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Hello, First name / my friend,
Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of signing books and participating in some discussions at the Rom-Con(cord) event at the Concord Free Public Library in Concord, MA. One of the questions that I got in both a small group discussion and a panel discussion was whether my family knew about my books (some authors separate church and state for any number of valid reasons) and if so, whether they read them.
Yes and yes. 
Fun fact about this newsletter: my dad is a subscriber and eager reader. He responds to just about all of them with supportive notes and always has something to say. The newsletter is, perhaps blessedly, all that he reads from me. Here's a sample of those notes:
“Just read your most recent communication about your latest, hopefully BEST SELLER, I'll Marry You. Very well done and sounds like a fun story.”
“Hope "Figure Out…" is a great success!"
“In a Jam arrived. Mom received your new book this morning. She noted there are great reviews coming in!”
The amusing part is where the title is often a mashup of the subject line. We can forgive this, of course :) 
As a reminder for my audio lovers: narrators Kit Swann and Jason Clarke will be getting to work on this project soon and I expect we'll have a gloriously long, amazing recording come January. 
Stay well, my friend!
xo kate

In a Jam is an Amazon Top 100 Bestseller!
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We always have something to talk about. Usually involves shenanigans.
p.s. There are probably typos in this message. Probably in the bonus content too. And broken links! Can't forget the infernal broken link. But it's okay. This email is already in your inbox so I can't correct it. I haven't nailed down the time-space continuum thing just yet. 