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My life was in order until a bikini-clad trespasser decided to take a dip in my hot tub in the middle of a cold winter night. So I asked her to be my fake girlfriend.

She’s house-sitting next door, got locked out, and decided the best way to stay warm was to sit in my hot tub. (I’m not sure how the hard cider she pilfered out of my outdoor fridge fit into her plan…)

From the beginning, my temporary next-door neighbor has been chaos embodied, but she just might be what I need to keep my baby-crazy mother from setting me up with anything in possession of a uterus.

This craziness is the last thing I need as I battle a hip injury that might end my season and my career early, and try to get to the bottom of the secret my mother is keeping about our family.

The girl next door is everything I usually avoid, and our situation is just for show... until I realize chaos might be exactly what I need.

Grumpy Goalie is a standalone, hockey romcom by USA Today bestseller Delancey Stewart that offers her trademark humor, heart and heat!

310 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 4, 2024

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About the author

Delancey Stewart

84 books835 followers
I'm USA Today Bestselling author Delancey Stewart. My contemporary romances run the gamut of settings and setups, but they always deliver humor, heart and heat. It's a guarantee.

I write from my home in Denver, CO, where I manage a household full of boys and men. Okay, only one man. The hubs. But two boys. I mean, three if you count the hubs. (You see why I do words and not numbers. I was told there'd be no math in this bio. Someone lied.)

I grew up in California and have had more jobs than anyone on earth (personal trainer, pharmaceutical rep, copywriter, tech writer, marketing director, wine seller, elementary school teacher... I'm not kidding. The list. It goes on.) But the one I love the most is writing, in part because I get to meet people who love books and stories as much as I do! Please don't hesitate to get in touch to say hello, and don't forget to join my newsletter!

Get a free story from me by joining my weekly email here: https://www.subscribepage.com/delance...

Find me at www.delanceystewart.com
Facebook: www.facebook/DelanceyWrites.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews
Profile Image for Helen.
207 reviews3 followers
December 3, 2023
I loved this book! Hillary is a free spirit letting the universe dictate where she ends up in life. Stephano is a goalie who likes his life to be orderly and lives by rules to make sure it stays that way. When these two connect the sparks fly. I loved how they connected and complemented each other. I smiled and laughed while reading this book. Life gets complicated and when Stephano’s mother wants him to return to Italy he has some tough choices to make. If you like sports romances and quirky characters you’ll love this book. Highly recommend. I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Donna McEachran.
953 reviews22 followers
December 17, 2023
Another great addition to the Wilcox Wombat series, this time with Goalie Stephano and his mysterious new neighbour. Hillary's history is heartbreaking and this book made me cry! Highly recommend!!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Connor.
1,306 reviews26 followers
December 14, 2023
Thanks to the author for an ARC of her latest book in the Wilcox Wombats series. This one is about Stephano (a.k.a. Goalie) and Hillary (a.k.a. Goldilocks), and I really enjoyed it. The way that Stephano and Hillary meet is unique and quirky, and perfectly encapsulates Hillary’s sunny, can-do attitude, the perfect foil for Stephano’s serious, goal-driven (with a splash of OCD thrown in) character. It’s a fake girlfriend story, so it’s not a surprise when they develop real feelings for one another. Unfortunately, with a great deal of pressure (a.k.a. guilt) from his mother, Stephano chooses to do what’s best for his family, even if it breaks his heart. It takes an unexpected character to show him a way to do right by his family and go after the woman he loves. By then, he has to track down Hillary and beg her forgiveness for temporarily leaving.

The theme is family and how they can be our greatest source of strength, if only we’ll allow them. Hillary feels as if her family is disappointed in her for always letting them down—not finishing med school, not having a consistent source of income, not having a career—but they don’t actually feel that way. Stephano has spent the last ten years sending money to his family in Italy to make up for the loss of his father when he was 17. In reality, his mother never wanted these “presents,” although they certainly helped; all she ever wanted was his presence. He has been very successful financially because of his hockey skills, but his mother has always wanted him to settle down—in Italy—and start a family.

We find out why Hillary has been so unwilling to set down roots anywhere since leaving med school, and it’s a doozy. And it’s something she’ll need to face, no matter how she might try to outrun her feelings. That said, Hillary has a great sense of humor and she manages to add levity to almost every situation. When she locks herself out of the house while making her way to the hottub in winter weather: “Dammit.” I muttered the word under my breath, which was possible since I could see my breath hanging inthe air around me. Of course, this is because Delancey Stewart has a great sense of humor. She was very clever in working song lyrics into the story without infringing on any copyrights, and this, told from Stephano’s POV, made me laugh out loud: Hillary comes into Stephano’s house and is privy to his eclectic playlist, which features several female vocalists: “...she swung her head around to stare at me in surprise as the first words of the solo female anthem left her lips in a low whisper, mouthing about how at first she was afraid… I was petrified.” This was not the image he sought to portray, and now she was privy to something private and he was afraid of how she might react.

I loved the opposing POVs after their first kiss. Stephano reflects: “She was unaffected, and I felt like I’d just unpacked every single thing I owned and scattered it around us, and now had to scoop it all back into a suitcase much too small to fit it all.” After he leaves, however, it switches back to Hillary’s POV: “Had he liked it? He’d kissed me like he liked it. But that reaction… I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but one thing was clear to me. I needed to kiss Stephano Mizzoni again. For science. And because it was the hottest kiss I’d ever experienced.”

This story is heavy with feelings of loss and regret, but it never grows maudlin. Instead, the feelings flow over you without bringing you to tears, and personally, I appreciate that. There’s never any question about the authenticity of their emotions, but nothing is played up to evoke an overtly emotional reaction from the reader. In the end, it’s a surprisingly feel-good story about unexpected love and a happy ending.
Profile Image for Terri Zumbrook.
2,463 reviews15 followers
December 23, 2023
The grumpy/sunshine hockey player needing a fake relationship isn’t an unusual trope combination, but GRUMPY GOALIE has it all together from start to finish. Hillary is effervescent and a bit quirky. She is looking for a purpose in life but strangely enough, does that by running away.

Stefano is the grumpy goalie with pressure from his family, his aging body, and the backup goalie breathing down his neck. He meets Hillary in a truly odd and clever encounter. When his matchmaking mother suddenly declares she is coming to visit from Italy, Stefano has to decide how to deal with her desire to see him married with children. Will Stefano and Hillary declaring they are dating solve the problem, or make it worse?

I’ve read the other books in the series so far, and this one was my favorite for the personalities and the romance. I received an advanced copy to read. This is my voluntary review.
605 reviews5 followers
January 4, 2024
This book starts with a novel meet cute! A stranger discovered in Stephano Mizzoni’s hot tub! But the attraction to Hillary Watters is mutual and immediate! Stephano is hiding an injury from his hockey team and Hillary is hiding her sorrows from her friends and family. She’s sunshine and he’s gloom and doom so what could possibly become if their attraction?
Beautifully written with believable characters one can easily identify with, Grumpy Goalie is a wonderfully delicious romcom with lots of angst, hot hockey players and some serious steam!
Profile Image for Eileen.
2,157 reviews
January 2, 2024
I loved Stefano and Hilary’s fake relationship in Grumpy Goalie by Delancey Stewart, book two in the Wilcox Wombat series; an opposites-attract, grumpy-sunshine romance that was heartwarming, hilarious and steamy; full of lovable characters pulling at your heartstrings with all the emotions. Family is a major theme running throughout this story; reminding one that they can be our greatest source of strength, if only we’ll allow them.

Stephano Mizzoni, a professional hockey goalie, is facing the reality of his aging body and the possibility that his career is coming to an end. Hillary Watters, a med school dropout has become a free-spirited, live-in-the-moment soul, who roams from place to place as a professional house sitter. Stephano is hiding an injury from his hockey team and Hillary is hiding her sorrows from her friends and family. A chance encounter in Stephano’s hot tub, while Hillary is house sitting next door, brings them together; with enough sunshine and heat between them to melt the ice on a hockey rink. Hillary’s sunny, can-do attitude is perfect for defeating Stephano’s serious, goal-driven outlook on life. When Stephano is surprised by a visit from his overbearing mother, Hillary pretending to be his girlfriend to help stop his mother’s matchmaking tendencies helps calm him. Feeling pressured by his mother to quit hockey and move home to Italy to preserve his family’s legacy Stephano is lost between his family’s wants and his own desires. At the same time, Hillary has the opportunity to make her passion a feasible career. As they both face a difficult decision, they will need to be strong enough to chase the future they want.

Ms. Stewart wrote an emotional, wonderful, heartwarming romance that kept me turning the pages as I followed Stephano and Hillary’s fake relationship as it developed into a real one. This story is rich with a little bit of everything: magnetic attraction, sizzling chemistry, clever banter, the magic of friends, and a colorful cast of secondary characters; giving Stephano and Hillary a chance at love, happiness, and a future both deserved. I highly recommend Grumpy Goalie to other readers and look forward to the next story in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book
Profile Image for Tammy Moldovan.
1,513 reviews18 followers
December 10, 2023
Love, hockey and the universe

Stefano and Hillary’s opposites attract, grumpy-sunshine, fake relationship was a beautiful romance of all the things. I loved it. This is a heartwarming, hilarious and steamy romance full of lovable characters that will give you all the swoony swoons while also pulling at your heartstrings with all the emotions. This story had me laughing, crying, sighing, and cheering. Stefano is the goalie on a professional hockey team. He likes his carefully controlled, well ordered life. Family is the only thing more important to him than hockey. Hillary is a med school dropout who is a house sitter for well to do clients. She lets the universe guide her. Both Stefano and Hillary have had their life course shaped by a traumatic event and their trauma affects their lives. Their meet cute involving an unexpected hot tub encounter was cute and hilariously absurd - I loved it. After they meet, an unexpected visit by Stefano’s family results in their chance encounter becoming a fake relationship. The more time Stefano and Hillary spend together, the more their relationship deepens and grows into something real. There are lots of obstacles to a more permanent relationship between them and a lot of baggage to unpack to get there. The path to their HEA is a funny, sweet, slightly angsty, and steamy journey that was pleasure to read. The story was well written and included witty dialogue, three dimensional characters who grow, and an engaging storyline. It has sweet moments, lots of spice, laughs, complicated families, painful pasts, hard choices, and all the love. I am loving this series and these characters. 4.5 stars.
1,128 reviews13 followers
January 5, 2024
- Hockey romance
- Grumpy/sunshine
- Hot tub meet cute
- Fake dating

I'm in my hockey era and totally love the Wombats. A team full of hunky hockey players and a mysterious zamboni driver? Yes, please!

This story centers around Italian goalie Stephano and house sitter Hillary. They meet in an adorabel way - Hillary locks herself out of the home she's house sitting - while wearing a bikini, in Canada, in January. Needless to say, she is cold! She sees the next door neighbor has a hot tub, so she jumps the fence to warm up in it. Stephano finds her there and is unsure what to make of her.

Stephano is feeling overwhelmed by pressures in his life - the team wants him to mentor a new goalie, he is hiding a hip injury from the team, and his mother is coming to visit him from Italy. His very intent on having grandbabies so why isn't he married? mother.

Hillary is a free spirit, but is also trying to reconcile the guilt she feels letting down her father after dropping out of med school. She now has a staggering amount of student loans and no good paying job.

Hillary's effervescence makes Stephano's slightly OCD self uncomfortable, but he's also drawn to her. So much so that he comes up with the idea of a fake girlfriend to keep his matchmaking mother from giving him too much grief..

What follows is absolutely top notch banter that had me howling...and enough emotional impact to have me sighing.

Oh, and the chapter titles? Sheer brilliance!
Profile Image for Joanne Felaccio.
22 reviews2 followers
December 16, 2023
Proof that the Universe does sometimes get it right!

Grumpy Goalie is the latest in the Wilcox Wombat series.

Stephano is a professional hockey goalie who is facing the reality of his aging body and the possibility that his career is coming to an end.

Hillary is a free-spirited, live-in-the-moment, soul who flits from place to place as a professional house sitter.

When a chance encounter brings them together and it is evident that there is enough sunshine and heat between them to melt all the ice on a hockey rink, neither of them considered that this could lead to their HEA.

When Stephano is blindsided by a visit from his overbearing mother he elicits the help of Hillary to pretend to be his girlfriend to squash his mother’s matchmaking tendencies.

Feeling the pressure of his mother to move home to Italy to preserve his family’s legacy and Hillary facing the opportunity of making her passion a viable career, they are both faced with the decision between their family’s wants and their own desires. Can they put the expectations of others aside and be strong enough to chase the future they envision for themselves?

Although the struggles the main characters face are real, so is the humor with which they are handled. I laughed throughout this book.

I highly recommend it for anyone who likes fake dating, steamy, grumpy/sunshine rom-coms.
Profile Image for Maz.
1,106 reviews20 followers
January 1, 2024
This was the 3rd book in the Wilcox Wombat Series. So far I have enjoyed the series.. Delancey has a way to make you laugh and also cry with emotions.
This one was about Stephano, the Italian Stallion Goalie. He is the best in the league. He needs to keep going a few more years to secure a future for his Mamma and brothers. But life doesn't always goes to plan.
I loved free spirited Hillary and how she leaves it to the universe to guide her through the life. She wasn't always like this but her tragic past has left her in fear of settling. She is absolutely hilarious and doesn't shy away from anything.
Their meet cute was awkward, I won't tell you about it because it needs to be read.
Thia them leads to them fake dating to stop his meddling mum from marrying him off just to anyone willing.
His mum is carrying a secret she is cold towards Hillary and isn't making things easy. What is her secret? Is he going to be able to hold on with his hips ready to give way?
What happens when fake feels real?
Will Hillary be able to finally settle st one given place?
The band of brothers are hilarious as always. I loved their banter, togetherness and support.
Thoroughly enjoyed the story, it had banter, laughter, Ice Hockey, emotions, loss, heartbreak, love and steam.
89 reviews
December 18, 2023
I am kind of on the fence with this story. I loved Stephano and his love for his teammates and his family. Stephano has been the Wombats goalie for 10 years and has had a great career. Injury plagues him but he needs more money to make sure his family will be settled in Italy because tragedy took away his father and the winery his family owned. He can't lose his focus on the pain and the woman he found lounging in his hot tub one night.

She is housesitting for Stephano's next door neighbor and finds herself locked out and decides to keep warm in the neighbor's hot tub. I was kinda annoyed with Hillary. She was wishy washy and too flighty for me. Some parts of the story I just wanted to slap some sense into her.

Stephano's mother comes to the States to visit and Stephano decides he needs a buffer to keep his mother from matchmaking this time around. He asks Hillary to be his fake girlfriend so he can focus on his career.

I loved the story but just couldn't enjoy it because I couldn't stand Hillary. Sorry Ms. Stewart, I still will read your books but your heroine needs a little backbone.

I received an advance copy for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Schellie.
692 reviews
December 9, 2023
There is never a bad time for a hockey romance & one with a grumpy goalie just makes it even better. Delancey has written a great story for Stephano & Hillary that was a joy to read start to finish. I always go into a book thinking, just one more chapter & suddenly it's 3am & I'm cross eyed but still reading! I'm happy to report...it was worth the book hangover I suffered from! Hillary is a force & she tugs at something in Stephano. Maybe she can be the distraction he needs to keep Mama off his back about babies & marriage. Could he really ask her to be his fake girlfriend? Would she even agree to it anyway? Hillary is just there for a short time, so getting involved with the Goalie next door may not be the best plan. Before they have a chance to really talk about a plan, Mama & Luca are there. After that, the Chaos ensues! This was a steamy, sexy, hot as hell grumpy/sunshine story! I absolutely love all of the supporting characters & I can't wait to skate further into this series! Enjoy!
1,916 reviews10 followers
December 14, 2023
A golden goddess!

Stephano Mizzoni is a premier pro-hockey goalie for the Wilcox Wombats. Their chances of playing for the cup this season are good but a nagging hip injury has him worried that he might not be the one in the net when that happens. Hockey and his family in Italy are his world and if he can last a few more years he can give Mamma her heart’s desire. He has it all planned out but his plans don’t include the bikini-clad goddess sitting in his hot tub

Hillary Watters left responsibility and careers behind and now bounces between her sister’s house and house-sitting jobs. Except for increasing debt and delinquent student loans, her life is great. When she locks herself out of her current house-sit, dressed in only her bikini, she climbs a neighbor's fence looking for a refuge from the freezing weather. The hot tub is much more inviting than the grumpy neighbor.

This sports romance has interesting characters, a good plot, and some sweet romance. I received a free copy but my review is honest and voluntary.
31 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2023
It's A Hat Trick!

This third in the Wilcox Wombats series scores big.  While there is interaction with previous characters, this story stands confidently on its own. Once again, Ms. Stewart gives us an engaging story and sympathic characters against the backdrop of professional sport. She has a knack for pulling us into the story from the first pages.

We can empathize with Stephano, our grumpy goalie, as he deals with the angst of a possibly career-ending injury, heavy family responsibilities, and his growing affection for Hillary, the house sitter next door. For her part, Hillary has her own issues to resolve. Increasingly pressing financial demands and being “rudderless” following the death of her fiancee, cause her to take a long look at her life. We easily become invested in the story of this unlikely match and how they reach their HEA.

I really enjoyed the “Goalie” and feel sure you would as well. Ms. Stewart further cements her spot on my favorite authors list!
1,609 reviews3 followers
January 4, 2024
This book was so much fun! Ms. Stewart has a way with characters and events - taking them right to the edge of too much (fun, absurdity, danger, whatever), then solving the situation in creative ways for us readers to enjoy. I've done some skating (even played one hockey game in college!) and half of my relatives are Italian, so I felt especially connected to the story in those particular ways. The occasional comments and appearances by Uncle Julius are priceless philosophical insights, which I really enjoy. And the amusing chapter headings were a nice bonus (better than just boring old numbers!).

I felt like Stefano and Hillary were real people, letting the reader see into their lives (and even into their thoughts) as they navigated the various serious decisions that came their way. Being young and falling for each other, they also knew how to have some fun.

I'm looking forward to listening to this novel as an audiobook and enjoying it all over again!
42 reviews1 follower
December 9, 2023
The Wilcox Wombats return in this hockey romance and I’m loving this series. Grumpy Goalie Stephano is having a bad year- his hip hurts and the coach wants him to mentor the second string goalie who wants to replace him. Then Goldilocks aka Hillary, enters his life while house sitting next door. She not only has a golden aura but is a free spirit who lives in the moment. His Italian family has had some business issues and when his Mamma decides to visit to convince him to return to Italy, Hillary agrees to be a fake girlfriend. Along the way to their HEA Stephano loosens up about his future and Hillary realizes she could make some plans, too. These two characters are enjoyable as are the other Wombats. Plus we find out who Julius, the Zamboni driver is. Recommended. I received an ARC for an honest review.
137 reviews1 follower
December 16, 2023
Delancey Stewart scored another win with this book about a grumpy goalie and his flighty, house-sitting gorgeous neighbor. The story is fast-paced, with never a dull moment for either of the main characters. Stephano Mizzoni, the Wilcox Wombats star goalie, is dealing with an injured hip, a second-string goalie who desperately wants more ice time, an Italian mother and younger brother coming to town, and a need to return to Italy permanently. Hillary Watters is in mega-debt after dropping out of medical school, her fiancé was killed in a car accident, and she doesn't know what to do with her life. I love the way Stephano and Hillary meet and begin to fall for each other. Many obstacles occur, but they finally reach their HEA. I highly recommend this book, as well as the whole series. Delancey Stewart is one of my favorite authors!
1,447 reviews10 followers
January 4, 2024
I really enjoyed this book and am loving the Wombats. Stephano is the goalie for the team and he takes it seriously. He is also playing with an injury that he is trying to hide and resents that he is essentially training his replacement. When he sees a woman in his hot tub he can’t believe his eyes and doesn’t want to acknowledge that her aura is the brightest he has ever seen.

Hillary is a house sitter who accidentally locks herself out of the house and helps herself to the neighbors hot tub. When he finds her there she tells him what happened and he lets her stay at his house for the night. They become friends and I loved what they did for the other and their personalities. Throughout the arrangement they both feel like it is more real than fake, but they have a lot to work through.

The reason I am not giving it five stars is mainly because of the repetitive dialogue and I wish his mom and Hillary would have had a conversation about how the mom treated her at first. Overall, the characters were fantastic and the story was great. I can’t wait to see what happens with the Wombats in the future. Stephano was grumpy, but he was also squishy when he was with Hillary.

I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.4k reviews86 followers
January 5, 2024
Stefano is a professional goalie for the Wilcox Wombats who is going through a challenging time both when it comes to his career and his family. The last thing he needs is to find a spontaneous woman in his hot tub but as he spends time with her he realizes she is exactly who he needs.

Hillary is going through a difficult time of her own however she hides it beneath her outgoing personality. She isn’t sure what direction her future will take but housesitting the residence next to Stefano’s must have been fate. When she finds herself playing his pretend girlfriend, they are both about to find out the feelings are very real.

Hillary and Stefano are very different but that is what makes them perfect for each other. Their story is sure to bring a smile to your face as well as touch your heart as they show each other that their true happiness lies with each other.
553 reviews
January 22, 2024

A steep decline from previous book. You can say Hillary is a free spirit, but I don't agree. She went through medical school (which is super duper expensive) and almost done, suddenly you said screw it and bolt. It's alright if she knew what will she do without it, but nooooo. She still clueless after she bolt. It drives me mad, when she can't even done her job right as house sitter that she claim loved it.

I'm sure the book will explain how in the end Hillary is not lost anymore and richer than God, but nope. Can't remove that ick feeling that this Hillary is a loose cannon that bring nothing but trouble to her so-called-beloved family and clients.

While Stephano.. OMG what is wrong with him? Just say no to your mom! You said you were so close, but yet you can't stand up to her. What is wrong with these characters?!
Profile Image for Melena.
2,895 reviews71 followers
January 5, 2024
Grumpy Goalie is book two in the Wilcox Wombats series, and it's Stephano and Hillary's story. They first meet when she starts house sitting for his neighbor and gets locked out in the middle of the night.

I loved the dual POV because they were both interesting characters. I liked getting to see their first impressions of one another and how they connected and fell for one another. The story and relationship development were nicely paced, and it was easy to see the chemistry between them. The grumpy/sunshine and opposites attract dynamic they shared was perfect!

This is a fantastic addition to the series and I enjoyed it so much. I already can't wait to see what comes next.

Thank you to the author for providing an ARC for an honest review.
8 reviews
January 5, 2024
I really liked most of what this book was about. My rating is actually a 4.5, but that is not possible in a five-star system. I liked the main characters and most of the support characters. The story flowed well, and the main characters evolved.
The only thing that kept me from rating this book at 5 stars was my abhorrence of the goalie's mother. I found nothing redeeming about her and actually cringed every time she thought only of herself and used her children, rather than supporting them. I repeat; nothing redeeming. There are malignant people in the world, so in that sense the story was true-to-life. But I found myself looking forward to a possible "hit by bus" plot twist. 😉...maybe in a future book?
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
4,790 reviews45 followers
January 7, 2024
Grumpy Goalie is a delightful sports romance novel that captures the essence of small-town charm and the thrill of the game. The author, Delancey Stewart, skillfully weaves together the love story of the grumpy but endearing goalie with the perfect amount of humor and emotional depth. The characters are well-developed, and the slow-burn romance keeps you engaged from the first page to the last. The small-town setting adds a cozy feel to the narrative, making it a perfect read for a lazy weekend. While the plot may follow some familiar tropes, the author's unique voice and engaging writing style breathe new life into the story. Overall, Grumpy Goalie is a heartwarming and entertaining read that will appeal to fans of sports romance and small-town love stories.
Profile Image for Caroline.
231 reviews7 followers
December 5, 2023
Zamboni Zamboni Zamboni

The Wilcox Wombats are back with their star goalie finding love in the midst of personal, professional, and familial chaos. Free spirit Hillary Watters is not intimidated by Stephano Mizzoni’s stand-offish demeanor. In fact, Stephano can’t seem to stay away from his temporary neighbor…so he might as well strike up a deal, right?

I adore this series, and Grumpy Goalie has become my favorite grumps of all the grumpy heroes. Hillary is the embodiment of sunshine, and her glittering goodness is exactly what Stephano needs.

Now I need the puppy dog goalie to fall in love 🥰

Dual POV
Neighborly meet cute
Fake relationship
Sports romance
Profile Image for Quinn Fforde.
2,713 reviews12 followers
December 15, 2023
Hillary is a free spirit who is trying to find her path in life. Medical school wasn't it, and she is house sitting to earn money. She ends up next door to Stephano, the grumpy goalie for the Wilcox Wombats. He has good reasons for being grumpy: a back-up goalie who is too good for Stephano's peace of mind, a possible hip injury, and an impending visit by his matchmaking mother. A sunshiny free spirit is not what he needs next door -- except that maybe she could deflect some of his mother's attention. And maybe she makes him a little less grumpy. The two of them are a lovely pair, and their chemistry is fantastic. I enjoyed the humor and the way they supported each other.
1,148 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2023
A little bit of opposites attract.
Stephano is the Wombats goalie, a bit grumpy and can be a little aloof. He sees aura in people, so finding a strange girl in his hot tub unsettled him. Hillary is house sitting, has a bright golden aura, is a lot happy go lucky and manages to overcome his grumpy demeanour. Family matters and his physical injury is about to end his professional career. Giving in to his mother's future dreams means letting go of his own future's possibilities. Hillary's future career has suddenly come to the fore and between them, they can both get what they want if they are willing to try.
535 reviews5 followers
December 24, 2023
I loved Stephano and Hilary! She is a free spirit, trying to escape what she feels is her failure after a heartbreaking tragedy. Stephano is a good son, becoming the best hockey player he can so he can support his mom and brother back in Italy. When Hilary upsets his carefully planned life, he realizes what he might have been missing all along - a chance to enjoy his teammates and planning for a life he wants, not one that is expected of him.

I read the other book in this series and really loved it. I have read a lot of books by this author and highly recommend them all.

I read an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
2,955 reviews10 followers
January 6, 2024
Hillary was drifting through life after her fiancée’s death and realizing medical school was not for her. Goalie Stephano has chronic hip pain and feels like his career is almost over and it’s only a matter of time before his backup takes over. Add in pressures from his mother to return home and he’s not sure what to do but his fake girlfriend Hillary next door is just the distraction and bright aura he needs in his life. They kept saying their relationship was fake but it’s not long before they start to really care about each other and take it to the next level. Both do a bit of running instead of admitting how they really felt in this steamy opposites attract romance.
Profile Image for Michele Richardson.
536 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2024
I haven’t laughed out loud with a story in a while and this one had some seriously hilarious moments. Then, I cried like a baby. This story had all the feels and was so good. Stephano is the Wombats very veteran goalie and has a lot going on between a new rookie goalie ready to take his place, a niggking injury, his Italian Mamma coming to visit and the new neighbor next door that he can’t stop thinking about. Hillary is that house sitting neighbor and everything she does, she dives head first into. They are a perfect match! She may seem reckless, but he plans EVERYTHING! We also continue to see some of the other Wombats and those interactions are spectacular!
695 reviews3 followers
December 13, 2023
I received this book as a arc member . I give my thoughts of own free will . A women house sits as a job gets locked out finds her neighbor has a hot tub sits in so don’t freeze to death . Instant connection he tries to ignore and she isn’t sure if can trust her heart . He plays hockey as a goalie and she sings for fun . His mom and brother comes he gets hurt mom decides he needs to go back home to Italy with them breaking his heart and Goldilocks heart . Can he fix it ? Loved this story . Must read .
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