Revenue: n/c

En 1998 el Grupo Inditex creó Bershka en respuesta a la demanda creciente de un nuevo formato de tienda para un público joven, dinámico, exigente y al día en las últimas tendencias. En tan sólo dos años, en Bershka alcanzamos los 100 establecimientos, consolidando nuestra imagen de marca y convirtiéndonos en punto de referencia para este nuevo público. Y seguimos creciendo: tras 21 años de trayectoria, contamos con 1.107 tiendas en 79 mercados, (en 35 de estos también con venta online), que generan el 8,6% de los ingresos del grupo Inditex. Nuestro target es gente atrevida, conocedora de las últimas tendencias en moda, música, cultura y nuevas tecnologías, y que accede a esta información y se comunica constantemente a través de las redes sociales. Brand bidding está prohibido! Palabras negativas claves: Bershka, Bershka ES, Bershka España, Bershca, Bershca ES, Bershca España En ningún caso se podrá incluir cualquier palabra clave que contenga el término de marca Bershka ni ninguna de sus variantes ni errores tipográficos. La compra de dominios que incluyan el término Bershka (o cualquiera de sus variantes tipográficas) con links trackeados que rediriajan a la web oficial de Bershka supondrá la baja total del programa.  

Bershka - FR on MyLead

Country: FR
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Bershka is a clothing company founded in 1998. The brand is part of the Spanish group Inditex. Bershka presents a wide range of clothes, shoes, and accessories for men and women. Bershka stores are located in a lot of shopping centers. The goods of the company can also be purchased online on the official website or through the application.
Validation period: leads are validated at the beginning of the month and in the middle.

Bershka - PL on MyLead

Country: PL
Status: Closed
Launched: n/c
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c

Everybody who loves clothes has visited Bershka at least once in their lifetime. Now, you can become a Bershka affiliate and make extra money while sitting comfortably at home. Forget about working overtime or dealing with your annoying bosses or co-workers. 

Join the Bershka affiliate program and promote the range offered by the online store to get an attractive commission (even 4% of each transaction) every time someone enters the website and buys via your link.

Fashionable clothes, accessories, jewelry, bags, and more. Bershka is waiting for you. Check our their offer and see that making extra money doesn’t have to be complex.

Looking for other clothing affiliate programs? Visit our blog.

Bershka Turkey on TradeDoubler

Country: ES
Status: Closed
Launched: 3 years ago
Cookies: n/c
Revenue: n/c