Welcome to Simply Sketched


I’m Doug Neill, founder of Verbal to Visual.

I’m interested in exploring the power of simple sketches as a learning, problem-solving, and storytelling tool.

A Publication for Visual Thinkers

Within this newsletter I share interesting visual work from around the web along with new resources that I’ve created for folks that are developing their sketchnoting skills.

Along the way I share stories about how I’m using this skill in my personal and professional life to make meaning from the challenges and opportunities that arise.

Start Making Marks

The ultimate goal with all of my work is to give you the tools and the motivation to break out your own pen and paper (or tablet and stylus) and start making marks on the page.

That’s what's at the core of one of the earliest resources I created, The Verbal to Visual Notebook, and when you sign up for Simply Sketched I’ll send you the full introduction as well as the first 18 practice activities so that you can start adding this skill to your creative toolkit.

To stay up to date on what others are doing with this skill and how you can continue building it yourself, sign up for the newsletter below.



Subscribe to Simply Sketched

A publication for visual thinkers.


I help people make sense of the wold by making marks on the page. Founder of Verbal to Visual.