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Kings Grove #5

Christmas in Kings Grove

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Clean Small-Town Romance

Christmas has come to your favorite High Sierra village, and newcomer Tuck Anderson isn't sure exactly how he fits in.

Tuck's seen plenty of relationships come and go--and even though Kings Grove seems to have better luck with love than most places he's lived, he's not sure taking a chance makes sense for him. Statistically speaking, relationships fail. And in a small town? That's not good for anyone.

But when local vet Annie Gish offers to help Tuck train his rambunctious Australian Shepherds in exchange for some help putting together the Winter Festival, Tuck has a choice to make.

Is the chance at love worth the chance of heartache? And will Annie be able to open up enough for Tuck to get to know the real girl inside--dark secrets and all?

Find out in this Kings Grove novella, out just in time for the holidays!

Kindle Edition

First published December 3, 2018

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About the author

Delancey Stewart

84 books835 followers
I'm USA Today Bestselling author Delancey Stewart. My contemporary romances run the gamut of settings and setups, but they always deliver humor, heart and heat. It's a guarantee.

I write from my home in Denver, CO, where I manage a household full of boys and men. Okay, only one man. The hubs. But two boys. I mean, three if you count the hubs. (You see why I do words and not numbers. I was told there'd be no math in this bio. Someone lied.)

I grew up in California and have had more jobs than anyone on earth (personal trainer, pharmaceutical rep, copywriter, tech writer, marketing director, wine seller, elementary school teacher... I'm not kidding. The list. It goes on.) But the one I love the most is writing, in part because I get to meet people who love books and stories as much as I do! Please don't hesitate to get in touch to say hello, and don't forget to join my newsletter!

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Find me at www.delanceystewart.com
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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,795 reviews6 followers
January 22, 2019
2.5 stars. Well developed for a short. I enjoyed this clean romance. The MCs were decent people, the small town feel was nice, and the lack of OTT drama was lovely.
1,098 reviews16 followers
December 7, 2020
I really enjoyed Christmas in Kings Grove. This is a wonderful sweet romance. A perfect Christmas story. The book is well written and interesting. I love the characters. This is a lovely, touching story.
Profile Image for Tina Hobbs Payne.
528 reviews7 followers
December 17, 2020
"Oh man, was she flirting with me? This was exactly what I was trying to avoid. My flirting instinct was strong, and I'd definitely flirted with the hot Kings Grove veterinarian in the past."

Tuck wanted avoid the entanglement of a relationship. They haven't worked out for him in the past, so he has no reason to believe it will now. Though his attraction to Dr. Annie Gish makes him tempted to try.

Annie likes calm. Growing up with a brother with mental and substance issues, losing her mother at a young age, these things make it where Annie will take an uneventful life, any day.

But when Tuck needs help training his dogs and Annie needs help with the Christmas Festival, the time spent together proves that there is no avoiding this attraction.

This is a great short story! It can be read alone - but once you read it, you'll want to read more about Kings Grove!
314 reviews5 followers
December 23, 2020
This is a beautifully written sweet romance about Tuck Anderson who came to the small mountain town of King Grove at the request of his friend Cameron to do some filming. He meets the local Veterinarian, Dr. Annie Gish who offers to train his two pups in return for help with the Winter Christmas Festival. Tuck has not had much success in the relationship department but he is attracted to Annie and she with him. Annie believes Tuck is not interested in her and she does not want to involve him with the complications of her family. Her brother has mental and substance issues. Spending time together only makes their attraction stronger but will they be able to have a long term relationship? The sub-characters and all the pups add so much to this wonderful story. This is the perfect holiday story. I loved this story and I am a huge fan of this author's work.
Profile Image for Cecilia Dawn.
140 reviews1 follower
December 16, 2020
I enjoyed this sweet, clean romance novella. It's a stand alone story that was a perfect fit for a quick holiday read. Tuck is a laidback Aussie looking for peace in the mountain town of King's Grove. Annie is the town veterinarian that grabs way more of his attention than he planned. When he realizes how much she carries on her shoulders, he can't resist helping her, even if that means trading in his peace for something potentially much more satisfying.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
114 reviews7 followers
December 21, 2020
This novella set in the Kings Grove series was the perfect story to read in the days leading up to Christmas. Both characters felt loneliness and a disconnect from their families by both distance and circumstance. Working together on the Kings Grove Winter Festival they realize maybe the loneliness of their past won’t be present in their future. While part of the Kings Grove series, this title can be read alone. While it was nice to revisit couples from previous stories, reading their stories isn’t necessary to fully enjoy Christmas in Kings Grove.
Profile Image for Bette Stanek.
1,888 reviews4 followers
December 4, 2023
This is book five in the Kings Grove series but it is a stand-alone. It’s a sweet, clean holiday story between an Aussie transplant and the local veterinarian. Tuck has relocated to Kings Grove from LA. Annie grew up in the small town. They have known one another for a while. It all starts when Annie offers to help Tuck train his new Australian Shepard pups. This story is quick, cute, and clean. There is just a little bit of drama to keep things interesting.
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.3k reviews140 followers
December 7, 2020
I really enjoyed Tuck and Annie's story. This novella doesn't skimp on the feels as this sweet and emotional read unfolds. The characters are likable, the chemistry sparks and the small town setting charms as this fun book tugs at your heart strings. I'm freely choosing to post a a forthright review.
Profile Image for Schellie.
692 reviews
September 4, 2023
Tuck & Annie story was simply beautful & sweet. Tuck has been alone for so long, that it just seems that is how life was supposed to go. Then he meets Annie, the Kings Grove Vet & she seems to be as alone as him. These two are most definitely kindred spirits, hopefully on the same course. Annie has never been able to fully relax as her life flipped upside down. After the loss of her mom, she had to begin worrying about her dad & brother, whos life has quickly gone off the rails as he fights his demons. This is a great insta love, short story about two people so used to doing it all themselves, that they don't recognize when the help is genuine. What a lovely couple they make, can they survive the holidays though? Check out this story & the entire Kings Grove series!
Profile Image for Mary Jane McLeod.
2,476 reviews2 followers
December 16, 2020
Really Great Series

I'm really enjoying this series in Kings Grove and getting to know all the characters. I loved Annie and Tuck's story and catching up with characters from previous books. A captivating read that left me with a smile. 
Profile Image for Julie.
530 reviews2 followers
December 16, 2020
A great holiday addition to the series. So happy that Tuck and Annie were finally able to find their perfect match for each other. This book has the ups and downs so many relationships go through, with of course the happily ever after.
Profile Image for Amanda Rozell.
756 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2020
Gah! The sweetness!!

Goodness. Tucker and Annie are both just too stinking cute. This whole Christmas book is just too stinking cute. And let’s not forget about Yoga Pants and Zappy!!!! I’m pretty sure I have said this with all the Kings Grove books but... when can I move there?
242 reviews3 followers
December 21, 2020
Another wonderful Kings Grove couple. It’s like the small mountain town casts a spell of love on every single person visiting the town and we have a front row seat.

I love this novella with two persons carefully guarding their hearts while they fall head over heels in love.
695 reviews3 followers
December 20, 2020
Such a sweet story. Tuck and annie story. Well done loved it . Wish these books was closer together would make it easier to remember all the people in kings grove better .
Profile Image for Bambi Sommers.
Author 12 books19 followers
December 21, 2020
A 5 star read

I’m definitely a fan of Delaney Stewart’s stories. No matter how much they may make you cry, they always leave you smiling!
Profile Image for V.
706 reviews7 followers
December 30, 2020
Clean romance in an adorable short story. Perfect for Christmas with a focus on family.
I haven’t read the King’s Grove series, so I felt like I was missing out on a lot of backstory. However, this made me want to go back to book one to read about the couples and people of King’s Grove!!!
507 reviews
January 27, 2023
Love me an Australian man and puppies

Love me an Australian man. Also Australian shepherd puppies. This story has both and its at Christmas time. What more can you ask for.
Profile Image for Laura.
391 reviews
December 16, 2020

I really loved this festive delight, an absolute must read! It is always fun being back in Kings Grove. 

After coming to help out his friend Cam, Tuck decided to stay in Kings Grove along with his newly acquired dogs Yoga Pants and Zappy! The girls are a bit of handful though! When the local vet Annie offers to help train them, Tuck should say no he is trying to avoid her as he is definitely attracted to her but isn't cut out for relationships and Annie isn't someone you mess around with. Annie has a plan though; she helps out training the dogs if Tuck puts his camera man skills to helping with the Winter Festive.  

I loved Tuck's and Annie's story and it was great catching up with everyone from the series again. So sad it's the last the series.
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews

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