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Captive Heart

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I am a dark, ruthless man with a deadly mission.
I’ll sell anything to earn my next million, be it guns or priceless art.
A helpless little bird makes the mistake of crossing my path.
A beautiful girl that can help me with my next arms deal.
So I kidnap her, no matter how she screams and struggles.
She’ll keep me company and warm my bed until the deal is done.
She claims to hate me. She watches, waiting for the right time to run.
But I see the look in her eyes when she thinks no one is around.
Longing. Lonely. Hungry. I know her pain all too well.
I think I will be the one to set my little bird free…
All she has to do is submit to me first.

This is a boxed set featuring the complete King's Capture Duet, plus deleted scenes and extended epilogues. This spicy book is intended for lovers of dark romance and contains dark romance themes.

600 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 5, 2024

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About the author

Vivian Wood

143 books2,708 followers
Vivian likes to write about troubled, deeply flawed alpha males and the fiery, kick-ass women who bring them to their knees.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Donna reads Romance.
797 reviews33 followers
April 5, 2024
What an INCREDIBLE retelling of Hades and Persephone’s legendary story!!
Author Vivian Wood made this story so FASCINATING, INTERESTING and PASSIONATE.

The intrigue is so strong and captivating throughout Hades and Penny’s journey to HEA.

These characters are just so ENGAGING, ENTICING and BROKEN, you can’t help but be ENTERTAINED by this rendition of such a classic story.

Hades is definitely the type of man you want to hate but can’t help but love. He carries many scars but it only takes one person to love you for them and your life changes in ways you never saw coming.
The relationship between Hades and his brother seems to be one of loyalty but sometimes those closest to us hurt us the most. This can also be said about Persephone’s relationship with her very greedy and selfish parents.
The chemistry between these characters is just ELECTRIFYING !!!

I couldn’t put this book down I was so consumed by it.
Turning Hades and Persephone’s powerful and conflicting story into a Mafia romance made this story so much MORE exciting and INVITING.

Brilliantly written!
Profile Image for AmilaHodzic.
256 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2024
I've fallen in love with retellings all over again, and this one stole my heart! From the get-go, there's action, giving us a deep dive into Hades' character. Sympathizing with him is inevitable; his backstory is heartbreaking. But who understands him better than his captive, Persephone? She's a force, standing her ground while being empathetic. Their stolen glances and tender moments melted my heart. Hades, the untouchable brute, brought to his knees by Persephone's love. Their bond is palpable; he needs her like his next breath. He was GONE for her. As the story unfolds, I couldn't flip the pages fast enough. Explosive passion aside, it's the subtle touches that speak volumes. And the family dynamics add depth, showing how even blood ties can betray.
But what truly shines is the undeniable chemistry between Hades and Persephone, their unwavering commitment stealing the show. A captivating read that leaves you yearning for more!

* I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review
April 5, 2024
Wow! I loved these books. Amazing duet. Wonderful characters and great world building. Addictive plot and easy to read. I had so many emotions when reading this story.

I loved how Persephone isn’t a meek little girl, she is a strong, brave woman with an attitude that makes me smile. Hades is very intense and determined man. He will do anything to protect Persephone. I loved their relationship and chemistry.

Overall I loved this boxed set very much. If you’re a fan of morally grey heroes then you’re in for a treat.
Profile Image for Madeleine.
3,872 reviews10 followers
April 5, 2024
Wow! This story was so good. Both King's capture and Queen's sacrifice are in this story and kept my eyes glued to the pages the entire time. I loved these stories so much. Dark, beautiful, sizzling, thrilling and really good.
1,975 reviews
March 28, 2024
Here is my review of King's Capture:

Hades and his two brothers are arms dealers. They are set to make the largest deal ever, but the deal goes wrong. Another dealer called Constantine compromises the deal. Persephone is out of a job once again. She is on the run from Constantine who pushed her over a cliff and murdered her friend. She now has a badly damaged hand. She is also under suspicion for the murder of her friend. What on earth is going to happen?

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed are my own and I have not been compensated for this review.
Profile Image for Marnie.
1,165 reviews23 followers
April 8, 2024
I absolutely and unreservedly loved Hades and Persephone.

What an amazing duet that Author Vivian Woods has given to the characters that I absolutely loved!!!
Her writing as gone from strength to strength, and with these two books, KING’S CAPTURE and QUEEN’S SACRIFICE, she has completely blown me out of the water in so many ways with this addictive and fast paced read. It kept me captivated right through to it’s end.

It’s like Ms Woods has read my mind and written Hades as the perfect hero complete with his Scottish lilt and dangerous attitude. It is the late and long sexy screen legend, Sean Connery who I hear in my mind while reading Hades words. Anything less for me, is not acceptable. Gruff and rough, yet still a protector even as he’s been conditioned to detest and exploit weakness. He carries his own scars and they are his private secret perpetrated upon him when he was a young child. Never again. Weakness was not tolerated and was to be exploited in others. Weak links that got in the way of plans that him and his brothers had were swiftly and emotionlessly disposed of.

By the same token, what I love the most about him was his intolerance for bullies. It was that moment in the book, and you will know when you get there, that I absolutely and unreservedly fell in love with him. It didn’t immediately endear Penny to him in any way, but that is what Ms Wood did beautifully. Penny didn’t magically fall at his feet. She questioned her own sanity before she admitted her admiration for him, and I believe that this balance was perfectly captured. There was no questioning of Penny’s motives for her change of heart – it happened because her enigmatic captor did have a softer side that he endeavoured to keep under control and because he simply just attracted her in a dangerous way that was different to their common enemy.

The cliff-hanger ending at the end of KING’S CAPTURE had me bleating and squawking with the release of the original books. I was bereft, but in this box set, you can move on immediately.

QUEEN’S SACRIFICE started with huge and explosive surprise for me, and while this was such an enjoyable read, as far as the plot start, that particular thread unfortunately diffused over the length of the book.

Hades didn’t perpetuate the strength of revenge that I expected, but I have to admit, that Ms Wood placed some other pretty huge obstacles in the way during their journey through the book. There was a lot going on, and while it was all well put together, I still feel the plot maybe got a little diluted or side-tracked.

Persephone was the voice of reason and sympathy that Hades needed, and the chemistry that was built between them in King’s Capture was as intense as ever. Ms Wood tormented them, as you would expect given the line of work that these brother’s live and work within.

Great characters. Great duet. Great reading. 5 Anti-hero-stars ☠️❤️‍🔥

#mumsalwaysreading #bookblogger #bookreviewer #marnsreads #marnsj
Profile Image for Renee.
4,314 reviews62 followers
April 6, 2024
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

This is the boxset of the Kings Capture Duet. There are also deleted scenes and extended epilogues in this book. I loved every single second of it.

Kings Capture This is a dark romance and you need to heed the warning at the beginning of the book. It is also a retelling or a lose one I guess I should say of Hades and Persephone and is the first book in a duet so don't be surprised when it ends with your on the edge of your seat and your heart in your throat. I do not think I have read a Vivian Wood book before but this one caught my attention and I am so glad that I didn't miss it. Hades and his two brothers are arms dealer and they don't do small deals they makes huge deals and they always have their plans well laid out thinks to Hades being the man who has a plan for his plans plan going wrong and basically live there life never settled in one place. But now they need a forger because Constantine keeps messing with them and all there deal. And that brings us to Penny who use to date Constantine and he left her for dead so she has been hiding out until she is taken by Hades. He is not nice to her. Does not sugar coat what he needs done and how he is going to get her to do it. I think the poor girl was just glad to be with someone she thinks might be worse than what she had before and they would be able to keep her save but that's not always the case and somehow they keeps getting found and having to run. I don't want to go into too much about this book but I feel like I spent most of the time with my heart in my throat.

Queen's Sacrifice Hades is searching for Penny. I have so many emotions about this book but it did keep me on the edge of my seat and reading like a manic. There is lots of family drama and twists and turns you won't see coming. It is just everything that a great dark romance/ what the heck am I reading kind of book has going for it. I do have to say that I don't think I have ever wanted to just see someone hung from the clothes line by there toes as much as I did Ares!!! Holy cow this guy is just horrible and quiet frankly a maniac and at times I even found myself questioning how he even got left in charge. He and Eros have kept some really huge secrets from Hades and I just hated them for that. I actually felt sorry for Hades. I don't understand how you don't included your brother but they sure left him out of lots of things like he didn't even exist. I think as a reader you will feel as betrayed as Hades. Other than me wanting to do some damage it was a really great book and I loved every single second of reading it. You do not want to miss this box set. I loved every single second of it.
Profile Image for Stamatina Vatikioti.
99 reviews1 follower
April 5, 2024
Captured hearts

I can't say that it's a retelling since it's a completly different story , only keeping the names and the captivity situation... Hades and his brothers Eros and Ares are bad and dangerous international arm dealers , on a mission that will bring them big money, but everything goes sideways bc one of their rivals -Constantine- one who wants to be number one in that arms dealing, tips the authorities about what's to go down.... Constantine a really dangerous man that murdered a person and tried to kill Persephone too.

So for the continuation of their business they need a new forger, enter Persephone- Constantine 's ex and a forger herself. She lives on the run, hidding, with a new name, working odd jobs, afraid that she will be found by him, stuck in her dark past. So toghether they are found in a situation of running away been chased by their rival all over the world, trying to bring him down and staying one step ahead. In this crazy action filled situation Penny and Hades starting to be drawn to each other that classes with their very nature( for hades especially that is traumatised since young believing woman always leave alway abandon and can't be trusted).

As their story keep going Penny is been kidnapped once again and Hades starts to search for her feeling miserable, Ares keeps being his "adorable" self, Eros trying hard not to let his brothers kill each other, Hades and Penny are reconnected and a new story starts. One where we finally learn nothing is the way we thought, about the Lyon brothers, their past, why they are the way they are, why Hades is the way he is, secrets been kept by Eros and Aris that Hades never knew, family drama and more action!

It is a wonderfully dark read that will please all lovers of dark romance , but please for your enjoyment don't get stuck to believing in a retelling of the Greek myth (in any way or form it's not). Throughout this story you can feel the pull and push between Hades and Penny, how they strangle and fight what they feel bc of their beliefs, the duality of Hades' own person( he is not the bad guy that he is described). The twist and turns and the secrets get me on my toes.
Profile Image for Heather Miller.
1,228 reviews38 followers
May 28, 2024
Book 1: King’s Capture

Hades and his brothers, Eros & Ares are very alpha men. They are all from Scotland and all have very thick accents. They are all great brothers, but grew up in a house that had a horrible father that would beat them at a drop of a hat. None have known love or caring. Their mother left when they were younger. Now that they are men, they are all hard and uncaring. 

Persephone is an artist that is very good at recreating art - a forger of art. She is very sought after, from the criminals.  She is not looking to be found. She had a bad romance gone wrong with Constantine, who tried to kill her. She is not looking at getting into another relationship.
Persephone does go to work, and home day after day she lives in her small bubble. She doesn't want to draw any attention and bring Constantine to her apartment again. 

Hades is the leader of the company they own, and the leader within brothers. Hades is after Persephone to have her re-create something he tried having someone else forge, but they were unsuccessful. 

Hades and Persephone are alone the most, and start being 'nice' with each other, even caring. When Persephone goes missing Hades is beside himself. He can't do anything except look for Persephone. He needs her. 

Book 2: Queen’s Sacrifice 

Hades can't believe what he's found. After months and months of looking and searching he has Persephone. However, he can't believe who took her. 

Persephone is very tired of going from this place to this place to this place. All hiding out from the bad people trying to kill her. She wasn't made to travel / live like this. Hades and his brothers do, but not her. 

Persephone has a little girl, they call Maggie. But, towards the end of the book, she is pregnant and having a little boy, Caelan. No mention again of Maggie. Did the author forget Maggie? 

I did receive a Free ARC copy of this book. I am freely leaving an honest review. 

Profile Image for Heidi.
1,396 reviews11 followers
April 10, 2024
This was such a great boxset. I loved the bonus scenes and extended epilogues. Hades and Persephone’s story is so great.
King’s capture: I loved this story. Hades has always been a favorite God of mine, next to Poseidon. Vivian did a great job with Hades and Persephone’s start. It is a retelling, but not as Gods and Goddesses. Hades and his brothers, Ares and Eros are the Lyon brothers and are big time arms dealers, however, they have been having problems in the form of Constantine. He keeps finding out where they are and who they are dealing with and wreaks havoc with them. Hades needs a real good forger and is told about Persephone. He puts his plan to kidnap her and have her make fake documents. He just wasn’t planning on caring about her. He was always told never to trust a woman and he has kept to that. Persephone is a strong and feisty woman and she fights Hades, while also wanting him. The tension between these two is very high. You need to read about the Scottish man and his American hostage. The ending just shocked me the heck out. I can’t wait for the next part.
Queen’s sacrifice: This was a really good conclusion to Hades and Persephone’s story. This starts a few months after the ending of the first book. Hades is still looking for Persephone. When he finds her, what will he think of the surprise she has? This has suspense, backstabbing,, changes, lust/love, lies, truths and some shocking twists. You end up seeing the connection that these two have and what Hades is willing to do to keep Persephone safe and protected. I got so mad at the men though. I wanted to smack them upside the head at times. I couldn’t put it down once I started. I needed to know what would happen next and how it would end. I do hope the Eros and Ares get their own stories. It will be quite a read to see what woman will capture Ares heart. 🤣
Profile Image for Kira.
1,250 reviews
April 6, 2024
In this boxset featuring the Captive Hearts Duet of King's Capture and Queen's Sacrifice, readers are enthralled once again by this spicy, dark read with the addition of deleted scenes and extended epilogues.

King's Capture is a fantastic modern day Hades and Persephone story that sucks readers in with its action, suspense, obsession, and extremely hot filled moments! Hades in an international arms dealer with his brothers Ares and Eros, but when a rival named Constantine causes problems for them, these brothers want revenge. Using Persephone, Constantine's ex, is originally just an ends to a means, but Hades can't stop feeling more for the raven-haired art forger. And with Constantine constantly on their tail, it will take everything for them to keep ahead of him as they start to explore these feelings more!

In Queen's Sacrifice, I was completely enthralled by the continued action, suspense, obsession, and extremely spicy filled moments. Hades and Persephone are still in a terrible position from the end of book one. With Persephone kidnapped and no where to be found, Hades is losing his mind trying to find her. Persephone can't figure out who took her, but with everyone seeming to be against them, when she is returned to Hades, it is not the easy reunion she hoped for. It takes time for both to heal, but together they are able to persevere. This was such a great conclusion to this Lyon Dynasty World duet!

I am always so excited to find out what is next by this author, and I really enjoyed revisiting this world and these characters with the additional content!
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,591 reviews16 followers
April 1, 2024
Captive Heart is a thrilling, fast-paced, HAF read that will keep you riveted to the pages and devouring Hades and Persephone's story!
You can find the individual reviews below.

I don't know what to say. I am speechless and overwhelmed.
Hades and Persephone's story is one hell of a ride. Fast-paced, twisted, bumpy ... every time I turned the page I was even more excited, and the tension was at an all-time high throughout the book.
I could feel the emotions seeping on the pages ... the instant attraction between the two protagonists, the passion, the curiosity, the fear of their intense feelings ...
Although I'm a non-smoker, I felt like I needed a drag on a cigarette after every chapter, lol. One thing is for sure, I need the sequel like my next breath.

What a conclusion to this duet!
I am literally speechless.
Hades and Persephone's story continues just as fast-paced as the first part ended. They barely catch their breath as fate and circumstance send them one curveball after another...
Once again, Ms. Wood has outdone herself with these characters who fit together so perfectly.
I would love to read more from them and from Hades' siblings.
2,267 reviews18 followers
April 5, 2024
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of "CAPTIVE HEART"
I was hooked on this interesting, intriguing, captivating, angsty intense Mafia Romance with action, violence, steam, danger, traumatized pasts, dysfunction, twist that keeps you turning the pages.
Hades Lyon & two brothers Eros & Aris are arms dealers we learn alot about past secrets that his brothers have kept from him, their mission will a big pay out but one of their rivals Constantine who wants to be the leader in arms dealings, he tried to kill Persephone his ex & a Forger.
Penny is on the run from Constantine she has a new name to hide from him afraid he'll find her, Penny gets kidnapped by Hades on the run from their rival
feelings develope between them but it's a bumpy ride because of his past with women who leave him.
Penny get's kidnapped a second time & Hades is desperate up find her, once he finds her we learn more about Hades, Eros & Aris past showing why they are who they are.
I definitely recommend to get this riviting story you can't put down will Penny & Hades get a HEA, the push between them is great you can't get enough of these characters, a must you absolutely can't miss reading.
Profile Image for Debbie Brown.
1,729 reviews18 followers
April 6, 2024
I loved this duet story with Hades and his brothers Ares and Eros who are arms dealers and their nemesis Constantine who's trying to take down. Hades brings into their lives Persephone a forger, who's running from her old boyfriend, trying to stay hidden and safe until Hades kidnaps her turns her life upside down. Penny is under suspect for her friend's murder, a murder where her boyfriend Constantine tried killing them both leaving her with an injured hand. She's been living on the run doing odd jobs staying under Constantine's radar. This is a captivating story of Hades and Penny, the dangers surrounding being an arms dealer both domestic and internationally. They find themselves in situation of being chased by their rival all over the world. try to one step ahead of the enemy. Hades begins to feel drawn to her, but he won't let himself because he has trust issues with woman, he believes they all will leave you and abandon you. Can Penny be the one woman who will not leave him? Can she trust him with her life and keep her safe? This is a fast-paced story with twists and turns you never see coming in the dark romance, and thrilling suspense. I have voluntarily read and review this amazing story.
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
April 5, 2024
Captive Heart by Vivian Wood is book Three in the Captive Hearts Series. But this is the box set of the duet KING'S CAPTURE and QUEEN'S SACRIFICE. This box set has deleted scene along with extended epilogues.
KING'S CAPTURE is the First book in the Lyon Dynasty World Duet Series. This starts the story of Persephone and Hades. Persephone is on the run from a terrible past where she had to give up the work she loved and now she has become a forger who is caught by Hades. Hades is a dark man who doesn't make any apology for this. Hades and his brother are arm dealers who are trying to take down their nemesis which lead Hades to kidnapping Persephone to use her skills at forgery. Of course Persephone stands her ground with Hades but both start to find that have feelings that are growing.

QUEEN'S SACRIFICE is the second book in the Lyon Dynasty World series. This continues the story of Persephone and Hades that started in the First book 'KING'S CAPTURE'.
This book doesn't disappoint and we get back to where we left off.

I really enjoyed this Duet and so happy that the author added the extra scene.
Profile Image for Donna.
39 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2024
What an INCREDIBLE retelling of Hades and Persephone’s legendary story!!
Author Vivian Wood made this story so FASCINATING, INTERESTING and PASSIONATE.

The intrigue is so strong and captivating throughout Hades and Penny’s journey to HEA.

These characters are just so ENGAGING, ENTICING and BROKEN, you can’t help but be ENTERTAINED by this rendition of such a classic story.

Hades is definitely the type of man you want to hate but can’t help but love. He carries many scars but it only takes one person to love you for them and your life changes in ways you never saw coming.
The relationship between Hades and his brother seems to be one of loyalty but sometimes those closest to us hurt us the most. This can also be said about Persephone’s relationship with her very greedy and selfish parents.
The chemistry between these characters is just ELECTRIFYING !!!

I couldn’t put this book down I was so consumed by it.
Turning Hades and Persephone’s powerful and conflicting story into a Mafia romance made this story so much MORE exciting and INVITING.

Brilliantly written!
Profile Image for Zsa Zsa.
1,034 reviews1 follower
April 9, 2024
King's Capture: A Dark Captive Billionaire Romance

Vivian Wood has created a dark, broody story that exists in the shadows. Redolent with drama, danger, intensity, heat and raw emotion. Both Hades and Persephone are complex, conflicted characters familiar with the ugliness of life. Persephone is a survivor ensnared in the ominous designs of dangerous men. Hades taking Persephone was necessary to his goals, surrendering his heart was never part of the plan. The book ends on tantalizing cliffhanger, that has me looking forward to what comes next.

Queen's Sacrifice: A Dark Billionaire Retelling Of Hades And Persephone (Captive Hearts Book 2)

This picks up where King’s Capture left off. The story continues with even more action, danger and drama. Secrets, revelations and heat weave together as Hades and Penny work towards their version of HEA.
I previously read these two books that makeup this duet. The new additions enhance the story even more.
1,683 reviews13 followers
April 5, 2024
Hades and Penny have a beautiful but very tumultuous love story filled with pain, forgiveness, uncertainty, and a very strong abiding love that none can alter or tear apart! I think their love could survive well past their earthly bodies, it was that enduring. Their's was a love that was meant to be. It survived kidnapping and captivity. Hade's brothers made my blood boil. I was so frustrated and felt impotent to help Penny and Hades. This couple deserved better than lies and betrayals from within!! Just like the Phoenix that arises from the ashes and is reborn, so did Hades and Penny arise from their shackles od deceit and came out better and stronger than ever. An emotional, suspenseful, drama filled story that sizzled with chemistry. The ending was so beautiful and impactful. It resonated with me and brought happy tears to my eyes. A beautiful compelling story complete for now.
Profile Image for Michelle.
9,001 reviews22 followers
April 5, 2024
Kings Capture: 4
King's Capture is a retelling of Hades and Persephone with modern day twists. The writing is well done, the characters are intriguing and the story is action packed with drama, angst, danger, suspense, steam, and crazy twists that make King's Capture a page turner. After that cliffhanger ending, I can't wait to read Queen's Sacrifice to find out how Hades and Persephone's story
Queen's Sacrifice: 5
Queen's Sacrifice is book two in the Lyon Dynasty World and it picks up where King's Capture left off. Hades is desperate to find Persephone and things take a dangerous turn. Hades and Persephone go through a lot in this action packed dark romance filled with intriguing characters, danger, suspense, drama, steam, and unexpected twists that make this a page turning read.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.3k reviews85 followers
April 7, 2024
King’s Capture - Hades and his two brothers have created quite a reputation for themselves in the dark and dangerous world of dealing arms and are feared by all except for their nemesis Constantine. They aren’t about to have their latest transaction thwarted so Hades decides the best way to avoid that is by kidnapping Persephone and use her specific skills but that also means keeping her alive.

Queen’s Sacrifice - Hades and Persephone may be separated physically but the emotional connection is stronger than ever. When they reunite, they find themselves struggling both with the depth of the love they have for each other and determining who is friend and who is foe as they take us on a dangerous and romantic journey.

It is great to have the duet in one collection.
533 reviews6 followers
May 26, 2024
Dark Enemies to Lovers Romance
It took me a couple chapters to get into Hades and Persephone’s story, but then I was hooked and could not put it down. It is a gripping fast moving duet with dark captivating twists and turns that are totally unexpected making for a very intriguing storyline. The broken characters of Hades and Persephone are well developed. They start out as enemies when Hades kidnaps Persephone to help him, but than they are draw to each other and everything changes. Hades find something he never thought he would and Persephone relies on Hades to keep her safe as danger finds them at every corner. Perfect balance of steam and darkness.
I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.
Profile Image for Mindy Lopez.
1,678 reviews11 followers
April 13, 2024
This boxset contains The King's Capture and The Queen's Sacrifice, plus deleted scenes and extended epilogues, by this author. It is the loose retelling of the intensely dark romance between Hades and Persephone. There is no denying the sizzling chemistry and strong connection between these two fierce and intriguing souls. Their twisted love story is layered with drama, suspense, danger, obsession, action, passion, family dynamic, twists and turns, plus appealing secondary characters to keep the reader interested. Steamy and full of the feels!

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.
Profile Image for phys_reads.
142 reviews11 followers
April 15, 2024
I absolutely love retellings and this book didn't disappoint. Right away, there is action, and you get a glimpse of Hades character. His history is absolutely heartbreaking. But no one has understood him but Persephone, his captive.
It doesn't take long for them to start stealing glances and sweet moments with each other. They grow closer to each other, and Persephone love is all he needs. With his morally gray attitude, he never thought he would be brought to his knees for her, she takes his breath away.
Persephone and Hades have a bond that is unbreakable. They complete each other. They are meant to be together, and you can see it when you dive farther into the story.
1,569 reviews
March 27, 2024
A captivating story indeed with 3 men all of whom are the other side of the law and a broken woman who has been on the other side. Dysfunctional families dorks com close with theses characters but that just makes their story more compelling. Persephone is amazing and she.burriws under Hades skin and sees the good and kind in him. He will move heaven and earth to protect her. There is a lot of violence and loving to balance it but it is not a lovey doves kind of love, it is rather hard fought and won and so worth all the more. A great page turning read.
Profile Image for L KQ.
2,107 reviews10 followers
April 6, 2024
Forger Needed

Not quite a re-telling but the use of familiar Greek myth characters set-in modern-day times and a with a mafia type twist was brilliant. This boxset continued bonus chapters in addition to both King's Capture and Queen's Sacrifice. Hades and Persephone will have you enthralled as you read through their journey of danger, violence, arms deals, forgery, murder and love. Keep reading to the end and you will not be disappointed.

I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily leave this review.
Profile Image for Daisy Nijs.
669 reviews14 followers
April 7, 2024
Captive Heart is a dark retelling of Hades and Persephone’s story. I was so into this duet, everything around me just faded away.
The chemistry between the characters is amazing, explosive, addicting.
The first book starts with a deal gone wrong for Hades and his brothers. The tone is set for the book and what will come next.
Enter Persephone into their world, she’s Constantine’s ex and on the run from him, and together they will try to take him down.
If you love a good dark romance, this duet should definitely be on your TBR.
Profile Image for Missy Brown.
1,518 reviews26 followers
April 13, 2024
What a great box set with the bonus scenes and extended epilogues. Of course you cant go wrong with a good Hades and Persephone story. Vivian did just that, delivered and amazing read.

There is King's Capture and Queen's Sacrifice in this set. I have to say that Hades has always had a bit of allure and these books just fueled that.

Enjoyed that Persephone is a forger and Hades just so happens to need one. Thus their adventure begins, just how all relationships should with being kidnapped.

I really enjoyed this box set, and I would highly recommend this for your collection.
Profile Image for rebecca.
765 reviews7 followers
March 26, 2024
king Captive: I really enjoyed this one. Hades and Persephone have so much going on together. He is arm dealer and she is a counterfeiter. And the we have his two brothers. Loved it. Can't wait for the next
Queens Sacrifice: This is a good book. I love the way that the hero talks and doesn't like to show his feelings. And the Penny is just as good. This two have aways to go to they have their feelings known. There is some twists in this story and the sex scenes are great.
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.2k reviews140 followers
April 5, 2024
This is a great way to get this enticing duet and score bonus content too! I was easily caught up in and greatly enjoyed Hades and Persephony's very high-energy, high-tension romance. Skillfully crafted and powerfully captivating, this story is jam-packed with intensity, drama, action, emotion, danger, adventure, suspense, darkness, steam and twists that entangles you in a captivating web and keeps you feeling on right on the edge.
Profile Image for Anadosen.
1,214 reviews7 followers
April 5, 2024
Hades and his brothers are arms dealers. Constantine is amazing.Hades kidnapped Persephone.
Persephone is gone and Hades will do everything do to find her and bring her back.Persephone and Hades reunites but the danger doesn't end there.
When I started reading I couldn't put it down. Vivian Wood is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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