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Holiday Book Buying Guide

Enter to Win $200 in Books 


We are excited to announce our 2020 Holiday Book Buying Guide to celebrate a successful 2020 year. 

Be sure to enter the Giveaway of $200 towards books from the guide.

$100 for First Place 

$50 for Second Place

$25 for Third Place

$25 for Fourth Place

At KJ Waters Consultancy we are grateful to support our clients with their writing, publishing, marketing, promotions, social media, and book cover needs. 

There are two ways to view the guide.

1. Below you can flip through the virtual magazine pages and browse the offerings, endorsements, special deals, and giveaways.

2. Or you can view a clickable version of the magazine where you can find live links to visit book buying and author website pages click on the Open Clickable PDF.

KJ Waters Consultancy is very proud to share the accolades from our happy customers. If you are interested in finding out more about what our services can do for you, check out the endorsements in the Guide or visit our home page on the menu above. 

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