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Hello, First name / my friend,
All I wanted to do this week was bake an apple pie. It was my singular goal. I wanted to go to  farm stand, buy some locally grown apples, and live my best New-England-in-Autumn pie life.
Alas it is Friday and I must admit the week got away from me because I have not baked a single pie. 
As a curious side note, this is often how it goes when I have the singular goal of writing five chapters in the week: Friday rolls around and I'm left squinting back at the empty wasteland of chapter-less days, wondering how, exactly, that occurred. 
In this case, it started with an adventure in dog-sitting. My sister's dog was with me on Monday (if you've visited my Instagram, you might remember him) and he really didn't care for that situation. He was thoroughly unimpressed with me and only tolerated his confinement with me if I agreed to let him sit on me at all times. I know some people write with a cat in their lap every day but baking while holding a dog is a different story. No pies on Monday.
Tuesday disappeared into the Kid Home From School Sick void, Wednesday was spent signing a couple hundred books, Thursday fell victim to volunteering at the school and signing another couple hundred books, and today I'm looking for local shops (a la Little Star Farms' bake house) where I can simply buy myself a pie. After all that signing, I have no hope of kneading dough or peeling and chopping apples without losing a finger in the process. And pie is pretty much essential. I mean, what else is there to eat for breakfast this time of year?
Speaking of signed books: if you want a signed copy of In a Jam, this is your last chance. Orders will close early next week!
As a reminder for audio lovers:  narrators Kit Swann and Jason Clarke are narrating and the audio is due in early 2023. 
In case you need some recommendations, here's what I'm reading and loving right now:
🎧 Stay a Spell series by Juliette Cross. (again/still) I adore Johanna Fairview and Aidan Snow's voice performances on this series and the books are so much fun. I hardly read any paranormal but loved these books.
📚 Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn. The ebook is in KU right now! So fun and quirky.
📚 Eastside Brewery series by Mia Hopkins. These books don't get enough love. They're amazing. They're not my usual fare but I loved them. Check the content warnings.
I hope you get some pie this weekend, my friend!
xo kate

We always have something to talk about. Usually involves shenanigans.
p.s. There are probably typos in this message. Probably in the bonus content too. And broken links! It happens. It’s like wanting a pie but then having an eleven pound fluff ball barricading those plans.