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Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership With a Search-and-Rescue Dog Hardcover – January 1, 2010
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An unforgettable memoir from a search-and-rescue pilot and her spirited canine partner
In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, Susannah Charleson clipped a photo from the newspaper of an exhausted canine handler, face buried in the fur of his search-and-rescue dog. A dog lover and pilot with search experience herself, Susannah was so moved by the image that she decided to volunteer with a local canine team and soon discovered firsthand the long hours, nonexistent pay, and often heart-wrenching results they face. Once she qualified to train a dog of her own, she adopted Puzzle, a strong, bright Golden Retriever puppy who exhibited unique aptitudes as a working dog but who was less interested in the role of compliant house pet. Scent of the Missing is the story of Susannah and Puzzle?s adventures as they search for the missing?a lost teen, an Alzheimer?s patient wandering in the cold, signs of the crew amid the debris of the space shuttle Columbia disaster?and unravel the mystery of the bond between humans and dogs.
- Print length288 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherHoughton Mifflin Harcourt
- Publication dateJanuary 1, 2010
- Dimensions6.25 x 0.75 x 9 inches
- ISBN-109780547152448
- ISBN-13978-0547152448
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In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, Susannah Charleson clipped a photo from the newspaper: an exhausted canine handler, face buried in the fur of his search-and-rescue dog. A dog lover and pilot with search experience herself, Susannah was so moved by the image that she decided to volunteer with a local canine team and soon discovered firsthand the long hours, nonexistent pay, and often heart-wrenching results they face.
Still she felt the call, and once she qualified to train a dog of her own, she adopted Puzzle, a strong, bright Golden Retriever puppy who exhibited unique aptitudes as a working dog but who was less interested in the role of compliant house pet. Puzzle's willfulness and high drive, both assets in the field, challenged even Susannah, who had raised dogs for years.
Scent of the Missing is the story of Susannah and Puzzle's adventures together and of the close relationship they forge as they search for the lost--a teen gone missing, an Alzheimer's patient wandering in the cold, signs of the crew amid the debris of the space shuttle Columbia disaster. From the earliest air-scent lessons to her final mastery of whole-body dialog, Puzzle emerges as a fully collaborative partner in a noble enterprise that unfolds across the forests, plains, and cityscapes of the Southwest. Along the way Susannah and Puzzle learn to read the clues in the field, and in each other, to accomplish together the critical work neither could do alone and to unravel the mystery of the human/canine bond.
A Q&A with Susannah Charleson, Author of Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog
Q: Scent of the Missing follows the relationship between you and your search dog from her puppyhood to eighteen months of age and her first search. How does your relationship now differ from the one you had with her then?
A: Puzzle is five and a half now. Though we had several hundred training searches together in the period covered in the book, we've had easily double that now. I have a lot more trust in her bond with me. She works pretty much exclusively off lead, and I no longer wonder if she'd abandon a search, run away from me to chase her own interests, or anything like that, as I did when she was very young. During her puppyhood, Puzzle was always interested in search work and joyful about finding people, but she seemed to regard me as an unnecessary chaperone for a job she'd do better alone.
As she matured, Puzzle seemed to recognize that part of her job was to work with me, to communicate with me, to insist when I'd missed some signal from her--and she seems to find joy in that part of the job too.
Q: Is your relationship with Puzzle, as depicted in the book, typical of the kinds of relationships other SAR handlers have with their dogs?
A: Some situations in the book probably resonate with other handlers--maybe a few make them wince, or laugh at my failings outright--but Scent of the Missing by no means represents a "standard" dog-and-handler relationship. It's not a template or a guidebook for best practice. I compare this book to a memoir about a marriage or raising a child: a portrait of one relationship over a period of time--ideally magical, meaningful, and worthy of being shared.
Q: What are these working dogs like at home as pets? What do they enjoy doing off duty?
A: Most of them enjoy being pretty typical dogs. They have favorite toys and games and preferred sleeping spots. They mooch car rides and sneak drinks from the toilet. Puzzle is a creature of routine. She likes to play bitey-face with one of the Pomeranians first thing in the morning. She adopted a kitten a couple of years ago; that kitten is now a cat, and the two of them cuddle and play quite a bit. Puzzle enjoys playing fetch and tug with humans. On rainy days she is keen to go outside and find the perfect mud puddle. Puzzle is happiest when she's absolutely filthy--a good puddle wallow, followed by a roll in the grass.
Q: How long will Puzzle's search career run?
A: Until she shows me she can no longer do the job,or she no longer wants to do it, or until my own strength forces us to retire from the field. This work is physically rigorous, and I wouldn't push a dog whose condition was not up to it.
Nor would I run her if I couldn't do my part of the job. Usually the dogs grow too frail before they lose their interest, so it's likely the types of searches she could work would taper off as she ages. Some dogs retire from disaster or wilderness work, for example, but are still able to work for years on boat/drowning searches, which don't require running or climbing.
Q: What happens to the dogs when they can no longer work searches?
A: Though there are exceptions with some teams, most search dogs retire as much-loved family members, living with the handlers they’ve partnered. Some dogs are so driven to work that they learn new tasks. Puzzle is very pack-oriented, and though she's not a herder, I think she'd happily learn to round up the other family pets or to "find" them all in the house on command. She already enjoys knowing what's what and who's where in the household.
Q: What characteristics give a dog a special aptitude for SAR?
A: This question sparks a lot of debate among handlers and evaluators, but most agree that a good SAR candidate demonstrates high energy, has natural curiosity, seems to enjoy scent games--and enjoys them enough to ignore distractions!--is willing to work on command for a human, and is confident in new situations. Physically, they need to be athletic and structurally sound, with no vision issues. While shepherds, retrievers, and hounds are popular breeds in the field, many breeds can do this work, and mixed breeds can certainly have the right gifts too.
Q: When you first began working ground searches, was there anything that surprised you?
A: The dogs surprised me. While I knew that dogs could do this job, I had no idea how well they communicated complex conditions of scent (for example, differences between "a little bit of old scent here" and "live scent, right here, right now" and "human scent here, but not live") and how difficult a job it is to decode them. The dogs communicate from nose to toes to tail, and they do it fast, so it's a lot of reading on the run.
I was also surprised by how tough terrain can be even in a city. Urban SAR can become wilderness SAR pretty quickly. In our area, when a housing development stops, it stops, and just beyond that wall can be acres and acres of brutal scrub. I've walked past million-dollar houses and, twenty steps later, beyond the community gates, had to press through a sector on my hands and knees, cutting my way through thorns.
Q: What aptitude do humans have to bring to this work?
A: All kinds of stamina, physical, emotional, intellectual. A search can begin at what is, for search personnel, the end of a long workday. It can run all night and into the following day or days, in all kinds of weather across all kinds of terrain and in a state of emergency. Self control and a long fuse are useful. Physical soundness and a willingness to learn new things are important. It helps not to be a afraid of snakes, spiders, the dark, or tight spaces. It's also good not to be squeamish.
Handlers also need to really believe in the work of the dogs, to trust information that we humans can't see--or smell--and be able to let the dog do the work instead of trying to do it for him.
Q: You began search-and-rescue-related work as a pilot. Are there any similarities between searching from the air and searching behind a dog?
A: There are some surprising similarities. When I pass fields or wilderness areas in my car, I always think about how I'd land a plane on it, if I had to, or how I'd search it with a dog. Good pilots have an awareness of the ground they're flying over. In flight training, we sometimes look down at the terrain beneath us and hypothesize, "If my engine failed right now, where would I land? How would I set up that approach and that landing?" It's a matter of where the wind is coming from, how flat or rolling the terrain is, and what's growing on it. Working search with a dog, I have to take into account many of the same considerations. "If I had to search that valley, how would I set it up. Where would I start Puzzle, and which way would we work across it?" Again, it's a matter of where the wind is coming from, what kind of ground and vegetation has to be pressed through. Landing an aircraft is not just about managing the plane, it's about working the plane effectively across an environment. Working canine SAR is not just about running behind a dog; it's about making it possible for the dog to work well in an area that is always in a state of change, where scent is often twisted, lifted, or obstructed.
Flying and dog handling both also require focus, a good deal of self-control, and the ability to interpret subtle cues from dog or airplane--while either one is moving quickly!
Q: How will your partnership with Puzzle affect what you will do with your next search dog?
A: I'd have to learn pretty quickly not to expect the next dog to be just like Puzzle, even if the two were the same breed. Other handlers on my team are partnering their second dogs, and though they were experienced handlers when they got dog number two and were able to sidestep some of the problems a new handler has to overcome, all agree that every dog is a completely new conversation, in a new language. Truly back to square one with a nose, four paws, and a tail.
Puzzle learned very well from watching certified SAR dog role models, and I expect that if she is able to search and demonstrate the work in training searches to dog number two early on, it would be good for her--she is a proud dog--and it would be good for the new dog too.
I have to say that even talking about a next dog is bittersweet. Though I'm a practical person, dedicated to this work, and know that dogs age and then leave us, it hurts to think I could ever step into a search field without Puzzle.
(photo © Chris Moseley)
Amazon Exclusive: Personal Photos from Author Susannah Charleson of her Search and Rescue Dog, Puzzle
(Click on Images to Enlarge)
Misty, Susannah, and puppy Puzzle after her first training search
Puzzle standing by, ready to run
Puzzle loves her job
Snow training, February 2010
Puzzle at Play
Whaddya mean, I look guilty?
The inverted nap. The ghoulish expression.
Can't catch me!
Puzzle and her adopted kitty, Thistle
"Scent of the Missing contains wonderful writing about dogs and plenty of powerful, compassionate writing about the community of mankind. In its telling, it is respectful of life and celebrates the living." –Rick Bass
"The transformation of Puzzle the cuddly pup into Puzzle the professional search-and-rescue dog would be story enough, but Susannah Charleson gives us far more. With lean, lovely prose she takes us on a clear-eyed, compassionate journey into a mysterious world in which every story begins as a ghost story. When Charleson turns the search inward, she does so deftly, never straying more than a leash-length from the heart and soul of this book: Puzzle, and the all-too mortal ghosts she seeks." –Michael Perry, author of Population: 485 and Coop
"Scent of the Missing is not only a 'stay up too late at night' story, it's a brilliantly written book that should be on every dog lover's bed stand. Her descriptions of her dogs are laugh out loud funny, and her use of language is so rich I’m not sure if I want to read her book or eat it.” –Patricia B. McConnell, author of The Other End of the Leash and For the Love of a Dog“A fascinating woman, Susannah Charleson, has written eloquently about her fascinating colleague, a golden retriever named Puzzle, and the critically important search and rescue work that these two faced together. Scent of the Missing is a clear documentation of the ability of search and rescue dogs, and a celebration of the human-animal bond." –Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, author of The Hidden Life of Dogs
"A riveting view of both the human animal bond and the training of search and rescue dogs. All dog lovers and people interested in training service dogs should read this book." –Temple Grandin, author of Animals Make us Human and Animals in Translation
“Scent of the Missing is heartwarming, heart-achingly poignant, and riveting from page one. Puzzle had me from her first joyous wroo!” –Hallie Ephron, author of Never Tell a Lie “This book is a fantastic discovery! Dog and human decipher each other's language and behavior to solve the mystery of the missing, and along the way find their bonds of love, trust and friendship grow. I loved this book." – Lynne Cox, author of Swimming to Antarctica and Grayson
From the Inside Flap
After a time serving as an assistant for certified canine teams on the ground, Susannah qualified to train a dog of her own. Puzzle was no ordinary dog, however. This bright and willful golden retriever puppy exhibited unique aptitudes for the dangerous and complicated work Search and Rescue teams do, but she was less inclined toward the role of compliant house pet. Further, Susannah wondered if she would ever be able to win Puzzle s respect and love.
SCENT OF THE MISSING is the story of their adventures together and the complex bond they form, as they help pursue the rescue and recovery of human victims fallen prey to crime, misadventure, or catastrophe. A teen gone missing. An Alzheimer s patient wandering in the cold. The debris of the space shuttle Columbia disaster. From the earliest air-scent lessons and basic scenario training to her final mastery of advanced search patterns and whole body dialog, Puzzle emerges as a fully communicative, collaborative partner in a noble enterprise that unfolds from case to case across the forests, plains and cityscapes of the southwest. Along the way Susannah and Puzzle learn to read the clues in the field, and in each other, to unravel the greatest mystery of all ? that of the human/canine bond.Both haunting and inspiring, SCENT OF THE MISSING is a remarkable memoir of a unique relationship that lifts the veil on the fascinating and vital world of search and rescue volunteers.
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
N THE LONG LIGHT of early morning, Hunter circles what remains of a burned house, his nose low and brow furrowed. The night’s thick air has begun to lift, and the German Shepherd’s movement catches the emerging sun. He is a shining thing against the black of scorched brick, burned timber, and a nearby tree charred leafless. Hunter inspects the tree: half-fallen, tilting south away from where the fire was, its birds long gone. Quiet here. I can hear his footpads in the wizened grass, the occasional scrape of his nails across debris. The dog moves along the rubble in his characteristic half-crouch, intense and communicative, while his handler, Max, watches.
Hunter rounds the house twice, crosses cautiously through a clear space in the burned pile, and returns to Max with a huff of finality. Nothing, he seems to say. Hunter is not young. There are little flecks of gray about his dark eyes and muzzle, and his body has begun to fail his willing heart, but he knows his job, and he is a proud boy doing it. He leans into his handler and huffs again. Max rubs his ears and turns away.
She’s not in the house,” I murmur into the radio, where a colleague and a sheriff’s deputy wait for word from us.
Let’s go,” says Max to Hunter.
We move on, our tracks dark across the ash, Hunter leading us forward into a field that lies behind the house. Here we have to work a little harder across the uneven terrain. Max, a career firefighter used to unstable spaces, manages the unseen critter holes and slick grass better than I do. Hunter cleaves an easy path. Our passage disturbs the field mice, which move in such a body the ground itself appears to shiver.
Wide sweeps across the field, back and forth across the wind, Hunter and Max and I (the assistant in trail) continuing to search for some sign of the missing girl. Hunter is an experienced search dog with years of disaster work and many single-victim searches behind him. He moves confidently but not heedlessly, and at the base of a low ridge crowned by a stand of trees, he pauses, head up a long moment, mouth open. His panting stops.
Max stops, watches. I stand where I last stepped.
And then Hunter is off, scrambling up the ridge with us behind him, crashing through the trees. We hear a surprised shout, and scuffling, and when we get to where he is, we see two men stumble away from the dog. One is yelping a little, has barked his shin on a battered dinette chair he’s tripped over. The other hauls him forward by the elbow, and they disappear into the surrounding brush.
A third man has more difficulty. He is elderly and not as fast. He has been lying on a bare set of box springs set flat beneath the canopy of trees, and when he rises the worn cloth of his trousers catches on the coils. We hear rending fabric as he jerks free. He runs in a different direction from the other twonot their companion, I thinkand a few yards away he stops and turns to peek through the scrub at us, as though aware the dog is not fierce and we aren’t in pursuit.
Our search has disturbed a small tent city, and as we work our way through the reclaimed box springs and three-legged coffee tables and mouse-eaten recliners that have become a sort of home for its inhabitants, the third man watches our progress from the edge of the brush. This is a well-lived space, but there is nothing of the missing girl here. Charged on this search to find any human scent in the area, living or dead, Hunter has done what he is supposed to do. But he watches our response. From where I stand, it is clear Hunter knows what we’ve found is not what we seek, and that what we seek isn’t here. He gazes at Max, reading him, his eyebrows working, stands poised for the Find more” command.
Sector clear,” I say into the radio after a signal from Max. I mention the tent city and its inhabitants and learn it is not a surprise.
Good boy,” says Max. Hunter’s stance relaxes.
As we move away, the third man gains confidence. He steps a little forward, watching Hunter go. He is barefoot and shirtless. Dog, dog, dog,” he says voicelessly, as though he shapes the word but cannot make the sound of it. Dog,” he rasps again, and smiles wide, and claps his hands.Saturday night in a strange town five hundred miles from home. I am sitting in a bar clearly tacked on to our motel as an afterthought. The clientele here are jammed against one another in the gloom, all elbows and ball caps bent down to their drinksmore tired than social. At the nearby pool table, a man makes his shot, trash talks his opponent, and turns to order another beer without having to take more than four steps to get it. This looks like standard procedure. The empty bottles stack up on a nearby shelf that droops from screws half pulled out of the wall. Two men dominate the table while others watch. The shots get a little wild, the trash talk sloppier.
A half-hour ago, when I walked in with a handful of teammates, every head in the bar briefly turned to regard us, then turned away in perfect synchronization, their eyes meeting and their heads bobbing a nod. We are strangers and out of uniform, but they know who we are and why we are here, and besides, they’ve seen a lot of strangers lately. Now, at the end of the second week of search for a missing local girl, they leave us alone. We find a table, plop down without discussion, and a waitress comes out to take our orders. She calls several of us honey” and presses a hand to the shoulder of one of us as she turns away.
Either the town hasn’t passed a smoking ordinance, or here at the city limits this place has conveniently ignored the law. We sit beneath a stratus layer of cigarette smoke that curls above us like an atmosphere of drowsy snakes, tinged blue and red and green by the neon signs over the bar. Beside the door, I see a flyer for the missing girl. Her face hovers beneath the smoke. She appears uneasy even in this photograph taken years ago, her smile tentative and her blond, feathered bangs sprayed close as a helmet, her dark eyes tight at the edges, like this picture was something to be -survived.
I have looked at her face all day. On telephone poles, in the hands of local volunteers, over the shoulder of a big-city newscaster at noon, six, and ten o’clock. She is the ongoing local headline. She’s the girl no one really knew before her disappearance, and now she’s the girl eager eyewitnesses claim to have known all their lives. It’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t, but for the most part that’s not our job. We go where law enforcement directs us. We run behind search dogs who will tell us their own truths in any given area: never here, was here, hers, not hers, blood, hair, bone, here, here, here.
We humans aren’t talking about the search, our first day at work in this town. Inappropriate discussion in a public place, and we are exhausted with it anyway. Though today’s bystanders seemed to think we could take our dogs to Main Street and race them outward across all points of the compassfirst dog to the victim winscanine search-and-rescue doesn’t work that way. Assigned to locations chosen by law enforcement, we work methodically, dividing a region into sectors to be searched by individual dog-and-handler teams. It’s a meticulous process, but trained dogs can quickly clear a large area it would take humans days to definitively search.
Even so, we could be here for weeks. We already feel the trackless absence of this girl. Her hometown is small, but its outlying population is widespread, and there are places to hide a living woman or the remains of a dead one that cross lines into other states. Today we were sent to clear more hot spots”places where bodies have been dumped before. Shrouded, ugly areas they were too, scarred from previous events, but not this girl, this time. All day the dogs have been telling us: Not here. Not here. Not here.
I look at her photograph again. A big guy shifting on his stool blocks the ambient light from the bar, causing the girl’s face to purple beneath the neon and the whites of her eyes to swallow the irises. Her gaze no longer connects. It’s a condition that was true of her in life, some say. She has a history of scuttling head down, of sitting at the back of the class, never speaking unless spoken to, and even then as briefly as possible. She sounds uncertain on her voicemail greeting, enunciating her name with a rising inflection that suggests she isn’t quite sure of it.
We hear fragments. The cumulative description adds up to a girl who began inching away from this town six years earlier, who saved her allowance and bought a junky car simply to have her first job at a truck stop in another town fifteen miles up the road, who saved her paychecks to buy a used laptop, and who had begun re-creating herself in variations all across the Web. No judgment, says a neighbor. An accident waiting to happen, says one interviewee. Authorities suggest she might be a runaway if it weren’t for the methodical, calculated nature of her young choices. She might be a runaway if it weren’t for her purse, cell phone, keys, car, and laptop left behind at her grandmother’s house, the last place she was seen alive.
We’re told she has a tattoo, inked by a trucker where she worked: a butterfly with the letter K on her left wrist. The tattoo is in honor of an online friend, Katie, who had slashed her own wrists in a successful suicideor so it was rumored, until Katie returned to a chat room a month later with a new location, new name, new boyfriend, holding up her woundless wrists for photographs, laughing at the duped online friends who thought they knew her, who had responded to her loss with depression, Paxil, and new tattoos in her honor. April Fools, all.
Did our girl admire her, forgive her? I wonder. Is this a copycat drama?
I turn away from her photograph. She’s not my daughter, but I feel a mother’s impulse to push the bangs from her eyes, the rescuer’s urge to put two fingertips to her carotid to check for a pulse.
We’re a quiet group, tight and preoccupied. Still wired from the day’s search, we lean forward over our food, weight on the balls of our feet with our heels lifted, as though we’ll push up at any moment to go back to work. Unlikely. We’re stood down for the night and have an early call in the morning. It always takes a while to let go enough to sleep, especially as a search presses forward over days and investigators’ verbs begin to change from she is to she was. That little shift in tense is enough to keep us awake all night, revisiting the day’s barns, ravines, burned houses, tent cities, and trailer parks, triple-checking ourselves against the signals from the dogs. To say this girl haunts us is to overdramatize. But we all mull choices made in the field long after we should be sleeping. I stab at my coleslaw and wonder when one of us will finally relax into the back of a chair.
In time, Terry, a canine handler, leans over to say to me, Hey. I hear you’re going to work a dog.”
The others look up.
Yes,” I say. The word feels huge as a wedding vow.
I’ve been on the search-and-rescue (SAR) team for a while now, running beside certified dogs and their handlers, working as a field assistant responsible for navigation, radio communication, medical assessment, and other pragmatics of a working canine search team. After three years, I’m senior enough to have earned the next open slot to train and run beside a search dog. I am excited about this, but a little nervous too. Having run with more than a dozen breeds and their handlers, having searched night into day for the living, and having knelt over the dead, I’m aware how serious a proposition bringing a new dog to the team is. Working search is not a hobby or a Sunday pastime.
What breed you thinking of running?” he asks. He handles a Border Collie, a high-drive, obsessive-compulsive boy who is good all around, but particularly good searching on water.
I’m not sure. Maybe a Border Collie. Maybe an Aussie. Or maybe a Gol . . .”
You give any thought to a Golden Retriever?”
I nod, and he tells me about his former Golden, Casey, a good dog with a lot of smarts and a lot of soul and a nose that never stopped. A good dog that died, too soon, of cancer. Though my colleague is not one who generally talks at length, his description is detailed. I see the shape of his Golden boy emerge. A sturdy fellow with a nice face and a wide grinfunny, perceptive, and compassionate. My teammate speaks, and his voice constricts. This dog has been dead for more than five years. Terry’s love for the animal had been too raw at the time he began training his own search canine, and he couldn’t go with a Golden. Listening to him now, I’m aware it’s an open wound. Toughened by years as a homicide detective, he is still not in shape to have another Golden, he says, but he’s safe enough recommending one to me.
And the breed has much to recommend it for search work: drive, stability, commitment to working with a human, congeniality, and nose. I already have other dogs and cats, and for reasons of amicability at home, as well, I’m also drawn to the idea of a Golden.
We speak of other search-and-rescue Golden Retrievers: iconic, much-photographed Riley traveling aloft in the Stokes basket across the debris of the World Trade Center and diligent Aspen supporting her exhausted handler as he presses his face to her back following a search of the collapsed Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. This fine breed figures in virtually every aspect of search. Snow dogs, bomb dogs, drug dogs, arson dogs too.
Got to love a retriever,” says Johnny, a Lab man himself, and then he chuckles. But, girl, no matter what kind of puppy, there’s gonna be some housebreaking and chewed shoes in your future.”
And sleepless nights,” says Ellen.
And poop,” adds Terry wryly, a cautionary finger up. These high-drive dogs. All that adrenaline. When a puppy starts working, you just wouldn’t believe the poo . . .”
I push away my coleslaw.
Leaning back in their chairs at last, the whole group seems pleased about my coming duress. They exchange young SAR dog stories, not one of them featuring angelic puppies poised for greatness. There’s disaster in every punch linethe neighbor’s TV made him howl” . . . ate right through the drywall” . . . and then her parrot learned to bark.” I look at the team trainer dubiously.
This is good,” says Fleta, rubbing her forehead. A new pup-in-training always gives the whole team a boost.” Her eyes are tired, but she grins as she lifts her glass in salute.On any given day in America, there are as many as one hundred thousand active missing persons cases. A large percentage of these cases go unresolved. At the same time, the recovered and unidentified remains of some forty thousand people are held by medical examiners across the country. As a search-and-rescue worker in the field, I am caught by those numbersthey equal the population of a small city. I’m aware that we run dogs in the thin air between possibility of life and probability of death, and that while we search for a single girl whose weathered flyers have already begun to fade, there are thousands of others actively being searched. Or not. Knowing how many people are involved on the search for this young woman, I cannot imagine the number of investigators, grid walkers, pilots, ATVs, equestrian units, dog teams, and forensic experts of every kind needed to resolve all the others. I suspect geography, marginalization, and limited resources mean quite a few of the missing are short-term questions that go unansweredor are never raised at all.
Our small-town girl disappeared in a slow news period. I wonder how much time she’s got before funds run out, new local troubles arise, and she is crowded from the docket to take her place in local lore. The margin between search continues for missing teen and unidentified remains uncovered in state park ten years from now seems narrow.
Time and numbers make me urgent. I cannot train my new dog too soon.Next morning’s light is hard as a slap. The community has rallied beneath a red, white, and blue striped tent donated by a used car dealership half the state away. The structure is shabby; its attached bunting is worn. The top line sags. A good wind could be a problem here, but the morning is windless.
At this early hour, the sun shines in at a slant, but it is already too warm inside the tent. Two hundred or so volunteers jockey for position behind the darker canvas of the wide blue stripes. We suck down donated orange juice or strong coffee or bothan unwise choice. The port-a-potties have not yet arrived, and today’s search has staged in the middle of nowhere, from a plain so flat that any thought of a quick whip around a bush to pee should assume an audience, both local and televised. A caravan of mobile units from TV stations miles away has also arrived. Their antennae and cranes have already begun to extend.
We hear more cars exit the road and crunch across the gravel and brush. Doors slam, and a voice from near the tent flap says that the sheriff’s here with the parents, and we should be starting soon. I don’t think so. I read a similar doubt on the faces of my teammates. Hurry up and wait is the case more often than not on large searches, and this one, with its ambiguous geography and its swelling ranks of volunteers, has become a large search. We were told to be on-scene at 7:00 a.m., and we’ve been here ninety minutes. I think if we deploy by 9:30, we’ll be lucky.
I’m going to check on the dogs,” says Terry, four bottles of water in the crook of his elbow. The dogs are crated behind the shade of our cars with Ellen, a field assistant, in attendance. I can see them through the tent flap. They look a whole lot more comfortable than we do.
Aware they are on-scene to work, the dogs are alert. Collie Saber, German Shepherd Hunter, Border Collie Hoss, and Buster, a Lab. They scrutinize all newcomers, nostrils knitting and ears perked forward, their expressions speculative. I wonder how they sort passersby: old guy with a kidney problem . . . nice lady who ate bacon for breakfast, come here, nice lady . . . this guy’s got two dogsone of them, oh, one of them’s in heat! . . . hey, that kid dropped McMuffin on his pants. Terry’s approach makes them turn and grin. Their wagging tails bang-bang-bang against the bars of their crates.
Here in the tent, a community group has made T-shirts for its members, purple T-shirts bearing several photos of the missing girl. we’ll find you promise the shirts on the front. we love you they say on the back. Several participants have their video cameras out to record today’s events. The sheriff walks in with two deputies and the missing girl’s parents, and the group falls silent. A man whips his Tilley hat off. His friend with a digital camera continues to shoot: sheriff, mom and dad, TV reporter, crowd. A deputy’s leaden gaze stops her. I hear the little scree of it winding down. She puts the camera in her purse.
The sheriff’s briefing tells us little that gossip hasn’t already introduced. Yesterday’s search found nothing relevant to the missing girl. But, we are reminded, every area cleared contributes something to a final answer. The sheriff’s baritone is edged with weariness, ragged on its ending syllables, yet he speaks well. His words are clear and urgent. The community group will be divided into four units who will work, geographically, across today’s new areas. We should expect hardship, he says. These places are ugly and brushy and filled with debris from illegal dumping. High boots are recommended. There will be broken glass. There could be snakes. A woman in front of me, wearing shorts, sandals, and a baby in a papoose on her back, looks at her husband. He looks pointedly at her feet, and she sets her jaw and turns away.
The sheriff pulls the girl’s parents forward. Though the woman appears shattered with fatigue while her husband’s face is tight and reserved, it is his voice that gives way as he thanks the crowd. Find our girl,” says his wife in his wordlessness. She guides him away from the television camera, but he turns and gives the lens a long look in passing.
All right,” says the sheriff. We’ve got no better reason to be here.” The crowd stirs beneath the tent, convicted again. As two deputies step forward to divide the ground-search volunteers, I feel a tug on my arm. We’re going,” mouths Johnny. He jerks his head in the direction of another officer discreetly leading us out of the tent and away from the crowd.
As we gather around the deputy and the dogs press their noses to the crate bars to smell him, he opens a map on the hood of a truck and shows us where we’re headed. The word is this may be it,” he says. We think she’s here.” He points to a spot and then makes a wide circle with a forefinger.
Why here?” asks Terry. The retired detective in him is never far away.
The deputy shrugs. Anonymous tip.” He stares at the map a long moment. That’s all we’ve got.”
The dogs quiver and circle and pee as we release them from their crates. A few bark excitedly as we load them into the trucks, engines and air conditioners on. Safe now in transport crates, they are ready to go. I can hear them winding themselves up behind the glass, scuffling and muttering, that signature dog sound that’s more grumble than growl.Three dogs work separate sections of the area we’ve deployed to, fifty acres of patchy terrain, dried creek bed, and dumped appliances. A variable wind has risen, strong enough to make a little thunder in our ears, but born of ground radiation, it offers no relief from heat. The dogs will use the wind, though. Turning east, north, then west, through binoculars I watch them sweep their individual sectors, heads up and tails visible above the bending grass, handlers following yards behind.
Collie Saber moves across the scrub at a steady trot, despite his heavy coat and the day’s temperature. I hardly need binoculars. He is easy to see from a distance, a tricolored boy flashing against the dun terrain. Fleta follows, watching him thoughtfully, with Ellen in trail behind them both, taking notes. The scruffy field is flat. Saber’s wide sweeps are clean and unbroken. At the end of the sector, they pause. The Collie looks back to Fleta and turns with a movement very like a shrug of his great ruffan all clear that’s readable even from where I stand. I see Fleta turn and shake her head to Ellen. A moment later, Ellen’s voice crackles across the radio that they’re coming in.
Max and Hunter are winding their way through a clutch of small trees that cling to the edge of a rainwater runoff gully. I watch the German Shepherd’s great dark ears working independently as he penetrates the sector, as though there is much to hear skittering in the grass. A nervous prairie bird flushes yards away from where they walk, and both Hunter’s ears come forward so rapidly that the light spots within them seem to blink like eyes. He doesn’t turn for the bird, however, continuing on his course, nose thrust forward. He leads Max through the trees and they disappear behind them, visible only as an occasional twitch and flash of Max’s red shirt as they work the rest of the sector.
Trained to alert differently on the living and the dead, the dogs’ demeanor across the area is consistent. No pause, no head pop, no sudden, energized movement, no bark. Their passage stirs rabbits and shivers a few snakes from the brush, but the dogs communicate their disinterest. They all seem to agree that nothing’s here.
The deputy watches quietly. I hunt with a Lab,” he says, looking out to Johnny and Buster. Great dogs. Can’t stop them.”
Fleta has already returned with Saber. Max comes in with Hunter, shaking his head. Hunter takes a drink of water as fast as Max pours it and flops down with a sigh. A few minutes later Johnny returns with Buster. Nothing,” he says. Except a bunch of baby rabbits in a washing machine out there.”
Aw,” says Ellen. Bunnies. How many?”
Dunno,” Johnny replies. Enough to be breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the snakes.”
God.” Ellen folds her arms across her chest and shakes her head. Ellen’s worked ranches, but she’s ready for any kind of good word here.
The deputy says, Thing is . . .”
We look at him. His cell phone buzzes, and he walks away, muttering into it, one hand pressed to the opposite ear to block the wind.
A new search area, and we are moving fast. Ground searchers have found a location where the scent of death is strong, and third-hand word to the deputy by cell phone suggests the presence of possible evidence too. Now a potential crime scene, the area has been cleared, and the sheriff waits for the dogs. We’ll use a different approach: one way in, one way outa cautious trail rather than a wide sweepto confirm or deny what’s been found.
We park at the base of a shallow rise crisscrossed with bike trails and more dumped appliances, a whole host of abandoned cars. Our deputy gives a little jerk of his head as we look upward, waiting for clearance to deploy.
Kids park here,” he says.
I think of sex in this tangled, airless scrub and feel old. Really?” I ask, doubtfully.
The stars are nice,” he replies. A little twist of his mouth suggests he knows this from experience, and I wonder if he’s busted kids here or was once one of them himself.
His cell phone buzzes again. After a few moments he turns to us. Thing is,” he says, there’s a smell in a locked car, and an object not far away that may have been a weapon, and fresh clothes in the mud. Because this might be a crime sceneif not this one, then another onewe don’t want you to track the whole area, but we’d like you to bring the dogs and see what they think about the car.”
Fleta and Saber, Max and Hunter, Ellen and I follow the deputy up the thin trail to the top of the rise. A distance away, perhaps two football fields long, I can see a group of volunteer searchers watching us, their purple shirts dark as a bruise against the buff-colored ground. I hear the huddle of voices when the breeze shifts and I am downwind. At the top of the rise, the sheriff and two deputies are still and expectant. They turn to lead us carefully to the car in question, a battered blue ’72 Impala. Just beyond it, a stainless butcher knife lies in the dirt. The knife is clean and bright. Next to the Impala, a pair of crumpled blue jeans rest in such a way that it appears someone dropped his pants right there and stepped out of them. The jeans remain in that position, the legs stacked, the fly open, the waist upward and wide. A thread of dust marks a few denim folds that I can see, but it doesn’t appear to me that the jeans have been here long.
Ellen and I are taking notes as first Saber, then Hunter slowly circle the car. Both are experienced cadaver dogs, and though they sniff every crevice, neither gives a flicker of interest. Fleta shakes her head, and minutes later, Max does too.
No,” says Max. The dogs say no.”
The sheriff gestures us all closer forward, and the fug of decomposition is palpable. Have any of you ever smelled a dead body?” he asks. Fleta, Max, and I nod and step nearer, and without thinking about it, we simultaneously put our noses just above the trunk. The air is thick and foul.
This doesn’t smell right,” I murmur just as Fleta also shakes her head. I always have difficulty explaining it, but to me dead human smells different from squirrel, rat, or possum on the side of the road. Not just more scenthuman death seems specific and particular. I don’t know the why behind the chemistry. All that shampoo, maybe, or trans fat or antiperspirant, or maybe we’re all pickled in Coca-Cola, like the urban legend says.
Something’s dead in here,” says Fleta, but I don’t think it’s -human.”
Max guides Hunter forward again, watching. Where’s the dead thing, Hunter?” he says. Off-command to find human scent, Hunter circles the car in the way of any curious dog, stopping warily and putting his nose to the back left wheel well. Max kneels into the area, then drops his head. Got it,” he says, his voice sad. It’s a dog.”
We all bend down, and there, caught above the back axle, we can see a dog’s paws and its limp head dangling. A medium-size mixed breed, brown fur ticked with black. The flesh of its mouth is pulled back from the teeth; the eyes are muddy and glazed. The pads are intact but slightly shriveled, and I can see a small white stone between two of them. This dog was either hit by the car or crawled up there to die. An uncomforted end. I hear the lazy drone of flies.
Dead for a while,” says Max.
Well, okay,” says the sheriff. He gets up stiffly. Though he is sunburned, the flesh beneath his eyes is gray.
Got anywhere else for the dogs to search?” asks the deputy.
The sheriff shakes his head. Don’t have anywhere else for anybody.” Then he adds, This search is going to be a long one. Guess you folks can go home. We’ll call you back if we get something for the dogs.”
We stand a moment. He gazes along the rise to the motionless group of volunteers. Below us, another vehicle has pulled up and parked. The car doors slam, thunk, andslowerthunk. The sheriff turns.
Right,” he says. I’ll go tell the parents.”
He walks down the path, and they walk up toward him. As they near, I watch the sheriff stand a little straighter. The father, too, lifts his head and squares his shoulders and pulls his wife to his hip as they climb. And in that moment before they connect, on day thirteen of a search for a missing local girl, I wonder how they can bear the unknowing, what these parents most wish forwords that leave the door open or words that press the door closed.Our cars are loaded for the long drive home, and the dogs are having a last romp in a small park along a stream. Two of the local volunteers on today’s search stand with us beneath the shade of a pecan tree. One is about to drive back to her college for summer classes. The other has had a quick shower and will head another direction to her restaurant shift miles away.
One asks what we think the dogs know about this search. Do they feel what we feel? Does the search continue to trouble them, as we humans are troubled?
Fleta shakes her head, pointing out that from the dogs’ perspectives, this search was successful. They were asked to do a job: find the missing girl or indicate definitively she’s not here, and they did. Apart from three vagrants in a tent city, no one living or dead was there to be found. And after the day’s sectors were done, volunteers hid so the dogs could find them, a quick and upbeat conclusion to a hard workday, a game that fools no one but keeps motivation high. These dogs are all praise-hounds. They played along, finding and grinning and capering.
No, Fleta suggests. There are exceptions, but usually the dogs let go of a day’s search better than we do. We trust them to do their jobs, and they trust us to tell them they have done it well. And when we tell them, they believe us.
I watch them play. Common goals aside, these dogs are complete individuals in the field. I have searched beside Hunter’s intensity, Saber’s calm authority, and Buster’s bounding accuracy. Even this evening’s pleasure they pursue in different ways. The German Shepherd noses for critters in the brush, while the Lab snaps at minnows in shallow water, trying to catch them. We tease him, and Buster raises his head with muzzle dripping, looking fusty and bemused, but he grins at the sound of his name and tries for fish again. The beautiful Collie, Sabermuch-admired and he knows itrolls ungracefully in the grass, groaning unnh-unnnh-unnhhhhh-mmmmmmm. His white ruff is streaked with green when he gets up, and his coat splays every which way. He is thoroughly happy to be such a mess. Brickhead,” says Fleta, hugging him as he nuzzles her ear. Doofus.”
The Border Collie brings every one of us his ball. Hoss is a dog of great charm and is completely tone-deaf to rejection. It’s time to leave, but he is persuasive. We throw and throw and throw again. Fetch therapy” we call it, and it works. The local volunteers leave laughing, Hoss still petitioning them with his ball in his mouth all the way to their cars.
As we head out, I wonder what my own dog will bring to the work, to the team, and to me. I like the thought of a long drive home with a Golden snoring belly-up in the back of the car: a good dog who has worked well. A partner. A friend. After a search like this one, that companionship must take away a little of the ache.
Product details
- ASIN : 0547152442
- Publisher : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (January 1, 2010)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 288 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9780547152448
- ISBN-13 : 978-0547152448
- Item Weight : 1.2 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.25 x 0.75 x 9 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #1,833,177 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #863 in Disaster Relief (Books)
- #1,029 in Animal & Pet Care Essays
- #53,746 in Memoirs (Books)
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller Susannah Charleson works as a search specialist with her K9 partner, a Golden Retriever named Puzzle, for a U.S. search-and-rescue team and research group focusing on the special-needs missing. Charleson is also formerly the Executive Director of Possibility Dogs, Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to rescuing and training homeless dogs for service and therapy work. Established and licensed in Texas, Possibility Dogs, Inc. ceased operation in 2022, when Charleson began planning to move from the state.
Charleson's first book, SCENT OF THE MISSING: LOVE AND PARTNERSHIP WITH A SEARCH AND RESCUE DOG (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010), was optioned for television in 2010. Her second book, THE POSSIBILITY DOGS: WHAT A HANDFUL OF "UNADOPTABLES" TAUGHT ME ABOUT SERVICE, HOPE, AND HEALING (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) releases in June 2013. WHERE THE LOST DOGS GO: A STORY OF LOVE, SEARCH, AND THE POWER OF REUNION (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019) follows Charleson's work training a dog specifically to find lost pets.
Forthcoming: THE CHANCELLOR'S MANSION: A STORY OF FAMILY, HOME, HISTORY, AND MYSTERY, Jamie Arty with Susannah Charleson (Andscape, 2025), follows the true story of a family of color who purchase a dilapidated mansion at risk of demolition, intent on restoring it for their family home. Adventures--and misadventures--ensue. Along the way, they discover the powerful history behind the house and the abolitionist who built it, a man whose name and contribution to freedom had almost been lost to time.
If she's not "beside a dog, somewhere," Charleson -- a commercial pilot and flight instructor -- hopes she's exploring, either airborne in her Piper Archer or at the keyboard on a new book.
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Learn more how customers reviews work on AmazonCustomers say
Customers find the book engaging and well-written. They appreciate the author's insights into dogs and their handlers. The stories are poignant and detailed, offering a glimpse into the world of search and rescue teams. Readers praise the writing style as masterful and easy to read. The book provides valuable education about the training and certification process of search and rescue dogs. It is heartwarming and emotionally moving, conveying the author's love for her dog.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers enjoy the book's readability. They find it interesting and well-written, with powerful storytelling and emotional depth. The book is a wonderful read for animal lovers, providing valuable education and humor. Readers appreciate the author's insight and sensitive storytelling style.
"...The author has a way of describing the most minute details in such glorious, exacting, 3 dimensional prose that your mind is filled with images so..." Read more
"...It's more of a memoir of the author. It's a good story but I preferred "What the dog knows" and "A dog's devotion"...." Read more
"...that will appeal to a lot of different audiences...dog lovers, SAR enthusiasts or those with initial interest, personal stories, real-life mysteries...." Read more
"...This is a good book if you want all aspects of SAR. I would not recommend it for the young reader, whose heart is easily bruised. SPOILER ALERT!..." Read more
Customers enjoy the book's insights into dogs and their handlers. They mention the author is observant with her own pets and attuned to their moods. The bond between dog and handler is unique and heartwarming. The author clearly loves dogs and is knowledgeable about search and rescue dogs. Overall, readers find the book informative and a good, loving dog story.
"...And, for me, the best parts of this book were her detailed observations about her dog: from the quizzical raised eyebrow and what it means; the..." Read more
"...is a great read that will appeal to a lot of different audiences...dog lovers, SAR enthusiasts or those with initial interest, personal stories, real..." Read more
"...And then training her to be a good house dog and still a good partner when lives are on the line...." Read more
"...As a big, fat bonus, this is a good, loving dog story, filled with intimate and bright conversation between the author her SAR dog Puzzle...." Read more
Customers find the book's stories insightful and poignant. They appreciate the detailed descriptions of the author's life and search and rescue experiences. The book provides a well-written view into the world of search and rescue teams. Readers describe the story as gripping, educational, and inspiring.
"...It's about trust, love, and unbreakable bonds with your canine partner...." Read more
"...The writing of those two is more down-to-earth and describes search missions in more depth...." Read more
"...readable way, so that by the end of the book, the reader is informed, engaged and impressed by the needed knowledge base and training of SAR dogs..." Read more
"...One good thing: Puzzle won't die, although it is not a complete all's well that ends well." Read more
Customers enjoy the book's writing quality. They find it engaging, with a masterful use of language. The search and rescue dog is well-described, as is the development of the dog. The book is easy to read, with an ability with words and sentence structure that put you in the story. Readers appreciate the honest, down-to-earth writing style. Additionally, they value the attention to detail and how the book is written from one woman's perspective.
"...has a way of describing the most minute details in such glorious, exacting, 3 dimensional prose that your mind is filled with images so strong, it's..." Read more
"...The writing of those two is more down-to-earth and describes search missions in more depth...." Read more
"...It's nice to get a book that not only has such range of appeal but reads well too." Read more
"...It is written from one woman's perspective as she becomes involved with a Search and Rescue unit; first as a field assistant and then, after 3 years..." Read more
Customers find the book informative and helpful for learning about search and rescue dogs. They appreciate the author's detailed descriptions of the training and testing processes. The book provides insight into the home life of Puzzle and the lessons learned from the field experiences. It also explains how a search is conducted and the dangers of the job. Overall, readers are informed and impressed by the book's thorough coverage of service dog training and the responsibilities of working dogs.
"...facial expression, every instance of body language, and no small amount of pure clairvoyance that is the relationship between her and her search and..." Read more
"...in a very readable way, so that by the end of the book, the reader is informed, engaged and impressed by the needed knowledge base and training of..." Read more
"...She is insightful, sensitive and compelling in the telling of her story and weaving it together with those of the other animals and humans involved..." Read more
"...I found the book fascinating and educational as well as a good read! I heartily recommend it to all other animal lovers and trainers too!" Read more
Customers find the book heartwarming and engaging. They appreciate the author's lyrical narrative style and how it transports them into her world. The book captures the mood of each search and evokes wonderful memories for readers.
"...and vividly describe every move, every facial expression, every instance of body language, and no small amount of pure clairvoyance that is the..." Read more
"...this is a good, loving dog story, filled with intimate and bright conversation between the author her SAR dog Puzzle...." Read more
"...no dangling participles, no sentences ending in prepositions, tenses are consistent, etc., etc...." Read more
"...Scent of the Missing is really about the love and partnership between a woman and a dog...." Read more
Customers find the book interesting and charming. They appreciate the dogs' expressions and how easy it is to visualize them. The book provides a wonderful look into the life of search and rescue dogs. It is well-written and heartfelt.
"...I appreciated what seems to be a realistic look into the working life of a dog team where some conclusions are happy, some are very sad, and some..." Read more
"...in her interpretations of her dogs' expressions, and easily visualize the looks the dogs are giving her...." Read more
"...:Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog is a wonderful display of the love and partnership of a search dog and his or her human partner...." Read more
"This is such a well written account of a beautiful and magical relationship that exists between a search and rescue dog and her trainer...." Read more
Customers have different views on the humor in the book. Some find it humorous and touching, making them laugh out loud over puppy antics and dog comments. Others feel the narrative lacks excitement and personality, with no consistent storyline. There is also repetition in the stories, which some readers found boring or distracting. Overall, opinions are mixed on the overall tone of the book.
"...Susannah's writing style is so engaging; I laughed, I cried, I couldn't put it down...." Read more
"...all the trainers, I loved the tales, I loved the education, I loved the humor, I loved that the dog is still alive at the end, I loved learning..." Read more
"...detail given about specific breeds & other handlers and no real consistent storyline with her own dog Puzzle - except during the puppy stage in her..." Read more
"...It is funny, insightful, and full of detailed true experiences of her life and the relationship with her dog as he goes through three years of..." Read more
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on November 20, 2011This book is incredible. The author has a way of describing the most minute details in such glorious, exacting, 3 dimensional prose that your mind is filled with images so strong, it's if you are physically, mentally, and emotionally experiencing them yourself. She is able to dissect and vividly describe every move, every facial expression, every instance of body language, and no small amount of pure clairvoyance that is the relationship between her and her search and rescue (SAR) dog, Puzzle, and what makes them such a successful search and rescue team.
Additionally, if you are an animal lover and have ever had a very special, close relationship with an animal that is not just your pet, but more a member of your family and the whole of your heart, you will read along, nodding your head, smiling, laughing, and crying as you recognize her descriptions of all the sweet, beautiful little things that are so remarkable about that kind of unconditional love and bond between human and animal ~ things that you have experienced yourself, but have never been able to put into words.
You also realize right from the get-go that this is an extraordinarily intelligent, multi-talented, strong, determined, sensitive woman, who not only volunteers her SAR efforts, but who is also a pilot, pilot instructor, and now, a beautiful writer. During search and rescue missions, she is there in whatever capacity that is needed. When her beeper goes off and she hits the road in a well practiced, precise 20 minutes, bringing Puzzle with her and expecting to use her search and rescue skills on the ground with her dog, but when she is requested instead to pilot around the area for hours on end, she doesn't hesitate to accommodate.
She is sensitive to the missing victims and their families in her writing and goes into just enough detail that you get the heart wrenching gist of the tragedy, but she does not sensationalize the tragedy to the point of exploitation. In some of the other reviews I've read, people wanted more of the gory details of each tragedy and count it against her that she did not give them those details. That's not the kind of book this is.
It's more about the monumental, Herculean efforts these people and their dogs go through from training, testing, and then working a mission in order to offer a service to those most unfortunate among us.
It's about learning how to communicate against unspeakable conditions with your dog in order to save a life, or find the missing.
It's about trust, love, and unbreakable bonds with your canine partner.
And, for me, the best parts of this book were her detailed observations about her dog: from the quizzical raised eyebrow and what it means; the furrowed eyebrow and what message that conveys; the relaxed trotting around compared to the stiffened stance, nose in the air indicating a find - to the prancing Alpha dog play time between Puzzle and her other dogs and cats; the clearly exhibited frustration of Puzzle when her human partner wasn't catching on quickly enough to what Puzzle was trying to tell her; the things Puzzle was never taught but was smart enough to figure out on her own to the surprise and amazement of her human partner; the many things Puzzle taught her human partner; and the most enjoyable of all: the laugh out loud moments when the author would describe her dog's expression and interpret it in words so that we readers could get the full story from Puzzle's point of view.
I loved this book. I read it from cover to cover, and I frequently read certain passages over and over again just for the shear high it gave me. I fell completely in love with Puzzle, her fellow Pomeranians, Maddie the cat, and all the other SAR dogs. I cried when some of them passed. I developed enormous respect for these wonderful dogs and their dedicated human partners. Despite the tragedies - both of the hapless victims and the author's own devastations, this was still a feel-good book in the end. You realize that as long as there are these dogs and these people doing what they do best out of their own selfless convictions, it makes the world a little less dark.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2023If you're looking for a technical, how-to book on K9 SAR work, this isn't it. It's more of a memoir of the author. It's a good story but I preferred "What the dog knows" and "A dog's devotion". The writing of those two is more down-to-earth and describes search missions in more depth. This book does show that K9 SAR work is significantly different in different parts of the country.
- Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2013I"m a long-time dog owner, compete in agility, published author, and have had a number of "working" dogs (ie: more than just pets). And I love to read. So I'm evaluating this book on several levels.
1. It's well-written book. Too many books by those with technical background (including dog trainers or SAR specialists or a range of other professionals) KNOW their stuff, they just can't write in a way that grabs you. They don't use language that pulls you in. Not so with this book. Even if you have no interest in dogs or SAR you'll find this to be no worse than an enjoyable read.
2. For the dog-lover, it's a powerful book. This isn't just about SAR teams (although that's the focus). The "non-working" dogs in her life play key roles in this story. Anyone who loves dogs or wants to more complex understanding about them...how they learn....how they interact....how they see the world....how they communicate with humans...well then you'll love this book.
3. For those interested in SAR, this is NOT a "how to" manual (there are far more detailed resources on that). But this will give you a taste of what SAR work is like without you feeling like you sat down with 200 dry FEMA powerpoint slides. If you have some familiarity with SAR work, you won't find glaring or annoying errors and stereotypes or cliches. If you're not familiar with it, you'll be drawn in without being overwhelmed about the variations of scent cones depending upon temperature and humidity.
4. And for someone looking for a book about a divorced woman going through a transition in her life and evolving in to this new stage, it's a good book. While the author's personal life isn't a focus of the story, you're clear throughout the book that Susannah and Puzzle are learning to be a team. And Susannah's perspective affects her ability to read and train Puzzle. No melodrama or human romance here, only that this indirectly becomes an interesting human story as well.
On many levels, this book is a great read that will appeal to a lot of different audiences...dog lovers, SAR enthusiasts or those with initial interest, personal stories, real-life mysteries. It's nice to get a book that not only has such range of appeal but reads well too.
Top reviews from other countries
- LARAReviewed in Australia on March 8, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars A Fascinating read
A wonderfully written book that any dog lover would enjoy. I just loved this book and have now ordered another one by the same author.
- Judy AReviewed in the United Kingdom on March 11, 2014
5.0 out of 5 stars Very much enjoyed
Obviously you would need to be interested in dogs/search and rescue to read this book but, as long as you have an interest, this is a very informative and enjoyable book. Lots of information about the training of the young puppy involved and then its deployment once it had passed all the necessary tests. One has to admire the resilience of these people who give up their time to go into extremely adverse conditions in order to help others - and also at very unsociable hours! Thank goodness there are such people and it does us all good I think to read about the dedication of others. Not only is it an informative book, it is well written in my opinion and I recommend it.
One person found this helpfulReport - L. LewisReviewed in Canada on January 20, 2012
5.0 out of 5 stars best book i have read in a long time
if you love dogs, that combined with excellent writing, you will love this book. it is written as if you are right there. a truly gifted writer, Susannah takes you into a world that we would otherwise never experience. It is also a love story to dogs. anyone who loves their dog like family, will absolutely relate to this relationship. Excellent read, could not put it down.
One person found this helpfulReport - Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United Kingdom on December 20, 2013
5.0 out of 5 stars A compelling read.
Love, comradeship, adventure, humour, humanity, loss. In the list of elements of a good novel the only thing missing maybe would be treachery.
But this is no novel, it's a true life story about a talented SAR dog and her loyal & loving human. It's also about that very Human human, a young woman with her own troubles but who still retains the desire to give her time and energy in the service of others in need.
This is. A fabulous book and you will be the better for having read it!
One person found this helpfulReport - Terri CouttsReviewed in Canada on September 26, 2014
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Came quickly and a good read