Find Your Next - Or First - Project Management Job

Implement the 7 Step Framework to Achieve Project Management Career Success

'I want to express my sincere appreciation to Stuart for his incredible course on project management, which exceeded my expectations.
This course wasn't solely about project management; it encompassed a wealth of knowledge and practical aspects one could ask for. The careful crafting of the course demonstrates his dedication, and it is undeniably worth every moment.
Stuart shared his expertise generously, extending support beyond the classroom and conducting sessions that were truly enlightening. His attentive listening skills made the learning experience incredibly engaging. Thank you for being a phenomenal mentor!'
Nivita Dhameja

Getting that first role in project management isn't simple.

And neither is landing the next job.

But Why?

The job market has changed.

Competition for the best roles has increased.

Over 500 people apply for each advertised job now.

So sending a hundred CV/resumes isn't enough. They may not even get seen due to the volumes of applicants.

Applying for every opportunity on the job board isn't enough. The recruiters don't seem to notice you.

Putting the "Open To Work" frame on your LinkedIn profile isn't enough. Only your friends will see it.

The chances are you already know this.

Yet there's no better time to improve your chances of landing your dream project management job than right now

It's a high paying profession - typically paying around 20% more than the national average salary.

With experience it's possible to get into the lucrative contractor market where the day rates can give you a six figure salary.

You get to influence change and shape the world in some way. In small or large changes, you get to make the world better.

It's a results driven profession where your outputs are often directly linked to what you put into the work. It's a situation that works well for people with ambition, intelligence and a strong work ethic.

And the profession is growing! In order to maintain the level of change being seen in our world, project management is going to become one of the most sought after skills.

The Time to Act is Now.

If you are actively job-seeking now there are urgent steps you need to take to improve your chances of landing your dream job.
Immediate action to enhance every step of your job search process and utilise every advantage you have.

If you are comfortably employed, there are steps you should be taking to improve your chances in the job market for when you're ready to make the big move.
You already know that a move will be required at some point - for greater income, for greater security, for a new challenge.

You need to start using your advantages and creativity to get a chance. You need to do things that your competition hasn't considered doing.

Yes, you need to do the basics - write a good CV, apply for jobs, turn up to interviews prepared, but there's so much more you can be doing that will improve your chances of landing the interview and getting the dream job.

That's where I can help.

Your future accomplishments will reflect your willingness to accept support along the way.

I'm Stuart Taylor

I've worked on projects in banking, insurance, fintech, retail, local government and health.

I'm the creator of the Influential PMO channel, have been recognized as a 2023 World PMO Influencer Award finalist by the PMO Global Alliance and have presented at PMI chapters and the Digital PM Summit.

Project professionals come to me for coaching and advice when their projects or their careers run into trouble.

I keep hearing the same problem these days - how to get the first project management job - or how to move on to the next one.

I know what it's like to have that problem - I've been in that situation many times.

I had to get my first job in the profession.

I had to move on. On some occasions at times of my choosing. Other times, I didn't have the choice.

Projects end.
Projects get cancelled.
Project teams get disbanded.

I once got dumped out of a contract role for a major bank - along with over a thousand fellow contractors - when a major project ended. A thousand job seeking competitors all hit the market on the same day!

I doubt I'll face that exact challenge again in the future, if I did - unlike then - I won't see it as a problem.

The problem has been solved.
From all my years in project management, from all of my job searching days, from watching how the best operators always seem to find a new job so fast, I discovered something that should have been obvious - but I was too blinded by the lessons of my formative years.

I'd grown up being told to "find a job for life", plot a "steady career path", to "work your way up the ladder".
The world has changed since then.
There are no jobs for life anymore.

I've seen the looks of fear on people's faces when they discovered their work life was about to take an unexpected change. When they realised there was no such thing as a safe job anymore.

And - here's the part where it should have been obvious - in project management there should never be a job for life.

Projects are supposed to end.
Successful projects end.
But in delivering success, we can create the circumstances that leave us without a job.

And when projects end, the experienced pros hit the market and take the best jobs.
Yet every day, more people are battling to join the profession - sometimes armed with the latest PM qualifications, sometimes armed with specialist skills, or sometimes just willing to accept lower pay to get on the ladder.
The challenges and competition to find opportunities have never been greater.

High competition for roles that are - truly - temporary.

So now we have identified the real problem... what's the solution?

Remember a moment ago when I said my discovery should have been obvious? It's an obvious truth, but it may be a painful one, especially if you dislike having uncertainty in your life. Here it is.

The process never ends.

We get taught that finding jobs is a linear process. That we decide - or need - to find the next role, that we search, we apply, we interview, we start the job, live happily ever after.

I'm sorry, but that's a model from the past. We now exist in a cycle. The process never ends. And if you don't see it, you'll be the one who's unprepared when the moment comes.

When you land the job, you prepare for the next one.

I remember seeing experienced pros, often contractors, that operated like this. Starting jobs, but still talking to recruiters, keeping their CVs up to date, and - more lately - being engaged on LinkedIn. My colleagues led me to believe they were ruthless, only interested in the next payday and never committed to their current work. I was encouraged to think of them as disloyal and not the model to follow. It took a long time before I discovered they were just ahead of the curve.

They KNEW that one day the work would end and they would have to find the next job.
They were ready for the challenge and PREPARED themselves.
And that's the edge they needed to SUCCEED.

I Refined A Seven Step Process That Never Ends

The best project professionals know to test their assumptions. So I went back and tested mine.
I looked at what I knew about finding jobs in project management and saw what could be salvaged, what should be discarded, what should be learned.

As I built the seven step Project Management Career Growth Cycle I learned vital lessons that I want to share:
  • EXPLORE - Don't make assumptions. Assess the true nature of the work as it is. In recent years we've seen the emergence of new roles and new types of projects. Change management, agile, devops, and the emergence of AI and remote working. What does the world of project management look like today?
  • ENHANCE - Don't make assumptions (again!!). Don't hurry out to get the qualifications and certifications that are in vogue. Do real research to see if anyone is paying for them before you invest time and money on them.
  • ELEVATE - Don't update your CV / resume when you start the job search... because the process never ends. Keep it up to date and ready to send within 30 minutes of finding the right job.
  • ENGAGE - Search and apply - but don't just use the job pages, utilise your network. Learn to deal with the recruiters who are the gateway to your opportunity.
  • EXCEL - Face your application and interview weaknesses head on and improve rapidly. Respond to offers by getting the best deal for you.
  • EMERGE - Pay close attention to the alternative project management roles that most project managers don't think about applying for - but you should always be open to considering.
  • EVOLVE - The most important step in the cycle as it never stops. Remember I said to utilise your network in Engage? This is where you turn your network from a handful of colleagues, friends and family into a formidable army of allies, supporters and contacts.

If I could go back and change one thing in my career, it would be to put this framework and the lessons contained in my hands a decade ago.

But the best I can do is pass the lessons on.

'I would recommend the Find Your Next – Or First – Project Management Job course.
It provided me with tips, insights and valuable nuggets of information to enable me to move forward in looking for new PM posts. It was also a reminder of the achievements and successes in my own career and in turn boosted me in my efforts.
I found the job search section of the course very helpful. How to consider key words, filters and website identification all helped to make a sometimes overwhelming exercise appear clear and approachable. Myth busting on terminology, example ‘digital project manager’ I also found to be clear and informative.
This course provides a ton of best practice suggestions in the job interview section – and acute observations on what not to do.  
The LinkedIn section was useful in helping me develop my presence on the platform and consider how my digital self is viewed.
A super course and money well spent.'
Lex Lewis

Rated at 9.5 out of 10 by students in feedback surveys!

About the Course

This course is tailor-made for aspiring project managers and seasoned professionals looking to take the next step in their project management careers. Whether you're eager to enter the project management field or a mid-career professional seeking a new challenge, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies you need to secure your next project management job.

By enrolling in this course, you will gain exclusive access to a wealth of insider knowledge and first-hand experience from a seasoned project management expert. This has been shaped into a seven-step cycle that will help you no matter where you are in the process of finding your next job.

What's more, you'll have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your learning at your own pace. As the project management landscape evolves, so will this course. You can expect new content and insights to keep you at the forefront of industry trends. This means you'll always have access to the latest strategies and techniques, ensuring your skills stay sharp and in-demand.

Through a combination of engaging lessons, practical exercises, and real-world examples, you'll emerge with the confidence and expertise to land your dream project management job and set yourself up for a successful career in this dynamic field.

In addition to my comprehensive course materials, I’m excited to offer you a truly immersive learning experience. You will be invited to participate in exclusive workshops designed for course participants. These events will be organised throughout the year, so look out for invitations!

But that's not all! I’m going above and beyond to provide you with exclusive interviews featuring seasoned project management experts. These interviews are your gateway to gaining invaluable industry insights, hearing success stories, and getting first-hand advice from the best in the field.

My commitment to your success goes beyond just coursework. I believe in fostering a supportive community and giving you access to the wisdom of those who have excelled in project management.

You're a step closer to your dream job in project management...

Enjoy this clip from the course that sets out the goals and expectations.

Perfecting Project Management Job Searches and Interviews

Apply Stuart's style to refine your approach to project management job searches and interviews. Learn strategies to present yourself as the perfect fit for coveted roles, setting the stage for career success.

Professional Growth with Skills and Certification

Explore the impact of skills and certifications in project management. Gain insights from Stuart into their relevance and effectiveness, empowering you to make informed decisions for your professional growth and project success.

Influence and Network for Success

Uncover the art of strategic networking and thought leadership through Stuart's journey. Learn the why and how of leveraging connections to establish yourself as a trusted authority, unlocking doors to exciting career opportunities for you as well.

Group Zoom Calls and Network Building Opportunities

Group Zoom calls to ensure that you have applied the lessons correctly, to discuss challenges and concerns, and to develop your network with likeminded professionals.

Discounts for 1-to-1 Coaching / Mentoring Call

Students receive discounts to 1-to-1 coaching / mentoring call to discuss any aspect of the course, your career, or a specific project management challenge you are facing.

Contributions and Interviews with Special Guests

Contributions from project management experts and recruiters offering their insights on recruitment and project management careers.

Join Up Today

Your Success is My Priority

I'm confident you'll find tremendous value in my course. However, if you're not entirely satisfied within 30 days, I'll gladly refund your investment, no questions asked.

I truly believe in the impact of this program, and I want you to feel secure in giving it a try.

Your satisfaction is my top concern.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long is the course? Will I be able to fit it in around my life?

A: The course is made of a series of short videos and text, with some long form interviews and live webinars. The whole course content will be made immediately available to you.

I should also add that the course is not static - it will change and evolve over time. As I learn new things, I'll update the course. It truly is a living course and will reflect the entirety of my knowledge at any point in time.

Q: Will there be webinars and group events?

A: Webinars take place at regular intervals covering the topics of the course and including special guests.

Q: Will webinars be recorded and shared?

A: No, as the conversations around employment and income can be sensitive and I want to encourage people to feel free to speak openly about their lives and experiences.

Q: Is it a project management course? Will I learn what project management is from this?

A: No, though there are some basic introductory content and definitions. This course will point to learning providers and creators that can help you to develop basic project management skills; but the primary aim is to help you to get the next - or first - project management job based on my knowledge and experience.

Q: Are there assignments as part of the course? What is my obligation around them?

A: You will get the best outcomes by completing the assignments... but I won't be marking your homework. It's in your interest to do the work - especially the assignments that take you out of your comfort zone.

Q: How does this differ from any other course or book about job searching?

A: It's different as it's about my approach and how I blend the traditional models that everyone does with my experience of nearly two decades as a project professional with multiple job moves, PLUS what I have learned about social media and networks that can make us stand out from the average job hunter.

I am transparent in the course about the parts that I have struggled with, the areas I had to improve on. And there are sections where I bring in experts that have better experience than I have, along with their unique perspectives.

Q: I can't afford the full amount at the moment. Is there a payment plan?

A: Yes - the course offers a payment plan and, in some regions, a buy now pay later option.

Q: Can I send the course as a gift?

A: Yes - the checkout page provides a send as gift option.

Q: What if I try it and don't think it will help me?

A: You get a 30 day no questions money back guarantee. If this doesn't help you at all, if you don't learn a single useful thing that can improve your chances in the market - then I don't want your money.

'For me I found the course very insightful and thought provoking. The sessions were tailored to all the areas and others I had not thought of within my role and future role.  
Interactions with yourself were personal and gave opportunity to share current challenges/ areas of improvement. Your answers and guidance was always welcome and specific to my concerns.
The greatest thing I gained from the course was confidence in my abilities, direction in my future path as a project professional and a wider view of all that is available to me within Project Management. 
Lastly I am truly grateful for the 1 on 1, your knowledge and desire to help me was deeply appreciated and evident from beginning to end.'
Tendai Dhliwayo

The Curriculum

  Introduction and Welcome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Explore - The Market Context
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Enhance - Skills and Certifications
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Elevate - CV/Resume Updates
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Engage - Search and Application
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Excel - Interviews and Offers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Emerge - Career Paths Beyond Project Management
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Evolve - Personal Branding and Building a Powerful Network
Available in days
days after you enroll
  End of the Course (For Now!)
Available in days
days after you enroll

I'm Ready To Enroll