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Love Online #2

Match Maker

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I need a fake boyfriend. He needs money for his garage. It’s the perfect business arrangement. Or so I thought.

As the CEO of the dating app Left for Love, I'm the best at helping other people find their soulmate. Just not myself. I don't need love, not when I have a world to take over.
Life is great; who cares if I’m a little lonely at night? Great, that is, until my biggest competitor decides their newest ad campaign is to smear my app, and me, in the process. How could Left for Love possibly be the best dating app on the market if the founder still hasn’t used it to find her soulmate?
Enter Knox Calhoun. The small-town mechanic with a southern twang that could melt ice in Antarctica is the perfect man for the job. We’re complete opposites. No way the lines could get blurred.
Until he kisses me.
Except relationships aren’t easy—whether they are real or fake. If the truth comes out about us, I could lose everything. And for the first time in my life, I have a lot more than money to lose.

202 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 1, 2023

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About the author

Chelle Sloan

18 books956 followers
Known for her witty sense of humor, Chelle Sloan is a former sports reporter who recently completed her master's degree in journalism, and is now putting that to good use — one happily ever after at a time.

An Ohio native, she’s fiercely loyal to Cleveland sports, is the owner of way too many — yet not enough — tumblers and will be a New Kids on the Block fan until the day she dies. She does her best writing at Starbucks, where you can usually find a Pink Drink within reach. Oh, and yes, you probably saw her on TikTok.

As for her own happily every after? Maybe one day...

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
Profile Image for Amour.Rebelle92 (Bran.d).
1,087 reviews12 followers
June 30, 2022
“Oh my fucking God, Knox, if you weren’t already banging my best friend I would fuck the shit out of you right now.”—-y’all I love Izzy!! She is the best sidekick to the total BA Boss Babe Hazel💪🏻

Hazel is all about control but she finds herself in a situation that she can’t quite control. She talks Knox into a business deal with her but it doesn’t take long for that deal to be broken because LAWD their chemistry is 🔥 and they both agree that they are more than a fake relationship & deal.

Knox is a total southern gent who is hellbent on getting Hazel to let him lighten her load and take on some of her battles l💕

Fave quotes:
“She’s…fuck I can’t even describe it. She’s just everything.” “That’s when you know,” Jake says. “All you know is that she’s everything you want, yet you can’t find the words to describe what she means to you. Everything you think of just sounds so basic.”💕💕💕

“Remember when you told me to let you slay some dragons for me?” I laugh. “Yeah.”“Well now it’s my turn. This is your dragon. Let me slay it.”😍
Profile Image for cristina g.
133 reviews
February 27, 2023
Well that was awesome. My first read by Chelle Sloan DID NOT DISAPPOINT. What a fantastic story. Bad ass, billionaire, CEO FEMALE (yes ladies!….. you read that right!!!) gets a blue collar, fine AF mechanic to fake date her. And boy oh boy was I hook line and sinker for these two. I adored both main characters. All the side characters were great!!!!!!! Ahhhhh….i really just thought this was the perfect novella 🥰😍
Rating 5/5 ⭐️
Spice 3/5 🔥
11 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2022
I loved this book! Chelle Sloan has done it again! I have read all of her books! This one I would have to say is my favorite!

I loved how Knox and Haizel met, I love how their love was just so easy. They just knew what eachother wanted. I also love how even when things got rough they were able to work things through together!

I can't say much more without giving spoilers. But I will say I will definately be recommending this book!

I was given an ARC of this book for my honest review.
Profile Image for Amy [Book Addict Reviews].
2,335 reviews167 followers
July 1, 2022
Knox…the man is something else and I love everything about him. Hazel is fantastic and just a BA!!! The two of them together!? EXPLOSIVE!

I love that Hazel is a self made billionaire. She has worked hard to get where she is in life and she isn’t going to let anyone stop her. She is strong, independent, and is full of passion. However, she doesn’t have the time to date. Knox is a tow truck driver with dreams of owning his own shop one day. He knows it will be work, but also knows that if he could just afford it he would do amazing.

The chemistry between Knox and Hazel is off the charts from the moment they meet. They were strangers who just happened to cross paths and one thing lead to a fake a relationship which quickly turned into more for the two of them. I loved how Knox was with Hazel, that he is there for her and won’t let her go through battles alone anymore.

If you’re looking for a fake relationship romance then check this one out!
Profile Image for Biggs_bookshelf.
1,298 reviews28 followers
June 30, 2022
Enjoyable snarky read! This is a fake boyfriend romance and it was full of wit and sass and even the side characters are unforgettable. Hazel is a driven boss lady with an obsession for controll. When it comes to business she wants to do it all. Knox is a small town man with a heart of gold and a zest for life. When coming To tow a stranded Mercedes he gets more then just the last call of the night! I just adored this story. It’s has so much going with out being overly sweet or cheesy. Neither character has a weak but they end up blending seamlessly! Give me the feels!
Profile Image for Lady M..
1,140 reviews4 followers
June 29, 2022
Another fantastic story! I have not read a single book in this series besides this one. And I only read this one because it's Chelle Sloan. I loved how there were drops from her other books, but nothing that would be confusing if you hadn't read any of her books yet. There were some laugh out loud scenes (Pretty Woman reference) and heat and chemistry and swoony moments. I loved the fact that the woman was the rich successful one. We read plenty of rich men as it is. I absolutely loved the first I love you scene!
Profile Image for Mick C.
1,431 reviews
June 30, 2022
Absolutely adored this book. Anytime I can read about strong women that know how to put threatened male business associates in their place, is my kind of book. Add in some sweet southern men and this is one book that's hard to put down!
Profile Image for Chelle Sloan.
Author 18 books956 followers
March 1, 2023
Match Maker is now live! Free with Kindle Unlimited! Check out this fake romance between the billionaire and the mechanic that readers are already raving over!
Profile Image for Melissa Connell.
22 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2022
I received an ARC from Chelle Sloan in return for my honest review.

I love this book so much. The fake dating trope is one of my favorites, and Chelle hits it out of the park with this one. The tension that builds from the moment Hazel & Knox meet is so tangible. As with all of Chelle’s books the spice is perfectly balanced with the plot.

The book ties in with her other books about the Nashville Fury but you don’t have to have read those to get this one. (Thirst Trap is heavily referenced in this one since Knox is best friends with Jake from that book).

I honestly am so happy I discovered Chelle on TikTok. I haven’t read romance in forever and I’m glad I discovered her.

I just finished and I want to reread it already.
Profile Image for Susan.
990 reviews11 followers
July 1, 2022
Chelle Sloan became a favorite of mine after reading her first book, and they just keep getting better! I love how well she writes characters that you can't help but love! Match certainly had those characters with Hazel and Knox.

Hazel has achieved her dream of becoming the youngest female billionaire, but pressure to find her match has her finding a fake boyfriend. Knox needs a leg up in the world, and find that possibility with Hazel's offer. But things move from fake to real quite quickly.

I loved Hazel and Knox. One of my favorite aspects was that Knox never felt less just because Hazel was the breadwinner. I love a good story with strong women, and Hazel fit that bill.

I loved Match and will be reading more in the ABCs of Love series!
Profile Image for Mandy’s Spicy Book Reads.
529 reviews45 followers
July 25, 2023
A strong motivated woman who just happens to be a billionaire working her way up and CEO of a dating app. She isn’t ready for a relationship but is getting pressure from her team and family finds love in the most unlikely place after taking a wrong turn. She offers him money to be a fake boyfriend but Knox ends up making it clear of his intentions are not fake. Hazel and Knox are the perfect book couple!
Profile Image for Stacey Bates.
380 reviews
June 28, 2022
I loved this story..Hazel is a strong independent billionaire woman and Knox is an aspiring mechanic tow truck driver. What starts as a fake relationship turns real in a heartbeat…Knox and Hazel connection is instant and a great read. This is a fun feel good story that I will visit again and again.
Profile Image for Lynn.
930 reviews14 followers
June 30, 2022
I’ve been reading Chelle Sloan’s books from day 1! And she keeps giving readers incredible books. Knox and Hazel are amazing!! I love how they meet. I love watching them fall for each other. Just two people who live in different worlds… but do they really. They are just people with big hearts that find love together. Read Match, it just makes you feel good about love and friends and life!
Profile Image for Brandy Sisler.
279 reviews
July 6, 2022
These two characters were the perfect opposite attracts. It is no surprise that Chelle gave us a cute country boy with all the Southern Charm meets a go-getter, strong, CEO, perfect match. This book has everything you want in a small-town romance. AS per usual this Author is a one-click and a definite recommend by me to anyone who loves to read.
June 28, 2022
I loved every word of this one! Knox stole my heart early on! Would love to see more from this dynamic duo! Love how it had visits from some old friends! Definitely a great read!
Profile Image for Desiree Kaslavage.
190 reviews29 followers
July 3, 2022
She did it again!
Another great read from Chelle!
I honestly think that Knox & Hazel are my favorite couple off all her books.
I hope they make guest appearances in her next books.
They're chemistry and love seemed so real! Love them so much!
I also enjoyed all the cameos from Chelles other stories!
Can't wait to read more Ms Sloan! Keep 'em coming!
34 reviews
July 5, 2022
Love the switch in rolls

I love the roll reversal in this book. It's about time we see the successful woman get the guy. I love how the author ties in her other characters.
Profile Image for Julia Jarrett.
Author 31 books355 followers
June 30, 2022
bring on rolling hills!

LOVED this story. Knox is everything you could want in a book boyfriend! This is fake dating trope done right, in short and sweet but definitely spicy book. Hazel is a powerhouse of a woman, a wealthy CEO. But her vulnerable side is real and relatable. Knox is the perfect man for her and the way they overcome their differences and let their love take over is sweet with just the right amount of heat.
Profile Image for The Shelf Life.
114 reviews11 followers
March 26, 2023
Chelle Sloan has quickly become one of my favorite author after reading her first book in this series, Thirst Trap, and after finishing Match Maker, they just keep getting better! Sloan has a superb ability to write characters that you can't help but root for and love. Match Maker certainly had those characters with Hazel and Knox. I even really enjoyed the supporting characters.

We follow Hazel who has achieved her dream of becoming the youngest female billionaire with her companies App Left for Love. Of course this leaves her with the pressure to find her own match. But what if the match was her finding a fake boyfriend? Knox needs a leg up in the world, and find that possibility with Hazel's offer. But things move from fake to real very quickly.

One of my favorite pieces of the story is that Knox never felt less then, just because Hazel was successful and wealthy. I love a story with a strong protagonist, and Hazel fit that perfectly.

These two characters were the perfect opposite attracts. It is no surprise that the author gives us a cute country boy with all the Southern Charm meets a go-getter, strong, CEO, perfect match. This book has everything you want in a small-town romance.

This is book #2 in the Love Online Series, but you could read this as a stand-alone. In each book we follow three childhood friends. Jake,(Thirst Trap Book #1), Knox, (Book #2) and Trent, (Run, Run Rudolph Book #3). All of Chelle Sloans books are available with Kindle Unlimited. I am definitely recommend this series.
Profile Image for Kelly Brennan.
203 reviews4 followers
June 30, 2022
I absolutely adored this book and the couple, Knox and Hazel. I am a sucker for a good Fake Relationship story. But what I love most is we get a strong, female billionaire and a sexy blue color hero.

Hazel the CEO of a billionaire dollar matching making app loves to be in control and finding happiness for others but doesn't take the time to take care of herself. She randomly meets Knox after her breaks down and the perfect southern gentleman he is, fixes her car. From their first meet their chemistry is instant. The next day Hazel finds her self in a predicament and the only person she can think of to ask for help is the cute mechanic with the southern twang. From their agreement to start a fake relationship, it takes not time for them to both give into their true feelings and stop pretending. Hazel and Knox just have an amazing story and they are the definition of opposites attract but not once does Hazel pull the "money" card him she just wants to be loved and protected and that is what she finds in least place she was expecting.

If you a fan of Chelles previous work you will LOVE Match and plenty of cameos from previous books, if you have yet to read one of her books this will pull you in her amazing world.
Profile Image for Kelly.
537 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2022
Fun, quick read with your plenty of steam!

What do you do when you run a successful dating app but don’t have a significant other? You proposition your car mechanic to be your fake boyfriend of course! I absolutely loved Knox and Hazel’s romance, it had me laughing and smiling the whole time. Knox is a true southern gentleman but he certainly knew how to make a woman blush and he never let a moment pass without letting Hazel know how beautiful he thought she was. I certainly wouldn’t mind Knox towing my car, hint hint.

And of course I loved the fake dating trope aspect of the story and thankfully this one doesn’t stay fake for long! When you find the one, you just know it and there were no fake dating rules that could withstand the sparks that were flying between Hazel and Knox. Hazel was a smart and in control CEO but she never had a man to stand by her side and show her that love could be in the cards for her. If you are looking for a fun, quick read with your plenty of steam, I definitely recommend grabbing this one!
Profile Image for Bibliophile  Chloe .
1,190 reviews103 followers
June 30, 2022
Ma’am never sounded so good in this new story from Ms. Sloan.

This is the story of Hazel and Knox and their whirlwind, opposites attract romance.

I fell in love with Knox when he was just a side character in Thirst Trap (another fab story from Ms. Sloan). Now don’t be scared off by this sentence, you can totally read this as a stand-alone, but I have been an avid reader of Chelle since the get-go.

Hazel should be every girl's dream of what to become, a successful, independent woman. But with that success comes letting some things in her world fall by the wayside, including her personal life and finding her someone.

This story has the laughs, the swoons, and the heat that makes a phenomenal romantic comedy.

Seeing past characters make an appearance throughout the story was just the cherry on top of the gooey, delicious goodness of this. It gave me all the warm fuzzies!
Profile Image for Tara.
894 reviews16 followers
June 30, 2022
Another great book from Chelle Sloan! I have read everything she has written, but this one is definitely my favorite. I think I may have said that a few times, but she just keeps getting better!!

Knox & Hazel were perfectly matched, but completely from two different worlds. I was worried that money would be an issue between them, but as down to earth as Hazel is, that was not their issue. Their story was so fun and sexy! I love Knox’s protective side and how he doesn’t hold back. He is good for her. Hazel was a workaholic not wanting love but feeling pressured by everyone around her. It’s definitely true what they say…”love happens when you aren’t looking.”

I recommend this story, and honestly every book by Chelle. Her characters tend to show up in her other books which is like going home! One click, you’ll be happy you did.
Profile Image for Amy Morgan.
96 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2022
Chelle scores another win in my opinion. Match is such a fun read. Southern hospitality is so awesome. A few nods to previous books made me smile and an appearance from Officer Sexy (go read Thirst Trap if you don't get it) is always a fun time. The Fury is also mentioned a bit. I love tying books together in small ways. But what is really awesome about all of Chelle's books is how you can read one in a series and still know what is going on. I love it when an author can do that.
This was a quick fun read for me. Knox and Hazel were refreshing. I absolutely LOVE how Hazel was written. And Knox was every fantasy I ever had as a younger girl. As with all of her books, this one gives plenty of witty banter, insight to her characters, fun, flirts and steam!!! This is another must read from someone who has quickly become one of my favorite authors.
Profile Image for Lindsey Riley.
288 reviews6 followers
July 22, 2022
Hazel and Knox's story is a really fun and steamy fake relationship that quickly becomes real. I loved the dynamic of a billionaire, CEO heroine and a blue collar hero and that even though they are so different it doesn't cause any tension between them.
I loved that Knox is so supportive of Hazel, ready to slay dragons for her. Honestly it's been a while since a hero has left me breathless like Knox does. I love Hazel; she is a brilliant, intelligent CEO but is also human with flaws and vulnerabilities which makes her so easy to connect with as a reader. And let's all thank our lucky stars that she is always getting lost!
Hazel and Knox are such a great team and I love that this translates to external angst rather than issues between them. I loved the small connects in the story to some of Chelle Sloan's other books.
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
July 26, 2022
Oh, my heavens what a great take on a fake relationship !!
A big city businesswoman that is known for her match making skills and a small-town man with big dreams of owing his own business have come face to face. When oh so single Hazel breaks down on the side of country road, she isn't expecting her knight in shining armor to roll up in a tow truck, but here he is in all of his good-looking sweet talking southern drawl glory.
Knox is known about town as a playboy but the moment his eyes land on the sexy sophisticated Hazel he may want to trade in his lady loving ways. An attraction, an idea and a fake romance is born from this chance encounter, but it is about to change both of them like they never could have dreamed.
This couple is sassy, sexy, has fabulous witty banter and the chemistry between them is sizzling off the pages.
~~Michele McMullen~~
Profile Image for Megan.
18 reviews
July 8, 2022
Perfect Match!

Another amazing story by Ms. Sloan!

Thank you for always bringing your A game and writing such wonderful love stories. I thought Jake and Whitley’s story was my favorite (I’m so glad they made an appearance in this story) but I think they have now been dropped into second place, because Hazel and Knox have stepped it up!

I love the different play on the traditional Billionaire Trope. Usually it’s the MMC who has the money bags but in this story it’s Hazel, the FMC. Knox is still a strong alpha male who protects his woman fiercely but he allows her to be her CEO self.

The romance was top notch in the book. Amazing plot with just the right amount of spice. I have my eyes peeled for Trent’s story :) Keep up the great work Chelle!!!!
Profile Image for Shirley.
36 reviews
May 19, 2023
Book 2 in this series is about Knox! Smooth talkin manly man Knox😮‍💨. Hazel is your bad ass billionaire boss woman, who developed an app to help those find “the one”. However, she doesn’t use her own apps advice and goes after her tow truck driver / mechanic instead. I loved this story because it gave you that country swoon type of love vibe. The writing was amazing just like thirst trap. Did I want a little more spice, hell yeah who doesn’t 😂. But I loved that it gave a hometown type of vibe even though Hazel just moved to town not too long ago. Can’t wait to continue this journey with Chelle books!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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