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Circle B Ranch #1

Hitching the Cowboy

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Wedding bells are the last thing on twenty-two year old Riley Bishop’s mind, but that’s exactly what he hears after waking up in Vegas next to a woman he just met—his new wife.
He never saw her coming, but she might be worth the risk.

Zoey Mitchell is high on life, free spirited, and adventurous. However, learning she married a rowdy cowboy after a night of partying is not what she expected—even for her.
She’s risking it all, gambling with her heart.

Deciding to give their instant marriage a chance, Zoey moves from her big city life to a small town Texas ranch. She has to know if their connection is based on more than just a wild one-night stand before announcing to her family that she got hitched.

One moment changes everything—for better or worse—and a secret could destroy them both.

**This is a full-length stand-alone novel in the Circle B Ranch series and a spin-off from the Bishop Brothers series. You don’t need to read any of the other books beforehand to enjoy this one!**

Kindle Edition

First published November 12, 2019

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About the author

Kennedy Fox

80 books5,762 followers
Brooke Cumberland and Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors under the USA Today pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. Their characters will make you blush and your heart melt. Cowboys in tight jeans are their kryptonite. They always guarantee a happily ever after!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 461 reviews
Profile Image for Vaishali • [V.L. Book Reviews] .
295 reviews193 followers
June 30, 2022
R A T I N G: 3 stars to Hitching the Cowboy ★ ★ ★

It's a rapid chemistry, fast sort of love for a small-town southern ranch hand when he and his boisterous best friend lean into the freedom of cowboys gone wild on a weekend trip to the sin city. When Riley Bishop wakes up with a furious hangover next to a beautiful woman he had one of the best nights of his life with, he hazily recollects the daredevil decisions of the night before. He's done it now, and his Texan mama's not going to be happy. He realises that he and his current bedmate have a huge problem on their hands, namely the ring finger, and while he was cautioned of bad behaviour before his boys trip, he's now a married man. One who's just tied the knot in typical Vegas fashion. Finding it hard to see this as a poor lapse in intoxicated judgement when he seems to have amazing chemistry with Zoey, Riley's encouraged by the fact that he and his new wife might be able to make the best out of a bad situation. Rather than hastening to reverse the act of matrimony, he's delighted at the prospect that with some getting to know each other, she could be a bride for life. Receiving annulment papers wasn't a particular hope, but when his Arizonian one night stand shows up at his Texan family ranch, he's over the moon that some lemonade might be made from a sour situation.

Hitching the Cowboy is the first book in the Circle B Ranch series, but it's actually also the first book in a second generation series that spins off from the original Bishop Bothers storylines. I haven't read the founding series but it seems that Riley's a chip off the old Bishop block in the way his storyline begins, because apparently, these Bishops have some very collective traits. While his dad had a getaway accidental pregnancy romance, Riley has an accidental marriage romance in Hitching the Cowboy. If you prefer to read interconnected books strictly in order, I dutifully point a finger towards the Bishop Brothers series if one wishes to start there. As for this? I really enjoyed the small community that is the Bishop family. Their multi-generational, multiple-business ranch is a big part of their labour and heritage. They're truly a big bunch of busy ranch bees who wouldn't want to be anywhere other than planted in their humble roots. Ranching is a long toil but the Bishop's have an inner art for loving the slog, knees-deep in ranch life. And a family-oriented Riley is exactly the same.

Zoey's more on the opposite leg of the spectrum, an adventure-seeking city girl born into a conservative family she's never quite fit into. Far from being engaged in her life choices, her parents tend to push her down a path for their own Interest rather than hers. So when she meets the Bishop bunch, she's delighted by their openness and easy welcome, and her growing affection for Riley is about to dash her parent's hopes when it looks more and more likely that she'll bag herself a Southern sweetheart. The struggle with Zoey's character for me was the fact that she was said to be a 'wild child' but didn't particularly expose that energy when it might have called for it. Bar the drunken lapse in judgement in swearing holy matrimony to a stranger, she didn't particularly come across as one to me, and I believe it's rooted to that part of her that's still a family-pleaser. More an observation but doing what you love, being open to life, enjoying life and taking trips for a love of discovery speaks more to an adventurous life on the wind, and so I also struggled with the fact that if she loves the feel of discovery, does that part part of her die down once she becomes a part of the Bishop life? And it seems she felt as if she filled the boots of that label because next to her family, she felt 'other' in comparison. In many ways she was still under her parent's thumb, and it took her a long time - too long perhaps - to cut ties with a controlling, self-serving OM she wasn't even interested in.

In terms of the storyline, I profess that Hitching the Cowboy does not bring with it a finely layered series of events. I enjoyed the first part that looks into what happens during their time in Vegas. I was also interested in what follows when Zoey comes to Texas to trial a relationship with Riley which aims to show where they might be heading as a couple with more time spent together. Unfortunately, a lot of repetitious commentary would often lose me in the lull. And then the conflict-point fallout fell more on the cliché side. The ranch/family setting is great but the problem lies in the fact that as much as I was told how well Zoey integrated into the Bishop family and how they've become so close within a few weeks, most of those told connections aren't actively on page to appreciate. As a reader, to accept something the characters already seem to know and feel, there needs to be an effort made to convince us of what they know and feel, and that's by showing us what the author might tell us too much about. I felt that the more crucial connections could have had better - and more - crucial page time. Riley and Zoey on the other hand, do have a charmingly sweet chemistry, even if the development of their romance was more on the slimmer side.

As mentioned, there's also an excess of repeated commentary that draws out the length of the story, which also played into a loss of engagement. Perhaps I'm being overly cynical but the tone and pace of the story might have been too peachy and rehearsed, and perhaps too adaptable and easy for Zoey to blend into the ranch life as well despite her sense of spontaneity. This one might be better fulfilling for readers who'd go for an undemanding but lovable romance nonetheless. There's a strong sense of knowing where the romance is going, and with that reliability, I think it was safe to establish more convincing, integrative connections. I also would have liked a more solid development but there's definitely a sweetness, a warmth and a charm that endears one to a young couple who don't have it all together but who want it all together. I've been craving a ranch romance in recent months and since I've been signed up Kennedy Foxs' newsletter for well over a year, hearing about every bookish update about these dashing cowboys, and with their backlog having quite the selection, I had to take my chance and sample one of their cowboy heroes!

Hitching the Cowboy is predominantly low-conflict with light/mild development so I'd definitely recommend this one to readers who enjoy a more easy-going, simple and light-hearted read without major difficulties. The Bishops are a professedly fall-hard, fall-fast sort of family, and Riley's sweet dedication and confident knowing of what he wants in his life makes for a southern hero who has his heart set on his heroine quite quickly. You'll get a hero walking on Texan air with birds singing out of his ears who, as Zoey put it, is truly adorably southern, a heroine who's trying to find her place in life, impulsive decisions, a drunken dare that doesn't feel sour the morning after, a ranch-dwelling family and two late-night strangers who might just happen to be marriage material. I do love the idea of a removed night of fun changing the course of life, and a Vegas matrimony might have stirred the pot but choosing the path of following one's heart seals the deal with more than just one night to remember. Naughty and snug, sweet and southern, Hitching the Cowboy is a homestyle romance for a couple of newlyweds where a strangers-to-lovers-to-nuptials-to-courtship takes a less conventional path to hitching the cowboy.

Content Warning: Drinking, bedroom scenes, profanity and some violence.


Visit my blog for more reviews: V.L. Book Reviews
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Profile Image for Ainhoa.
429 reviews17 followers
August 24, 2021
I’m in a slump so this might be not 100% accurate, take my review with a pinch of salt.

I love cowboys and ranchs so reading this felt like the easy way out of my slump but… It wasn’t.

Riley and Zoey get married in Vegas after a dare from a friend, they feel a connexion and instead of breaking things up, she moves to his ranch to see if they can make it work. The story was simple, the characters very basic with no development at all. The h facing her parents like a 16 year old running away and then stomping off to her bedroom, and the H just staying put until she made a decision, no fighting for her, he loves her a great deal but chooses not to do anything at all because that what Bishop’s do… yes, not a great love story in my opinion.

Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,695 reviews897 followers
November 5, 2019
Release Date: November 12, 2019
Actual Rating: 5 stars

Cowboy Romance | Accidental Marriage

Every time I read a novel by Kennedy Fox I come away from it feeling like I have made lifelong friends. Her characters are so relatable that it's easy to connect with them and they all seem to share commonalities with their readers. While I have never accidentally got married like Zoey and Riley in Hitching the Cowboy, I did find everlasting love in the most uncommon and fateful ways like they did. Because of this, I felt a deep kinship with these characters and loved being a part of their journey as they navigated their new relationship.

One thing that I found most likable about this novel is the fact that neither Zoey or Riley were in a rush to annul their accidental marriage. In many romances within the trope you see characters scrambling to fix the mess they got into but that's not the case here. These two decided to give it a try and see if they connection that they felt when they first met was real enough to endure a future of happiness. It's things like this and really so much more, that makes Kennedy Fox one of my all time favorite authors. They truly know what their readers want and always manage to make their stories original.

Folks, I highly recommend anything by Kennedy Fox. Each book of theirs that I have read have been top favorites of mine. They can write sweet and funny or emotional and angsty - it doesn't matter. Whatever trope or genre they decide to write in it's ALWAYS good. This book is no exception although I do feel like I am falling a little harder for these Bishop boys... I can't wait for the next book. I also cannot wait to dive into the original Bishop Brothers series because if those ones are anything like this one I know I am going to fall in love.
Profile Image for Elsa Gomes (BookishAurora).
2,172 reviews298 followers
November 5, 2019
Rate: +5/ 5 stars

I don't know how these ladies do it. BUT they make me fall more in love with their writing and characters with each new book.

It feels like I waited years for this book, it was something me and a friend dreamed about and ever since it was announced, we have been ecstatic and counting down the days, And to finally read this book and fall in love with it from the very first page... the wait couldn't have been more worth it.

Being back at the Circle B Ranch and with all the Bishops and their friends is the best thing ever!! Getting to see all the little ones grown up and living their own lives, falling in love or getting in trouble was so so fun. The relationships they have, the banter, the sibling playfullness was so great. AND the parent-kids relationships were so great to see too. I, of course, wish I had seen more of Jackson but we did get to see or hear about most of the characters we had met before. All the Bishops and their wives are awesome parents and I loved seeing them again so much.

There are many parallels that can made between Riley and Alex and I loved that, it truly was like father, like son ahah. I love them both but I think Riley definitely stole his father's place. I loved him from the very first second, he was so fun and sweet. And gosh, his friendship with Diesel gave Alex and Dylan a run for their money and I dare say, they totally beat them ahah. Their dares were epic!

Riley and Diesel's trip to Vegas was hilarious. I swear I was laughing my but off with these two and their shenanigans. And when Riley first saw Zoey, you could see that there was already something pulling them together and I enjoyed how everything between them played out in Vegas. It was fun and oh so sexy.

Back at the ranch, Riley is bummed out for having to leave Zoey in Vegas so soon, so when she shows up a few months later to give their marriage a real shot, he's simply over the moon. Watching him with her and putting a real effort into their relationship, and making her not only fall in love with him but with the Ranch and his whole family was super sweet. I love this family so so much and Zoey just proved once again how impossible it is not to fall in love with all of them.

I simply loved this book and I have a feeling this whole series is gonna be bomb and even better than the Bishop Brothers, which coming from me is truly saying something because that is one my favorite series. We got to see a lot of Rowan too cause she's Riley's sister and all the little bread crumbs we got of her book had me dying... I CANNOT WAIT. Rowan and Diesel, I'll be waiting for you. Very impatiently. Brother's best friend to lover is MY JAM and I mean Diesel was so so fun and crazy, I can't wait to see him in all his glory in his own book. #GIVEME

Hitching the Cowboy was automitically in my top Kennedy Fox books since the very first chapters and although it is a lot more funny than it is angsty, it does have the perfect amount of angst to get you going. This book was simply fantastic and I'm already dying for more books in this series! I hope and pray more books will be announced in this series and that KF just keep on coming with more Circle B Ranch goodness.

➳E-copy kindly provided by WildFire Marketing Solutions and Kennedy Fox, in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Just Josie.
1,043 reviews186 followers
February 20, 2022
A cute, but little silly read.

If you like Penny Reid or Lauren Blakely this one should be up your league to.
I like the easiness. I like the sweet moments and the innocent romance. But most of all I loved the Bishop family “feel”. Most be amazing having such a family around.☺️

We had a little steam, a little romance, friendship and standing up for oneself.
Overall it was cute.

Read: 28/04/2021
1st rating: 3 stars
Genre/tropes: Contemporary romance/cowboys/dares/marriage
Cover: 3 stars
POV’s: Dual -1st person (Zoey & Riley)
Will I recommend: Yes, if you like cute. ☺️
Profile Image for Dali.
1,948 reviews546 followers
January 25, 2023
I just couldn't with this one... I didn't hate it but I just couldn't get into it. The romance was just not believable and I just couldn't engage with the story.
Full review pending
Profile Image for Jypsy .
1,524 reviews56 followers
November 13, 2019
Wedding bells are the last thing on twenty-two year old Riley Bishop’s mind, but that’s exactly what he hears after waking up in Vegas next to a woman he just met—his new wife.
He never saw her coming, but she might be worth the risk.

Zoey Mitchell is high on life, free spirited, and adventurous. However, learning she married a rowdy cowboy after a night of partying is not what she expected—even for her.
She’s risking it all, gambling with her heart.

Deciding to give their instant marriage a chance, Zoey moves from her big city life to a small town Texas ranch. She has to know if their connection is based on more than just a wild one-night stand before announcing to her family that she got hitched.

One moment changes everything—for better or worse—and a secret could destroy them both.

**This is a full-length stand-alone novel in the Circle B Ranch series and a spin-off from the Bishop Brothers series. You don’t need to read any of the other books beforehand to enjoy this one!**

Thank you Wildfire for an advanced copy which I voluntarily reviewed. All opinions expressed are my own.

Hitching The Cowboy
By: Kennedy Fox

*REVIEW* 💍💍💍💍
Hitching The Cowboy is my first Bishop Brothers read. When one wild night in Vegas ends in marriage to a stranger, Riley and Zoey must figure out what to do next. Deciding to give this crazy snap decision a chance, Zoey leaves city life behind to join Riley at the ranch in Texas where he lives. Zoey is not a prude, an introvert or greatly inhibited. She enjoys life and likes a good time, but this is a stretch even for her. Taking a chance on an impulsive marriage by going to live with your strange, unknown new husband sounds like a bad idea for anyone. Zoey is brave enough to try it, though, and I admire her adventurous, free spirited approach to life while simultaneously questioning her sanity. Riley may not have been looking for a wife, but that is exactly what he has now. As a hard working and family oriented guy, Riley is a decent man in a world where those are hard to find. Perhaps Zoey is wise to hold onto him? As they spend time together at the ranch, Zoey finds the family love and acceptance she never had from her own family, who are judgement and pushy instead of loving. As Riley and Zoey explore their relationship, do they find genuine feelings and chemistry or nothing more than a possible friendship? Will a secret change everything for good or bad? It is a journey full of angst, fun, hope, happiness, sadness and everything in between. The story is well written, entertaining and warm hearted with delightful characters who are easy to love. I was rooting for Riley and Zoey all the way because sometimes an impulsive decision turns out to be the best thing you have ever done.
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,165 reviews3,349 followers
March 15, 2021
This was cute and fun. Glad I gave this author duo another chance. I will probably stick to this series though, I wasn't a fan of some of the other ones.
Profile Image for Anna.
627 reviews513 followers
January 20, 2023
I knew I would like this bc Kennedy Fox wrote it, but whew it was a HOT one!!! CAN I GET A YEEEEEHAWWWW 🤠

WHO DOESN’T LOVE A SEXY COWBOY?!? Especially one that you met in Vegas during a bach trip!! Also…the prints that come in the special edition…lord have mercy. It’s such a treat.

Riley & Zoey have some PHENOMENAL chemistry. After they wake up and realize they are married, they part ways & leave it at that. But one day Zoey shows up at the ranch where Riley’s whole family is & is ready to see if they have something real between them. Zoey is such a sweetheart & Riley is the perfect gentleman who has a secret hot & possessive side. Quite the match if I say so myself ;) I enjoyed the audio (& alternating with my physical copy). AND THE FACT THAT THE RANCH IS IN TEXAS, MY STATEEEEEE, IS THE CHERRY ON TOP.

I am so ready for the next book.

Spice: 🌶🌶.5

Accidental marriage
One night stand
Cowboy romance
Insta love
Country boy/city girl
November 9, 2019
A weekend in Vegas turns into so much more when a dare turns into a wedding! But, no matter how instantaneous their chemistry was, can Riley and Zoey make a marriage work when they’ve only known each other for a few hours?

Hitching the Cowboy was really a fun and sexy romp. I loved watching this opposites attract couple fall hard and fast for one another. Riley is super sweet and much wiser than his years. He’s a hard worker, knows what he wants in life and is very family oriented. Zoey is more of a free spirit and is trying to figure out who she really is and what she wants in life. She’s always done what her parents want and expect, even if it’s not what she wants out of life . . .and now, for the first time, Riley has her thinking about putting her own happiness first.

I loved watching this couple get to know one another as they spend time on the ranch. And, for the first time, Zoey sees how a family that supports one another no matter what interacts and has her wishing that she could be a part of hat forever. But, one secret can put their chance at a happy marriage on the rocks . . . and I enjoyed watching this couple figure out if what happened in Vegas should have stayed there, or if they’ll find their happy ever after on the Bishop ranch. 4 stars!
Profile Image for Hanna's Book Obsession.
592 reviews62 followers
November 9, 2019
4.5 Stars
{I received this as an ARC in exchange for an Honest review}
From the second I opened this book I was hooked. Riley and Zoey stole my heart so fast. Their connection is instant and you can feel their chemistry fly off the pages. I loved every minute of this story. This cowboy had me blushing hard core y’all. Riley Bishop has definitely stolen my heart. The way he tries so hard to make his relationship with Zoey work is the best thing ever. He is so in love and is never afraid to show it. Zoey is such an amazing character. She has a passion for adventure. Going to Riley and trying to make their marriage work is so brave of her. She is going against her family to try and find her own happiness. Seeing how much she loves Riley and how she fits in with the Bishops is so wonderful. This love story needs to be in your life!!! Seriously I could not recommend this book enough!! It is angsty as hell. Super freaking Sexy. It was so much fun. I loved it!!! It is definitely one of my favorite Kennedy Fox Books!
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,103 reviews574 followers
August 6, 2020
The Bishops are back with an “oopsie, we’re married” in Vegas … let the romance games begin :)

These two made such a sweet story and I’m a sucker for second gen storylines so total #win for me! I especially liked that this author duo once again wrote a fantastic story full of emotion with a slow burn for Riley and Zoey. They had instant attraction but they took their time exploring it.

Excellent start to this next generation of Bishops! I can’t wait to read more!
Profile Image for Hazel.
613 reviews59 followers
May 14, 2021
This was a great light hearted read about Zoey and Riley who get hitched in Vegas after a dare. Zoey turns up at Riley’s ranch to see where things go and the 2 of them spend time getting to know each other. Zoey is torn about moving so far away and also knows that Riley doesn’t fit the mold her parents want her to fit into but she loves life on the ranch and is falling for Riley and his family.
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,105 reviews167 followers
January 13, 2022
finished reading hitching the cowboy within a day. it was steamy, hot, and full of romance. riley and zoey started a whirlwind marriage (yes, marriage) the day they got hitched in vegas during a drunken dare. despite only knowing each other for just a couple of days, they're comfortable in each other's company. it felt more than just a fling.

riley doesn't back down from a dare. that's how he ended up eloping and marrying zoey, a girl he barely knew. riley's easy to like. he has a happy-go-lucky personality. nothing bothers him. he's a good child to his parents (who are adorable because of how in love they are). zoey's wild and spontaneous but doesn't have much freedom. her parents are often pressurising her to become a doctor or to marry one because of the prestige it comes with having a doctorate. although she hates that her parents are like this, she's inherently a good daughter. finding herself at a crossroad, she took a sudden trip to texas to find her sexy cowboy/husband. i really liked zoey throughout the book.

as zoey spends weeks at the circle b ranch, she was incredibly happy and life was amazing. the bishop family opened their arms and hearts for her. warmly welcoming this new edition even though the news were sudden. zoey gets a glimpse of what it meant to be a family. the bishops can see that zoey and riley are truly attracted to one another but their doubts linger in this new union. will zoey, a city girl, be willing to live at this small town, miles away from her own family for forever?

overall, great novel! the bishops are wonderful characters. although riley and zoey's progression was really quick, they still had the get-to-know each other phase.

books in the series:
1. hitching the cowboy: ✰✰✰✰
2. catching the cowboy: ✰✰✰✰
3. wrangling the cowboy: ✰✰✰✰
4. bossing the cowboy: ✰✰✰✰
5. kissing the cowboy: ✰✰✰✰
6. winning the cowboy: ✰✰✰✰
7. claiming the cowboy
8. tempting the cowboy
9. seducing the cowboy

Profile Image for Shelly | VixenReads.
492 reviews84 followers
November 14, 2019
I’m normally not one for cowboy themed books but I swear Kennedy Fox could make me love a book on how fast paint dries!

We’re back to Circle B Ranch (the Bishops!) and it doesn’t get much better than this. I love being back here; visiting old friends and meeting new ones!

This is another not to be missed Kennedy Fox book. The chemistry is great, the banter is fantastic and this just keeps begetting better and better.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Linz Readz).
1,135 reviews39 followers
November 11, 2019
Love, Love, Love!

I have never read a series about the second generation family members from a series I’ve read and loved. I’m so grateful for this and the chance to revisit the whole Bishop family as time has gone on. Circle B Ranch will always hold a special place in my heart and I’m so glad we get to revisit it as well as everyone who lives there.

Riley Bishop is everything! He is so much like his father, Alex, and I loved every second of his story. When he takes his best friend, Diesel, to Las Vegas for his twenty-first birthday, Riley ends up married to Zoey, the woman he just met. Riley is the black sheep in her family, never feeling approved of or encouraged to do what makes her happy.

When Zoey makes a surprise trip to the ranch to see if they have something real, not just a quick marriage in Vegas, neither of them are ready for how real and immediate their attraction and feelings are. I loved how they took things slowly to find out more about each other outside of their insane chemistry. Their journey to forever was not an easy one and there are some major bumps in the road and I couldn’t read their story fast enough.

I am so excited to get my hands on Rowan and Diesel’s story! They have both already stolen my heart and I can’t wait to watch them navigate to a happily ever after! I hope we get a million more books set in this world with the Bishop family. I don’t want it to ever end!

Grateful to have received a complimentary ARC copy to honestly review.
Profile Image for Imani Blake (Enamored Reads).
307 reviews113 followers
November 13, 2019
I’m never surprised when I crack open a Kennedy Fox Cowboy Romance and immediately feel like I’m back at home.

Which is ironic considering I dislike most Cowboy romances. But Hitching the Cowboy just proves how easily KF writes the best cozy reads!

Zoey and Riley were the bees knees! This book definitely doesn’t have as much angst like their duets do, but it is just as much a page turner as every other book I’ve read by them! I love the instant yet genuine attraction between these two characters. The family aspect is forever string in the series and I may just love that the most!

If you’re looking for the perfect read to curl up with my a fire while drinking hot apple cider with your dog in the late hours of the evening, Hitching the Cowboy is it!
Profile Image for Cassidy (cassidyreads).
413 reviews80 followers
June 29, 2020
I’m absolutely loving the new generation of Bishop books! This book follows Riley and Zoey, who accidentally get hitched in Vegas during a bachelorette and birthday weeknd. Riley is the sweet cowboy, who is definitely a morning bird, loved his family and is extremely hardworking. Zoey is a hairdresser, the “black sheep” in her family but she quickly falls in love with Riley’s family. I loved their story, though it wasn’t as steamy as the other Kennedy Fox books, this one was just as sweet. Throughout the story, Zoey and Riley try to see if they can really be married to each other, despite not knowing each other that well. The side characters interactions are just perfect in this story, they are so involved and the Bishop family is absolutely amazing to follow. This story also leads up to a very anticipated third book in the Circle B ranch series!!
Profile Image for Emma Johnston.
919 reviews28 followers
November 12, 2019
Another 5 star read from this amazing duo! There is nothing that they could write that I wont read.

I loved Riley & Zoey and it was great to see some old faces too!
Profile Image for Suze Prescot.
Author 15 books18 followers
May 5, 2023
What happens in Vegas...

A drunken dare leads to a Vegas wedding for Zoey and Riley, but it can be annulled, right?
Cute and heated romance with a pair of likeable characters facing an uncertain future. Enjoyable and entertaining.
Profile Image for Alecia (The Staircase Reader).
1,040 reviews71 followers
November 10, 2019

Kennedy Fox always finds a way to get me swooning over cowboys.... Which isn't at all a hard thing to accomplish. There is something about his duo and their writing style that causes me to instantly want to devour all the words. I'm seriously lusting over RILEY BISHOP!!!! This man is the definition of SWOON!!!!

About Hitching The Cowboy:

Hitching The Cowboy is the second book in the Circle B Ranch series by Kennedy Fox. The Circle B Ranch is a spinoff of The Bishop Brothers series. This novel is also told from Riley and Zoey's point of view!

Riley works for a living on his family's ranch and there's nothing he'd rather be doing. But sometimes a little break and time away is just what a body needs. So he decides to take his best friend, Diesel, To Las Vegas for his twenty first birthday!

Zoey is the typical black sheep of a ritzy family. Where as all of her family members work as doctors with high paying jobs, Zoey has taken a different route and she's a trained hairdresser. But she's looking for something more. She wants a little spice in her life. Thank god her sister is getting married and holding a bachelorette party in Las Vegas.

One drunken night and one dare forms a bond and vows that can never be broken. Or at least until the morning after.

My Thoughts:

Hitching The Cowboy's storyline is based on the what happen's in vegas...doesn't necessarily stay in vegas trope. This has been one of my favorite tropes since the first time I've been reading novels. There's something about a drunken mistake that ends up being the best choice in someone's life that causes my heart to race.

I loved each and every step that Riley and Zoey had to go through in order to reach their happily ever after. But most of all.... I loved getting a glimpse into all my favorite Bishop Brother's lives! I couldn't get enough. I can't get over how much I'm loving this new generation of bishops!!

I need all the cowboys, ranchers, and swoony ass country boys RIGHT NOW!!! Hell yeah, this duo knows how to bring the country boys to the party! I am obsessed! I need more!!! I highly recommend Hitching The Cowboys to all those readers that need a little dose of country in their lives!



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The Staircase Reader
Profile Image for Courtney.
849 reviews39 followers
April 8, 2022
I really wanted to love this because the characters are...


Riley is the perfect sexy southern gentlemen, Zoey is fun and sweet, and Riley's best friend Diesel is a freaking riot.

But the story....


First we have the opening prologue, where Riley and Zoey wake up after their drunken one night stand and can't remember each other's names. Which was fine...but then the book jumps back 72 hours, and we learn the MCs had actually hung out over the past two days, so they obviously knew each other.


Then they go back to their respective home states. Riley receives annulment papers and assumes he'll never see Zoey again, but then she shows up at the ranch and says she wants to see if their relationship could actually work.

And then nothing happens...for a really, really long time.


Eventually the author realizes something has to happen, so she makes up the most ridiculous non-drama drama ever.

Why is this stupid? Because this is not the middle ages. Parents don't dictate these things in the modern world, especially when the heroine is a freaking hair stylist! She refers to herself as a trophy wife...on what planet exactly? Her parents aren't royalty or high-powered executives with tons of connections; they’re doctors in Phoenix. She's the daughter of doctors who recently graduated from cosmetology school. Apparently this is enough to make her a trophy wife.


And then to make it even more ridiculous, when this @sswipe shows up to "claim" her, she goes with him!


She said she loves Riley and she doesn't want to go but that she has no choice. How does she have no choice? She's 21 freaking years old in the twenty first century. Tell the douche to back off and stay will the dude you say you love. I didn’t even care about these two getting together after that nonsense.


I just can't even with this.
Profile Image for Kimberly Anne.
3,167 reviews183 followers
November 5, 2019
So we start off with a bang in the Prologue, that instantly had my attention. I have to say these types of books are one of my favorites, because I love how both the H and h learn of one another. To see the progression go from nothing to something, and Zoey and Riley showcased that. Zoey and Riley's story flew by for me. The writing was witty, and the banter was some that I strive for. I loved the family aspect and how family oriented it was. I loved the chemistry and not overdone plot. Overall, this was a great story.

Riley is a cowboy through and through. When he isn't working on his families ranch, he's a good time. He laughs and smiles. Gets along with everyone. He is family oriented and has the best of best friends.

Zoey is a people pleaser, regardless of being spontaneous and eccentric. She is a cosmetologist, that didn't fall in line with her families profession, and bares the weight of trying to be what her parents want her to be.

What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas. Can Riley and Zoey actually make a marriage work, when they have two completely different lives?


~ Ashley

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November 12, 2019
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas---right??? Nope---not when the chemistry is this strong between two people. Riley and Zoey were looking for fun but ended up being linked together forever. They part ways but that old fool of a heart just knew that they were destined to be soul mates.

Zoey and Riley are young but they both come across as a bit worldly. That said, the big reveal or 'blunder' if you will was a total immature move. I felt bad for Zoey and the way her family saw her.

That said, Riley's family is the bomb! I am so glad she got to experience their love--no questions asked. Loved all of Riley's family and friends. I can't wait to read more about them.

Perfect western romance read. Loved it!

*Complimentary copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Book Maniac Forever.
964 reviews379 followers
July 10, 2020

⭐️ 4.5 "What Happens in Vegas..." Stars ⭐️
Omg! I loved Hitching the Cowboy so much! I was so excited when I learned the news about this second generation of Bishops as they are one of my absolute favorite fictional family! Revisiting them was so amazing with lots of funny moments and endearing ones! Kennedy Fox delivered their usual mixture of sweet, charming and sexy in this southern romance between a swoon-worthy cowboy and a lovely young woman sharing the most wonderful connection.

When Riley and Zoey meet in Vegas, the pull is instant and undeniable between them. On a dare from his best friend Diesel, Riley ends up married with the girl a few hours only after meeting her. Then starts a beautiful love story between these two destined soul.

I enjoyed the slow burn between Zoey and Riley to help learn more about each other and build a real relationship. Everything is so effortless between them and I was captivated by the way they’re so dedicated to make this marriage work. The way the Bishops accept Zoey in the family so easily is beautiful. She fits more in this new family then her own. She’s determined to make her own path and not follow her parents’ choices for her. And Riley! Gah! He’s as charming and sweet as his dad Alex was in Taming Him. Such a good man!

Overall, this story filled my heart with happy feelings! Hitching the Cowboy was just so good! I was so entertained by Diesel and his antics with Riley about his younger sister and now I just can’t wait for their own story that promises intensity and angst!

** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **
Profile Image for Love & Lavender Book Review.
484 reviews38 followers
November 12, 2019
I FLOVE this story!! I'm still fairly new to Kennedy Fox's books and I'm a newcomer to Circle B Ranch but OMG am I in LOVE with these rugged cowboys!! Riley and Zoey nearly knock my boots off with their instant chemistry to full on love story! I was swooning from the get-go to the very last page, complete with a final happy sigh and a HUGE smile on my face!

Riley and his best friend Diesel are constantly getting into trouble, they're pretty hilarious together. But joke's on Riley when he meets Zoey and all bets are off. They are smoking hot together. This story is delicious, romantic, and super charming as Riley and Zoey discover just how perfect they are together. Loading up on the swoons, get ready for a whirlwind romance and follow your heart all the way to Texas for some cowboy love. If you're a fan of Circle B Ranch, you'll catch up with the family but if you're a newbie like me, I've totally fallen for the rest of the crew, and I've got some back reading to do ;)

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*
1,310 reviews5 followers
November 12, 2019
I absolutely adore second generation stories and this one just got added to the list! I loved everything about this storyline from their first meet to the adorable epilogue. All of the characters were loveable, and it was great reuniting with the first generation. Zoey is a tough, independent woman and Riley was a tough man but showed such a fantastic soft side. They're chemistry was hot but my favorite part was just their ability to be laid back and themselves with each other. Everything was just perfect!!
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,779 reviews21 followers
October 31, 2019
Thrilled to be back at the Circle B Ranch with more Bishops! 5 sparkly horseshoes for this one!
Meet Riley Bishop, hard worker at the ranch, he and Diesel are headed to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate Diesel's birthday! What trouble could they get into right?
Zoey, hairdresser, never living up to what her parent's expect from her. When her sister Summer's bachelorette party is being held in Vegas, she can't wait because with her sister and friends, she will have fun and let loose! What could possibly happen there right?
When Riley sees Zoey across the room, he's immediately taken with her, and when they make eye contact, sparks fly. He & Diesel end up spending the next morning and evening with the girls and all bet's are off.
Kennedy Fox did a great job on this one, and I can't wait for more cowboys! Diesel is up next!!
Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
December 10, 2019
DNF at 29%

I just couldn't with this couple. I didn't believe them, I didn't connect with them and I am actually pretty sure I didn't like either of them.

I am not sure what happened here, either, as I have really enjoyed other books by this author...this one, however, was a miss.
Profile Image for Jenn Amy.
895 reviews80 followers
October 13, 2020
I loved this story! I am somewhat of a new comer to Kennedy Fox’s books. I only discovered them this year and have been making my way through their backlist and fell in love with all the Bishops and now we have the next generation in the Circle B Ranch books so to say I was excited for this story is an understatement. Kennedy Fox write cowboys like no other. They are possessive, protective, pure alpha men that grab onto your heart from the first page and Riley was exactly that. He is an exact replica of his father, Alex (from Taming Him) he was born and raised on the ranch and loves his life working hard as ranch hand. The book begins where Riley takes his best friend Diesel whom is turning 21 to Las Vegas for the weekend. The two were hilarious together and after a bet he couldn’t back down from and way too much to drink he finds himself married in Vegas to Zoey Mitchell. Zoey is beautiful, carefree and eccentric. She has a creative soul and marches to the beat of her own drum. She comes from a family of doctors who wish she’d follow in their footsteps but she instead she follows her own passion and became a hairdresser instead. Zoey has always been adventurous and on a weekend trip to Vegas for her sisters bachelorette party she vows to herself to let loose and have fun and meets Riley. They part ways, she goes back to Arizona and Riley back to Texas and 4 weeks later she shows up on his ranch wanting to give their relationship a go instead of an immediate annulment. The two have crazy passion and chemistry, there is absolutely no denying that. But they have their work cut out for the, figuring out each other. I enjoyed this story and didn’t want to put in down from beginning to end. I am eager to read Catching the Cowboy next which is Diesel and Rowan’s story!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 461 reviews

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